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In recent years, China has been working hard to improve living conditions in rural areas through a program called the New Rural Development Initiative.    1     goal of this initiative is to improve infrastructure (基础设施), modernize farming practices, and enhance the overall quality of life for those     2     (live) in the countryside.

One important aspect of the initiative is the improvement of rural infrastructure    3       includes the construction of better roads, bridges, and watering systems     4     (improve) the efficiency of transportation and agricultural activities.

Another key focus is the promotion of modern agricultural    5     (technique). By introducing advanced farming methods and technologies, such as organic farming and the use of

machinery, farmers are able to increase their productivity and income     6       damaging the environment.

Furthermore, the initiative emphasizes the importance of preserving traditional culture and heritage in rural communities. Efforts    7     (make) to regenerate local traditions, which not only enriches the cultural     8     (diverse) of the countryside but also creates new opportunities for cultural tourism and sustainable development. The initiative also aims to enhance the living environment in rural areas through the restoration of traditional houses     9     the construction of public facilities.

Through the initiative, China is working hard to create a more prosperous (繁荣的) and     10     (harmony) countryside, providing its rural residents with better opportunities and an improved quality of life.

2024-01-11更新 | 848次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024届江苏省南京市、盐城市高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试题
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Technology has started to take over the world. It may seem like a huge advancement to society, but large setbacks come equally.

We now live in an age of social media. We have never been as     1     (connect)as we are now. Everyone around us can be reached instantly. Besides, the use of technology has made all of our lives     2     (incredible)efficient. Furthermore, a majority of people have access to technology,     3     helps them express themselves on many different platforms. Lastly, technology has given people many ways     4     (entertain)themselves. Various websites offer hours upon hours entertainment for those     5     (bore)nights.

While some may see social media’s positive effects     6     relationships, others can see it as the exact opposite. It keeps people from seeing each other face to face. Meanwhile, there is nothing more frustrating than having technology not work right when it     7     (need)to. Moreover, so dependent on technology, people don’t try to explore life outside of a smart device. Also, with more and more people posting information on     8     internet, it can be very difficult to determine whether the information is credible or not. This can lead to false information being taken seriously, and     9     (change)perspectives of those who believe it.

To understand technology, one must know     10     it provides in terms of advantages and disadvantages.

2023-02-24更新 | 790次组卷 | 4卷引用:浙江省绍兴市诸暨市2022-2023学年高二上学期期末检测英语试题
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World Olive (橄榄) Tree Day takes place     1     26th November every year. It was established     2     (official) at the 40th session of the UNESCO General Conference in 2019.The olive tree, especially the olive branch, holds an important place in people’s mind. Since ancient times, it     3     (symbolize) peace, harmony and     4     (wise) .It is important not just to the countries     5     these noble trees grow but also to people and communities worldwide.

Protecting and growing the olive tree is     6     increasingly urgent thing as the world fights against climate change. The conservation of cultural and natural heritage is one of UNESco’s     7     (center) goals, and marking World Olive Tree Day strengthens the efforts to achieve it.

World Olive Tree Day is set up     8     (encourage) the protection of the olive tree and stress the values it symbolizes,     9     (inspire) people to appreciate its important social, cultural, economic and environmental significance to humans.

There is much to learn, share and celebrate on World Olive Tree Day, and UNESCO encourages everyone to participate in     10     (activity) such as debates, conferences, cultural events and exhibitions organized worldwide.

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During the summer holiday I had the chance to visit Pingtang County, Guizhou Province in southwest China. It’s     1     experience I will never forget.

Traveling to Guizhou by high-speed rail from Beijing, I     2    (astonish) at the rapid change in scenery from skyscrapers to beautiful tree-filled mountains     3     (rest) under a clear blue sky.

Upon arrival, I visited the Pingtang International Experience Planetarium, which displays China’s     4     (remark) achievements in science and space technology. The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) there is the largest one of its kind in the world. To visit FAST, visitors are not permitted     5     (bring) any electronic devices due to security measures. So they must record this once-in-a-lifetime moment with their hearts and minds.

    6    (truthful), my favorite part of the trip was my personal interaction with the local community. Following the instructions, I worked on two community farms, went hiking and swam     7     a fresh community river alongside fish. I was educated on the regional history of the Miao people     8     culture is rich in fashion, food, pottery and music.

After this adventure, my     9     (appreciate) for Chinese culture has snowballed. While I am content living and working in Beijing, Pingtang County in Guizhou has opened my eyes to the endless positive     10     (possibility) China has to offer.

2023-03-30更新 | 773次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届广东省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟测试一英语试题
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The Confucian Analects or The Analects (《论语》) is a collection of the sayings and teachings of Confucius and his disciples (门徒). It     1     (make) in the early Warring States Period, over 70 years after the death of Confucius, from the notes that his disciples took according to the answers     2     their questions.

The present-day analects is based on the Lu version compiled during the Han Dynasty and contains     3     Confucian concept of ren or humanity or benevolence. Ren is rich in content, and varied in form. The core of the concept is “The benevolent love of others” or universal love,     4     is the basic virtue of a gentleman of noble character. Confucius believes that being benevolent does not mean     5     (be) without principles. One should be clear about what     6     (love) or hate. Ren comes from learning and self-cultivation: it can be seen from a person’s appearance. To be sure, li or rites and yue or music are important.     7    , ren is the No.1 principle of being a decent man. It is actually the essence of li and yue. Without ren, li or yue would be     8     (meaning).

Apart from ren, Confucius put forward another concept, which is yi or righteousness. Yi is the codes of conduct under the     9     (guide) of ren, “The virtuous man cherishes a respect for the law,    10     the vile (邪恶的) man cherishes generous treatment,.”

2023-10-16更新 | 686次组卷 | 4卷引用:广东省广州市第三中学2023-2024学年高三上9月测试英语试题
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Dazu Rock Carvings refers to all of the 102 cliffside carvings in Dazu district, Chongqing. The     1     (construct) of those rock carvings dates back to 650, and continued into the 17th century. The scenic area     2     (add) to the World Heritage List in December 1999.

So far, 50,000 statues and 100,000 carved Chinese characters     3     (identify) and over 75 cliff statue sites are under state protection. The cliff statues are large in size, well carved and among the best     4     (preserve) of their similarities.

The Dazu Rock Carvings have     5     important position in the history of China’s grotto art. Artisans created these rock carvings not simply by replicating (复制) images that their ancestors had made     6     by combining religious figures with ordinary life,     7     recorded the transition (过渡) of society. The statues show the evolution of carving and national features,     8     (break) new ground in religious art and creating dynamic figures full of life. They stand on the peak of Chinese rock carving art with their historical values and aesthetic (美学) quality.

According to the UNESCO description, the Dazu Rock Carvings are remarkable     9     their rich diversity of subject matter and the light they cast on daily life in ancient China. Their existence proved the     10     (harmony) synthesis (结合) of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism during that period.

2023-12-25更新 | 669次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024届江苏省百校大联考高三上学期第二次考试英语试题
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“The 2023 Nobel Prize in literature has been awarded to Jon Fosse for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable,” the Swedish Academy     1    (announce)in Stockholm on Thursday.

The committee praised the author’s style,    2     has come to be known as “Fosse minimalism(极简主义)”. “Fosse presents everyday situations that are instantly recognizable in our own lives,” the committee said. “His reduction of language and dramatic action expresses the most powerful human emotions of     3    (anxious)and powerlessness in the simplest terms.”

His masterpiece — seven works grouped together into a single volume titled “Septology” —tells the story of     4     aging painter and widower who lives alone as he deals with the realities of religion, identity, art and family life.

“Fosse combines strong local ties, both linguistic and geographic,     5     modernist artistic techniques,” the committee said, “    6    (list)the Irish playwright Samuel Beckett and the Austrian poet Georg Trakl among those who influenced his style.”

“While Fosse shares the negative outlook of his predecessors, his particular vision cannot be said     7    (cause)a nihilistic contempt(虚无主义不屑)of the world. Indeed, there is also great warmth     8     humor in his work.” the committee added.

The choice of Fosse as this year’s laureate will do little to counter criticism from those who say the committee rewards     9    (Europe)writers at the expense of authors in other continents.

Male writers have also     10    (historical)dominated the award: Of the 120 laureates in literature, only 17 have been women.

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When I was in primary school, I disliked doing exercise. I felt tired when I did any kind of exercise. My parents were really     1     (worry) about my health. One day, after having supper, my father     2    (come) and asked me to have a walk with him in the park. I agreed and we went     3     together. It was hard for me to walk for half an hour. I wanted to give up,     4     my father encouraged me to keep on walking. From then on. I was often asked to walk with my parents. To my surprise, I could walk for an hour in the     5    (five) month. How     6    (pride) I felt! I loved taking exercise gradually. Now I am     7     excellent runner in my school. I take part in the school sports meeting every year.

During all our life, we may face a lot of     8    (difficulty). Don’t be afraid of     9    (they). Please try to face them     10    (brave). After you overcome what you used to be afraid of, you may find how great you are!

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Chinese high school principal Zhang Guimei has been honored     1     the title “Role Model of the Times” in recognition of her dedication to education for girls.

With the support of the Party and the government, she helped establish the country’s first senior high school to offer free education for girls from poor families. Since it opened in 2008, it     2    (see) more than 1,800 students progress to universities and colleges.

About 20 years ago, while on the way to visit a student’s house, Zhang Guimei, then a rural teacher in Huaping county, Lijiang, Yunnan province, noticed a girl     3    (sit) on the hillside. She was staring     4    (blank) into space. The girl, 13, told Zhang she was about to get married and it was arranged by her parents.

That fateful encounter(邂逅) persuaded Zhang     5    (build) a free high school for girls, aiming to help break the spell (魔咒)     6     women drop out of education, marry early and spend     7    (they) whole life in the remote mountain.

After years of trying to raise funds, in 2008, Huaping High School for Girls, a free public high school,     8    (found) at the foot of the Shizi Mountain in Huaping, where Zhang is the principal. Over the decades, More than 1,800     9    (graduate) have been admitted to college,     10     is regarded a “miracle” in the remote area, as most students didn’t perform well in academic study before the school was established.

2023-06-11更新 | 899次组卷 | 4卷引用:专题07 语法填空-2023年高考英语真题题源解密(全国卷)
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Recently, Guangzhou has successfully hosted the “Understanding China” International Conference 2023, the 5th World Media Summit, and other significant events, once again highlighting its role as    1    window for the world to comprehend China’s high-quality development. So,     2    Guangzhou? Let’s find out.

    3    (gain) a deeper understanding of China, one must experience its history and culture. With a history of over 2, 000 years and a rich cultural heritage, Guangzhou offers a variety of historical and cultural    4    (treasure). In this city, you can sip a cup of coffee while watching Cantonese opera in Yongqingfang or taste Cantonese dim sum while gazing at Western-style architecture on Shamian Island.

Economy is another crucial aspect in understanding China. In recent years, Guangzhou has    5    (active) participated in the Belt and Road international cooperation, gradually    6     (establish) a comprehensive, multi-level, and wide-ranging pattern of opening-up. As a thousand-year-old commercial city known for the Canton Fair, Guangzhou has drawn    7    (globe) attention with its open genes and prosperous economy.

Connecting with the world also requires a highly    8    (develop) transportation network. Guangzhou has constructed a modern three-dimensional transportation system that links airports, seaports, railway ports, and digital ports, providing easy access    9    both domestic and foreign participants.

Guangzhou’s openness, inclusiveness, vitality, and innovative spirit make it an ideal choice for hosting international events, which, in turn,     10     (help) the economic and social development of the city.

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