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选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
1 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is ONE WORD MORE than you need.
A. relevant            B. democratically            C. dumped            D. count        E. tested        F. federally
G. determine          H. expertise                  I. open-minded       J. trial          K. elected

Please Let Education Alone

There is something badly wrong with the way standards for school science being set in the US. When the Texas State Board of Education voted in new standards last week, it left the door open for teaching creationism in the name of science in    1    funded schools. These must be closed, and quickly.

Because standards are set at state level, students in one state might be learning different science and using different textbooks than students in another. What is worse, the state boards of education that are responsible for standards and textbooks are made up of    2    officials who lack any specific skills or qualifications in the    3    areas of science or education. As we saw in the 2005    4    over teaching intelligent design in Dover, Pennsylvania, and are now seeing in Texas, school boards have become a political battleground. Many board members appear to be acting on behalf of religious groups like local churches or the Discovery Institute.

School science standards should be set up by people who understand science and science education. At the same time, it is dangerous to argue that the powers of    5    voted officials should be taken away if they don’t produce the outcome you want. Yet that is what may happen in Texas. Some lobbyists have introduced legislation that would transfer authority for textbooks and curricula to the Texas Education Agency.

Is there a way out of this impasse? One possibility is that candidates for school boards should be    6    before they stand. Another is for the pro-science try to engage more fully with the democratic process. After the Dover trial, board members who favored intelligent design were    7    by the voters. Something similar could happen in Texas.

Another possibility is to push decisions further up the democratic ladder. President Barrack Obama has already called for all states to have the same achievement standards, raising hopes that he might push for federal standards across all US schools. While this might drive conservative insane, it would put an end to the present situation in which an accident of geography can    8    whether a child is taught valid science.

Obama has already made remarkable changes in Washington by restoring scientific    9    to its rightful place in government. Many teachers and scientists would like to see him do the same in the place where it can    10    most: in the classroom.

2022-08-30更新 | 120次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约440词) | 较难(0.4) |
2 . Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Many procedures are available for obtaining data about a language.     1    range from a carefully planned, intensive field investigation of a foreign language in a foreign country to a casual study of one’s own mother tongue carried out in an armchair at home. To do this, someone has to act as a source of language data-an informant. Informants are ideally native speakers of a language,    2    provide words and sentences for analysis and other kinds of information about the language.

Many factors must be considered when selecting informants—    3    one is working with a single speaker or more people interacting. Age, sex, social background and other aspects of identity are important, as these factors are known to influence the type of the language used. The topic of conversation and the characteristics of the social setting are also highly relevant,    4    are the personal qualities of the informants.

Today, researchers often tape-record informants. This enables the linguist’s claims about the language    5    (check), and provides a way of making those claims more accurate as difficult pieces of speech can be listened to repeatedly. But obtaining naturalistic, good-quality data is never easy. People talk abnormally when they know they    6    (record), and sound quality can be poor. A variety of tape-recording procedures have thus been devised to minimize the ‘observer’s paradox’, a situation in which people feel strange to each other. Some recordings are made    7    the speakers being aware of the fact—a procedure that obtains very natural data, though ethical objections must be expected. Alternatively, attempts can be made to make the speaker forget about the recording,    8    keeping the tape recorder out of sight, or using radio microphones. A useful technique is to introduce a topic that quickly involves the speaker, and stimulates a natural language style, like asking older informants about how times have changed in their locality.

An audio tape recording does not solve all the linguist’s problems, however. Speech is often ambiguous or unclear. Where possible, therefore, the recording has to be supplemented by the observer’s    9    (write)comments on the non-verbal behavior of the participants, and about the context in general. A facial expression, for example, can dramatically alter the meaning of    10    is said. Video recordings avoid these problems to a large extent, but even they have limitations as the camera cannot be everywhere, and transcription always benefits from any additional commentary provided by an observer.

2022-08-30更新 | 306次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约590词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Why can’t we stop longing for the good old days

People in many countries are longing for the good old days. But when exactly were the good old days? Podcaster Jason Feifer devoted an episode of his program to this question. The most popular answer seemed to be the 1950s, so Mr. Feifer asked historians whether Americans in that decade thought it was particularly pleasant. Definitely not. In the 1950s, American sociologists worried that rampant individualism was tearing the family apart. There were serious racial and class tensions, and everyone lived under the nuclear threat.

In fact, many in the 1950s thought that the good old days were to be found a generation earlier, in the 1920s. But in the 1920s, child psychologist John Watson warned that because of increasing divorce races, the American family would soon cease to exist. Many people at the time idealized the Victor inn era, when families are strong and children respected their elders.

Why are human beings always so nostalgia for past eras that seemed difficult and dangerous to those who lived through them? One possibility is that we know we survived past dangers, so they seem smaller now. But we can never be certain we will solve the problems we are facing today. Radio didn't ruin the younger generation, but maybe the smart phone will.

Another reason is that historical nostalgia is often colored by personal nostalgia. When were the good old days? Was it, by chance, the incredibly short period when you happened to be young? A U.S. Poll found that people born in the 1930s and 1940s thought the 1950s was America’s best decade, while those born in the 1960s and 1970s preferred the 1980s.

This kind of nostalgia has neurological roots. Researchers have found that we encode more memories during adolescence and early adult hood than any other period of our lives, and when we think about the past, this is the period we most often return to. Moreover, as we grow more distant from past events, we tend to remember them more positively.

Obviously, some things readily were better in the past. But our instinctive nostalgia for the good old days can easily deceive us, with dangerous consequences. Longing for the past and fear of the future inhibit the experiments and innovations that drive progress.

Vaccination, steam engines, railroads and electricity all met with strong resistance when they were first introduced. The point isn’t to show how silly previous generations were. The same kinds of anxieties have been expressed in our own time about innovations like the internet, video games and stem-cell research.

And not all fears about the future are unbounded. New technologies do result in accidents, they disturb traditional cultures and habits, and they destroy old jobs while creating new ones. But the only way to learn how to make the best use of new technologies and reduce risks is by trial and error. The future won’t be perfect, but neither were the good old days.

1. The word “rampant” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________
2. According to the passage, the 1950s was a period of time ________.
A.when American families still remained strong and children respected their elders
B.that was believed by Americans born in the 1930s and the 1940s to be the best decade
C.that saw a sharp increase in individualism and divorce rate in American society
D.when radical and class tensions became more serious but people no longer lived under the nuclear threat
3. The good old days were usually the time when people were young because ________
① people have a better memory of adolescence and early adulthood.
② More dangerous things happen during their youth and they learned how to survive them.
③ The dangers in youth were smaller and easier for people to deal with.
④ people remember events in their youth more positively as time goes by.
4. What can be inferred from the last three paragraphs?
A.The current generation is not as silly As the previous generations.
B.It is unwise to be simply opposed to any new inventions and technologies.
C.People are constantly deceived by their instinctive nostalgia for the good old days.
D.The internet, video games and stem-cell research pose great threats to humanity.
完形填空(约430词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Female penguins get stranded

Every year, thousands of Magellanic penguins (麦哲伦企鹅) get stranded along the coast of South America, but, _________ about 75% of those that get stuck are female. Now scientists say they have worked out what is behind the gender _________: the females migrate further north than males.

Magellanic penguins finish breeding in Patagonia in February, and, during the _________ winter months, head north, reaching as far as Brazil, in search of anchovies (风尾鱼). But every year thousands become stranded, with many _________ to safety on board military aircraft by human.

Writing in the journal Current Biology, researchers in Japan and Argentina report how they _________ tracking device to eight male and six female penguins in 2017 and tracked where the birds went after they left the breeding grounds of Cabo dos Bahfa in Argentina and began the migration north in April.

Previously it was unknown whether male and female’s took different paths or not. “Although some _________ are made, the exact reason for the _________ stranding has been unknown due to the lack of information on their behavior outside the breeding season.” said Takashi Yamamoto, a co-author of the report from the Institute of Statistical Mathematics in Japan.

The results from the study offer a clearer picture. _________ the authors note that only a small number of penguins were tracked, all the female’s generally traveled further north. The male, meanwhile, predominantly stuck to waters of the Argentinian coast. The study also found male _________ dived deeper than female’s: about 59 metres compared with about 35 metres.

The authors offer a number of reasons why males and females may head to different areas— including to avoid __________ for food—and why they dive to different __________ —the females’ smaller bodies may restrict the depths they can reach. They also suggest the different sexes may seek waters of different temperatures, with the __________ females preferring warmer, shallower surroundings.

While researchers are still trying to understand why penguins end up stranded, Yamamoto and colleague’s suggest those that end up further north may have used more energy swimming or catching __________ prey, leaving them exhausted. Climate change, pollution in the area or injury from fishing equipment could also play a role. Reports of standings have noted that many penguins are unwell or exhausted, with some even washing up dead.

__________, plastic remains have been reported in the stomach of beach-washed Magellanic penguins,” said Yamamoto, adding that a stewed sex ratio could potentially lead to a population decline.

While the findings may not help prevent strandings, Yamamoto said it could help with __________ of the species. “If we do not consider any action, such as marine zoning, I expect that the number of stranding individuals will increase.”

A.After allB.In additionC.HoweverD.For example
2022-08-30更新 | 261次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . Directions: Complete the following passages by using the words in the box. Each word con only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. suffering     B. intensive     C. demanding     D. adopting     E. inactive     F. adapting     G. available
H. guarantee     I. distinctive     J. discouraging     K. distinct

Health and diet

In recent cars, many Asian countries have noticed a worrying new problem: obesity, which is also very serious in China. More than a third of Chinese adults are overweight. Even more worrying is the level of obesity among Chinese children. It is estimated that the number of children in China     1     from obesity is increasing by 10 % every year.

There are many reasons for this situation. The simplest explanation is that food is now     2     in greater quantities than ever before. Also, Chinese society is changing and people are     3     new kinds of lifestyle. There has been an influx of Western style fast food like hamburgers and fried chicken. These foods contain a lot of calorie and are a major cause of obesity. In addition, many children in China spend too much time in front of TVs or computers. To make things worse, millions of families drive around instead of cycling or walking. This     4       lifestyle is another reason for heavier people.

Increasing obesity is worrying for many reasons. The condition can lead to serious health problems, including increased risk of heart disease and even diabetes. Dealing with their health problems seems really costly and     5     , thus affecting people’ life negatively.

The government in China is taking action to deal with obesity, however. In many primary and middle schools, young students are receiving low calorie lunches with more vegetables and less meat and fat. Also, parents are     6     children from watching TV and playing computer games. In some big cities, there are also “fat camps” where seriously obese children receive     7     training, aiming at losing extra fat.

It is not     8     if these measures will be enough to slow down or stop the obesity trend in China. It is clear, though, what we are doing now is to guide people in     9     to healthier and more active lifestyle. It is the     10     of the rise in the index of people’s happiness.

2022-08-30更新 | 156次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . Directions: Complete the following passages by using the words in the box. Each word con only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. virtually     B. swiftly     C. avoiding     D. appeal     E. feasible     F. imposed     G. reducing     H. released
I. limited     J. fuel       K. authority

It sounds like a science-fiction nightmare. But “killer robots” have the likes of British scientist Step hen Hawking and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak warning the machines could     1     ethnic cleansings (种族清洗) and an arms race.

Autonomous weapons, which use artificial intelligence to select targets without human intervention have been described as “the third revolution in warfare, after gunpowder and nuclear arms,” about 1,000 teach scientists wrote in an open letter on July 28, 2015.

Unlike drones, which require a human hand in their action, this kind of robot would have some autonomous decision-making abilities and the capacity to act on its own     2    .

“The key question for humanity today is whether to start a global AI(artificial intelligence)arms race or to prevent it from starting,” they wrote. “If any major military power pushes ahead with AI weapon development, a global arms race is     3     inevitable,” said the letter     4     at the opening of the 2015 International Joint conference on Artificial intelligence in Buenos Aires.

The idea of an automated killing machine, made famous by Amold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator, is moving     5     from science fiction to reality, according to the scientists. “The organization of such systems is — practically if not legally —     6     within years, not decades,” the letter said.

The development of such weapons, while potentially     7     the extent of battlefield injuries, might also lower the necessity for going to battle, noted the scientists.

The scientists painted a terrible scenario in which autonomous weapons fall into the hands of terrorists, dictators or war lords hoping to carry out ethnic clean sings.

The group concluded with a(n)     8     for a “ban on offensive autonomous weapons beyond meaningful human control.”

In a 2014 BBC interview, Howking said the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. “It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are     9     by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be replaced,” he said.

Authorities are gradually waking up to the risk of robot wars. Last May, the US government     10     a 10-year human control requirement on automated weapons. For the first time, the United Nations brought governments together to begin talks on so-called fatal autonomous weapons systems that can select targets and carry out attacks without direct human intervention.

2022-08-30更新 | 155次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约510词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The Internet, E-commerce and globalization are making a new economic era possible. In the future, capitalist markets will largely be replaced by a new kind of economic system based on networked relationships, contractual (契约的) arrangements and access rights.

Has the quality of our lives at work, at home and in our communities increased in direct proportion (比例) to all the new Internet and business-to-business Internet services being introduced into our lives? I have asked this question of hundreds of CEOs and corporate executives in Europe and the United States. Surprisingly, virtually everyone has said, “No, quite contrary.” The very people responsible for showing in what some have called a “technological renaissance” say they are working longer hours, feel more stressed, are more impatient, and are even less civil (礼貌的) in their dealings with colleagues and friends—not to mention strangers. And what’s more revealing, they place much of the blame on the very same technologies they are so aggressively championing (捍卫).

We are told that access would make life more convenient and give us more time. Instead, the very technological wonders that were supposed to liberate us have begun to enslave us in a web of connections from which there seems to be no easy escape.

If an earlier generation was concerned about the goal to enclose a vast geographic frontier, the generation to come, it seems, is more caught up in the colonization (殖民) of time. Every spare moment of our time is being filled with some form of commercial connection, making time itself the scarcest of all resources. Our e-mail, voice mail and cell phones, our 24-hour Interact news and entertainment all seize for our attention.

While we have created every kind of labor-and-time-saving device to serve our needs, we are beginning to feel like we have less time available to us than any other humans in history. That is because the wide spread of labor-and-time-saving services only increases the diversity, pace and flow of common day activity around us. For example, e-mail is a great convenience. However, we now find ourselves spending much of our day anxiously responding to each other’s electronic messages. The cell phone is a great time-saver, except now we are always likely to reach someone else who wants our attention.

Social conservatives talk about the decline in civility and blame it on the loss of a morality and religious values. Has anyone bothered to ask whether the fast speed culture is making all of us less patient and less willing to listen, consider and reflect?

Maybe we need to ask what kinds of connections really count and what types of access really matter in the e-economy era. If this new technology revolution is only about efficiency, then we risk losing something even more precious than time—our sense of what it means to be a caring human being.

1. According to the passage, a large number of CEOs think that________.
A.technology has a great impact on their lives
B.technology should be aggressively championed
C.technology renaissance should be pushed forward
D.technology actually results in a decline in their life quality
2. What is the most valuable resource for the coming generation?
A.Time available.B.Time saving devices.
C.Access to information.D.Technological wonders.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Cell phones can save time as they help us reach those who want our attention.
B.Social conservatives blame the loss of morality on the decline in civility.
C.High efficiency is even more precious than being a caring human being.
D.It is difficult for us to avoid the influence of technology wonders.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.The New Internet LifeB.The Declining Quality of Life
C.The Disadvantages of Too Much AccessD.The Failure of Technological Renaissance
2022-08-29更新 | 93次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市建平中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . There are times when murder is not committed because of cruelty. People may kill for other reasons such as anger, misunderstanding, and fear. Everyone has made mistakes because of such feeling. For society, it is a serious mistake to take the life of someone who has killed because it teaches everyone that forgiveness is unnecessary.

The government has the difficult job of deciding who is innocent and who is guilty, and this job can never be done perfectly. If capital punishment(死刑)is allowed, there always exists the possibility that an innocent person will be executed by mistake. When that happens, an even worse crime has been committed—the killing of an innocent person by the government. Then there is the fact that the poor and minorities get the death penalty more often than whites do. Furthermore, the idea that capital punishment stops criminals from committing murder is doubtful; studies have been unable to show that the fear of capital punishment stops someone from committing murder more than other punishments. And let us not forget that murdering the murderer is a violent act in itself; it is revenge(复仇).

The U.S. government once followed the example of Germany, Britain, France, and other nations that no longer execute their citizens-however, since 1977, our society has been allowing capital punishment again, at a high cost. We cannot imagine the pain of family members who have been waiting for years for the government’s decision to execute or not execute their loved ones. It also costs the taxpayer millions of dollars more to execute a criminal than to imprison that criminal for life. Prison is a better form of punishment because it protects society and punishes criminals by taking away their freedom.

People can change, even people who have made terrible mistakes. Life in prison gives people the chance to change. Caryl Chessman is an example of someone who became a better person in prison. He taught other prisoners how to read, and he wrote several books. Before his execution, he wrote that he had finally learned not to hate.

Chessman learned this important lesson in prison. But a dead man learns nothing, and an executed person will never change. When a government kills, it is murdering hope.

1. According to the passage, all the followings are the results of the capital punishment EXCEPT that________.
A.capital punishment doesn’t necessarily put an end to crimes
B.execution may cause an innocent person to die
C.the blacks get executed more often than the whites do
D.capital punishment may arouse a desire for revenge
2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A.Execution will cause the pain of the criminal’s family members.
B.Life imprisonment is more expensive than execution.
C.Some murders are mistakes, caused by anger or fear.
D.America used to be among the nations which abandoned execution.
3. The writer uses the example of Caryl Chessman to prove that________.
A.everyone can become a better person in prison
B.everyone can make terrible mistakes
C.execution robs people of the chance to change
D.It is always a good thing to learn not to hate
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Not all people who kill are cruel.B.Capital punishment is revenge.
C.Prison can sometimes improve a person.D.Execution is not a better form of punishment.
2022-08-29更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市建平中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约510词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Beware of Phone/Online Scams(诈骗)

Have you been the victim of a phone/online seam? If you ever think that there’s really no reason to worry, just remember the following statistics.

—315,000 cases broken in 2015-2017 in China.

—More than billions of money involved.

—Victims of 19 years old top the list in terms of age.

—Victims of 18-25 years old account for 52.4% of the whole.


And here in below we are sharing 4 typical types of Phone/Online scams and how to deal with them.

Hello, this is XX police station, you're involved in a case of money laundering(洗钱)(or some other financial crime). We need your cooperation with the investigation……Please transfer your money into the national security account.
Tip 1: If you are really involved in financial crime, police will visit your home at the first opportunity and take you for investigation. Police are not so dumb as to inform you via telephone. And there is no such thing as national security account.
Hey: Wang(he may know your name). Drop by my office tomorrow morning. BTW, I will be treating some VIP clients soon. I need you to transfer some money into this account. It will refund your money tomorrow.
Tip 2: Think about it. How could any boss in the world ask you for money? Meeting VIP clients without a cent in his pocket? And why doesn't he ask you to give the money to him in person? He is nobody but a scam!
You've got a package which contains illegal drugs or goods. You are now requested to call this number to contact the Public Security Bureau. (Then it all follows scenario预设).
Tip 3:
Public Security Bureau WILL NOT deal with cases via phone calls. NEITHER WILL they send out notification via message.
(In some cases the number is disguised as authentic bank number through software). We are sorry to inform you that you have a bank overdraft. Please contact this customer service representative. His number is XXXXXXXXXX.
Tip 4:
DO NOT panic. REMEMBER to dial the official contact number of the back to double check.

When receiving phone calls/emails from unidentified resources, please pay special attention if the conversation involves any of the following:

●bank cards

●lucky draw

●Transferred to government authorities, including but not limited to police, court/judge, etc.

●secured account

●refund related to online shopping

None of the above business will be carried out on phones or via emails/unofficial website links. So you may just treat them as spams.

Moreover, how to safeguard yourself?

●Never transfer money without face-to-face confirmation.

●Only do business online with those you know and trust or on the official website of the online retailer.

●Protect your personal information, including photo-ID numbers and copies, bank account and passwords.

●Don't trust website links in emails or text messages without verified sources.

●Never believe in Pie in the sky. If something is too good, it won't be true.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the survey of Phone/Online seams?
A.Statistics imply it's unnecessary to worry about the situation.
B.The number of those who are cheated is on the rise.
C.Nearly one third of a million cases remain to be solved.
D.Comparatively speaking, young adults are harder-hit age groups.
2. You should be alert (警惕的) to the following cases EXCEPT________.
A.The police call to request your cooperation for a financial crime.
B.The boss asks you to transfer money to a VIP client via phone.
C.An unverified message informs you to collect a ¥500,000 prize.
D.The official website of an online retailer advertises for a business partner.
3. Where does this article most probably come from?
A.An email for college students.
B.A document for government authorities.
C.A law journal for E-business practitioners.
D.A security brochure for the public.
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 选用适当的单词或短语补全短文。
A. declined            B. eventually             C. flooded            D. handmade          E. producer          F. profit
G. remained            H. ruler                    I. share                    L. stressful            K. typically

In the early 19th century, Egypt connected two vast regions: the Ottoman Empire (奥斯曼帝国) and the African continent. For centuries, the Ottoman Empire had been at the center of Eurasian trade. It had also been a major center of manufacturing which produced     1     goods for Europe and Africa.

However, the industrialization of Europe meant that cheaper goods made by machines soon     2     into the Ottoman Empire. The result of this competition was that Africa was increasingly seen as a place that provided new materials for European factories, rather than one that had factories of its own.

Egypt was an African country that was technically part of the Ottoman Empire. It was first invaded by the French army. With British help, the Ottoman forces drove the French out of Egypt. Following this, Muhammad Ali successfully brought about Egyptian independence from the Ottoman Empire. By 1831, he was effectively an independent     3     of a more modern Egypt.

Egypt was already a small-scale     4     of cotton, which was sold to Britain. Ali encouraged even more cotton production nationwide. With the money from this cotton production, Ali’s government began to aid factories so that the country could     5     from its own industrialization. By the late 1840s, it looked like Egypt would     6     become an industrial power.

However, Egypt’s economy slowly     7     . The factories stopped production, and by the 1880s, it had to borrow money from Britain. Though Egypt     8     formally independent, it seemed to be more like a British colony(殖民地).

Europeans kept interfering in Egypt partly because of the Suez Canal(苏伊士运河). Egypt’s new leaders were already     9     because of the industrial collapse that left their country unable to repay the money borrowed from Britain. Finally, in 1875, the king sold his     10     in the Suez Canal Company to the British, giving them control of this important national resource. The powerful British took advantage of this instability and seized the country.

2022-08-29更新 | 133次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市建平中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般