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语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词,或使用括号里的词的适当形式填空, 并在答题纸上写出答案。

I had to wait for them to call number 63 before I could get my food.     1     (give) a plate by a lady, I felt ashamed, embarrassed. I wondered if she thought that I was worse than her.   However, before I knew it, I received my food: a little container with a meal and some pudding. I did not have to look at the woman any more.     2     feeling of shame slowly disappeared.

Ivon suggested that we walk to Bayside. When we arrived, Ivon told me     3     desperately had to use the bathroom. He began to take     4     from his pocket that he wanted to leave with me. I thought it was a phone,     5     it was a knife. “You never know when you have to use this,” he said.

After about twenty minutes, Ivon came back. He suggested     6     we move nearer to the Miami River where it was cooler. I walked down the street,     7     (hold) the plastic bag with my food. We settled down under some coconut trees. He pointed out some police officers     8     (stand) in an area where the     9     (home) used to sleep next to a hotel.

“I guess they didn’t want us next to the hotel. You can’t have people looking     10     of their windows and seeing us,” he said.

2024-04-19更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区石门中学2022-2023学年高一上学期一检考试英语试卷
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . Write a composition of 100-150 words, including the following content:
1. In your opinion, is Yang Liwei a hero? Why, or why not?
2. What do you think a true hero should be like?
2024-04-19更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区石门中学2022-2023学年高一上学期一检考试英语试卷

3 . The clock rules our lives. The more we try to save time, the less time we seem to have. In every area of our lives we are doing things faster. And many of us live in towns and cities which are getting noisier and more stressful as each day passes. But now a worldwide movement, whose aim is to slow life down, has started. Its supporters are people who believe that a happier and healthier way of life is possible.

The Slow Food movement was founded the day that an Italian journalist, Carlo Petrini, saw that McDonald’s had opened a restaurant in a beautiful square in Rome. He thought it was sad that many people today live too quickly to sit down for a proper meal and only eat much fast food. He decided that he had to try to do something about it and so he started the Slow Food movement. Slow Food has become a global organization ever since and now has more than 80,000 members in 100 countries.

Slow Food also encourages people to eat local and regional food, to use local shops and markets, to eat out in small family restaurants, and to cook with traditional recipes.

The idea of Slow Cities was inspired by the Slow Food movement. The aim of Slow Cities is to improve people’s quality of life. Towns which want to become a Slow City have to reduce traffic and noise, increase the number of green areas, plant trees, build pedestrian zones, and promote local businesses and traditions. Now it has spread to other countries all over the world, from the UK to Japan and Australia. There are now 135 Slow Cities in 24 countries across the world that have been named since founding of the organization in 1999. Gao Chun County, in east China’s Jiangsu Province, is expected to be named the first “Slow City” in China next year.

“Slow Cities are about having a community life in the town,” said a local resident. “It is not ‘slow’ as in ‘stupid’. It is ‘slow’ as in the opposite of ‘worried’ and ‘stressful’.”

But not everybody is happy. For teenagers, who have to go 25km to Norwich, the nearest city, to buy CDs, living in a Slow City is not very attractive. “It’s all right here for adults,” says Lewis Cook, 16. “But if you want excitement, you have to go to Norwich. We need more things here for young people.”

1. What’s the aim of the Slow Food movement?
A.To call on people to eat out.B.To make people enjoy cooking.
C.To drive McDonald’s out of RomeD.To encourage people to slow down.
2. All the following are necessary to be a Slow City EXCEPT ____________.
A.reducing traffic and noiseB.increasing the number of green areas
C.building more department storesD.promoting local businesses and traditions
3. From the fourth paragraph, we know that ____________.
A.Slow Food was founded in 1999B.there is no Slow City in China now
C.Slow Cities are mainly in the UKD.there are about 24 Slow Cities in the world
4. How does Lewis Cook feel about living in a Slow City?
5. Which of the following would the founders of Slow Food agree with?
A.Slow down and you’ll move fast.B.Time flies never to be recalled.
C.Eat slowly and you’ll be healthy.D.Pay attention to the quality of life.
2024-04-19更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区石门中学2022-2023学年高一上学期一检考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices and schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.

One advantage of living outside London is that the houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own.

Then, in the country, one can rest from the noise and hurry of the town. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time on trains or buses, one can sleep better at night. Besides, during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering, and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has the reward of one who has shared the secret of Nature.

Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Some people who work in the country prefer to live in the city
B.Some people who work in the city prefer to live in the country
C.Those who live in London wake up early and get home late
D.Those who live in London must travel by train, car or bus every day
2. A flat without a garden in London costs about the same as ____________.
A.a small house with a garden in London
B.a large house with a garden in the country
C.a small flat with a garden in the country
D.a small house with a garden in the country
3. According to the passage, one disadvantage of living in the country is ____________.
A.one can’t sleep so well as in the cityB.one has to spend more time on transport
C.one has to spend a long time in the gardenD.one is likely to be poorer
4. People who take no interest in country things probably ____________.
A.spend all of their time in the townB.feel their life is not worth living
C.enjoy cinemas, shops and crowdsD.share the secret of Nature
5. The underlined phrase the rest in the last paragraph means ____________.
A.the rest of their timeB.the rest of the people
C.the rest of the countryD.the rest of the parks and sea
2024-04-19更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区石门中学2022-2023学年高一上学期一检考试英语试卷
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。主要讲述的是《时代》杂志评选出来的世界上最具影响力的100位人物中的控球后卫林书豪(Jeremy Lin)的故事。

5 . Time magazine named its choice of the 100 “Most Influential (有影响力的) People in the World” on Wednesday. On the _________ were Barack Obama; Mitt Romney; Hillary Clinton; Warren Buffett; Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge; Pippa Middleton; Tim Tebow; Jeremy Lin and Matt Lauer.

Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks starting point guard, is a person that many _________ can take as an example, according to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan who _________ the ball player for being one of the world’s most _________ persons. In the article, the secretary of education said kids can learn a great _________ from the injured Knicks point guard who is a _________ of Harvard University.

“Jeremy Lin’s story is a great lesson for kids everywhere. In life, there are many prejudices (偏见) that _________ hold children back. However, Lin’s success can show that these prejudices are _________. For example, in the past, many people didn’t believe an Asian-American could _________ in the NBA, but Lin has proved them wrong - and he’s shown that it’s ______________ to be a world-class athlete on the court as well as a(n) ______________ student off the court.” Duncan wrote.

“It’s great to see good values and the right attitude ______________ in professional sports because that doesn’t always happen,” Duncan said in the Time report. “Often it’s the selfish sportsman that gets celebrated - not people who play for the ______________ and work together to achieve a goal bigger than themselves.”

We spoke to Lin’s ______________, and they seemed to be proud of the young basketball star and praised the amazing effect he’d had on their team, but Lin stayed ______________ about the recognition, and reacted on Twitter by saying “Now I’m blushing (脸红).”

2024-04-19更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区石门中学2022-2023学年高一上学期一检考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Bad judgments are meant to feed our own personal ego (自我意识) and put others down, which is not the healthiest thing to do. Here are five reasons why you should stop it now.

You start finding faults in everyone. Judging quickly moves on to more private areas of your life.     1     You fail to appreciate them and start getting dissatisfied with them. You become critical of even those who matter to you.

Judging becomes a habit. If you judge people, sooner or later, it becomes a habit, and you start judging everyone around you for the tiniest of things.     2     And you might dismiss even the best of people through these microscopic judgments.

People begin to distrust you. If you pass judgments about other people in front of your audience, you will lose their trust. As they will begin to feel that if you can judge others in front of them, you can talk about them behind their back.     3    

Judgment is a sign of unhappiness. If you are 100% happy with who you are, you are a lot less likely to feel the need to judge others. If you are self-assured, you will not feel the need to cast a downward glance at others.     4     Either way, it is a negative attitude.

    5     If you’re judging others, you’re probably judging yourself pretty harshly as well. You often tend to think that if you are judging people by what they wear, someone might in turn judge you, which, as a consequence, makes you extremely concerned with your appearance.

A.You are viewed positively by people.
B.You start taking yourself too seriously.
C.Hence, seeing others positively shows we are positive people.
D.You judge their clothing, actions, success, values, and everything.
E.Likewise, you also judge because you feel you are better than others.
F.You start judging your close ones; friends, family members, partner, etc.
G.And no one wants to make friends with someone often talking unkindly about others.
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Nowhere are manners more important than at the table. When the Chinese ask their guests to dinner, even though there are excellent dishes on the table,    1     host is       2     (like) to say something like “There are no special dishes tonight. Please help yourselves.” The praises of the dishes       3     (leave) to the guest. But this is different in the West. If     4     (ask) a guest to eat at his home, the host may say, “This is the       5     (good) dish my wife cooks.” The seats are arranged in a different way. The hostess or host sits at the head of the table       6     the main guest on his right, the second guests on his left. There are some     7     (different) in offering wine and cigarettes.       8     a Chinese host gives a toast, he usually says “Bottoms up” and drinks up all the wine in the cup. He wants the guests to do the same. But in the West     9     is up to the guests to decide how much they drink. Usually the host just leaves the cigarettes on the table, instead of offering them to his (her)     10     (guest) one after another.

2024-03-12更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省开平市风采华侨中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |

8 . Robert and Peter study in the same university. They do everything together and help each other. But they often play jokes on each other. The school year was over last month and they decided to travel through the country in America. They drove a car and could stop wherever they were interested in and started whenever they wanted. Of course they enjoyed themselves. It was very hot one day and they were both hungry and thirsty. They stopped in front of a restaurant by the road. They came in, sat down at a table and ordered some dishes. Robert looked around and found there was a small bowl on the table. He thought there was some ice cream in it and took a spoonful of it and put it into his mouth. Immediately he knew it was mustard (芥末), but it was too late. Tears ran down his face, but he pretended nothing had happened. The other young man, seeing his friend crying, asked, “What are you crying about, Robert?”

“I’m thinking of my father who was hanged twenty years ago,” was a reply.

After a while Peter made the same mistake. Tears ran down his cheeks ,too. And his friend asked him why.

“I wonder why your father hadn’t been hanged before he got married!”

1. Robert didn’t tell Peter it was some mustard in the bowl because________.
A.he didn’t know his friend hated it.B.he wanted his friend to repeat the mistake.
C.he thought his friend knew what it was.D.he thought his friend was interested in it.
2. Peter made the same mistake because________.
A.he was too hungry to wait for their dishes.B.he often took some mustard.
C.he was much braver than his friend.D.he wasn’t afraid to be played a joke on.
3. The writer mainly wants to tell us________in this passage.
A.not to trust your friendB.not to mistake mustard for Ice cream
C.it’s wrong to lie to friendsD.a joke
2024-03-12更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省开平市风采华侨中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者的第一个孩子Brendan出生时,他的教父送了他一棵榆树,作者和家人将他种在院子里,后来作者将房子卖给了Gillian夫妇,接下来的37年,当作者及家人在旅行时都会忍不住开车经过 棵树那里.后来那棵树被移走了,但多年后作者收到了Gillian的朋友送来的礼物,用那棵榆树雕的碗,收到这样的礼物作者感到很开心。

9 . When our first son Brendan was born in Sydney in 1966, we planted a golden elm tree in our front yard.It and Brendan _________ together and when we _________ the house, eight years later, the tree branched (长出枝条) out over our heads. We were _________ we had to leave it behind when we moved to New South Wales.

A young couple bought our home and were _________ it.Over the next 37 years, when travelling to Sydney, my family _________ couldn’t help stopping to see the tree. With time, the golden elm grew more beautiful.The owners still loved the home and seemed not to _________ at all that we didn't completely leave them alone.

Recently on the way to Sydney, my husband _________ to see how the house and the owners were getting on. It had been about ten years since we had last _________ and the tree had been removed some years earlier._________, the owner, Gillian, suggested she would contact (联系) us some time in the future, so my husband gave her our ____________.

When I heard about her ____________ message, I wondered what she meant. One day in December, we had a phone call from Gillian. She wanted to drop something in to us for our ____________. I told Brendan that there was a mysterious gift being ____________ for him that day, so it was indeed ____________ when Gillian handed him a package containing two carved wooden bowls. Gillian had asked a local woodworking company to make the ____________ from a piece of the trunk of the golden elm, which she had ____________ several years earlier. My husband’s ____________ had driven her to follow through with her idea.

What a pleasure it was to ____________ that package. We were ____________ by her thoughtfulness (体贴), and amazed that her long­term plan actually did ____________.

A.proud ofB.polite toC.worried toD.delighted with
A.phoneB..       bowlsC.branchesD.package
A.endB.fall throughC.formD.come true
2024-03-12更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省开平市风采华侨中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . I have never been a very self-assured person. Leaving India for the United Kingdom to pursue my research career, I felt more out of_______than ever before. At work, I_______away from engaging in_______or putting forward my opinions. I was afraid my colleagues would find how weak I really felt. I started to_______more and more to myself.

That began to change after consultant suggested I _______a nearby concert by a famous singer from my home country. So, there I was in the_______concert hall, surrounded by_______— all of us clapping and singing along to the_______songs. It proved to be a turning point.

I began to do more things_______, including going out for ice cream and to the movies. I even planned a day trip to a picturesque city a few hours away. Soon I wanted to venture farther away. I decided on a________solo hiking and sightseeing trip to the Alps. At first, I________to join the chance conversations with strangers. But eventually, I started to enjoy listening to others’ stories and telling mine.

My growing________carried over to work, where I started to________and put forward my opinions. I________colleagues to design and conduct experiments. I finally felt like a________and active member of the group.

A.speak upB.work outC.settle downD.take in
2024-03-03更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语冲刺卷一
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