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1 . Many college students turn to ADHD (注意缺陷障碍) medicine during the exam week, which is regarded as “smart drugs” that will help their academic (学术的) performance. The thinking is that if the drugs help students with ADHD improve their focus, they should provide the same benefit for people who don’t have the disorder.

But a new study shows that drugs can actually damage brain function of healthy students who take the drug hoping to boost their intelligence. “It’s not a smart drug which will suddenly improve their ability to understand information they read,” said Lisa Weyandt, a professor at the University of Rhode Island.

To test whether this effect is real or not, researchers organized 13 students to take part in two five-hour study sessions(一段时间)in the lab. The students took the standard 30mg ADHD drugs before one session, and a sugar pill before the other. Students on ADHD drugs did experience an increase in their blood pressure and heart rates. “The medicine was having an effect on their brain,” Weyandt said. The students also showed an improvement in their ability to focus, the researchers found.

However, students on ADHD drugs experienced no improvement in reading comprehension, reading fluency or knowledge reviews, compared to when they’d taken a sugar pill. “We read aloud stories to them and asked them to recall information from the stories,” she said. “That didn’t improve.”

Worse, the ADHD drug actually harms students’ memory. It’s often misused because people pull all-nighters and they’re tired, and they think it’s going to keep them awake. Maybe it does, but it’s certainly not going to help their academic work. The brain is still developing until the mid to late 20s. It’s important to keep it healthy. There’s also a chance that ADHD drugs could endanger a student’s heart health.

1. Why do some college students take ADHD drugs?
A.To improve their sleeping.B.To get higher marks.
C.To make them feel relaxed.D.To treat brain disorder.
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “boost” in Paragragh2?
3. What effect did ADHD drugs have on the students?
A.They became more focused.
B.Their blood pressure was reduced.
C.Their reading fluency was greatly raised.
D.They could remember better and more quickly.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the ADHD drug?
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2 . Liu Jichen, 23, a student from Tsinghua University, has developed a WeChat mini-program called “Clear Your Plate”. After a meal, users can open the mini-program and take a picture of their empty plates. Once the image is recognized by the AI(Artificial Intelligence), students can collect points and use them to buy gifts or purchase charity meals to children in impoverished(贫困的) rural areas.

Liu and his team, together with other organizations, launched the “Clear Your Plate” campaign in November for the third year. It has swept over 1,017 universities across the country. The one-month campaign attracted almost 1.6 million participants and collectively reduced food waste by 862 tons and carbon emissions(碳排放) by 3,337 tons.

“Technological innovation is a good way to reduce food waste,” Liu thought. He organized a team of 20 members to work on the project at the end of 2017. To solve the AI’s problem of identifying photos of empty plates, the team spent half a year collecting over 100,000 samples in canteens and restaurants. In 2018, the mini-program was officially put into operation on Oct 16, World Food Day. They then launched a campaign later that year.

“There were so many unknowns in research and development. For our team members, the biggest challenge was whether we were confident enough to complete it,” Liu said. They not only achieved their goal, but now, the mini-program has more than 5 million registered users, according to Liu. “We hope our efforts can start a new trend among the younger generation by encouraging them to cherish(珍惜) their food and develop the habit of thrift(节约),” Liu added.

1. What can we know about the “Clear Your Plate” mini-program?
A.It aims to put an end to waste and encourage thrift.
B.Its 6 million users are mostly students.
C.It helped reduce food waste by 3,337 tons.
D.It is an exchange of food for rewards to help poor children.
2. What challenge did Liu and his team face?
A.They found it tough to promote the campaign.
B.They felt uncertain whether they could complete the project.
C.They lacked professional technical support.
D.They had difficulty gathering enough samples.
3. Which of the following best describes Liu Jichen?
A.Optimistic and demanding.B.Generous and responsible.
C.Talented and humorous.D.Creative and determined.
4. Where is the text probably from?
A.A guidebook.B.A news report.C.A book review.D.A textbook.
3 . “节约”是我们中华民族的传统美德。请根据下列提示,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你身边的浪费现象,介绍你生活中的节约行为,并号召大家一起传承和发扬这一美德。
提示:food waste, water waste,eat up,...

Saving is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. However, all kinds of waste in life can be seen at times

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4 . Good News for Space Lovers

Do you dream of exploring space someday? You can now begin locally—just buy a ticket to the newly opened Shanghai Astronomy Museum. As the largest of its kind in the world, the museum makes a new space to lead visitors on a true-to-life tour around the universe. That sounds cool, doesn’t it?

Four Ordinary People Flew into Space

A group of four ordinary people (普通人) flew into space in the first space mission (任务) with no professional astronauts. The four remained in space, circling the Earth for three days. Though this was the first “all amateur (业余者)” flight, it’s clear that the members had a lot of knowledge and experience which was helpful. They had also had a quick astronaut training course.

Plane travel used to be very expensive, but now many people may afford it. It opens up space for ordinary tourists.

Robot Wolves Scare Away Bears

A town in Japan is using robot wolves to keep bears away. The robots, known as “Monster Wolves”, look like real wolves, only scarier. They’re meant to scare away unwanted wild animals. Since the town began using the robot wolves, there have been no bears.

1. What can you do in the Shanghai Astronomy Museum?
A.Have a dream of exploring space.
B.Experience a true-to-life space trip.
C.Learn to be an astronaut.
2. It took the four ordinary people          to remain in space and circle the Earth.
A.2 daysB.3 daysC.4 days
3. What do the people in a town of Japan use robot wolves for?
A.To keep the bears away.B.To make people scared.C.To keep real wolves away.
4. From the introduction of the second picture we learn that          .
A.they had a lot of experienceB.many people can afford space travel
C.they had no quick astronaut training courses.
5. All the news above has something to do with           .
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5 .

Ghanim was one of the breakout stars at the opening ceremony (开幕式) of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. He was born in May 2002 in Qatar, without the lower half of his body because of an unusual disease. Even though the young boy was only given 15 years to live by his doctors, his parents didn’t give up on him.

Ghanim’s school life was not easy. He was often very sad because no one liked to play with him. His mother comforted (安慰) him that his classmates were just afraid of hurting him, not scared of him. She also encouraged the boy to communicate more with his classmates and let them know more about his illness. His mother’s words cheered him up and made him become more confident.

Now, at the age of 20, Ghanim is an example to the world and especially to those who fight with physical disabilities. He did not make his disability a reason to give up. Instead, he used his weakness to develop a strong will.

It is surprised that he loves sports and actively takes part in football, skateboarding and even scuba diving (潜水). He is also one of the youngest businessmen in Qatar. His ice cream business provides jobs for the people in the city. After that, with his family’s support, Ghanim has also set up an organization to give away free wheelchairs to disabled people in need.

The young boy lives up to the meaning of his name. “Ghanim Al Muftah” means “the winner” in Arabic. He is not just a kid who survives (存活于) a deadly disability, but he lives a wonderful life. He is a symbol of courage who teaches the world that no difficulty is big enough to stop someone from living the life of their dreams.

1. What caused Ghanim to lose his legs?
A.A road accident.B.A serious disease.C.A terrible fire.
2. Why is Ghanim an example to the world?
A.He is ready to help others because he is rich.
B.He can live on his own although he is disabled.
C.Although he is disabled, he lives his life to the fullest.
3. The underline phrases “lives up to” means “         ” in Chinese.
4. The right order of Ghanim’s life experience is           .
①He had a hard time at school because of his disability.
②He was told he might only given fifteen years.
③He has set up an organization to help the disabled people.
④He runs an ice cream business.
5. Mind-map          can best show us what we learn about Ghanim from the passage.

6 . Suri was a sweet boy and he was fond of elephants. However, he never had a(n)_________to see real elephants. All those he saw were only on televisions._________, when he was 25 years old, he got a chance to join a club of wildlife lovers. He asked whether they would take him to_________the elephants. And they said yes.

As they_________a beautiful village, one from the team said that the village had more than 100 elephants and Suri could enjoy the whole day. He was_________to see the elephants and screamed (尖叫) happily.

After spending two to three_________just seeing the elephants, Suri was surprised. He found those elephants were tied (系,绑) by_________ropes. He knew the strength of elephants, but_________can they be tied by such thin ropes? The trainer replied, “We used to tie them with a strong rope when they were babies. A few elephants would try to break the rope,_________we could not set them free. So as they grew, they developed a wrong belief (信念) that the small and thin ropes were too strong to break, so they continued to get tied by their belief.”

In__________lives, we sometimes may be held back by the mistakes we have experienced in the past just like the elephants, but we should have the courage to try to break them and live a free life.

A.passed byB.left forC.lived in
2023-10-13更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口嘉勋高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期开学英语试题
7 . A: I’m very happy to be your guide in Hainan these days. Are you satisfied with my service?
B:    1    I had a great time here.
A: Happy to hear that. What do you think of the people here?
B:    2    The drivers will stop and wait while people cross the road.
A: Yes, we follow the traffic rules well. How about the city?
B: Oh, it’s beautiful and clean.    3    It’s lovely.
A: Thanks very much. What else can I do for you?
B: Well, I want some popular local snacks for my family.    4    
A: Yes, it’s over there, next to the bank.
B:    5    Thanks a lot!
A: No problem. Welcome to visit our city again!
A.Where can I buy them?
B.OK, I will go now.
C. Yes, you did a great job!
D. They are friendly and polite.
E. The rubbish is sorted into different types.
F. How did you get it?
G. Is there a shop near here?
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8 . Yawning (打哈欠) is something we all do - maybe because we’re bored carrying out boring tasks or because we’re tired. Sometimes, just seeing other people yawn can set you off. But is this biological function really contagious (传染的), and why do we do it in the first place?

Many of us think we open our mouths when we yawn to take in more oxygen, but in fact it appears there is no clear biological reason. According to BBC Bitesize, new research suggests it might be because yawning cools the brain down and prevents it from overheating, much like the fan in your laptop. This might be why we’re more likely to feel sleepy and yawn in warm temperatures.

What is clear is that we yawn more when we’re exhausted and ready for a nap, and we can’t control when we do it - once we start, there’s no stopping us! But it’s also true that yawning is a very contagious behavior. John Drury, a researcher from Sussex University found in his research that there is a connection with our social group and how close we are to the people in it. If we identify with the person who exhibits the behavior, we are likely to copy it too.

Another research by the University of Nottingham in 2017 found similar results. They asked volunteers to watch other people yawn. They found their ability to resist yawning when others around them yawned was limited. And the urge to yawn was increased when people were told they couldn’t. They also found, when using electrical stimulation, that they were able to increase people’s desire to yawn. These findings, they say, could be useful in treating other conditions like Tourette’s, which involve the same area of the brain.

What is certain is that a yawn can creep up on us at any time even when we think we’re not tired -but, I hope, not when you’re reading this article!

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To draw reader’s attention.
B.To introduce the topic of the text.
C.To express the main idea of the text.
D.To list something for readers to think about.
2. According to a new research, we yawn because________________.
A.we are too exhausted.B.our brain needs more oxygen.
C.we are bored with difficult tasks.D.our brain needs to be cooled down.
3. What is the similarity between John Drury’s findings and those of the university of Nottingham?
A.Humans can’t stop yawning as it is beneficial.
B.When told not to yawn, we will yawn less frequently.
C.Using electrical stimulation can stimulate people to yawn.
D.We are more likely to yawn when someone around us yawns.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The reasons for yawning.B.The benefits of studying yawning.
C.The necessity of yawning.D.The similarity of the studies on yawning.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 假定你是李华。你的外国笔友Alice发来电子邮件,询问你最喜欢的运动。请你根据以下提示,给她回一封电子邮件,介绍你最喜欢的运动。
Dear Alice,

I am so delighted to receive your e-mail.



Li Hua

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10 . It can be incredibly difficult to encourage ourselves to go for a run during winter, particularly when it’s wet and windy outside. But new research has found that even a super-quick run could have great health benefits. In fact , it seems that just a 10-minute session will not only make us feel better, but could actually improve brain health, too. Now, we all know that exercise can improve mental and physical health in many ways.

But when it comes to mental well-being, there’s been relatively little research done on the specific benefits of running, compared with other physical activities, such as cycling. So this was something put to the test during a recent study. Researchers from University of Tsukuba in Japan asked participants (参加者) to run on a treadmill (跑步机) for just 10 minutes. They then had to take a Stroop Color and Word Test which is used to measure reaction time in brain processing. Results showed there was a highest point in self-reported pleasure and an increase in degree of activity of the brain.

In other words, runners were found to have an increase in blood flow in the part of the brain that’s associated with dealing with functions and controlling mood (情绪). Researchers then compared these results to a similar study on cycling, which also showed improved cognition (认知), but no mood improvement. Therefore, it seems various types of exercise can make us feel differently.

The authors noted, “Given exercise is medicine, the effects of drugs differ depending on the type of drug, and different types of exercise such as running and cycling should be observed to have different effects on mental health and brain functions as well.”

So pushing ourselves to get outside for a run really will make us feel better, probably more than other fitness activities. And these findings show that we don’t necessarily need to do a lot of exercise to feel the benefit of it

1. What suggestion does the result of the new research offer?
A.Running in windy weather makes you stronger.
B.A short distance running can benefit a lot.
C.A 10-minute running is the best exercise.
D.Running can make people live longer.
2. How did the researchers carry out their research?
A.By asking participants to do a test after running.
B.By asking participants to run outside.
C.By connecting the participants brain to a machine.
D.By recording the activities of the brain.
3. Why does running give people more pleasure?
A.Because running can build up people’s strength.
B.Because running control people’s mood.
C.Because running can let the brain work effectively.
D.Because running can produce more blood.
4. What does the author probably agree with?
A.Doing exercises can cure people’s illnesses.
B.Running has a similar function to cycling.
C.Different exercises affect health differently.
D.Running is better than any other exercises.
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