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| 共计 26 道试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 困难(0.15) |
1 . 假设你是晨光中学的学生李津。2020年11月1日,第七次全国人口普查(China Population Census)开始了。普查对象为所有在中国境内的自然人。你所在的社区恰好有常住外籍人员。社区工作者希望你能帮助写一份英语的通知,以便他们开展普查工作。通知内容须包括:
1. 人口普查的主要目的:查清我国人口数量、结构和分布。
2. 普查的方式:普查员(census takers)将入户了解情况。普查员的照片在通知最底部。
3. 需要提供的主要信息:姓名、年龄、职业、婚姻状况等。


Dear Sir / Madam,

The seventh China Population Census has begun.


The Community Committee

2020-12-05更新 | 275次组卷 | 3卷引用:天津市南开中学2021届高三上学期第二次月考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 困难(0.15) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Which film of the following DIDN’T the woman see?
A.Raising Arizona.B.Wild at heart.C.Neither.
2. How does the woman like the black humor film?
A.Very much.B.Not a bit.C.So-So.
3. What kind of actor does the man think Nicolas Cage should be?
A.A tragic actor.B.A classical actor.C.A comic actor.
4. What films make Nicolas Cage more popular?
A.Action movies.B.Comic movies.C.Tragic movies.
2020-03-03更新 | 254次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海南中学2018-2019学年高二上学期期中(含听力)英语试题
书面表达-概要写作 | 困难(0.15) |
3 . Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the following passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

With the arrival of the age of “information economy”, intellectual work is becoming a more important source of wealth than manufacturing. Organizations in all walks of life are doing more to spread their information. So people of the Public Relations are hired to speak for them. A lot of our news is actually collected from press releases and reports of events intentionally staged for journalists. In the information age, journalists spend their time, not investigating, but passing on the words of a spokesperson.

There is a joke in the novel Scoop about the newspaper's owner, Lord Copper. The editors can never disagree with him. When he's right about something they answer “definitely”, and when he's wrong they say “to some extent, Lord Copper.” It seems reasonable to suppose that, in the real world, the opinions of such powerful people still influence the journalists and editors who work for them.

In countries where the news is not officially controlled, it may be provided by commercial organizations who depend on advertising. The news has to attract viewers and maintain its audience ratings. I suspect that some stories get air-time just because there happen to be exciting pictures to show.

There is an argument that with spreading access to the Internet and cheap technology for recording sound and images we will all be able to find exactly the information we want. People around the world will be able to publish their own eye-witness accounts and compete with the widely-accepted news-gatherers on equal terms.

Maybe the time has come to do something about it, and I don't just mean changing your choice of TV channel or newspaper. In a world where everyone wants you to listen to their version, you only have two choices: switch off altogether or start looking for sources you can trust.

2020-02-24更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津上海版高一第二学期 Module 3 Unit 6 单元综合检测
书面表达-概要写作 | 困难(0.15) |
4 . Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

For many well-educated travelers, buying a copy of Lonely Planet is the first task before taking a vacation abroad. Founded in 1973, Lonely Planet is the biggest guidebook series in many countries. It’s published in 11 languages including Chinese.

But when the BBC confirmed on March 19 that it had sold the entire Lonely Planet series to a US billionaire at a significant deficit(赤字), many commented that the deal sang the swan song for the printed guidebook.

The rise of the Internet and the prevalence of smartphones have become a burden on the print media. Why would travelers bring a heavy guidebook when they can download the apps to their smartphone in an instant? Furthermore, alternative and free travel content is readily available on the Internet, from Wikivoyage to TripAdvisor which provide excellent guidance on your trips.

But the Internet is not the only reason that guidebooks are in decline. It is also widely accepted that the physical guidebook has such complete content that can kill any sense of personal exploration. With the guide books, all those backpacker feet ended up following routine trade routes, and in those routes was little room for initiative.

It’s also pointed out that the guidebook is not exactly good for tourism. Often the shops and restaurants that thrived on a recommendation in the guidebook relaxed and discovered that it didn’t matter: the legions of eager travelers keep on coming anyway.   They gradually become uncompetitive.

And yet, despite the rise of new media, it’s believed there is still a place for printed guidebooks, at least for the time being as books still offer readers the kind of feeling that virtual tools can’t provide, more of a compelling, touchable interaction.

2019-11-19更新 | 120次组卷 | 1卷引用:2018年上海市静安区高考一模(含听力)英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 困难(0.15) |
5 . Questions are based on the following passage.
A.Children looking for future husband and wife for their parents.
B.Children trying to earn wedding fund for their parents.
C.Children making plans for their parents’ wedding day.
D.Children taking part in their parents’ wedding ceremony.
A.Wedding dress.B.Wedding style.
C.Food for wedding banquet.D.Honeymoon destination.
A.The difficulties modern marriage meets.
B.The good relationship between British children and parents.
C.The unconventional weddings in modern Britain.
D.The new marriage concepts combined with traditions.
2019-11-19更新 | 110次组卷 | 1卷引用:2018年上海市静安区高考一模(含听力)英语试题
改错-短文改错 | 困难(0.15) |
6 . 短文改错

Last Sunday morning, when I was having a walk in the park near my home, I came across a crew make a new film with one of my favorite actor. I didn’t have my camera with me at that time, but I rushed back home to get. Unfortunately, by the time I got back, they have finished the scene and the actor couldn’t be seen everywhere. I was really disappointing and about to leave while he walked out of a building. He was right there in the front of me! I couldn’t believe my luck — not only did I had my photo taken with him, but he signed his name on my shirt!

2019-11-04更新 | 687次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省牡丹江市第一高级中学2019-2020学年高二10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 困难(0.15) |

7 . When considering housing options at the University of Waterloo in Canada, Nigerian undergraduate student Ayooluwa Solaja chose a Living Learning Community, a residential house focused on a theme or academic interest area. Solaja lived on campus with 10 to 1s other students in the Arts and Business LLC.

Three reasons may account for the prospective international stadents willingness

to consider LLCS.

1. Connect with like-minded students: Prospective international students can choose an LLC to fully experience college life in a new country and find immediate support among residents: Unlike other housing arrangements, LLCS can provide a built-in community of like-minded individuals

Solaja says a highlight of her experience in the LLC was"forming relationships with upper-year students in my program. This peer leader provided her with everything from academic support to guidance on how to survive Canadian winters. Many LLCS have upper-division students who serve as peer leaders.

Australian Natasha Fitzpatrick says she's happy to share her love for travel and cultural exploration. "A group of us hired a car and traveled down to North Carolina sightseeing.”

2. Participate in community activities: For those worried about being on the outside as a new international student, LLCS encourage participation through various on-and off-campus activities. For example, students in a fashion LLC have attended Toronto Fashion week

Through LLCS, international students will have more opportunities to interact with domestic students, faculty and staff members outside classrooms,"says Shijuan Laurel Liu, assistant professor of Chinese and a partner with the Global Awareness LLC. In a Chinese New Year celebration associated with the LLC, for instance, students from her language and culture courses worked with Chinese students to introduce Chinese culture to the community

Solaja says coming from a different education system in Nigeria with sometimes unapproachable professors, she enjoyed LLC on-campus events like when she played board games with Waterloo professors and academic advisers.

3. Network for job opportunities: International students who plan to gain work experience in the country they study in can benefit from LLCS that are associated with campus departments and staff. This can provide them with chances to network and inquire about work opportunities.

Liu says when Chinese tutoring positions and graduate assistantships became available, she thought of international students from the Global Awareness LLC who previously helped her organize events. She also wrote reference letters for those students when they applied to graduate school.

Robert C. Demezzo, director of residence life at Southern Connecticut State University, says LLCS "help many international students secure employment on campus.

Solaja says her year living in Waterloo's Arts and Business LLC was one of her best decisions." You get what you put into the program," she says.

1. What impressed Solaja most in the LLC?
A.A group of students in the LLC rented a car to travel together
B.She got a reference letter when she applied to graduate school.
C.The peer leaders shared their experience both in study and daily life
D.They celebrate the Chinese New Year together with an assistant professor
2. Who are more likely to get Job opportunities?
A.Students who have participated in more on-campus events.
B.Students with better language skills especially in Chinese.
C.Students who have global awareness and interest in network.
D.Students with more working experience through LLCs.
3. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A.Various activities help international students get oriented to the new life
B.Individuals with similar minds will have the same career prospect.
C.Each LLC focuses on a particular theme or academic interest area,
D.LLCS Provide opportunities of communicating with domestic students
4. Which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the passage?
A.The teachers in Nigeria seldom participate in off-campus activities
B.Many overseas students are not accustomed to the winter in Canada
C.The campus staff offer international students some academic support.
D.LLCS help many international students find jobs after graduation
2019-11-03更新 | 452次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市大同中学2017-2018学年高三上学期期中英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 困难(0.15) |
8 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What is well developed in Costal Rica?
A.Tourism.B.Economy.C.Public gardens.
2. According to the talk, what might children especially enjoy?
A.Seeing monkeys.
B.Looking at topical fish.
C.Playing on white sand beaches.
3. Why does the speaker mention Disneyland?
A.To show its popularity.B.To get more visitors.C.To show the low prices in Costa Rica.
4. What can be found at the ocean-side hotels?
A.Water slides.B.Many hiking trails nearby.C.Staff available 24 hours a day.
2019-10-21更新 | 551次组卷 | 1卷引用:2019年贵州省铜仁第一中学高三二模(含听力)英语试题
书信写作-告知信 | 困难(0.15) |
9 . 为了丰富同学们的课外活动,校学生会决定成立一个自行车俱乐部(cycling club)。假如你是学生会主席,请根据以下提示,用英语准备一份书面通知。
1. 俱乐部的主要活动内容:每周一次的基础训练,有教师辅导,安排在课外体育活动时间;
2. 参加俱乐部的好处(内容自拟,至少两点);
3. 注意事项:器材自备,活动免费;
4. 如何加入俱乐部:9 月 20 号前到 5 号大楼 6 层 602 房间报名。
1. 通知应包括以上所有信息,可适当发挥;
2. 词数 100 左右。
2019-10-17更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏南京金陵中学2019-2020学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题
完形填空(约530词) | 困难(0.15) |

10 . Although it is difficult to make direct year-to-year comparisons because of increase in viewing on digital devices, the trend over the past decade is clear in numerous studies, including the Nielsen ratings. The average age of those who watch nationally televised Major League Baseball games has been _____ these years. Asked in a survey whether they _____ baseball, nearly two-thirds of those ages 18 to 36 said no.

Michael Haupert, a professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin ----la Crosse who studies baseball as a business, explains why many young people might be _____ by what to an older and more knowledgeable fan is one of the most exciting experiences in sports: a no-hitter. ” Failure is more ______ than success,” he says. ”If my students get a third of the answers right on their test, they fail. However, if a ballplayer gets a hit a third of the time, he’s often one of the _____ .” But watch an NBA game for 15 seconds, and you will likely see one team score.

It is not surprising that ______ the length of games----about three hours in recent years-----and increasing the pace of action has become a subject of discussion among those who love baseball. MLB commissioner Rob Manfred is strongly ______ of both. For the 2018 season, the league issued a set of new rules designed to do just that. Mound visits are limited. A timer countdown is designed to shorten the break between innings(局).

No one knows if any of these changes will significantly shorten games. According to MLB, the average length of a nine-inning outing this season has been three hours---about five minutes shorter than the 2017 average, itself the longest mean on record.

All of those proposed changes seem to ______ the point. I interviewed at least 100 semi-fans in their late teens and early 20s for my recent book. All considered themselves fans to some degree, though they ______   watched more than snatches—on iPads or smartphones. They told me it made no difference whether a game lasted two or three hours: they would not pay attention for _____ amount of time.

The historic May 14 Supreme Court decision allowing all states to legalize sports betting could have an impact on all this. More people will soon be able to gamble on sports while watching a game on their couch. But whether ______ gambling will attract more young people to baseball is a huge unknown. Many already gamble, both legally and illegally, on fantasy sports, but legalization will provide yet another ______ during games in real time. Will some states allow betting reports in broadcasts? Will it make the young more likely to bet on baseball than on other sports? Stay tuned.

I don’t know what will hook young people on baseball. But abandoning the game’s unique selling proposition---the timelessness that provides both suspense and great conversationhe educated fan -----is not the ______ . Baseball, Clark told me, is like a game of chess---and too many ______ - changes might turn it into something “more similar to a game of checkers.” Baseball may survive in spite of its challenges, precisely because it stands out and stands up against the short ______ spans that negatively affect every aspect of our culture, including politics and education. As Casey Stengel is reported to have said,” Never make predictions, especially about the future. ”

A.Held upB.taken upC.picked upD.fed up
共计 平均难度:一般