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1 . Welcome to the Following Art Activities

Family Zone

Sunday, October 1, 1 p. m.—4 p. m.

Families are invited to visit the MFAH Family Zone. You’ll find attractive activities with coloring sheets, color ed pencils, books, and more. Knowledgeable professionals (专业人员) are on hand to help answer questions about the works of art on show.

Happy Hour Thursday

Thursday. September 28. 5 p. m.—8 p. m.

Happy Hour Thursday is the place to be! Meet your friends at the MFAH for the best night of the week. Explore the campus, visit the galleries(画廊), and get a drink at the public house (cash only).

General admission is free on Thursday, and the Museum is open late.

Art Bites I American Painting and Sculpture

Thursday. October 5.6 p. m.—6:30 p. m.

A little art can go a long way! Visit the galleries and enjoy the art. The focus of this Art Bite tour is on American painting and sculpture. Art Bite tours are 30 minutes long and are part of the Happy Hour Thursday festivities at the Museum.   This guided tour is included with general admission, which is free on Thursdays.

Glassell Studio School

Courses in art are offered the fall, spring, and summer

The Glassell Studio School offers courses in art history and studio arts for adults ages 18 and older of all skill and experience levels. Studio courses and workshops are available(可得到的) in various forms of media, including painting, drawing, printmaking, digital and film photography, 3D design, and more. Courses are offered in the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Sign up for the next semester below.

1. What can you do when visiting Family Zone?
A.Have a drink with your family.B.Take a course to learn art skills.
C.Put your own artworks on show.D.Ask experts for information about art.
2. What do Happy Hour Thursday and Art Bites have in common?
A.They last 30 minutes.B.They are free on Thursdays.
C.They are held at night.D.They only accept cash.
3. Which of the following holds art classes?
A.Art Bites.B.Family Zone.
C.Glassell Studio School.D.Happy Hour Thursday.
2023-11-30更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省阜南县2023-2024学年高一上学期期中教学质量调研英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约170词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了Dunnottar Castle开放的时间、门票价格、购票方式和注意事项等信息。

2 . Dunnottar Castle

Castle entry times:

Summer season:(April 1st-September 30th) 9:00-17:30 every day

Winter season:(October 1st-March 31st)

Oct.1st-Oct.28th: 10: 00-16: 30

Nov.26th-Jan.20th: 10: 00-14: 30

Jan.21st-Feb.3rd: 10: 00-15: 00

Feb.25th-Mar.31st: 10: 00-16: 30

Bad weather conditions:

Before setting off to the Castle, we advise you to visit our website to check if the Castle is open. In the event of bad weather, the Castle may be closed for safety reasons.


Adult ticket: £7

Child ticket: 3

Family ticket: (2 adults & 2 children between 5 and 15 years old) £17

Guide book: £53.50

Buy tickets at the door.

We do not offer pre-booking for individual tickets.

Castle closure dates:

The Castle will be closed on the following dates: 25th &.26th of December and 1st &2nd of January.

Post code: AB39 2TL

Dogs:Dogs are welcome at the Castle as long as they are kept on a leash(皮带)at all times.

1. How long is the Castle open during the summer season?
A.For 5 months.B.For 6 months.C.For 7 months.D.For 8 months.
2. When does the Castle probably close on Jan.25th?
A.At 11: 30.B.At 13: 30.C.At 14: 30.D.At 15: 00.
3. How much should two adults with three children (between 5 and 15) pay at least to visit the Castle?
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3 . Picking up litter is a fun, simple, and free activity that can have instant results for your child and your community.

What you’ll need

Plastic bag to collect trash (垃圾)

Gloves—especially important as we practice COVID-19 safety measures

Optional: pick-up stick, a separate bag for recyclables


1. Assign gloves and a trash bag to each family member.

2. Clear out litter from an area of a park, beach or your own neighborhood. Take all necessary precautions (防范措施), including wearing sturdy (结实的) gloves, being careful on river banks or near roads, having adults handle dangerous items, and supervising children closely.

3. Properly dispose of all litter.


Why is it important to pick up litter?

How can you inspire others to help keep the neighborhood clean?


Colonel Trash Truck by Kathleen Crawley

The colonel is on a mission to protect the beauty of the earth by cleaning up litter-and convincing others to do the same.

Here Comes the Garbage Barge ! by Jonah Winter

This story is sure to inspire your whole family to be mindful of your environmental impact.

Take it further

Take a few digital photos of what you’ve picked up. Then send an essay about your experience along with your favorite photos, your name and address to mail@ wildernessproject.org. Your essay will be published on the Nicodemus Wilderness Project website, and you’ll get an official certificate. For tips on conducting the clean-up and writing the story, as well as essays and photos from other people, visit the website.

1. What are a must for the event?
A.Pick-up sticks and cameras
B.Books about cleaning up.
C.Plastic bags and gloves.
D.Bags for recyclables.
2. What is one of the instructions you should follow in the event?
A.Keep an eye on children.
B.Leave dangerous items alone.
C.Keep away from the riverside
D.Stay in your own neighborhood.
3. How can participants get an official certificate of the event?
A.By inviting others to clean up their neighborhood.
B.By sharing a list of environmental books on the website.
C.By writing a review of other participants’ stories online.
D.By emailing an essay with photos about their clean up experiences.
2023-08-02更新 | 247次组卷 | 4卷引用:安徽省阜阳市2022~2023学年高二下学期期末教学质量统测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . TV shows for kids and families

Search and Explore
Number of seasons:2

Your little one will love the global adventures of ABC Mouse,123 Mouse and Do-Re-Mi Mouse as they explore and learn about the world.Each 12-minute episode (一集) is for curious   young minds, and short young attention spans (持续时间). You can stream the show,   produced by ABCmouse Early Learning Academy, for free. Watch on Tubi.

Ask the StoryBots
Number of seasons:3

The TV show follows Beep, Boop, Bing, Bang and Bo as they set out to answer a question   such as: How do eyes work? Why do we recycle? How do you catch a cold? The storytelling is silly and fun, but the answers are serious and scientifically sound — no wonder it won many Emmy awards. Watch on Netflix.

Shimmer &Shine
Number of seasons:4
Ages:3 and up

Being twins is totally cool, but imagine being a twin genie (精灵)?! Now that’s amazing! Shimmer and Shine are trying to make the most out of spells and wish-granting (实现愿望的) capabilities with help from their non-genie friend Leah, but naturally, these ladies have a few problems along the way. Watch on Sling.

Hey Arnold!
Number of seasons:5
Ages:7 and up

The show stars 4th-grader Arnold, who lives with his grandparents in a boarding house. In each episode, with his best friend Gerald, Arnold will often help a schoolmate solve a personal   problem, or he will face a problem of his own. All young New Yorkers need to experience this show. We promise you won’t be sorry. Watch on Hulu.

1. On which site can you follow three mice to explore the world?
2. Which is an award-winning TV show?
A.Search and Explore.B.Ask the StoryBots.
C.Shimmer&Shine.D.Hey Arnold!
3. How many seasons does the TV show related to magic powers have?
2023-07-07更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省阜阳市2022-2023学年高一下学期教学质量统测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 容易(0.94) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍作家兼插画家Lizzy Stewart即将举办大师班,教我们了解如何为平面小说创作插图和文本。

5 . Creating a Graphic Novel

In the past decade we’ve seen the rise of graphic novels that come in all sorts of forms. Now join author and illustrator Lizzy Stewart for our upcoming masterclass, where she’ll take you through how to create both the illustration and text for a graphic novel. You’ll have the chance to find the right form for the story you are trying to tell, and Lizzy will share her insight into the editorial and publishing process of getting a graphic novel printed. 15 minutes will be reserved for a Q&A session at the end of the masterclass, when Lizzy will answer what you’re curious to know.

Booking & Payment

●The workshop fee of £30 is payable in full online.

●Joining instructions and full guidance will be provided by us a week before the start date.

Accessible to All

●It’s of real importance for us that our event remains accessible to all.

●We have made three scholarship places available for this event as part of our accessibility scheme (计划). Please visit our scholarship page to find out how to apply for scholarships to the course.

●This masterclass will be presented online through video conferencing software. It will also be recorded so if you are unable to attend the live event, you’ll be able to catch up and access the recording within two weeks.

●This event will include written text and visuals. Please contact us in advance so that we can make arrangements to be sure all documents appear in a format that works for you.

1. What can attendees do in the masterclass?
A.Have their work published.B.Communicate with Lizzy.
C.Get Lizzy’s 15-minute instruction.D.Create graphic novels in all forms.
2. What will the event provide for attendees?
A.Recorded materials for a limited period.
B.Free access to video conferencing software.
C.Written text and visuals for certain attendees.
D.Scholarships to further their graphic novel study.
3. What is this text?
A.A review.B.A guide.C.An essay.D.An advertisement.
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the commercial about?
A.A movie.B.Electronic garbage.C.A comedy network
2. What does Sansa think of the commercial?
3. What is the website used for?
A.Finding funny jokes.
B.Offering recycling information.
C.Advertising new electronic products.
2023-05-13更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届安徽省临泉第一中学等鼎尖教育联考高三二模5月英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Art Exhibitions On Display Throughout Campus

Next Up Invitational V

On Display November 21 until November 26.

Location: Sikes Hall Showcase

“NextUp Invitational V” is an exhibition of works selected by the Clemson Curates Creative Inquiry team showing twenty-three “up and coming” undergraduate art students in the Department of Art Bachelor of Fine Arts. On view are works selected from over 230 submissions to the Foundations Review, which took place during the spring semester, and includes drawing, painting, and photography.

Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Exhibit

On display November 29 through December 7.

Location: Lee Gallery

This exhibition shows works by seniors in the studio disciplines of drawing, painting, and printmaking. The Lee Gallery exhibits the artworks of graduating students in the Department of Art academic program at the end of each semester. The students featured in the exhibit are honored with an Artist Talk which will take place December 3 from 5 p. m. to 7 p. m. in the Lee Gallery.

Natural History/Critical Condition

On display December 1 until December 3.

Location: College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities Dean’s Gallery

The artists present a reflection on the natural environment that reveals a growing list of environmental concerns facing humanity. The exhibition points to ecological destruction. This exhibit questions the viewer’s capacity and willingness to address the changes taking place. It encourages the viewer to take action before conditions progress beyond our ability to take meaningful action.

Textiles (纺织品) Narratives

On display December 11 until December 16.

Location: Brooks Center for the Performing Arts Lobby

The Clemson Visual Arts welcomes back MFA alumna (女校友)T erry Jarrard-Dimond for a personal exhibition, “Textile Narratives.” The artworks in this exhibition show Dimond’s collection of compositions using hand-dyed, contemporary textiles. Dimond took part in South Carolina Arts Commission’s 50th Anniversary exhibition pogram and received Visual and Craft Fellowship award.

1. What can be known about the exhibition lasting the longest?
A.It includes works of photography.B.The exhibition takes place annually.
C.The art students have won state awards.D.A programme of art will be held.
2. Where will you go to visit an exhibition regarding environmental issues?
A.Lee Gallery.
B.Sikes Hall Showcase.
C.Brooks Center for the Performing Arts Lobby.
D.College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities Dean’s Gallery.
3. Which exhibition displays art works from a single artist?
A.Textiles Narratives.B.Next Up Invitational V.
C.Natural History/Critical Condition.D.Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Exhibit.
2023-05-12更新 | 157次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023届安徽省临泉第一中学等鼎尖教育联考高三二模5月英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Museums in Cambridge

Cambridge Museum of Technology(CMT)

This is the home of the town’s industrial heritage. Learn about the story of waste management in the Victorian Pumping Station. Discover Cambridge’s forgotten industries in the Top Bay. Be amazed by the town’s early high-tech companies in the Pye Building. Enjoy great coffee from Kerb Kollective, the museum’s on-site partner.

Opening Hours & Admission:

Saturday and Sunday: 10. 30 am-4 pm


Children aged 5 to 18:£3

Children under 5:Free

The Fitzwilliam Museum

The Fitzwilliam is the art and antiquities museum of the University of Cambridge. Housing over half a million objects, the Fitzwilliam has an amazing variety of beautiful artworks from around the world.

Opening Hours & Admission:


Tuesday-Saturday: 10 am-5 pm

Sunday:12 pm-5 pm

Free admission

The Whipple Museum of the History of Science

The Whipple Museum is a museum attached to the University of Cambridge, which houses an extensive collection of scientific instruments, models, pictures, prints, photographs, books and other material related to the history of science.

Opening Hours & Admission:

Monday-Friday:12. 30 pm-4. 30 pm

Free admission

The Centre for Computing History (CCH)

The Centre for Computing History is much more than a museum. Based in Cambridge, it hosts hands-on exhibitions, educational workshops and a wide range of activities and events. Most importantly, it makes the history of computing relevant and fun for all ages! Opening Hours & Admission:

Wednesday-Sunday:10 am-5 pm


Children aged 5 to 16:£7

Children under 5:Free

Seniors over 60s:£8

1. Where are historical waste treatment methods shown in CMT?
A.In the Victorian Pumping Station.
B.In the Pye Building.
C.In Kerb Kollective.
D.In the Top Bay.
2. What do the Fitzwilliam and the Whipple Museum have in common?
A.Both are closed on Monday.
B.Both are university museums.
C.Both house many scientific instruments.
D.Both offer discounted admission to children.
3. How much should a couple in their late fifties pay to visit the CCH?
2023-02-01更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省阜阳市2022-2023学年高三下学期开学考试英语试题(含听力)
共计 平均难度:一般