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1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A collection of tombs dating from the Han Dynasty to the Six Dynasties period were discovered in Wulong District of Southwest China’s Chongqing. The tomb dating back     1     the Western Han Dynasty was the most important among them, and more than 600 precious     2     (culture) relics such as lacquerware (漆器), wood ware, bamboo ware, pottery and bronze ware were unearthed from it. Due to     3     (fill) with water, the tomb remained undisturbed and unharmed, and the funerary objects were well-preserved.

What is exciting about this     4     (discover) is not just the large number of unearthed artifacts but also the list of burial items that indicate a precise record of burial,     5     has been verified as 193 BC,     6     (provide) clarity on the tomb’s date. A piece of unearthed jade ware shows the important position of the tomb owner. The list of burial items found in the tomb is complete and     7     (clear) records the name, quantity and size of the funerary objects.

The tomb     8     (contain) the largest quantity of lacquered wood and bamboo ware ever found at one time in the upper     9     (reach) of the Yangtze River. Based on publicly available information, it is also the earliest tomb of the Western Han Dynasty found in China with     10     clear recorded year.

2024-02-18更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高三上学期期末考试英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了在西班牙东北部发现的海龟化石,这是一只有记载以来最大的生活在白垩纪时期的名叫Levaithanochelys aenigmatica的古老海龟,并讲述了它曾经的生活状况。
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Marine (海洋的) creatures have long attracted scientists. Recently, researchers described remains discovered in northeastern Spain,     1    belonged to a turtle named Leviathanochelys aenigmatica. Living during the Cretaceous Period, the ancient turtle nearly matched the largest turtle     2    record.

Leviathanochelys swam in     3     (risk) waters. Its enemies included mosasaurs and plesiosaurs, large water creatures up to 15 meters in     4     (long). Other nearby enemies were sharks and rays. “    5     (attack) an animal of the size of Leviathanochelys possibly only could have been done by large creatures in the marine context. At that time, the large ones in the European zone were     6    (main) sharks and mosasaurs,” said Oscar Castillo, the lead writer of the study that     7    (publish) in the Southern in Scientific Reports.

Scientists found the Leviathanochelys remains near the village of Coll deNargo in Catalonia’s Alt Urgell area.    8    hiker in the Southern Pyrenees saw the bones covered by the ground. To date, researchers     9    (find) parts of the back of the shell (壳), and most of the pelvic (骨盆的) area, but no skull or tail. The bones suggest the creature had a smooth shell similar to leatherback turtles, with the shell     10    (measure) about 2.35 meters long and 2.2 meters wide.

2023-12-22更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省临沧市民族中学2022-2023学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试题
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3 . Fossils are well preserved remains, impressions, or traces (痕迹) of animals and plants that lived long ago. Paleontologists (古生物学家) divide fossils into two main groups. Some fossils, called body fossils, show the structure of the plant or the animal. They form directly from the remains of plants and animals. Other fossils, called trace fossils. They record signs of animal or plant activities, such as walking, feeding, scratching, or even resting.

Most animals and plants don’t become fossils after they die. They break down into little bits or may be eaten by other animals. But some remains get buried too fast, avoiding those things happening. An animal might die near a body of water and sink to the bottom, where its remains get covered in sediment (沉积物). As sediment builds up, mineral-rich water seeps into the remains, leaving minerals in the tiny spaces of the bones and even replacing the original bones. The new minerals react with those in the animal’s remains and then harden into fossils.

Most fossils are buried deep in the Earth. As the Earth’s surface changes, scientists can dig up new fossils and learn more about past life and the Earth’s history. In rock that formed before a certain time, roughly 2.8 million years ago, scientists will not find human fossils.

Fossils are our keys to understanding prehistoric life and the Earth’s history. By studying fossils, we learn about a great variety of plants and animals that lived in the past. We can know what they looked like, how and where they moved and what they ate. By comparing fossils from different time periods, we can track the evolution of a species, see how it adapted to changes in its environment, and understand more about the climate and environment where the fossils were buried.

1. What can we learn from paragraph 1?
A.Fossils are remains of plants and animals.
B.Trace fossils only tell us the activities of animals.
C.Trace fossils form directly from the remains of creatures.
D.Body fossils show almost the original structure of creatures.
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A.Where we can find fossils.B.How animals and plants become fossils.
C.Different fossils have different features.D.Which methods are used to study fossils.
3. What does the underlined phrase “seeps into” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Engages in.B.Succeeds in.C.Delights in.D.Sinks in.
4. What does the author think of the research of fossils?
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4 . Six “sacrificial pits(祭祀坑)”, dating back 3,200 to 4,000 yeas, were newly discovered in Sanxingdui Ruins site in Guanghan. Over 500 artifacts, including gold masks, bronze wares, ivories, jades and textiles were unearthed from the site. Sanxingdui site is located in Sanxingdui Town, Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, on the south bank of Qianjiang River (Yangtze River), a tributary of Tuojiang River in the north of Chengdu Plain. The site covers an area of about 12 square kilometers, and the core area is the ancient city of Sanxingdui, with an area of about 3.6 square kilometers. It is the largest and highest-grade central site found in Sichuan Basin during the Xia and Shang period.

Sanxingdui site, first found in 1929, is generally considered as one of the most important archaeological sites along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. However, the work of excavation on the site only began in 1986, when two pits — widely believed for sacrificial ceremonies — were accidentally discovered.

Investigation in the area around No.1 and 2 pits was relaunched in October 2019, and No.3 pit was found in December 2019, according to Lei Yu, a researcher of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute who heads the ongoing excavation. Thirty four research universities and research institutes have cooperated in this project. He said the new discoveries will help to better understand many unexplained findings in 1986.

More excavation followed in March 2020, and five more pits were found last year. And detailed research began in October. Excavation capsules with hi-tech equipment were set up in the pits in order to prevent the site from further damage.

According to the National Cultural Heritage Administration, studies of Sanxingdui site will become a crucial project in an ongoing program Archaeology China, which tries to explain the origins of Chinese civilization and how diverse cultures communicate and come together.

1. What does the underlined word “excavation” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. How did archaeologists protect the Sanxingdui site?
A.By conducting more experiments around the site.
B.By dividing the task of excavation into several parts.
C.By cooperating with research universities and institutes.
D.By using excavation capsule armed with hi-tech equipment.
3. What can we infer about the pits from the text?
A.There are 6 sacrificial pits discovered in Sanxingdui site in all.
B.The size of the core zone is about 1/3 of Sanxingdui site.
C.The discovery of Sanxingdui site only began in 2019.
D.All sacrificial sites were discovered in the meantime.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Sanxingdui site needed protecting.
B.Hi-tech helped to explore Sanxingdui site.
C.Sanxingdui discoveries reveal ancient China.
D.Sacrificial pits were unearthed in Sanxingdui site.
2022-08-22更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省玉溪第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题(含听力)
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5 . Discoveries at the famous Sanxingdui ruins in Southwest China show that the region’s ancient Shu Kingdom Civilization shared similarities with the Maya.

The Sanxingdui ruins belonged to the Shu Kingdom that existed at least 4,800 years ago and lasted more than 2,000 years, while the Mayan civilization built its city-states around 200 AD.

The bronze-made remains of tress unearthed at the ruins of the Shu Kingdom resemble the sacred ceiba tree, which symbolized the union of heaven, earth and the underworld in the Mayan civilization. “They are very important similarities,” says Santos, a Mexican archaeologist (考古学家) stressing that “the representations of tress in both cultures provide a symbolism that is very similar”.

The findings at the Sanxingdui ruins, considered one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century, also show a new aspect of Bronze Age culture, indicating the ancient civilization already had technologies that were thought to have been developed much later.

While the lime span between the Shu kingdom and the Mayan culture is great, the findings highlight the closeness between the two civilizations. They developed in areas with comparable climates and reflected their worldview through related symbols. “In the end, man is still man, independent of time and space. What we have is that, at this latitude (纬度), both the Shu people and the Mayans looked at the same sky and had the same stars on the horizon,” the expert says.

One notable feature of the recent discoveries at Sanxingdui was the cross-subject work and technology applied by teams of Chinese archaeologists, which allowed the unearthing of artifacts as fragile as silk remains, which other types of less careful digging methods would not have been able to register.

Cooperation between Chinese and Mexican archaeologists could benefit projects in the Mayan world, where the rainy climate and humidity are problematic for the conservation of ruins.

“Every time our cultural knowledge increases, regardless of whether we speak one language or another, what it shows us is that we continue to be sister cultures and, therefore, the exchange of such knowledge is fundamental,” says Santos.

1. What is a similarity between the Shu Kingdom and Maya civilization?
A.Their starting time.
B.Their historical origins.
C.Their cultural symbols.
D.Their ceremony traditions.
2. The findings at the Sanxingdui ruins have proved that ______.
A.silk was a common clothing material then
B.some technologies were developed much earlier
C.the Bronze Age started earlier than previously assumed
D.the Shu Kingdom and the Mayan world had close contact
3. What is a common challenge for the conservation of both ruins?
A.Damp weather.B.Positioning of ruins.
C.High latitude.D.Language barriers.
4. What is the focus of Santos quote in the last paragraph?
A.The future of the China-Mexico cooperation.
B.The benefits of speaking a different language.
C.The importance of the exchange of cultural knowledge.
D.The increasing sisterhood in culture between China and Mexico.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . As early as the twelfth century AD, the settlements of Chaco Canyon in Mexico in the American Southwest were notable for “their great houses” massive stone buildings that contain hundreds of rooms and often stand three or four stories high.     1     While there is still no universally agreed upon explanation, there are three competing theories.

One theory holds that the Chaco structures were purely residential.     2     Supporters of this theory have interpreted Chaco great houses as earlier versions of the architecture seen in more recent Southwest societies. In particular, the Chaco houses appear strikingly similar to the large, well known “apartment buildings” at Taos, New Mexico, in which many people have been living for centuries.

    3     One of the main crops of the Chaco people was grain maize, which could be stored for long periods of time without spoiling and could serve as a long-lasting supply of food. The supplies of maize had to be stored somewhere.     4    

A third theory proposes that houses were used as ceremonial centers. Close to one house, called Pueblo Alto, excavations of the mound revealed deposits containing a surprisingly large number of broken pots.     5    . At the ceremonies, they ate festive meals and then discarded the pots in which the meals has been prepared or served.

A.Almost every structure houses hundreds of people.
B.Some experts think the Chaco structures were used to store food supplies.
C.Archaeologists have been trying to determine how the buildings were used.
D.The size of the great houses would make them very suitable for the purpose.
E.Such ceremonies have been documented for other Native American cultures.
F.Archaeologists identified an enormous mound formed by a pile of old material.
G.This finding has been interpreted that people gathered at Pueblo Alto for special ceremonies.
2022-01-26更新 | 132次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市第一中学2022届高三第六次考前基础强化英语试题
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7 . Bears do it. Bats do it. Even European hedgehogs do it. And now it turns out that early human beings may also have been at it. They hibernated - slept through winter, according to fossil experts.

Evidence from the bones found at one of the world's most important fossil sites suggests that our primitive ancestors may have dealt with extreme cold hundreds of thousands of years ago by hibernating.

The conclusion is based on excavations in a cave called Sima de los Hueso—the pit(坑) of bones—at Atapuerca, in northern Spain. The fossils date back more than 400,000 years and were probably from early Neanderthals or their ancestors.

In a paper published in the journal L'Anthropologie, Juan-Luis Arsuaga and Antonis Bartsiokas argue that the fossils found there show seasonal variations that suggest that bone growth was interrupted for several months of each year.

The pattern of lesions(病变) found in the human bones at the Sima cave are consistent with that found in bones of hibernating mammals, including cave bears. "A strategy of hibernation would have been the only solution for them to survive having to spend months in a cave due to the chilly conditions," the authors state.

They examine several opposite arguments. Modern Inuit and Sami people—although living in equally harsh, cold conditions—do not hibernate. So why did the people in the Sima cave do it?

The answer, say Arsuaga and Bartsiokas, is that fatty fish and reindeer fat provide Inuit and Sami people with food during winter and so preclude the need for them to hibernate. In contrast, the area around the Sima site half a million years ago would not have provided anything like enough food.

1. Why are bears and bats taken as an example?
A.To arouse readers' curiosity about the animals' fossils.
B.To lead to the similarity between early humans and them.
C.To make the conclusion of the fossil experts reasonable.
D.To prove our primitive ancestors hibernated.
2. What do we know about the people in the Sima cave?
A.Their bone pattern was similar to that of cave bears.
B.They lived in a more freezing area than Sami people.
C.They might have hibernated to avoid the cold.
D.Their life was threatened by other mammals in winter.
3. What does the underlined part "preclude the need" mean in the last paragraph?
A.It's unsuitable.B.It's helpful.
C.It's important.D.It's unnecessary.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Hibernating to Survive WinterB.Adapting to Seasonal Change
C.Disturbance to Bone Growth in WinterD.Fish and Fat to Help Live
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