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1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The recent opening of a new exhibition building at the Sanxingdui Museum, in Guanghan, in Sichuan province, made the place     1     instant tourist hot spot. The bronze heads, golden masks, holy trees and various statues reveal the     2     (mystery) faces of a culture dating back more than 3, 000 years.

For those who cannot make it to Guanghan,     3     the extensive site of Sanxingdui is located, an immersive exhibition     4     (equip) with digital technology, titled Hello Sanxingdui, offers an alternative means to be awed by the magnificence of this Bronze Age culture. It is running at the Longfu Art Museum in Beijing until Feb 29.

It provides a time-travel experience for both an educational and artistic appeal. The journey begins     5     a brief timeline of texts, photos and videos, showing how Sanxingdui was first discovered in the 1920s, when objects were found by farmers digging an irrigation ditch (灌溉沟渠); it     6     (highlight) the important moments in the past century’s continued archaeological efforts, to reveal the myths surrounding Sanxingdui and the secrets yet     7     (uncover).

On show     8     (be) life-size reproductions of dozens of astonishing artifacts, supervised by Sanxingdui Museum, such as 2. 6-meter bronze statues, 3. 8-meter-wide bronze masks and “the holy tree” standing nearly 4 meters.

Images of these objects found at Sanxingdui and their patterns have been digitalized, animated     9     projected on screens, leading the audience into the ancient kingdom of Shu, a     10     (civilize) that thrived for centuries in the southwest during the Zhou Dynasty, and disappeared suddenly, leaving many myths and legends.

2024-03-02更新 | 164次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期开学考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

On March 29, 1974, farmers were digging     1     (well) northeast of Xi’an when they made an amazing find: the bodies of life - sized figures These figures     2     (confirm) from the Qin Dynasty by archaeologists later. People dug up statues of more than 500 warriors, 24 horses, and 6 chariots in that same field within weeks, making     3     the archaeological find of the century.

The     4     (found) of the Qin Dynasty was Qinshihuang, who made his capital the city of Xianyang, which is on the northwestern border. It was no secret that when Qinshihuang died, he was buried in     5     enormous tomb more than 70 meters tall, northeast of Xi’an. About 500 secondary tombs and sites were discovered nearby.     6    , through the ages, details of his tomb had become forgotten so when the first terracotta soldiers were unearthed in 1974, the whole world reacted     7     surprise.

Only a small part of the area around Qinshihuang’s tomb bas been explored, and the contents of the tomb itself is still a mystery. According to old stories, it contains a     8     (mass), underground palace, filled with treasure. While some research has been done on the tomb, and it appears     9     these old stories may be true, the tomb has not been discovered because of the challenges     10     (involve) in preserving what is found It could take many more years to discover all the secrets buried there.

2023-04-10更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校2022-2023学年高二下学期4月月考英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Almost a century after archaeological excavations (挖掘) began at the Yinxu in Anyang, Henan province, new, fruitful and     1     (significance) findings are helping discover the early stages of Chinese civilization. The 3,300-year-old site is best known as the home of delicate ceremonial bronzeware (青铜器) and oracle bone inscriptions (甲骨文), the oldest-known Chinese writing system. The evolution of the characters written on the bones is also seen as a     2     (prove) and an indication of the continuous line of Chinese civilization.

The inscriptions, mainly     3     (carve) on turtle shells and ox bones     4     fortunetelling (占卜) or recording events, show the Yinxu site to be the location of the capital of the late Shang Dynasty. The inscriptions also documented people’s daily life. Excavation findings at the site have been matched with the inscriptions to gain     5     more detailed picture of the Shang Dynasty.

Xu Lianggao, a researcher with the Institute of Archaeology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the information helped confirm the location of key buildings and structures. In an area     6     palaces and ancestral temples were believed to be located, new unearthed findings indicate a 60,000-sq-meter royal resort, including a lake with a central island, man-made waterways to the nearby Huanhe River and more architectural foundations. “Our previous understanding of the layout of palaces in Yinxu     7     (refresh) by now,” Xu said. “Images of the Shang civilization now become more vivid and are more complete.”

A 15-meter-wide road north of the Huanhe River, and two other roads south of Yinxu’s palace area were also found. Xu believes they were     8     (probable) part of a complex road system. Previous research has allowed researchers     9     (determine) basic structures, districts and a     10     (various) of functions of the Yinxu site, Xu said. Interdisciplinary (跨学科的) studies in recent years have deepened knowledge of Shang architecture, belief systems, handicraft industries, and many other fields, he added.

2023-02-10更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔普高联谊校2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Sometimes shipwrecks(沉船)contain sunken treasure, loads of gold or jewelry. Other shipwrecks are themselves the treasure—the stories of their ill-fated voyages creating a legend that makes them sparkle far more than any gold or precious stones.

The wreck of HMS Endurance, which has finally been located deep beneath the icy seas of Antarctica after being lost 107 years ago, was arguably the most valuable shipwreck ever sought. That’s because its discovery adds another thrilling new chapter to an already fascinating tale of perseverance and survival that has echoed down the decades and still inspires today.

Incredibly well preserved at a depth of almost two miles, the ship is little changed from the day in November 1914 when it finally sank beneath the ice. Endurance became embedded in ice while crossing Antarctica’s Weddell Sea. The video shot by underwater search vehicles shows painted timbers, an undamaged guardrail(护栏)and the name “Endurance” written above the five-pointed symbol of a polar star.

“I tell you, you would have to be made of stone not to feel a bit soft at the sight of that star and the name above,” Mensun Bound, the mission’s marine archaeologist, told the BBC. “You can see a porthole(舷窗)that is in Shackleton’s cabin. At that moment, you really do feel the breath of the great man upon the back of your neck.” Shackleton’s leadership was crucial to getting his men out alive. The reason why Shackleton is still applauded as a great man becomes obvious when you consider what he achieved in the face of disasters and hardships during his 1914-16 expedition. The practicality and humanity he showed in the face of severe situations was arguably praised.

1. What makes Endurance the most valuable shipwreck?
A.The treasure aboard.B.Its inspiring stories.
C.Its undamaged guardrail.D.The symbol of a polar star.
2. What can we infer from Mensun Bound’s words?
A.The floating ice is as hard as stones.
B.The well-preserved shipwreck is amazing.
C.The heroic deeds of Shackleton are touching.
D.The discovery of Endurance is challenging.
3. What is the text type of the passage?
A.A book review.B.A news report.
C.A biography.D.A travel journal.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了Mary Anning在海滩上发现了远古海洋生物化石,并在科学界产生巨大影响的故事。

5 . Born into poverty on 21 May 1799, Mary Anning had to work hard from a young age. Her parents had 10 children, of whom only two survived childhood — Mary and her elder brother Joseph. Mary’s own survival was said by her parents to be a wonder. At the age of 15 months, a sudden rainstorm hit the shelter, where Mary, her babysitter, and two children stayed. A lightning strike killed them all except Mary.

She didn’t have formal education and was only taught to read at a Sunday school. Raised in the seaside holiday village of Lyme Regis in Dorset, Mary and Joseph made a living by selling fossils to holidaymakers at their father’s waterfront booth.

Her life changed in 1811 when Joseph noticed bones mixed together with rock. Unknown to them, this was the first ever discovery of an ichthyosaurus (鱼龙), a marine lizard from the Triassic period. Anning noted down every find she made, and after failing to find any new fossils for over a year, in 1821 she made her next discovery, digging up three more ichthyosaur skeletons. This was followed two years later by an even more impressive find — a complete plesiosaur (蛇颈龙). This was so extraordinary that many leading scientists declared it fake, unwilling to believe that an uneducated 24-year-old could find such remarkable remains. Additionally, society at the time was highly religious and many rejected these discoveries as they conflicted with the teachings of the Bible.

Despite the setback, Anning continued to make more shocking revelations. Anning also dug up fossilized waste, which made experts know the diets of prehistoric creatures. But her biggest find of all was the first complete skeleton of a pterosaur (翼龙) in 1828.

All of Mary Anning’s discoveries helped influence the study of paleontology (古生物学) as scientists began to take an increased interest in fossilized animals and plants. Her work also encouraged people to question the history of the Earth in more detail and encouraged girls and those from poor backgrounds by proving that they could succeed in scientific study, a profession mainly controlled by wealthy upper-class men.

1. What can we learn about Mary Anning from the first two paragraphs?
A.It was not easy for her to survive.
B.She didn’t experience the lightning strike.
C.She sold fossils to the locals in the supermarkets on weekends.
D.It was impossible for her to find a job outside.
2. Why many leading scientists thought Anning’s discovery was fake?
A.Because Joseph mixed bones together with rock.
B.Because Anning didn’t study the ichthyosaurus when she was at school.
C.Because Anning wasn’t well-educated and the discovery conflicted with the Bible.
D.Because Anning didn’t believe in the Bible.
3. Anning’s findings of fossilized waste helped ________.
A.her get international fame
B.make her become more professional
C.experts better understand prehistoric creatures
D.convince the leading scientists of her discovery
4. What does the last paragraph mainly show?
A.The process of her findings.
B.The significance of her discoveries.
C.The discoveries of fossilized animals.
D.The background of her scientific study.
2022-03-09更新 | 191次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

6 . The commonly held view is that people arrived in North America from Asia via a land bridge once connecting the two continents. But recent discoveries have suggested humans might have been there earlier. Researchers studying fossilized (化石的) human footprints in New Mexico say that humans were there at least 23,000 years ago.

Matthew Bennett, a specialist in ancient footprints and author of a study on the new findings published in Science, and his colleagues studied 61 footprints by radiocarbon (放射性碳) dating layers of aquatic (水生的) plant seeds preserved above and below the footprints and correctly dated they were made 21,000 to 23,000 years ago. The people who made the footprints were living there in the last Ice Age when two huge ice sheets covering the continent and cold temperatures would have made a journey between Asia and Alaska impossible, indicating humans must have been there much earlier than previously thought.

According to their analysis of the footprints, they were likely made in soft ground at the edge of a wetland by children who were sent to do the work like fetching and catching by adults. Wind probably blew dust over the surface, accumulating (积累) in the prints, thus, leaving footprints that previously recorded.

Their finding also makes it possible to explore the older and more controversial (有争议的) sites with a different light. One such site is Chiquihuite Cave in central Mexico, where stone tools dating back to 30,000 years ago have been found.

David Rachal, an uninvolved but experienced geoarchaeologist (地质考古学家) thought the footprint dates provided by Bennett and his team looked "solid", with seeds providing very reliable and exact ages through radiocarbon dating. "You could not ask for a better setup," said Rachal. However, he was puzzled that no artifacts, such as stone tools, had been found in the area. He thought it was just a theme that would inspire others to explore further.

1. What is the most important evidence dating the time in the passage?
A.The aquatic plant seeds.B.The fossilized human footprints.
C.The stone tools.D.The huge ice sheets.
2. Why does the author mention Chiquihuite Cave in central Mexico?
A.To introduce a historical site.B.To show the significance of the footprints.
C.To compare geoarchaeological discoveries.D.To explain the course of making a discovery.
3. What's David Rachal's attitude towards the new discovery?
A.Unconcerned and uncertain.B.Doubtful and dissatisfied.
C.Negative but curious.D.Favorable but confused.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The discovery of human footprints.B.Scientific methods of dating footprints.
C.The earlier arrival of people in North America.D.A discussion on human history among researchers.
2022-01-05更新 | 231次组卷 | 2卷引用:黑龙江省大庆实验中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Xi’an, or Chang’an as it was called for many centuries,     1     (be) a built-up urban area for over 3000 years, and once served as capital for 13 dynasties. It is home     2     many immovable cultural heritages,three of     3     are on the UNESCO’s world cultural heritage list.

These days, the city has made effective exploration in     4     (build) modernity while protecting historical legacy(遗产). A recent piece of news announced by Shaanxi’s cultural relic authority caused nationwide attention     5     a ruin of ancient capital dating back to Qin Dynasty was unearthed(出土) during the construction of the Xi’an Metro(地铁)Line 5. In order to protect the ruin, the metro line may have to change     6     (it) route.

    7     (face) with the heavy and important task of protecting cultural relics while promoting urban construction, Xi’an made active     8     (attempt). Rails of the metro system are built 15 to 20 metersunderground in order to protect the ancient tombs which are     9     (usual) buried in the layer within 5 meters from the surface level. Besides,the metro constructors have also painted the walls inside the stations with historical stories, presenting     10     visual feast(盛宴) for citizens.

2022-01-04更新 | 61次组卷 | 2卷引用:黑龙江省大庆中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . The commonly held view is that people arrived in North America from Asia via a land bridge once connecting the two continents at the end of the Ice Age around 13,000 to 16,000 years ago. But recent discoveries have suggested humans might have been there earlier. Researchers studying fossilized human footprints in New Mexico say that humans were there at least 23,000 years ago.

Matthew Bennett, a specialist in ancient footprints and author of a study on the new findings published in Science, and his colleagues studied 61 footprints by radiocarbon(放射性碳) dating layers of aquatic (水生的) plant seeds preserved above and below the footprints and accurately dated they were made 21,000 to 23,000 years ago. The people who made the footprints were living there in the last Ice Age when two massive ice sheets covering the continent and cold temperatures would have made a journey between Asia and Alaska impossible, indicating humans must have been there much earlier than previously thought.

According to their analysis of the footprints, they were likely made in soft ground at the edge of a wetland by children who were sent to do the work like fetching and catching by adults. Wind probably blew dust over the surface, accumulating in the prints, thus, leaving footprints that previously recorded.

Their finding also makes it possible to explore the older and more controversial sites. One such site is Chiquihuite Cave in central Mexico, where stone tools dating back to 30,000 years ago have been found.

David Rachal, an experienced geoarchaeologist (地质考古学家) thought the footprint dates provided by Bennett and his team looked extremely solid, with seeds providing very reliable and precise ages through radiocarbon dating. “You could not ask for a better setup,” said Rachal. However, he was puzzled that no artifacts, such as stone tools, had been found in the area. “We need to be cautious and more research needs to be done.” Rachal said.

1. What is the most essential evidence dating the time in the passage?
A.The aquatic plant seeds.B.The fossilized human footprints.
C.The unearthed tools.D.The massive ice sheets.
2. Why does the author mention Chiquihuite Cave in central Mexico?
A.To introduce a historical site.
B.To show the significance of the finding.
C.To compare geoarchaeological discoveries.
D.To explain the course of making a discovery.
3. What’s David Rachal’s attitude towards the new discovery?
A.Optimistic and trustful.B.Conservative and cautious.
C.Negative but curious.D.Favorable but confused.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?
A.The Discovery of Human Footprints.
B.Scientific Methods of Dating Footprints.
C.The Earlier Arrival of People in North America.
D.A Discussion on Human History Among Researchers.
2021-11-20更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Born into poverty on 21 May 1799, Mary Anning had to work hard from a young age. Her parents had 10 children, of whom only two survived childhood --- Mary and her elder brother Joseph. Mary’s own survival was said by her parents to be a wonder. At the age of 15 months, a sudden rainstorm hit the shelter, where Mary, her babysitter, and two children stayed. A lightning strike killed them all except Mary.

She didn’t have formal education and was only taught to read at a Sunday school. Raised in the seaside holiday village of Lyme Regis in Dorset, Mary and Joseph made a living by selling fossils to holidaymakers at their father’s waterfront booth.

Her life changed in 1811 when Joseph noticed bones mixed together with rock. Unknown to them, this was the first ever discovery of an ichthyosaurus ( 鱼 龙 ), a marine lizard from the Triassic period. Anning noted down every find she made, and after failing to find any new fossils for over a year, in 1821 she made her next discovery, digging up three more ichthyosaur skeletons. This was followed two years later by an even more impressive find --- a complete plesiosaur(蛇颈龙). This was so extraordinary that many leading scientists declared it a counterfeit, unwilling to believe that an uneducated 24-year-old could find such remarkable remains. Additionally, society at the time was highly religious and many rejected these discoveries as they conflicted with the teachings of the Bible.

Despite the setback, Anning continued to make more shocking revelations. Anning also dug up fossilized shit, which made experts know the diets of prehistoric creatures. But her biggest find of all was the first complete skeleton of a pterosaur in 1828.

All of Mary Anning’s discoveries helped influence the study of paleontology(古生物学) as scientists began to take an increased interest in fossilized animals and plants. Her work also encouraged people to question the history of the Earth in more detail and encouraged girls and those from poor backgrounds by proving that they could succeed in scientific study, a profession mainly controlled by wealthy upper-class men.

1. What can we learn about Mary Anning from the first two paragraphs?
A.It was not easy for her to survive.
B.She didn’t experience the lightning strike.
C.She didn’t get basic knowledge about science.
D.It was impossible for her to find a job outside.
2. What does the underlined word “counterfeit” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Something not needed.
B.Something not valuable.
C.Something not authentic.
D.Something not beneficial.
3. Anning’s findings of fossilized shit helped ________.
A.her get international fame
B.make her become more professional
C.experts better understand prehistoric creatures
D.convince the leading scientists of her discovery
4. The last paragraph mainly wants to show ________.
A.the process of her findings
B.the significance of her discoveries
C.the discoveries of fossilized animals
D.the background of her scientific study
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 语法填空

Chinese archaeologists (考古学家) announced Saturday that some new major discoveries have been made at the legendary Sanxingdui Ruins site in Sichuan Province.

Archaeologists have found six new sacrificial pits (祭祀坑) and unearthed more than 500 items     1     (date) back about 3,000 years at the Sanxingdui Ruins. The new pits sit next to two sacrificial pits     2     (discover) in 1986. Together they form an area in     3     people of the ancient Shu civilization offered sacrifices to heaven, earth and their     4     (ancestor), and prayed for prosperity and peace.

The pits are rectangular (矩形的),     5     areas ranging between 3.5 square meters and 19 square meters. So far, archaeologists have unearthed     6     (variety) cultural items from four of the pits, including pieces of gold masks, gold foil, bronze masks, bronze trees, ivory and jade.     7     rest of the newly discovered pits are still under excavation (挖掘).

The discoveries have shown the distinctiveness of the Shu civilization and the     8     (diverse) of the Chinese civilization.

    9     (literal) meaning “Three-Star Piles”, the Sanxingdui Ruins Site is among China’s top 10 archaeological finds of the 20th century. Covering 12 square kilometers, the relics site, located in the city of Guanghan, about 60 kilometers from Chengdu,     10    (believe) to be the remnants (遗迹) of the Shu Kingdom in ancient China.

2021-08-18更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆第一中学2020-2021学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试题
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