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1 . Palestinian farmer Salman al-Nabahin was working in his garden in Gaza when he noticed that some of the new trees he’d planted on his land did not root properly. Curious about what might be causing the issue, al-Nabahin asked his son to help him start digging.

His son’s ax (斧子) struck something hard. When the two men began to clear away the dirt, they discovered an item they did not recognize. A little Internet searching provided the answer to their mystery: They’d come across a Byzantine-era floor mosaic (拜占庭时期马赛克地画) featuring birds and other animals.

This happened six months ago. Now, archaeologists (考古学家) are hard at work studying the flooring to learn more about its secrets and civilization values.

The mosaic features 17 images of birds and other animals presented in bright colors. Archaeologists believe artists created the flooring sometime between the fifth and seventh centuries, though they don’t know whether the mosaic had religious (宗教的) origins. In total, the land covering the entire mosaic is about 500 square meters, and the mosaic itself measures about 23 square meters. Some parts of the mosaic appear to be damaged, likely from the roots of an old tree.

“These are the most beautiful mosaic floors discovered in Gaza, both in terms of the quality of the vivid representation and the complexity of the pattern,” says René Elter, an archaeologist in Jerusalem. “Never have mosaic floors of this precision in the patterns and richness of the colors been discovered in the Gaza Strip.”

The Gaza Strip, which is located between Israel and Egypt and was a busy trade route throughout history, is home to many ancient civilizations. The farmer and his son discovered the mosaic about a kilometer from the border with Israel. Archaeologists and other experts are concerned about the mosaic’s future because of the ongoing conflict there and a lack of funding for historical protection.

1. What led Salman al-Nabahin to the unexpected discovery?
A.His son’s constant digging work.B.His decision to remove some new trees.
C.The improper growth of some new trees.D.The appearance of some birds and other animals.
2. What can we learn about the mosaic?
A.Its origin has something to do with religion.B.The time of its creation can be figured out.
C.It has been seriously damaged by digging work.D.It reflects relationships between humans and animals.
3. What do René Elter’s words in the last but one paragraph show?
A.The history of the mosaic floors.B.The great value of the mosaic floors.
C.The secrets hidden in the mosaic floors.D.The difficulty in creating the mosaic floors.
4. What is some experts’ concern about the mosaic?
A.It may not be well -protected.B.It may be too large to carry.
C.It may cause regional conflicts.D.It may lose its historical meaning
2024-02-21更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题
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2 . A seven-word sentence was discovered on a 3,700-year-old comb (梳子),which is likely the oldest known sentence written in letters,according to a new study. The sentence is in Canaanite (迦南语),which is the source (来源) of later letter systems in European languages.

The comb was first discovered in 2016 in Israeli. However,it wasn’t until 2021 that a researcher from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem first noticed the words when checking the photo of the comb. The researchers were not able to directly date the comb. They believed it dated from around 1700 BC based on comparison of the letters with those on pottery (陶器) with a known age.

Garfinkel,a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,said,“The Canaanites invented the letters. Nowadays every person in the world can read and write using the letter system. This is really one of the most important achievements of humankind. When you are writing in English,you’re really using Canaanite.”

Small groups of Canaanite letters discovered on broken pieces of pottery before did not leave much room for further research on the lives of the Canaanites. But this find of a sentence written in the first letter-based language opens up the debate about the history during the ancient time period.

Garfinkel said,“The sentence was found on an ivory comb in the ancient city’s palace and temple area,which could suggest that only wealthy men were able to read and write.” The earliest writing system started around 5,000 years ago,which relied on hundreds of pictographs (象形文字) to represent words,ideas and sounds. Canaanites were the first to use letters in their writing system. “It shows that even in the most ancient times there were full sentences,which further suggests that Canaanites stood out among the early civilizations in their use of the written word.”

1. What do we know about Canaanite?
A.It has a history of 3,700 years.B.It is the oldest known language.
C.Its sentences are in many languages.D.Its letters are still in use at present.
2. How was the complete sentence in Canaanite found?
A.It was discovered on some pottery.B.It was identified on a comb in 2016.
C.It was recognized when dating the comb.D.It was recognized on a photo of the comb.
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly focus on?
A.The influence of Canaanite letters.
B.The rules of using Canaanite letters.
C.The problem in identifying the Canaanite sentence.
D.The explanation of the discovered Canaanite sentence.
4. What does Garfinkel think of the new discovery in the last paragraph?
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