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1 . Noted for his profound description of life along the Chinese railway, Wang Fuchun passed away on March 13th at the age of 79. His engaging photographs capture the substance of China’s ever-changing landscape.

Being artistic and good at painting and calligraphy, Wang found that photography bridged the two worlds: he could make art with his camera and increasingly he felt that his goal was not art, but life.

In the late 1970s, when he started taking his photographs, everyone on a railway platform looked reserved and orderly. By the late 1980s, a great rush to the cities had begun on the trains. He recorded young migrant workers shedding their shirts, running with sweat, seeking coolness on top of the seats. He did not ask anyone’s permission to take them, and he preferred to act secretly, like a thief in a way, as it captured the authentic (真实的) moments of people’s lives—and so mirrored all the more clearly how China was changing.

His project was all-consuming. Over 40 years he estimated he had ridden on 1, 000 trains and covered more than 100, 000 kilometers, on every line in China. Each trip was neatly noted down in a notebook; he took about 200, 000 pictures, and logged each by its place. From those pictures, he felt the migrants’ poverty too keenly, and he preferred to capture the hope that pushed people on to trains.

China was rushing to the modern world. Steam was fading; the green-skinned trains acquired fans and air-conditioning. Then came express trains, then high-speed rail. The aisles were clear, the windows sealed. However, in the reclining seats (躺椅座位), everyone reclined. In the ordinary seats, everyone’s noses were buried in their tablets and their phones.

He liked the message of hope; he was proud of what China had achieved. But how sad, he also thought that on that dashing train there was no mess, no collision of life and no good subjects for him, and that Chinese people should once again look so orderly, reserved and unconcerned about each other, even on a train.

1. How did Wang Fuchun reveal the changes in China with his camera?
A.By creating art works on railway platforms.
B.By documenting migrant workers’ daily life.
C.By recording the transformation of life on the train.
D.By capturing a great rush to cities along the railway.
2. Why did Wang Fuchun prefer to take photographs secretly?
A.To perform his duty.B.To reflect reality better.
C.To avoid disturbing people.D.To satisfy his curiosity.
3. What did Wang Fuchun find about the passengers on the modern train?
A.They were only focused on themselves.B.They were quite messy and disorganized.
C.They were interested in the reclining seats.D.They were engaged in lively conversations.
4. Which of the following words can best describe Wang Fuchun?
A.Friendly and considerate.B.Devoted and observant.
C.Talented and humorous.D.Optimistic and generous.
2024-02-27更新 | 39次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省日照市2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末校际联合考试英语试题
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2 . Life will probably be very different in 2050. First of all, it seems that TV channels will have vanished by 2050. Instead, people will choose a programme from a “menu” and a computer will send the programme directly to the television. By 2050, music, films, programmes, newspapers and books will come to us in the similar way.

In many places, agriculture is developing quickly and people are growing fruit and vegetables for export. This uses a lot of water. Therefore, there could be serious shortages of water. Some scientist predict that water could be the cause of wars if we don’t act now.

In the future, cars will run on new, clean fuels (燃料) and they will go very fast. Cars will have computers to control the speed and there won’t be any accidents. Today, many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are. By 2050, the computer will control the car and drive it to your destination. Also, by 2050, space planes will fly people from Los Angeles to Tokyo in just two hours.

Some big companies now prefer to use robots that do not ask for pay rises or go on strike, and work 24 hours a day. They are also easy to control. And they never argue with people. They can be easily used in a variety of places — factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes.

Scientists will have discovered how to control genes (基因). Scientists have already produced clones (克隆) of animals. By 2050, scientists will be able to produce clones of people and decide how they look and how they behave. Scientists will be able to do these things, but should they?

1. Which of the following best explains “vanished” underlined in paragraph 1?
2. What does paragraph 4 intend to show?
A.Robots can work in different places.
B.Robots have much to be improved.
C.Robots work for humans for free.
D.Robots have many advantages.
3. What does the author want to express in the last paragraph?
A.He probably disagrees with the idea of human cloning.
B.He is looking forward to using of cloning technology.
C.The scientists have already discovered how to control genes.
D.The scientists will face many difficulties of controlling genes.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.High-tech CarsB.Life in the Future
C.Is Cloning Really Good?D.Are You Ready for the Future?
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3 . H. G. Wells, born in 1866, was trained as a scientist, a pioneer among his literary contemporaries, and was perhaps the most important figure in the genre (类型) that would become science fiction. Writers in this tradition have a history not just of imagining the future as it might be, but of inspiring others to make it a reality.     1    .

Audio book, Airplane, and Television

Wells imagined forms of future entertainment. In When the Sleeper Wakes (1899), residents use fantastic forms of technology like audio books, airplanes and television sets.


Visitors to The Island of Dr. Moreau(1896) meet odd creatures created by the mad man doctor in human-animal hybrid experiments that may predict the age of genetic engineering.     3    , though today human immune systems (免疫系统) still ultimately reject such efforts.


Martians in The War of the Worlds(1898) give off what Wells called a Heat Ray.     4    . It would be more than six decades before Theodore Harold Maiman fired up the first operational laser in 1960, but military thinkers had been hoping to weaponize (使…武器化) the conceptual laser before it was proven practical, .

Atomic Bombs(原子弹)

    5     . The atomic bombs he introduces in The World Set Free(1914) fuel a war so disastrous that its survivors are moved to create a unified world government to avoid future conflicts.

A.Genetic Engineering
B.Directed-energy Weapons
C.It can burn enemies with a noiseless flash of light
D.It is often a warning about the consequences of technology
E.Here are some of the incredible Wells predictions that have come true
F.Wells recognized the damaging power that might be created by this weapon
G.Scientists are working towards the possibility that animal organs could save human patients
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4 . In the movie “The Wrong Trousers”, a pair of futuristic trousers lets people walk on walls and ceilings. Inspired by the movie, researchers in England created “The Right Trousers”, a set of trousers embedded(嵌入) with electrical pumps to force air into tiny tubes that expand and can help elderly or disabled people with issues like getting up or improving blood flow.   Now, material scientists, computer programmers and fabric designers are working to advance robotic clothing.

In June, researchers in Australia created robotic fibers, which can make fabric move automatically. Last year, scientists at MIT built fiber batteries that could be embedded into clothes and power robotic clothing. In recent years, Google partnered with brands like Levi’s and Adidas to put sensors in jackets, backpacks and shoes, letting users access their phones instantly. Researchers said they could soon unlock an era where clothing will act more like a computer, sensing how your body feels and telling your clothes how to help.

At the University of New South Wales in Australia, researchers are creating fabrics that can shape-shift. Thanh Nho Do, a senior lecturer at the school, said his team has created tiny tubes that can weave into sheets of fabric. These tubes can make fabric take various preprogrammed shapes. But challenges still remain for Do’s team, notably around making these robotic tubes smaller so they can weave easily with other fabrics.

Rebecca Kramer Bottiglio from Yale University agreed that many challenges remain before smart clothing “reaches their full potential.” It will be challenging to make these clothes, equipped with fibers and technology, strong enough to go through multiple cycles in the laundry, she said. Despite that, she says researchers will figure out a way forward. “Recent breakthroughs point toward a not-so-distant future where smart clothing will be a part of our everyday life.” she said.

1. What inspired the researchers to come up with “The Right Trousers”?
A.A film.
B.A blood issue.
C.The way electrical pumps work.
D.The way the elderly and disabled move.
2. What did scientists at MIT do last year?
A.They put sensors in clothes.
B.They created movable robotic fibers.
C.They made batteries for robotic clothing.
D.They released smart clothing connected to cellphones.
3. What does Do’s team find challenging?
A.Making robotic tubes smaller.
B.Keeping robotic tubes properly shaped.
C.Producing stronger robotic tubes.
D.Programming the shape of robotic tubes.
4. What is Rebecca’s attitude toward the future of smart clothing?
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5 . Travel is predicted to look extremely different in 2070.

Take airports for example, paperwork will be a thing of the past. Instead of paper passports,your information will be stored in the cloud. This type of technology won’t just include what we are familiar with today——like fingerprints or face scans—but also your heartbeat, as everyone’s heartbeat is unique.

There will be no need to check in. The facial recognition programme will instead be able to recognise you, match you with your booked flight and send messages to your phone as you walk through the airport without stopping.

Your bags, especially the heavy ones, will be sent directly from your train or taxi to the right plane. And that taxi will not be like the ones we know today. People will be expected to travel to the airport--and around their holiday destinations-in eVTOLs, which refers to électric air taxis that can take off and land without a runway.

As for the trouble of packing, 3D printers will provide perfect solutions. Simply provide your destination with your size using a body scan before you fly and, upon arrival, you will find a wardrobe(衣橱) filled with 3D-printed clothes. When you leave, these clothes will be recycled and. reprinted for the next tourist. Not only will this solve the problem of packing, but also make holiday fashion more environment-friendly.

While the predictions might seem unbelievable now, you only have to look back 50 years to realize it’s all possible. Think back to 1973 when smartphones were just a wild dream. “Google” seemed like a made-up word then, and notebook computers were still almost years away from being invented. Similarly, when we look forward to the next 50 years, the possibilities for development in technology for travel are endless.

1. What can we learn about the check-in at the airport in 2070?
A.You’ll have to carry your paper passports.
B.It won’t need your heartbeat information.
C.You must stop to check the phone for boarding.
D.It is no longer needed because of the facial recognition programme.
2. When you get to the destination,       .
A.your bag will be sent to you by taxi
B.a body scan will work out your size
C.the clothes of your size will be ready for you
D.your packing may do harm to the environment
3. Why does the author mention 1973 in the last paragraph?
A.To prove the predictions are possible.
B.To show the inventions are necessary.
C.To list the achievements of the year.
D.To express the confidence for travel.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.A new type of air taxi.。B.Prediction for future of travel.
C.The advantage of 3D prints.D.The solution to future packing.
2023-12-10更新 | 117次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省泰安市肥城市2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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6 . Children’s Sci-fi Art Predicts Extraordinary Future

More than 80 sci-fi artworks are on display at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, showing a beautiful yet puzzling future. The “Brave New Sci-Fi World” exhibition features paintings and art installations (设备) by students from Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing and other cities. They imagine the future as a world where robots and human beings co-exist.

Ru Chen, from Shanghai New Putuo Primary School, has pictured a robot chameleon (变色龙) to be used in outer space to aid in the search and rescue of human beings in case of danger.

Li Jiaqi from Guangzhou Dongfeng East Road Primary School has painted a city where advanced technologies are everywhere, and even the city itself turns into a large robot.

Huang Yanrui from Beijing Shijingshan Gucheng No. 2 Primary School imagines his rubber, pencil box and such stationery (文具) becoming conscious robots, and beginning to design future human beings.

Wang Zhihan, from Shanghai Shangde Experimental School and her schoolmates, stick electronic components on stone faces as a metaphor (隐喻) for the increasingly unclear boundaries between the reality and virtual world. “We hope to remind people never lose yourself in a world with advanced technologies,” she said.

The exhibition will last till November 4.

Opening hours:

Tuesdays-Sundays 9: 00- 17: 15; legal holidays 8: 45- 18: 30.

Transportation Guide:

Metro: Metro Line 2: Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Station.

Metro Line 4, Metro Line 6 and Metro Line 9: change to Metro Line 2 at the Century Avenue Station.

Bus Routes: Bus 184, 640, 794, 983, 984, 987, 1023, 640 inter-zonal bus will take you there.

1. Whose artwork is related with space?
A.Ru Chen’s.B.Li Jiaqi’s.C.Huang Yanrui’s.D.Wang Zhihan’s.
2. Where does the student with an imagination of stationery robots come from?
3. Which line can directly take you to the museum?
A.Metro Line 2.B.Metro Line 4.C.Metro Line 6.D.Metro Line 9.
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章以H. G. Wells的一篇小说引入,提出城市的发展理念——向下而非向上建造,以便充分利用地球空间。

7 . In 1901, H. G. Wells, an English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon. When the explorers landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities. They expressed their surprise to the “moon people” they met. In turn, the “moon people” expressed their surprise. “Why,” they asked, “are you traveling to outer space when you don’t even use your inner space?”

H. G. Wells could only imagine travel to the moon. In 1969, human beings really did land on the moon. People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon. However, the question that the “moon people” asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.

Underground systems are already in place. Many cities have underground car parks. In some cities such as Tokyo, Seoul and Montreal, there are large underground shopping areas. The “Chunnel”, a tunnel (隧道) connecting England and France, is now complete.

But what about underground cities? Japan’s Taisei Corporation is designing a network of underground systems, called “Alice Cities”. The designers imagine using surface space for public parks and using underground space for flats, offices, shopping, and so on. A solar dome (太阳能穹顶) would cover the whole city.

Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earth’s space. The surface, they say, can be used for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness, H. G. Wells’ “moon people” would agree. Would you?

1. What surprised the explorers in H G Wells’ story ?
A.The moon people’s unique language.
B.The moon people’s friendliness.
C.The moon people’s space technology.
D.The moon people’s underground cities.
2. What does the underlined word “it” (paragraph 2) refer to ?
A.Traveling to outer space.
B.Meeting the “moon people” again.
C.Using the earth’s inner space
D.Discovering the moon’s inner space.
3. What underground systems are already here with us based on the passage?
A.Tunnels, gardens, offices.
B.Gardens, car parks, power stations.
C.Tunnels, car parks, shopping areas.
D.Offices, shopping areas, power stations.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Enjoy living undergroundB.Building down, not up
C.Alice Cities—cities of the futureD.Space travel with H. G. Wells
2023-09-26更新 | 112次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省莱西市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期学业水平测试二英语试题
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8 . If you could travel in time, where would you go? Perhaps you would watch an original performance of a Shakespeare’s play in Elizabethan England? What about hanging out with Laozi in the Spring and Autumn Period? Or maybe you’d voyage far ahead of the present day to see what the future holds.

The possibility of time travel is indeed appealing. Stories exploring the subject have been around for hundreds of years. Perhaps the best known example is the science fiction novel The Time Machine, which was written by H. G. Wells and published in 1895 for the first time. It was adapted into at least two feature films of the same name, as well as two television versions, and a large number of comic book adaptations. It is generally credited with the popularization of the concept of time travel using a vehicle that allows an operator to travel purposefully and selectively. The term “time machine”, coined by Wells, is now universally used to refer to a vehicle transporting people into the far future.

But could time travel actually be possible? Some scientists say yes, in theory. They propose using cracks in time and space called “wormholes”, which could be used as shortcuts to other periods. Einstein’s theory of relativity allows time travel in extreme circumstances. And British physicist Stephen Hawking said you could travel into the future with a really fast spaceship—going at nearly the speed of light. Though building such a spaceship would of course be no simple task.

Even if you could travel into the past, there is something called the “grandfather paradox”. It asks what would happen if a time traveller were to go back in time and have his own grandfather killed for some reason, and therefore prevent himself from being born. If the time traveller wasn’t born, how would he travel back in time?

And would you really like to visit the future? In H. G. Wells’ book, the main character travels into distant time where he arrives at a beach and is attacked by giant crabs. He then voyages 30 million years into the future where the only living thing is a black object with tentacles (触角). If that’s what’s in store, maybe we are better just living in the present day after all.

1. The novel The Time Machine mentioned in Paragraph 2 aims to show    .
A.people’s interest in time travel
B.the special features of the book
C.the long history of time travel
D.the contribution of H. G. Wells
2. Einstein’s and Hawking’s theories    .
A.have similarities in many ways
B.push the invention of the first spaceship
C.have proved wrong by some time travellers
D.suggest the possibility to invent the time machine
3. In Paragraph 4, “grandfather paradox” probably refers to the idea that    .
A.the traveller is prevented from meeting his grandfather
B.the traveller goes back in time to seek for his grandfather
C.the grandfather’s death makes the traveller’s birth impossible
D.The reunion of the traveller and his grandfather brings happiness
4. What is probably the author’s attitude towards time travel?
A.Unclear. B.Skeptical.
C.Supportive. D.Unconcerned.

9 . The future home is something that people have talked about for decades. Because the future home idea inspires our imagination, scientists and engineers have been working hard to develop different systems to make houses “smarter”.

The video camera at the entrance recognize visitors using facial recognition. The facial recognition software of the future home will not only recognize friends, but strangers as well. And the software in the future home will run the strangers faces against a database of criminals.

The future home will also have smart application appliances (家电) as well. There will be a vast networking system connecting them. Ovens, microwaves and refrigerators will be controlled automatically, so remote cooking will be a possibility and meals are prepared for your arrival.

There will also be a green systems in place such as saving and reusing washing water and bathwater. Plants and people may receive pure or mineralized (含矿的) drinking water.

If you think this future home idea is pie in the sky or science fiction, then think again. Most of the systems described here are either in development or already out in the market. Future homes may not be standard yet for the middle class but this is not as far ahead as many people would think.

1. What can the facial recognition software be used for in the future houses?
A.Greeting friends.B.Collecting criminals information.
C.Recognizing visitors.D.Following dangerous criminals.
2. Which of the following indicates the future house is environment-friendly?
A.Facial recognition software.B.Remote cooking.
C.Smart refrigerators.D.Saving and reusing water.
3. What does the underlined word “standard” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Smart future home
B.A smart networking system
C.Software in future home
D.Various household appliances

10 . Nostalgia (怀旧) has become increasingly common in the current accelerated, unexpected changes. More and more Americans are turning back with longing to what feels like simpler, sweeter times. They collect cassette tapes, manual typewriters, even decades-old video games.

Is it a mistake to miss the past? Some psychologists warn that too much devotion to the so-called good old days is an escape from reality; it suggests loneliness or that a person is having a difficult time coping in the present. Psychologist Stephanie Coontz argues that nostalgia distracts us from addressing the problems of modern life and contributes to anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, etc.

But new studies suggest that a modest amount of nostalgia is not only harmless, but actually beneficial. They suggest it helps strengthen our sense of identity and makes us feel more optimistic and inspired. It is also a tool for self-discovery and memories are a psychological response when you want to take a break from negativity. Recalling our childhood reminds us of “the times when we were accepted and loved unconditionally,” says Krystine Batcho, a psychologist. “That is such a powerful comfort, knowing that there was a time in life when we didn’t have to earn our love.” Nostalgia can turn even the most ordinary past into legends which warms the heart and the body. Let’s not forget that nostalgia has been a source of inspiration to countless American writers. Mark Twain recalled his boyhood, writing, “After all these years, I can picture that old time to myself now, just as it was then.”

So go ahead, daydream a little about your best childhood friend, a long-gone family pet, etc. As Dr. Sedikides says, “Nostalgia is absolutely central to human experience.” But at the same time, keep these words of wisdom from the great inventor Charles Kettering in mind as well: “You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.”

1. How is nostalgia viewed by the psychologists in Paragraph 2?
A.It might leave a person in low spirits.
B.It suggests loneliness suffered in the past.
C.It saves people from dull reality temporarily.
D.It helps to solve the problems in modern life.
2. What aspect of nostalgia is discussed in Paragraph 3?
A.Its reasons.B.Its benefits.
C.Its side effects.D.Its working principles.
3. Why is Mark Twain mentioned in the passage?
A.He had a strong sense of identity.
B.He took pictures of the good old days.
C.He is an example of being obsessed with the past
D.He drew inspiration from nostalgia for his works.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards nostalgia?
2023-05-05更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市2022-2023学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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