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1 . Now that nobody knows for sure what the world will look like in the near future, it can be fun to picture some jobs we might be able to apply for in the coming decade!

Distant drone (无人驾驶飞机)drivers and pilots

How cool would it be to deliver packages from the comfortable office? That’s the way of the future with delivery drones and self-driving trucks. Zach Howard says, “Many delivery companies will soon need lots of drones and a large number of skilled pilots who can run the drones.”


To save Mother Nature, someone will need to remove the damage humans have done to the environment. Through the Jobs of 2030 project, an organization guesses we will need rewilders to remove the damage to the countryside caused by people, factories, cars and farming. These workers will be responsible for removing walls to give flight paths back to birds and replacing roads with forests.

Gamification (游戏化)marketing experts

This future expert will need to make online shopping feel like a game; that is, gamification is about keeping customers more delighted during shopping. The gamification marketing expert will help keep online buyers’ attention by making their experiences more playful and exciting.

1. According to Zach Howard, distant drone drivers and pilots ________
A.can earn lots of money.
B.are required to work outdoors.
C.need update drones regularly.
D.will be in great need.
2. To remove the damage caused by humans, a rewilder’s job will be ________
A.keeping track of birds’ health.
B.returning the roads to forests.
C.constructing more roads for villagers.
D.preserving the cultural heritage.
3. How will the gamification marketing expert most likely influence customers?
A.By creating fun online shopping experiences.
B.By reducing the competition between stores.
C.By decreasing their daily cost of playing games.
D.By making them more likely to communicate.
2022-11-03更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市第五中学2022-2023学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。报道杂志Big Think就40年后的世界会如何这一话题,邀请了各行各业的精英人士发表评论。并展示了评论内容。

2 . Recently, the magazine Big Think asked top minds from a variety of fields to comment on what the future holds 40 years from now. The result is as follows.

It’s likely that by 2050 the majority of the people in the world will live in urban (城市的) areas, and will have a much higher average age than people today. Cities theorist Richard Florida thinks urbanization will reinvent the education system of the United States, making our economy less real estate (房地产) driven and erasing(消除) the divisions between home and work.

And rapidly advancing technology will continue ever more rapidly. Cities of the future won’t look like “some sort of science-fiction fantasy”, but it’s likely that technological advances and information overlays (VR and AR) will greatly change how we live. Self-driving cars will make the roads safer and provide faster transports. A larger version of driverless cars-driverless trucks - may make long-distance drivers out of date.

Some long view predictions are completely dire. Environmentalist Bill McKibben says that if we don’t make great progress in fighting global warming, it’s likely we could see out-of-control rises in sea levels, huge crop shortfalls, and wars over limited freshwater resources.

In terms of how we will eat, green markets founder and “real food” supporter Nina Planck believes that there will be more small milk processing plants, and more regional food operations and we’ll be healthier as a result. New York Times feature writer Mark Bittman thinks that people will eat fewer processed foods, and eat foods grown closer to where they live. And Anson Mills farmer Glenn Roberts thinks that more people will be aware of the “ethical(道德的) responsibility” to grow and preserve land-raised farm systems.

1. What may happen by 2050?
A.Most people will live in cities.B.The aging population will drop.
C.Home education will become a trend.D.The economy will be driven by real estate.
2. What do we know about technology in the future?
A.It will give cities a science-fiction appearance.
B.It will greatly change the way people live.
C.It will lead to an increase in the number of cars.
D.It will ensure faster transports with fast cars.
3. What does the underlined word “dire” in the fourth paragraph mean?
4. What does Mark Bittman think of foods in the future?
A.People will eat healthier and fresher foods.
B.Land-raised farm systems will be improved.
C.There will be more regional food operations.
D.Food supplies will become more limited than before.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 我们未来的生活将会是什么样子的?每个人都有自己的设想。请你用英语写一篇短文,介绍一下你想象中的未来生活。要点如下:
无人驾驶汽车 driverless cars
环保的 environmentally friendly

What Will Life Be like in the Future?

2022-07-06更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省阳泉市第一中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期末考英语试卷
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4 . Created from natural materials such as mulberry leaves and bamboo, the earliest umbrella in China was used to protect themselves from dangers. Sometime in 1st century BC, first paper umbrellas appeared and they very quickly found their way to the hands of wealthy females who by then accepted the sun-shade umbrella as a necessary part of their fashion accessory (配件) like animals’ skin and fur. Even though carefully produced and delicate umbrellas from paper and silk weighed only few hundred grams, they were capable of protecting their bearers from the rain because of the special process of applying oil on their cover.

Because of their shortage and high cost, umbrellas quickly became a symbol of power in China and surrounding Asian countries. To differentiate themselves from the rest of the population, Chinese royal members carried only red or yellow umbrellas, while the rest used blue ones. As the centuries went on, the cost of Chinese umbrellas went down, which enabled them to be used by general population and even males. Personal use was not the only application for umbrellas, and many creative designs were introduced even as early as 3rd century AD.

Surrounding countries adopted the umbrella into their tradition, often showing beautiful designs and artwork with great pride, especially by royal members in Korea, Burma and Siam. Travelers from the West soon carried Chinese umbrellas to continental Europe which was just exiting Dark Ages and was eager to adopt new fashion from distant lands. Umbrellas soon took over the female nobility (贵族) in Italy, France and England, where they managed to slowly evolve umbrellas into the general accessory that is used by everyone today.

Even though modern plastic umbrellas represent the majority of worldwide sales, traditional Chinese umbrellas are still respected by many. They are always in great demand. Fujian and Hunan Provinces are still making millions of them every year and the most respected Hangzhou-style umbrellas are now known for their quality and beauty.

1. Why did people carry different umbrellas in China?
A.To follow new fashion then.
B.To indicate their social positon.
C.To show inequality of different sexes.
D.To advertise various styles of umbrellas.
2. What do we know about traditional Chinese umbrellas?
A.They lack practical functions.
B.They have declined in sales for years.
C.They remain popular among people.
D.They will replace plastic umbrellas.
3. What is the text mainly about?
A.The history of umbrellas.
B.The popularity of umbrellas.
C.The various designs of umbrellas.
D.The major functions of umbrellas.
2022-05-24更新 | 67次组卷 | 2卷引用:山西省太原市第五中学2021-2022学年高一下学期5月阶段性检测英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 困难(0.15) |
5 . 作为一名毕业生,请以“Exploring My Future”为题写一篇短文,畅想一下未来的自己,内容如下:
2022-05-15更新 | 129次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届山西省运城市高中联合体高三下学期第四次模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Technologically, the 20-year jump from 2015 to 2035 will be huge. Back in 1995 we were in the early days of the Internet, we worked in small rooms and our computers were heavy and powered by Windows 95. There were no touch screen phones or flat screen TVs; people laughed at the idea of reading electronic books.

So, what will our world really be like in 2035? What will the future jobs and technology be like? The world in 2035 will probably be much like it is today, but smarter and more automatic. We can see the future of our work first.

Taxi drivers will be replaced by self-driving Uber cars and receptionists will be replaced by robots. Doctors can use vast medical databases and travel agents will be wiped out by trip-planning, flight-booking web services. Even writers are threatened by companies such as Narrative Science, which currently uses AI to create sports reports and financial updates.

Obviously, there will also be new jobs created: the computer engineer who fixes the self-driving Uber taxis, programmers, space tour guides and vertical (垂直的) farmers. Technology will continue to disrupt (扰乱) businesses and get rid of jobs, creating new professions we can’t yet envisage now.

Those of us who work probably won’t do so in a traditional office either. We’re already seeing a shift in the definition of work. It’s now a task you perform, not a place you go to. Productivity is no longer measured by sitting at a desk. There’s no nine to five. No job for life.

The biggest advantage of working from home is that you save a lot of time commuting back and forth to work. You can spend extra time with your children or spouse and read the newspaper instead of sitting in traffic. Of course, advanced technology will ensure that most of us can work from home.

1. What’s the function of the questions in paragraph 2?
A.Leading in the topic of the article.B.Raising the thinking of the readers.
C.Introducing the work of the future.D.Inspiring readers to explore the future.
2. What does the underlined word “envisage” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. Where will most people work in the future?
A.In the office.B.At the hotel.C.In the open air.D.At home.
4. What will be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.The future health.B.The future technology.C.The future marriage.D.The future transportation.

7 . The sea could be the food bowl of the future. In Jervis Bay, south of Sydney, seaweed, which is rich in fibre and omega 3, is grown and harvested.

Pia Winberg is a marine scientist who runs Australia's first food-grade fanned seaweed company. Her crop is grown alongside mussels (贻贝)and is used as an additive in pasta (意大利面)and other products.

Seaweed is also raised in large tanks, where it absorbs carbon dioxide waste from a wheat processing factory. The business is small, but could help to reduce the ecological footprint of traditional farming.

“We used ten percent of seaweed instead of wheat in breads and pastas, we've eliminated a million hectares of land, we've eliminated all of the carbon dioxide emissions associated with that, and we've also reduced the pressures on very precious fresh water.” said Pia Winberg.

Spiny sea urchins (多刺海胆虫)are another blue economy resource. They can destroy marine habitats, but a recent competition for environmental start-ups in Australia, saw them not as a pest but a delicacy (美味).

Martina Doblin, CEO of Sydney Institute of Marine Science, said, “By 2050 we will have some ten billion people on the planet, and about half the food they eat will come from the ocean. So, we really do need to pay attention to the way that we manage the blue economy-generating wealth from the ocean but in a sustainable (可持续的)way.”

Farming at sea has its challenges. Infrastructure (基础设施)has to be sound, as do supply chains and biosecurity. But get these things right, and the ocean might just be the next great economic frontier.

1. What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To lead to the main topic.
B.To describe a new kind of seaweed.
C.Tell how important the food safety is.
D.To explain the meaning of blue economy.
2. What can we learn from what Martina Doblin said in paragraph 6?
A.Ocean exploration has made little progress so far.
B.More and more people will die of hunger in the future.
C.More work is needed for a better use of the natural resources.
D.Sea farming will be a good way to solve the coming world food problem.
3. Which word can be used to describe the author's attitude towards sea fanning?
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.How to Protect the Marine Animals
B.Measures to Develop Blue Economy
C.Farming the Sea for the Future of Food
D.Traditional Farming is Gradually Disappearing
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