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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。介绍的是10岁的小女孩Sasha Olsen在一次旅行经历后,注意到海洋污染问题,并与大家建立一个非盈利组织清理海滩,组织活动提高人们的意识,大家共同努力让海滩恢复如初。

1 . 10-year-old Sasha Olsen went on a trip in the summer of 2021 with her family to Vietnam and Japan. She was shocked at the ocean’s pollution levels and dying sea animals.

“We went on this trip and I was so_________,” said Sasha. “But when I saw the way the oceans had become, I got upset. I wanted to know why things were this way but couldn’t find an_________.”

When she returned home to Bal Harbour, Florida, she grew even more_________. She learned some of the_________in South Florida had been closed by the health department because the_________had too much bacteria (细菌)in it.

Sasha sought the_________of her cousin, Narmina Aliyev. Together, they_________ a nonprofit Organization—Iwantmyoceanback._________ the group started small, with friends joining together on weekends to_________the beaches in Bal Harbour. Recently, however, she has__________events to raise funds for beach cleanups and to __________to protection groups.

“It’s__________to bring awareness not just through doing cleanups and meetings, but to show people they can come together through their hobbies and__________together to a common goal,” said Sasha.

Sasha hopes to__________their work to neighboring cities. “We really want to make ourselves visible and__________to all,” said Sasha. “After all, in Miami the ocean is everyone’s backyard. This is the best place to start.”

A.picked upB.took upC.set upD.got up
2023-02-23更新 | 333次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖北省武汉市黄陂区2022-2023学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Have you ever seen one of the many videos of an elephant grabbing a paintbrush, putting it in paint, and producing a painting similar to something a 5-year-old could create? While watching an elephant paint is an amazing sight, we can’t help but wonder whether the training methods and results reflect animal cruelty.

A 2014 study on four captive (圈养的) Asian elephants at the Melbourne Zoo in Australia sought to identify stress-related behaviors around the activity of painting. While the researchers found that the elephants had a neutral response to painting—not stressful, nor enriching—it seemed that when an elephant was not selected to paint, it displayed non-interactive behavior. This is seen as a possible signal of stress in the animals.

In addition, PETA, a famous animal rights group, has cited several American zoos that use harmful training methods to get elephants to paint, perform tricks, play instruments, and more. Not every zoo that organizes elephant painting uses aggression (攻击) to encourage the elephants. However, PETA argues that animal shelters should not force animals to do tricks at all.

Activist organizations warn that elephants can undergo extreme discomfort in the training process. Furthermore, many of the painting elephants are very young, at an age where they should still be with their mothers. It raises questions about whether there’s a chance they were caught for the express purpose of performing, or if they could somehow be restored to a return to the wild.

It is difficult to support any kind of trained behavior that differs greatly from a wild animal’s natural tendencies. The role of a shelter, ideally, is to allow an animal to live as close to its normal life as possible, perhaps with an eye to returning the animal to the wild; teaching them to paint does not seem to align with that target, particularly if it’s not a learned behavior that the animal would be willing to do independently.

1. What can be safely concluded from the 2014 study?
A.Researchers didn’t collect solid evidence.
B.Painting promoted elephants’ interaction.
C.Negative effects of painting were confirmed.
D.Elephants made strong responses to painting.
2. What is a concern of activist organizations?
A.Complexity of the training process.B.Purposes of elephants’ performance.
C.Daily activities of captive elephants.D.Potential for elephants’ return to nature.
3. What does the underlined phrase “align with” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Wander off.B.Set up.C.Consist with.D.Go against.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.How PETA Helps?B.Why Animal Rights?C.Should Elephants Paint?D.Should Elephants live in captivity?
2023-02-15更新 | 264次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖北省武汉市2022-2023年高三2月质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Can you imagine someone hunting you down with a gun? Most of us would be terrified. So, it’s no surprise that that’s how animals respond, too.

Orcas, a species that have been systematically hunted- even with machine guns-dramatically decreased in number in the twentieth century. These so-called “killer whales” hunted the same fish that fishermen prized and were therefore seen as competition. Consequently, killer whales began avoiding certain locations and routes. But while North America largely banned their killing in the 1970s, they continue to be hunted in Greenland to this day.

Elephants also have to deal with human hunters. Ivory poachers(象牙偷猎者)have greatly reduced the African elephant population, which used to cover the entire continent. The ivory trade was banned in 1990, but animal habitats and food supplies have still declined. In Kenya, the human population has increased four times over the last 40 years while the elephant population declined by four-fifths.

This has caused the elephants to adopt unique responses to people. For instance, elephants are terrified of the spear-waving Maasai, an ethnic group of Kenya and Tanzania who have often hurt elephants when trying to protect their own cattle.

So once in an experiment by a group of zoologists, when elephants living close to the Maasai were presented with three different T-shirts, one belonging to a Maasai, another to a different local and one to a researcher, they only reacted with fear to the Maasai shirt, literally smelling the danger.

However, neither elephants nor killer whales commonly show anger and hate for people. In fact, elephants are generally friendly to humans. And the only instances of killer whales harming a person occurred when the whales were kept in a water cage. Orcas have even been reported to aid humans in need, protecting them from other animals.

1. Why are killer whales often hunted?
A.They are hugely profitable.
B.They harm people’s interests.
C.They threaten fishermen’s safety.
D.They compete with other wildlife for food.
2. What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Less illegal ivory trade.
B.The decline of food supplies.
C.Elephants’ traveling to other continents.
D.The population change of humans and elephants.
3. Why is the experiment mentioned?
A.To prove humans’ influence on animals.
B.To show the defensive nature of the Maasai.
C.To illustrate the cleverness of the wild animals.
D.To highlight the urgency of animal conservation.
4. What’s the best title of this text?
A.Fierce Animals Can Feel Frightened Too
B.Animal Kingdoms Are Sounding an Alarm
C.Animals Are Trying to Fit in Human World
D.Human Actions Have Shaped Animal Consciousness
2023-01-11更新 | 407次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖北省武汉市江夏实验高级中学2023-2024学年高二9月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Hardly a day goes by without a company telling us in its beautifully crafted advertising how much it contributes to the environment on our behalf. Flowers grow out of power-station chimneys; SUVs are presented in natural habitats; oil companies use sunny, friendly logos and promise cleaner technologies- although, in fact, they fail to make enough investment in renewable or alternative energy sources. Statistics are made up, and the tiniest ecological improvements are overstated in multi-million-dollar advertising campaigns, while in the meantime the greedy side of the business continues.

This is known as greenwashing, which means “making things that are not green look green”. The phenomenon has long existed since the first Earth Day in 1970, when companies spent $300 million advertising themselves as green companies—many times more than the money they actually spent on research into pollution reduction itself. And the trend continued over the following decades when some of the planet’s worst polluters tried to pass themselves off as eco-friendly. As the public’s environmental awareness grew, so too did the experience of corporate public relations strategies, and advertisers found ever- more-creative ways to use a green curtain to hide dark motives.

Of course, some businesses are genuinely committed to making the world a better, greener place. But when a company spends more time and money claiming to be “green” than actually adopting business practices that minimize environmental impact, it is clear that, for them, environmentalism is little more than a convenient slogan(口号). Their message is “buy our products and you will end global warming, improve air quality and save the oceans”. At best, such greenwashing pushes the fact to its limits; at worst, it helps conceal deception.

And what about today s consumers? Few of them are truly well-equipped to make informed decisions about what is true. Greenwashing is only possible because consumers often believe what they are being told-why else would companies do it? More information and greater awareness are essential. Analysing the tricks used by advertisers should be part of every school curriculum. Non- governmental organisations can spread the word. Consumer groups can punish the greenwashing companies. But it is not enough. Legally enforceable systems must be put in place.

So what is already being done about planned attempts to pull the wool over consumers’ eyes? In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission is taking action against misleading advertising claims. France has published Green Claims Guidance, stressing that “an advertisement must avoid conveying a message contrary to the accepted principles of sustainable development”. All of these surely are the heart of the matter: the true impact of advertising is the promotion of unsustainable lifestyles. And therein lies the real danger to our planet, a danger which cannot be ignored any longer.

1. What can we learn about greenwashing?
A.It is an ecological concept.
B.It is a marketing technique.
C.It is an awareness campaign.
D.It is an advertising innovation.
2. What does the underlined phrase “conceal deception” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Hide the truth.B.Raise the risk.
C.Expose the weakness.D.Break the limit.
3. What can be inferred about most consumers?
A.They are lacking in legal knowledge.
B.They have encouraged greenwashing.
C.They may question consumer groups.
D.They tend to make sensible decisions.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Actions to fight false advertising.
B.Ways to protect customers’ interest.
C.Attempts to solve environmental problems.
D.Proposals to ensure sustainable development.
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Milo is a rescue dog, adopted by 20-year-old Makayla Swift. One morning in November 2021, Swift opened her front door in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Milo _______ running. Milo ran to the house across the street. He seemed unsatisfied with this house, so he ran to the one next door, Swift on his _______.

“He started _______ on the front door,” Swift says. “I’m thinking, ‘Why is he literally trying to _______ the house?’” She was _______. Not everyone wants a strange dog on their _______. But as she tried to drag Milo away, she could hear a sound coming through an open upstairs window. It was a voice yelling “Help!”

Hours earlier, around 4 a. m., Sherry Starr had _______ from her bed. “All of a sudden, standing there between the toilet and the bathtub, I _______,” she says. “I went down hard on the floor.” Starr is 85. “I could not move at all,” says Starr, who was stuck between the toilet and the bathtub. Starr was _______. “I’m thinking: I’m just going to die here,” she says. Her best ________, she decided, was to listen for the letter carrier in the afternoon and scream at the top of her lungs.

“Her voice was very ________,” says Swift. “You had to be right at the front door to hear Mrs. Starr yell for ________ unless you were Milo who ________ heard Starr when I opened my own front door.”

Swift called 911. The rescuers thought they’d have to remove the toilet, but they gave one last pull and out she popped. Though injured, Starr ________ a trip to the hospital. Swift has known her share of pain. Two years ago, her mother died. She says Milo has helped her with her grief. “That dog is a ________,” she says.

A.woke upB.took offC.caught upD.held back
A.break downB.settle downC.sign upD.break into
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Building good transportation is a good idea. To have environmental value, new transportation has to sufficiently replace or eliminate driving to cut energy consumption overall. That means that a new traffic system has to be supported by reduction in car use. Traffic lanes should be eliminated or converted into bike or bus lanes. Ideally, these should be combined with higher fuel taxes, and parking fees. Needless to say, I have to struggle to make myself extensively understood. But they’re necessary, because you can’t make people drive less, in the long run, by taking steps that make driving more pleasant, economical, and productive.

Lengthy commuting (通勤) time is a forceful factor which can slow the growth of suburbs. The farther people live away from cities, the longer commuting time they need, which means more pollution their cars produce. If, in a misguided effort to do something of environmental value, governments take steps that make long-distance car commuting faster or more convenient—by adding lanes, building bypass, employing traffic-control measures that make it possible for existing roads to accommodate more cars with fewer delays—we are actually encouraging people to live still farther from their jobs, stores, and schools. As a result, governments are forced to further extend road networks, water lines, and other facilities. If you cut commuting time by 10 percent, people who now drive fifty miles each way to work can find reason to move five miles farther out, because their travel time won’t change.

Traffic congestion (拥堵) isn’t an environmental problem; traffic is. Relieving congestion without doing anything to reduce the total volume of cars can only make the real problem worse. Highway engineers have known for a long time that building new car lanes only temporarily reduces congestion, because the new lanes add additional driving. Widening roads makes traffic move faster in the short term, but the improved conditions eventually attract additional drivers, and congestion reappears. With more car on the roads, people think about widening roads again. Moving drivers out of cars and into other forms of transportation can have the same effect, if existing traffic lanes are kept in service: road space stimulates road use.

One of the arguments that cities inevitably make in promoting transportation plans is that the new system, by relieving automobile congestion, will improve the lives of those who continue to drive. No one ever promotes a transportation system by arguing that it would make travelling less convenient—even though, from an environmental perspective, inconvenient travel is a worthy goal.

1. In the first paragraph, the author gives us the hint that his recommendations are ______.
A.not widely supportedB.costly to carry out
C.generally recognizedD.temporarily beneficial
2. According to the passage, what will happen if commuting time for drivers is reduced?
A.Drivers will become more productive employees.
B.Mass transportation will be extended farther into suburban areas.
C.Drivers will be more willing to live farther from their working place.
D.Mass transportation will carry fewer passengers and receive less government funding.
3. Which of the following can be inferred about the author’s attitude towards the measures to improve traffic?
A.They are environmentally beneficial and should be carried out immediately.
B.They are well intentioned but ultimately lead to environmental harm.
C.They will definitely arouse people’s awareness of environmental protection.
D.They will only work if they can make driving more economical and productive.
4. The author wrote this massage mainly to ______.
A.support the claim that efforts to reduce traffic actually increase traffic.
B.oppose the belief that improving mass transportation systems is good for the environment.
C.provide a balance between suburban expansion and traffic congestion.
D.indicate that making driving less agreeable is a way to reduce negative effects of traffic.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Iceland lies far north in the Atlantic. Because of its climate, three-quarters of its area is uninhabitable. Iceland is     1    island of active volcanoes, hot springs, snowfields and glacier.    2    centuries it has been called the “island of fire and ice.” Iceland is     3    (complete) volcanic.    4     there are volcanoes, there are hot springs. Iceland has about fifteen hundred of them. In the past, women there took advantage of usable hot springs to wash pots, pans and clothing. However, there is a difference between washing pots and pans in a hot spring     5    really using one. During Word War I, a Hungarian professor in Budapest suggested the     6    (possible) of drilling for hot water to heat homes and factories to save coal but the plan     7    (turn) down.. In 1930, the Icelanders began to develop volcanic heat. In the capital of Iceland, for example, hot water is used not only to warm buildings but     8    (heat) the greenhouses where food plants from warm climates are grown. To the Icelanders, all this tapping of hot springs is just a beginning. Plans for the future includes     9    (drill) deep enough to tap volcanic steam — a\an     10    (limit) source of power.

2022-11-24更新 | 120次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市八校联考2021-2022学年高二下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Spectacular Waterfalls in the World

Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

They are accessible via the Western Zimbabwe town of the same name. Though technically not the tallest (107 meters), Victoria Falls is commonly known as the largest for its rapidly falling water. Summers can be hot and too dry to see the falls in full form, making the best views between March and August.

Iguazu Falls, Argentina and Brazil

Though Iguazu is only 82 meters tall, its curtain of water extends for over 1,600 meters. But if two stamps in your passport aren’t enough of a reason, these Falls are also considered the largest waterfall system in the world. The temperate year-round weather around Iguazu Falls only adds to its popularity.

Niagara Falls, New York and Ontario

The falls are impressively high at 99 meters but equally impressively long, stretching on for what feels like forever. While the Canadian side boasts a touristy town to spend the weekend, the American side trades mostly in natural views. For blue skies and high waterfall rainbow visibility opportunity, visit in summer. And while those making the trip in the winter shouldn’t expect the falls to freeze, they should bundle up or risk freezing themselves.

The Detian Falls, China and Vietnam

The Detian Falls is located in Daxin County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, crossing the Sino-Vietnamese border. The roaring waterfall is separated into three-tiered falls by rocks and trees, dropping more than 70 meters. It has a maximum width of 200 meters. The waterfall is the largest naturally formed falls in Southeast Asia and has been identified as a top tourist destination.

1. Which is the tallest of the following waterfalls?
A.Victoria FallsB.Iguazu FallsC.Niagara FallsD.The Detian Falls
2. What do the listed waterfalls have in common?
A.They stretch in two countries.B.They show good view in July.
C.They are over 100 meters in width.D.They have mild year-round weather.
3. What is an attraction of Niagara Falls unique to the Canadian side?
A.The freezing falls in winterB.The town appealing to tourists.
C.The visible high waterfall rainbow.D.The equally long and high waterfall.
2022-11-17更新 | 144次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖北省武汉市武昌区2021-2022学年高二下学期期末英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Two giant pandas “Sihai” and “Jingjing” left the Ya’an Bi Feng Xia Base of China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda (CCRCGP) in Sichuan Province on Oct. 18, 2022,     1     (start) their journey to Qatar.

To ensure that     2     two pandas start their new lives smoothly, both sides have made full     3     (prepare). The two pandas have been in good condition     4     the CCRCGP put them into quarantine (隔离) a month ago.

The Chinese team has also sent several expert groups to Qatar for on-site guidance and assessment of the venues,     5     will assist the country in setting up a     6     (profession) giant panda breeding and management team, and ensure supplies of bamboo.

To help the giant pandas adapt to their new environment     7     (easy), the research center has also sent experienced breeders and experts to Qatar.

In May 2020, China and Qatar signed a cooperation agreement     8     (concern) giant panda protection and research to     9     (far) promote international cooperation in the field and to boost the protection of endangered species and biodiversity in the two countries. It is the first time that China     10    (cooperate) with a Middle Eastern country in this capacity.

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The Dog Who Saved Our Family

We met Max at the pickup area of Alaska Airlines five years ago. He was a standard poodle(狮子狗)born on Valentine’s Day in 2017, and came to us in a small blue box. We had adopted him from an out-of-state raiser who posted the news on the social network. Our only request was that he have a calm behavior, able to bear the pushing and hugging of our eight-year-old daughter and six-year-old son.

We were a sweet little family:me,my husband, and our children, Sophie and Jake. But for years I’d felt as if we wouldn’t really be complete until we had a dog. Also, my husband worked in a business company and had to travel some 200 days a year for his job, and I knew I’d feel safer with a large animal sleeping by the door.

When we opened the box, the last piece of our puzzle fell into place. With his black hair and intelligent eyes,Max was beautiful. He was so small that he fit into the palm of my hand, his big paws lapping over the sides. He was also a little bit scared. As I pulled him close,I felt his heart pound and wondered if we’d done the right thing, taking him from his mother. But it was too late. Sophie and Jake were already fighting over who would hold him next and who should have the right to take a bath for him.

Over the following months, we spent endless hours watching Max play with his Kong toy or roll around the living room floor. Like most poodles, he was smart. He mastered house-training quickly and never chewed on our furniture or shoes. He considered himself one of us.

1. 续写词数应为150左右

One night we were sleeping in the bedroom when I heard some strange noise.


At that time,Max ran towards me.

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