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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了公园是城市跳动的心脏,为各种规模的野生动物提供了重要的环境,也为当地居民提供了休息和娱乐的场所。文章以华沙的Pole mokotowski公园为例,说明了公园对于生态所起到的积极作用。

1 . Parks are the beating hearts of cities, providing crucial environments for wildlife of many sizes as well as areas of rest and recreation for local citizens. Accessible via public transport, and located near a university, a stadium and the National Library, Warsaw’s Pole Mokotowskie Park provides green space for many people.

One of the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s five pathways to transformative change for water management is to restore species population, ecosystems and the benefits that nature provides to people by using each city’s advantage. As more urban centres seek new ways to unite greenery into the built environment, projects of all sizes and stages add to essential corridors and stopping points for a range of wildlife.

Tasked with improving Warsaw’s Pole Mokotowskie Park’s natural sustainability, architecture company WXCA looked at ways of enhancing the elements that were already in place to better support wildlife. One of the most visible means was the removal of thousands of square metres of concrete (混凝土). Removing concrete in and around ponds and other waterways allows the city’s features to shape themselves naturally, in reaction to both the surrounding environment and the weather. Doing so can support biodiversity by removing artificial constraints and flows. More than 13,000 square metres of concrete has already been removed, with more removal planned over the next year.

For the human users of the park, the designers created education, activity, and art spaces. The Grand Salon, a grassland surrounded by trees, is for large public gatherings, and a handful of pavilions (亭) spread throughout the space provide visible means of monitoring the quality of the air and water. They also contribute to the park’s ecosystem through rainwater harvesting. As the temperature consistently rises, city planners are using the leaves and branches of the plants and mixed use designs to reduce heat islands, improve air quality and prevent urban runoff.

1. What do we know about Warsaw’s Pole Mokotowskie Park?
A.It creates a new way to the city center.
B.It serves different community groups.
C.It reminds the public to protect the environment.
D.It shows the locals are living happily.
2. What are the projects in paragraph 2 intended for?
A.Providing stages to show off creativity.B.Taking advantage of the city’s resources.
C.Encouraging people to get close to nature.D.Supplying various wildlife with more room.
3. What does the underlined word “constraints” in paragraph 3 mean?
4. How do the pavilions help the ecosystem?
A.By offering some shelters.B.By collecting rainwater.
C.By monitoring the air quality.D.By reducing high temperature.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I must admit, I haven’t always liked animals. In fact, I distrusted them greatly while growing up, and I still fear the ones I don’t know personally. What set my beliefs in stone was being attacked—not once but many times, including the summer after second grade when I was bitten by a rabbit. Then, when I was nine and riding my dirt bike down the road, a large dog charged me and tried to bite my ankle. After all those negative experiences, there was one thing I knew for sure: All creatures, great and small, were no friends of mine.

After college in California, I returned to live the single life in Las Vega. Then I met Lisa. In no time at all, we fell in love, married and moved into a new house. Despite my avoidance of animals, Lisa had a dog called Bailey. Bailey didn’t like me, but he tolerated my existence once he realized I wasn’t going anywhere.

Things changed as spring came. We welcomed a new member of our family: our son Evan. One evening Evan grabbed hold of the dog’s tail. The irritated dog paused and turned to look at his stuck tail but waited patiently until being released. Still the stories I’d heard of animals attacking babies worries me.

Then my worst fear occurred. I sat on the couch (沙发) reading after a long day while my wife worked at the dining-room table paying the bills. I saw Evan crawl across the family-room carpet as he made his way behind the couch. One minute, all was quiet and then Bailey entered the room and headed to where Evan had crawled. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the dog start a fearful barking behind me.


Throwing the book away, I rushed around the couch with great fear.


Having witnessed our dog killing a scorpion (蝎子) and saving my son, I was speechless.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The rhino census (犀牛普查) is out, bearing good news for the greater one-horned rhinos! In September, 2022, the International Rhino Foundation (IRF) documented in a report that there is a baby boom in this population, representing an increase of 167 percent.

According to the report, there are a total of 4,014 greater one-horned rhinos living in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. Although this is positive news, their IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) status still remains vulnerable.

In India alone, the home to 70 percent of the world’s greater one-horned rhinos, there was an increase of 274 rhinos since the last biannual census, according to the organization Rhino Review.

An important reason for this baby boom is the fact that Assam, India, has enlarged Kaziringo National Park, home to the world’s largest one-horned rhino population. The park went from 430 square kilometers to 1,040 square kilometers. This gives more breeding areas for the rhinos, and they are closed to visitors during breeding season.

India and Nepal are also protecting the rhinos by enforcing wildlife crime laws. To reduce rhino death by poaching (偷猎), the IRF donates vehicles and equipment, plus education including guard training and crime investigation.

The IRF data for other rhino species is not as promising, although the greater one-horned rhino numbers are encouraging for future conservation. According to the report, there is a decline in Sumatran rhinos, Africa’s white rhinos, while the Javan rhino population is stable and threatened by loss of habitat.

The State of the Rhino report offers hope for these other species. Given that the greater one-horned things were once close to extinction, with fewer than 100 living in the world, their recovery is incredible. This demonstrates that there are solutions when organizations and people work together. Let us hope that this successful rhino baby boom will affect other endangered wildlife species around the globe.

1. What contributes to the baby boon of one-horned rhinos in Assam, India?
A.Extending the protected areas for rhinos.
B.Raising fund to set up more reserves for rhinos.
C.Leaving the one-horned rhinos alone in the wild.
D.Keeping visitors away from the Kaziringo National Park.
2. How does IRF help protect the one-horned rhinos?
A.By cooperating with other organizations.
B.By enhancing anti-poaching efforts.
C.By transferring the rhinos to other habitats.
D.By guarding the rhinos with new equipment.
3. What can we learn from the rhino report?
A.Rhinos are no longer a vulnerable species.
B.Rhinos will affect other wildlife in the world.
C.Everyone can play a role in protecting nature.
D.It is possible to protect other endangered species.
4. What is the purpose of this text?
A.To inform good news on the greater one-horned rhinos.
B.To show the measures taken to protect the one-horned rhinos.
C.To introduce an endangered species—the greater one-horned rhinos.
D.To indicate the decline of other species of rhino population.
2023-02-12更新 | 477次组卷 | 8卷引用:河北省石家庄市第22中学2022-2023学年高三年级第二学期开学考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Yunnan is the hometown of tea. It provides the ideal climate and the ecological environment for large-leaf tea trees, which are located in the     1     (region) along the Lancang River. Thousands of years ago, they formed those ancient tea plantations,     2     are the best gift that nature has grated us.

    3     (preserve) the ancient tea trees, Southwest Chinn’s Yunnan Province has passed a protection regulation recently,     4     (clarify) that wild and cultivated ten plants aged over 100 wars should be better protected in the province. The new regulation, which will come into force starting from March 1, 2023,    5    (prohibit) six kinds of behaviors that harm ancient tea plants and their growing environment. Unauthorized cutting and transplantation of ancient tea trees, carving tree branches, digging the roots,     6    damaging the ancient lea trees are all banned.

Other     7     (legal) practices include using harmful chemical herbicides, releasing waste gas and water, as well as dumping and throwing waste     8     (casual) within the protection range of the trees, according to the regulation.

Yunnan has diverse resources of tea trees. The regulation also advocates proper research and     9    (apply) of Yunnan’s resources of ancient tea trees, raising varieties     10    new tea trees of good quality, as well as the establishment of relevant industrial chains.

语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Originally constructed around 256 BC by the State of Qin    1    an irrigation and flood control system, Dujiangyan is a remarkable example of ancient engineering skill and is still in use today.

During the Warring States Period, people who lived along the banks of the Minjiang River    2    (trouble) by flooding. Irrigation engineer Li Bing investigated the problem    3    (thorough). He led a team to construct a levee (防洪堤) to redirect a part of the river’s flow. Then they cut    4    channel through Mount Yulei to let the water flow through it. After the system was finished, no more floods    5    (occur). What’s more, it made Sichuan one of the most productive agricultural    6    (region) in China because the redirected water from the Minjiang River could be used for irrigation. If you visit Dujiangyan, you will see an unusual construction    7    looks like a fish’s mouth. This famous    8    (attract), Yuzui, together with two other important parts, namely Feishayan and Baopingkou, was scientifically designed    9    (control) the water flow throughout the year.

    10    (recognize) as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Dujiangyan has irrigated farmland while preventing floods for over 2,000 years.

书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 塑料袋的广泛使用给人们的生活带来诸多便利的同时也造成了严重的环境污染。请你代表学生会为校报“英语专栏”写一份关于减少塑料袋使用的倡议书,内容包括;
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲了中国第二大淡水湖一洞庭湖, 自古以来就是鱼类和哺乳动物的家园,但是由于人类各种非法行为,导致湖泊渔业资源持续减少,威胁着洞庭湖的生态环境。后来渔民们开始拯救湖泊,他们成立了生态保护组织,由于他们的努力,洞庭湖生态目前已经呈现出一个全新的面貌。
7 . 语法填空

Dongting Lake, the second     1     (large) freshwater lake in China, has been known for being home to fishes and mammals since ancient times. They reached here along the flow of the river to live and produce young, giving local fishermen including He Daming countless     2     (nature) gifts.

In the 1980s, there     3     (be) more than 120 species of fish in the Lake. However, illegal sand mining coupled with many ships sailing in the area affected the lake ecosystem     4     illegal power grids(电网) began to appear around the area. As a result, fishery resources in the Lake continued to be reducing,     5     threatened the ecology of Dongting Lake. It was around this time that the number of fin-less porpoises(江豚) that used to be common in the lake dropped     6     (obvious).

He Daming gathered some of his fellow fishermen     7     (discuss) the situation and even required them to stop fishing. In addition, they set up an ecological protection     8     (organize). A lot of well-educated young people also joined it.

From 2020 on, as fishing was not allowed in key areas of the Yangtze River basin, including Dongting Lake, many fishermen have gradually given up fishing and taken up jobs in many other     9     (industry).

Thanks to their efforts, Dongting Lake ecology has taken on     10     complete new look so far.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。印度商人Ashay Bhave找到了回收使用塑料袋的新方法——把塑料袋制成一种叫作ThaelyTex纤维,然后用这种纤维制作鞋子;这样,塑料袋得以回收利用,减少了对环境的污染。

8 . Fashion designers are always looking for new materials to work with. Lately, it’s all about environment-friendly materials -- recycled tires, mushrooms, even pineapple fibers! What if you want such a pair of shoes? Thaely is here to help.

This sneaker brand out of Dubai wants to fight the growing problem of plastic pollution. Led by 23-year-old Indian businessman Ashay Bhave, they may have found a winning approach: making shoes out of plastic grocery bags. “Thaely” means “plastic bag” in the Hindi language.

“I was looking to create footwear that is cost-effective and safe for the environment,” Bhave said in an interview with a newspaper. “I needed to come up with something that uses recycled plastic without creating any more plastic waste. ”Plastic bags were the perfect solution. He said five trillion plastic bags are used around the world each year. “I was motivated to find a solution to this problem,” Bhave said.

That solution was the fiber called ThaelyTex. Made entirely from plastic bags, the material looks and feels like leather. That sounds promising. Better yet, the production process requires no additional chemicals and produces no poisonous by-products. The result is a smart-looking pair of white low-top sneakers.

Bhave wouldn’t expose the full process for making ThaelyTex, but he said that each pair of shoes was made from up to 15 plastic bags and 22 plastic bottles. Where do they get the materials? Bhave told Elle that was the hardest part. “The biggest challenge we faced was right at the first step of acquiring the plastic bags. ”

Finally, they got help from TrioTap Technologies, a waste management plant. Bhave said they offered to collect the bags and also process them into ThaelyTex.

So far, it seems like things are falling into place. There are already hundreds of pre-orders in place. It sounds like they have some plans for the future. “We have a few more colors coming up,” said Bhave. They also plan to put out a high-top model and bring in a line of clothing. Let’s hope their growth is also friendly to the environment.

1. Why did Bhave choose to make shoes out of plastic bags?
A.To set a new footwear trend.
B.To test new materials for footwear.
C.To reduce the use of plastic bags in his home country.
D.To use recycled plastic in an environment-friendly way.
2. What was the most difficult task for Bhave?
A.Having a few more colors for Thaely.B.Processing plastic bags into ThaelyTex.
C.Collecting enough production materialsD.Dealing with many poisonous by-products
3. The underlined part“put out”in the last paragraph probably means__________.
4. What can be the best title for this passage?
A.Bhave: a promising young man
B.Thaely: killer of waste plastic bags
C.ThaelyTex: material out of plastic bags
D.TrioTap Technologies: a waste management plant
9 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What does Coldplay plan to do by holding their latest tour?
A.Reward their fans.B.Help the environment.C.Promote a new record.
2. What do the fans need to do during the performances?
A.Dance on special floors.
B.Sing together in the show.
C.Take part in competitions.
3. How does Shawn Mendes try to reduce emissions?
A.By reducing clothing waste.
B.By recycling single-use plastics
C.By staying in eco-friendly hotels.
2022-09-16更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐山市2022-2023学年高三上学期摸底考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Dogs Trained to Find Endangered Animals

Many dogs are very hard - working animals. They have been helping people for thousands of years. Dogs protect our homes. They help people with disabilities. They team up with rescue workers in search -and - rescue operations. And now, dogs can add another job to their resumes—finding endangered animals! The official title for this kind of work is conservation detection dog.

Luke Edwards is a dog owner and trainer. He is training two border collies (边境牧羊犬), named Rubble and Uda, to become conservation detection dogs.

He says that border collies are good for this kind of work because they have a great, sense of smell. The dogs also have great stamina—the mental and physical strength to work long hours .

Recently, the dogs went on their most difficult job yet - finding the Baw Baw frog. This frog is one of Australia ‘ s most endangered animals.

The work is difficult mainly because of the search area. Just to get to the place where the frogs live. the dogs and their trainers must walk far distances through alpine(高山)forests . It is difficult but important work.

A deadly fungus (真菌)has killed nearly all of Australia’s Baw Baw frogs. In fact, scientists say these creatures could disappear in the next five to ten years.

Zoos Victoria is a group set up to protect wildlife. Conservation experts there claim that since 1980 the deadly fungus has killed off 98 percent of the Baw Baw frogs.

So. Zoos Victoria is trying to save the frogs. Experts there raise them and have them reproduce. They call it their captive breeding program.

1. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 1?
A.Many people like dogs.
B.Dogs are very friendly to people.
C.Some dogs are trained to help blind people and deaf people.
D.Dogs have acted as a new role.
2. What does the underlined word “stamina” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. The main reason why finding the Baw Baw frog is difficult is that________.
A.the distance is far away and the site is dangerous
B.frogs don’ t make a call
C.there is deadly fungus
D.they mainly live underground
4. Where does this text come from?
A.A geography book.B.Science fiction.
C.Children’ s literature.D.A book on animals.
2022-09-16更新 | 97次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐县第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期摸底考试英语试题
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