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1 . Scientists have reported that the sea ice in Antarctica (南极) is at a record low level. Antarctica is a great, icy land, surrounded (围绕) by the huge Southern Ocean. The ice in Antarctica doesn’t just cover the land. There’s also a large area of sea ice on the ocean’s surface.

Every year, the sea ice at the South Pole goes through a cycle. In the summer, the huge sea ice melts (融化) to its smallest point. Over the colder winter months, the sea ice grows and grows until it covers a wide area. Usually, the sea ice covers the greatest area around September 23, as winter ends at the South Pole.

Scientists have been measuring the area of the sea ice in Antarctica since 1979. For most of this time, Antarctica has seemed to be almost unaffected by the changing weather conditions experienced in other parts of the globe. That began to change around 2016. Now, for several years, the area of Antartica’s sea ice has been shrinking.

This year, the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) reported that Antartica’s sea ice covered its greatest area on September 10 — almost two weeks earlier than normal. And the sea ice was at a new record low-not just by a little bit, but by a lot.

The last time Antartica’s low sea ice set a record at the end of winter was in 1986. And this year, there’s about 398, 000 square miles less sea ice than in 1986.

Scientists are still trying to understand what is driving the change in Antarctica. One likely direct cause for the change is the rising temperatures of the world’s oceans. Ted Scambos, a research scientist at the University of Colorado, says Antarctica’s ice levels have always changed some, but the sharp loss this year is “pointing towards warmer ocean conditions around the continent.”

The new low record has concerned the scientists. Scientists are working hard to better understand Antarctica. They don’t know yet if this is just a short-term problem, or part of a long-term shift (转变) towards less sea ice in Antarctica.

1. What does the underlined word “shrinking” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Getting smaller.B.Being flat.C.Observed.D.Measured.
2. Why does the author mention the record in 1986?
A.To give an example.B.To make a comparison.
C.To make a summary.D.To offer an argument.
3. What is the possible direct reason for the change in Antarctica’s sea ice?
A.The changing weather conditions.B.Human activities in Antarctica.
C.Increased volcanic activities in the area.D.The increasing temperatures of the global oceans.
4. How do scientists feel about the low record?
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章以没有塑料袋的商店Earth. Food. Love为例,说明了政府和个人都在关注塑料污染问题,提倡减少使用塑料。

2 . In the past few weeks, Richard Eckersley has noticed a change in the type of people who come into his shop. In 2017, the former Manchester United footballer set up Earth. Food. Love in Tones, Devon, with his wife, Nicola. It’s the UK’s first “zero waste” store—the food is in big jars and boxes and people bring their own containers. “A lot of new people are coming in-people who have not necessarily been interested in environmental issues before”, he says.

Recently, the government called for supermarkets to introduce plastic-free passageways. But Eckersley says many customers are already way ahead of politicians. He and Nicola have helped people set up similar stores in Wales, Birmingham, and Bristol. Ingrid Caldironi had a similar idea. She set up a plastic-free shop in London last year, which has been so popular that it is soon moving to a bigger site.

Eckersley and Caldironi are members of an anti-plastics movement in the UK that has been growing as a result of the BBC’s Blue Planet series and a general worry about the damage plastic is doing to the environment. But big supermarkets have so far not tried very hard to reduce their plastic waste. Sian Sutherland, founder of the movement “A Plastic Planet”, says, “The most exciting thing is that politicians and industry are no longer saying that recycling will solve the problem. Banning the use of plastic packaging for food and drink products is the only answer.” Walking down the passageways of the supermarket where everything from pizza to fresh fruit and vegetables is covered in plastic. Sutherland says immediate action is needed.

Plastic pollution is causing widespread global damage. More than one million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute, and most end up in landfill or the sea. The contamination is so wide that tap water around the world also contains plastic.

1. What is special about Earth. Food. Love?
A.It gives away boxes of food.B.It is a store without plastic bags.
C.It has few new customers.D.It is the UK’s first supermarket.
2. What caused Caldironi’s shop to be relocated to a larger place?
A.Its popularity.B.Its products.C.Its profits.D.Its similarity.
3. What does the underlined word “contamination” in last paragraph mean?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The impact of BBC’s Blue Planet series on anti-plastics movements.
B.Rising anti-plastics movement alongside increasing environmental concerns.
C.A guide to setting up plastic-free stores to promote recycling in the whole UK.
D.Richard Eckersley’s personal journey in waste reduction and pollution prevention.
2024-02-19更新 | 136次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省邯郸市大名县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷
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3 . The “mark test” (or “mirror test”) is a way to test animal intelligence — whether an animal can recognize itself, especially animals with large brains. A mark is put on an animal, usually in a spot that can only be seen with a mirror. Then the animal is allowed to look in a mirror. If the animal seems to pay attention to the mark, scientists believe the animal has recognized itself.

But some scientists believe the mark test doesn’t work well for all animals. Roosters (公鸡) are a good example. Scientists at the University of Bonn recently ran the mark test on roosters. They put a pinkish triangle on the chest of the roosters. But when the roosters looked in a mirror, they didn’t seem to notice the mark.

The scientists needed a different way to test whether the roosters could recognize themselves. When there’s danger — like a hawk (鹰) flying above — roosters make loud calls to warn nearby chickens. But roosters only make the cries if other chickens can hear them. If they’re alone, they remain quiet so the hawk won’t see them. The scientists realized that they could use the shadow of a hawk to test if roosters could recognize themselves in a mirror.

First, the scientists let the roosters spend time getting used to being in a closed-in space and having a mirror around. Then, they ran several tests by making a hawk shadow appear above the bird and watching how the rooster reacted.

When there was no mirror, the roosters reacted as usual. They called out when they were near another rooster, but remained quiet when they were alone. But when a rooster was in a space where it could see itself in the mirror, it wasn’t fooled into thinking there was another rooster. It remained silent despite the hawk shadow.

It proves the roosters knew they were seeing themselves in the mirror, and not other roosters. That suggests that the mark test may not be a good test of whether an animal can recognize itself.

The scientists hope their results will encourage other scientists to look for better ways of testing self-recognition in animals.

1. What is the purpose of the “mark test”?
A.To test a bird’s ability to fly.
B.To measure an animal’s brain size.
C.To see if an animal can recognize itself.
D.To compare different animals’ intelligence.
2. How did scientists test whether the roosters thought they were alone?
A.By testing their eyesight with a mirror.
B.By putting a mark on the roosters’ chest.
C.By placing two roosters before the mirror.
D.By observing their reactions to a hawk shadow,
3. What do the results of the rooster experiment suggest?
A.Roosters are not intelligent animals.
B.The mark test is a reliable measure of self-recognition.
C.The mark test may not accurately determine self-recognition.
D.Roosters can recognize themselves better than other animals.
4. What do the scientists expect of further studies?
A.Conducting more experiments on roosters.
B.Using the mark test on other bird species.
C.Studying self-recognition in dolphins and elephants.
D.Searching for better ways to test animal intelligence.
2024-02-19更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。由一群青少年创办的Free Your Voice组织,致力于改善南巴尔的摩当地由煤炭带来的空气污染,尤其是运输煤炭的污染大户CSX运输公司。

4 . South Baltimore is surrounded by water, highways, and train tracks. It’s also often thought of as a place to avoid—folks are taught to be careful of or even avoid South Baltimore. “People think South Baltimore is a place filled with danger. It’s not. It’s just we’re surrounded by dangerous things,” says Taysia, 17.

Taysia is part of a group of student activists fighting against a very different kind of danger in their neighborhood: air pollution and climate change. Lots of trucks with their noise pass through the neighborhood. South Baltimore is also home to a junkyard where they crush (压碎)cars, an old landfill, chemical plants, and mountains of coal. These are not the communities anyone wants.

The residents of South Baltimore are breathing polluted air today. Coal releases a black dust that’s small enough to get into people’s lungs. It can cause disease and death if you’re breathing it day after day. The mountains of coal are the focus of a growing opposition movement called Free Your Voice, led by South Baltimore teenagers.

The teens of Free Your Voice are taking on a big opponent (对手): the massive transportation company CSX, which transports more than 8 million tons of coal through South Baltimore annually. CSX makes billions of dollars a year.

The teens went door to door, warning their neighbors about the dangers of the coal transportation. Not everyone was on board at first. “We were talking to people and that’s just like, ‘You’re a kid! Like this is not gonna change, it’s been happening forever.’” Taysia says.

Meanwhile, the students spent the summer using sticky paper to gather samples of dust from all over the neighborhood to prove that the dust was from coal and to pinpoint which parts of the neighborhood were most affected.

The goal is to eventually get the state regulators to deny the permit that CSX needs to operate, or at least require the company to enclose all the coal, or at the very least put water onto all of it so there’s less dust blowing around. And the state is considering all of those requests.

1. How did people describe South Baltimore according to Taysia?
2. What is the main focus of the opposition movement called Free Your Voice?
A.The junkyard.B.The old landfill.
C.The chemical plants.D.The coal transportation.
3. Why did some people in the neighborhood initially doubt the students’ efforts?
A.They believed the pollution was harmless.
B.They trusted CSX’s environmental practices.
C.They had no awareness of the pollution and climate change.
D.They thought the students were too young to make a change.
4. What method did the students use to gather evidence of coal-related pollution?
A.Conducting surveys.B.Distributing leaflets.
C.Using sticky paper for dust samples.D.Organizing protests.
2024-02-19更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
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5 . From 2018 to 2021, about 10 billion snow crabs (蟹) disappeared from the eastern Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska. “It’s a fishery disaster in the truest sense of the word,” says Cody Szuwalski, a fishery biologist.

Usually, as winter’s thick sea ice melts (融化), the meltwater settles on the seafloor, creating a cold-water pool with temperatures below 2° Celsius on the eastern Bering Sea shelf, which makes perfect habitat for snow crabs. But a sea heat wave in the area in 2018 and 2019 prevented the usual amount of sea ice from forming.

After a close study, Szuwalski and his colleagues have found the water temperature probably didn’t kill the crabs directly, as snow crabs in laboratories can survive in waters up to 12℃. Instead, the crabs might have died from hunger. According to the study, the food demand of snow crabs in labs almost double as water temperature rises from 0℃ to 3℃. The crab population reached historic highs in 2018 thanks to great ocean conditions for newborn crabs around 2010. As a result, the crowded crabs probably needed more food, but because of the smaller foraging (觅食) area, they had even fewer resources to sink their claws into.

“It’s just something we didn’t expect, but now we have to live with,” says Christopher Harley, an ocean scientist. Such effects of ocean heat waves are likely to go beyond snow crabs. In answer to climate change, ecosystems in northern areas of the earth, such as Alaska’s, are changing more rapidly than anywhere else. Scientists can try to help predict (预测) and prepare for changes in the future with the aid of former research. “But the future increasingly holds events that have never happened on record before, like the drop in the snow crab population,” Harley says.

1. Which of the following is suitable for snow crabs to live according to the text?
A.Quiet warm water.B.Large water area.C.Cold deep water.D.Cold sea surface.
2. What probably directly causes the disappearance of more snow crabs?
A.Polluted seawater.B.Inability to fight diseases.
C.Change in water temperature.D.Too little food for so many snow crabs.
3. Why are ecosystems in northern areas of the earth changing?
A.To adapt to climate change.B.To force people to reduce activities.
C.To avoid destruction from humans.D.To remove environmental pollution.
4. What does Harley mean when it comes to the prediction for the future based on former research?
A.It is useless.B.It is challenging.C.It is economical.D.It is rewarding.
2024-02-18更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用: 河北省沧州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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6 . A powerful earthquake hit Morocco on Friday night. The earthquake struck around 11 pm on Friday night. The USGS (US Geological Survey) says that the earthquake had a magnitude of about 6.8. But Morocco’s earthquake center recorded the earthquake as being almost twice that strong.

The quake was one of the most powerful ever recorded in Morocco. It’s also the country’s deadliest earthquake in over 60 years. So far, the earthquake is reported to have killed over 2,680 people. It has injured over 2,500 others. The earthquake was extremely dangerous because it happened at night. Marrakesh is a big city that’s popular with tourists. Many of its modern buildings seem to have survived the earthquake. But the old part of the city, called the Medina, was hit hard. The Medina has buildings that are over 1,000 years old.

Outside of Marrakesh, the earthquake caused even more damage. In the Atlas Mountains, the earthquake’s center, there are many small villages. Some villages were nearly destroyed. Many of the people in the area live in simple houses made of mud bricks. This is a traditional way of building in Morocco. But it’s not strong enough to protect against earthquakes. Many of these houses collapsed. Some of the bricks turned to sand.

Rescue workers have been working hard to save those affected by the quake. In larger cities, rescue efforts seem to be going well.

But it has taken a lot longer for help to reach far areas in the mountains. Many of these villages are difficult to get to. The earthquake caused landslides, blocking roads and making these places even more difficult to reach. In some areas, phone and electrical service were also knocked out, leaving these places completely cut off. That means that the local people in some areas far away have had to deal with the situation on their own.

But more help is coming. Some countries have offered teams of experts; others have offered emergency supplies.

1. Why was the earthquake in Morocco especially dangerous according to the text?
A.It was the strongest on record.B.There were too many tourists there.
C.The buildings there were all too old.D.It happened when people were asleep.
2. What does the underlined word “collapsed” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Looked beautiful.B.Fell down.C.Lasted long.D.Stood still.
3. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Causes of the earthquake.B.Terrible sights after the earthquake.
C.Difficulties met in rescuing.D.Survivors’ efforts to rebuild the city.
4. Which part of a website can the text appear?
2024-02-18更新 | 65次组卷 | 2卷引用: 河北省沧州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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7 . Pacific Coast Range

Stretching along the west coast of North America from northern California to Alaska, the forests found along the Pacific Coast Range are the largest area of temperate (温带的) rainforest in the world. The forests are home to the coast redwood, the world’s tallest tree. Across the region, the forest understory (林下叶层) is wet and heavily vegetated.

Taiheiyo Evergreen Forests

Found in southern Japan, they are temperate rainforests of evergreen broadleaf trees. The forests can receive more than 100 inches of rain every year. The forests are covered by Japanese cedar and Japanese stone oak, while moso bamboo comprise the understory. The extent of the Taiheiyo forests has been reduced due to development and agriculture. Today,17%of the remaining forest is protected by national parks and other reserves.

Atlantic Oakwood Forest

The Atlantic Oakwood Forest covers the wettest parts of the United Kingdom. A species of oak tree (橡树) called sessile oak occupies the landscape. Unlike other temperate forests, these forests tend to have an open understory of grasses. Much of the historical range of the forest has given to agriculture and other development, though that has changed in recent decades.

Valdivian Temperate Rainforest

This forest is found on the west coast of Chile and Argentina, on the wet, western slopes (斜坡) of the Andes mountain range. With the coastline to the west, the peaks of the Andes to the east, and the Atacama Desert to the north, the region supports a number of plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world. Uniquely, the forest is covered by evergreen flowering trees, which are native to Chile and little known outside the region.

1. Which of the four forest areas occupies the most land?
A.Pacific Coast Range.B.Taiheiyo Evergreen Forests.
C.Atlantic Oakwood Forest.D.Valdivian Temperate Rainforest.
2. What do Taiheiyo Evergreen Forests and Atlantic Oakwood Forest have in common?
A.They have open understory grasses.B.They’re home to extremely tall trees.
C.They’re of great historical significance.D.They used to be affected by agriculture.
3. What is unique to Valdivian Temperate Rainforest?
A.Wet climate.B.Coastal location.
C.Evergreen flowering trees.D.Well-protected national parks.
2024-02-18更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邯郸市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末质量检测英语试卷
完形填空(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了David 家的爱犬 Baya 不慎丢失,家人都非常伤心。两年后,有人发现了一只流浪狗,通过狗身上的芯片证实是 Baya,Baya 终于和主人团聚的故事。

8 . David lost his beloved dog Baya before Christmas two years ago. Baya was active and cute. David’s family spent many days _________ for their furry (毛茸茸的) family member. The kids said they wouldn’t want any _________ from Santa Claus. They just wanted to get their dog back. All attempts to find her turned out to be _________. Baya was nowhere to be found. It seemed that the family wouldn’t have any more _________.

Two years later, a homeless dog _________ alone on a busy road. Someone _________ it to the Animal Protection Association (协会). Thanks to the microchip (芯片) planted in the dog, the association was able to _________ the owner. They _________ David. When David got a phone call that they were going to get Baya back, the family were pretty _________.

Obviously, Baya is __________ to living in this home. She is quite __________ of where her feeding bowl is. Even though Baya isn’t the dog she used to be, David is confident she’ll become her old __________ again. He said, “She was a very healthy and __________ dog. She’s not like that anymore, but we’re going to get her back. Our whole family are taking __________ of her. Kids play with her happily. She’s __________ her joyful nature. We will love her even more.”

A.refer toB.rely onC.track downD.cheer for
2024-02-15更新 | 258次组卷 | 5卷引用: 河北省沧州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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9 . A new study warns that more than a fifth of all reptile (爬行动物) species are threatened with extinction, which may have a bad impact on the planet.

The largest ever analysis of the state of the world’s reptiles, published in Nature, has showed that 21% of the reptile species are facing extinction. The study says from lizards to snakes, such a loss could have disastrous impacts on ecosystems around the world.

Although many reptiles live in dry environments such as deserts, most species occur in forests, where they suffer from threats such as logging of land for agriculture.30% of the forest-dwelling reptiles are at risk of extinction, compared with 14% in dry habitats. Hunting is also a major threat to reptiles, especially turtles and crocodiles, many of which are at risk of extinction. Another major contributing factor is the introduction of invasive species.

“If we removed reptiles, it could change ecosystems fundamentally, with unfortunate knock-on effects, such as increases in pest insects,” said Neil Cox, co-leader of the study. “Biodiversity, including reptiles, supports the ecosystem services that provide a healthy environment for people.”

Our hope is that this first-ever assessment of the world’s 10,000-plus reptiles helps put them in the spotlight and goes some way to highlighting this diversity, and just how much we have to lose. As well as controlling rats, mosquitoes and other pests, reptiles deliver many other benefits. “They help spread seeds, especially in island environments,” said researcher Hoffmann. “We’ve also achieved many medical advances from studies of reptiles.”

The results of the study are not all doom and gloom. Scientists have found, surprisingly, that if they set out to protect places where threatened birds, mammals and amphibians (两栖动物) live together, they’ll meanwhile protect many more threatened reptiles.

1. Which is the main concern raised by the new study?
A.The overpopulation of reptiles.B.The loss of reptiles.
C.The sharp increase in reptile species.D.The disastrous influence of reptiles on nature.
2. How many factors causing the extinction of species are mentioned in paragraph 3?
3. What did Neil Cox and Hoffmann both say about reptiles?
A.Their benefits.B.Their habitats.
C.Their living habits.D.Their health problems.
4. What does the underlined phrase “doom and gloom” in the last paragraph mean?
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Growing plants at home is a fun and enjoyable activity to do and can be developed as a new hobby.     1     Let’s take a look.

Gardening reduces stress. Gardening is one of the most effective, and fun ways to free yourself from the physical, mental, and emotional stress you have been carrying since the beginning of the week. If you are overworking yourself during the weekdays or seeing yourself drowning in stressful thoughts, try to spend your weekends gardening at home.     2     The sweet smell of the wet soil and the plants’ fascinating colors has a calming effect on our minds.

    3     Just like plants that need sunlight to photosynthesize (光合作用), we also need to be exposed to sunlight. Our body produces or makes natural Vitamin D when the sunlight touches our skin. Gardening outdoors allows us to be exposed to sunlight and, in turn, the sunlight enriches us with Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps protect our body from getting diseases such as cancer.

Gardening is good for your heart. Gardening requires our body to move around by doing simple tasks such as digging the ground, planting seeds, pulling out weeds, and carrying a water container’s load.     4     They allows our body to burn calories and fats, and help strengthen our heart, reducing the risk of suffering from heart attack.

By spending our free time gardening and monitoring our plants’ growth, we are also taking care of ourselves as we gain lots of health and emotional benefits. It is a worthwhile activity because we get to see the results of our hard work when our plants start growing fonder and healthier. The way we take care of our plants reflects the way we take care of ourselves.     5    

A.Gardening is an act of self-love.
B.Gardening is good for your bones.
C.Gardening helps your body against diseases.
D.You will see a significant change in your mind.
E.These simple gardening tasks can be considered a low-level exercise.
F.It also has several positive health and emotional benefits that you can enjoy.
G.Returning home to a place full of beautiful plants helps us enjoy the freshness of the air.
2024-02-11更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市西山学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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