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语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The total floor area of Chain’s green buildings has been over 6. 6 billion square meters with the country’s efforts to promote high-quality development in urban and rural areas.

    1     (note)China’s achievements of green development in urban and rural areas, Zhang Xiaohong, vice minister of housing and urban-rural development,     2     (stress)the difficult task of saving energy and reducing carbon emissions in urban and rural construction at a press conference on Monday.

The ministry will make continuous efforts     3     (increase)the proportion of green buildings, raise building energy efficiency standards and popularize buildings with extra-low energy     4     (consume)in regions with suitable climate conditions. It will also promote green renovation of existing buildings to improve energy efficiency and make     5     (low)carbon emissions.

China issued a guideline     6     supports green development in urban and rural areas recently. Institutional mechanisms and policy systems for green development in urban and rural areas will be     7     (basic)established by 2025, while green development will cover urban and rural areas     8     a comprehensive way by 2035, with     9     increased cut in carbon emissions, said the guideline.

The ministry will state a 14th five-year plan on urban and rural living environment planning and take     10     (measure)to bring eco-environment, construction and social and cultural environment into line while promoting green development of regions and cities.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Commercial airlines alone contribute around 3% of total global carbon emissions. But the industry is actively looking for green solutions in the form of sustainable jet fuel, and in one case, that fuel may have had a previous life as your household food waste. In a study released this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers detail a method of transforming food waste into sustainable jet fuel that can be used in existing engines.

Biomass (生物质), such as manure (粪便) and food waste, can be transformed into bio-fuels, which are renewable liquid fuels made from organic matter. Derek Vardon, a senior research engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), says that their fuel worked as a mixture of 90% conventional petrol jet fuel and 10% alternative jet fuel required by the industry currently. They also show they could push it to a 70/30 mixture, which will be possible in real world with more time and testing.

Major airline companies are eager to get involved in sustainable aviation fuel because some sustainable solutions, such as battery-operated commercial planes, just aren’t possible yet with current battery technology. A battery-powered plane would be too heavy to fly long distances, so fuel that works in the same way as the fuel we have is a simpler way to trade out emission-heavy fossil fuels.

Vardon says that because the wet waste used in the process would normally go to a landfill (垃圾填埋场) and break down to release greenhouse gases, the process of making and using sustainable aviation fuel could actually have a negative carbon footprint when scaled up.

Commercial airlines are on board to find an affordable and sustainable solution to the carbon-intensive process of air travel. Airlines are looking to hit aggressive sustainability goals by 2050, including decreasing net carbon dioxide emissions by 50%.

1. Which of the following is used for sustainable airline power?
A.Fossil fuel.B.Liquid fuel.C.Battery power.D.Biomass.
2. Why are commercial planes still fuel-powered?
A.Fuel-powered planes are likely to travel lighter and farther.
B.Biofuel is environmentally friendly and sustainable.
C.It’s convenient to create the proper fuel mixture.
D.Biofuel proves less costly and easier to produce.
3. What does the underlined phrase “on board” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.taking off.B.holding a meeting.
C.participating in.D.appearing on stage.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Alternative Energy to Fossil Fuel.
B.How to Get Fossil Fuel Sustainable.
C.Changing Food Waste into Airplane Fuel.
D.How to Decrease Carbon Dioxide Emissions.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 1月8号你校组织全体师生进行了一次地震应急疏散演练(evacuation drill)。假设你是校英文报的一名记者,请根据所给要点以“An earthquake emergency evacuation drill”为题写一篇新闻报道:
1. Lead:演练的目的、参加者、时间及地点;
2. Body:演练的经过、效果;
3. Ending:以quote的形式述同学们的感受。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 标题已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 要求在作文中使用至少一个定语从句

An earthquake emergency evacuation drill

2023-05-24更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省吉林市第一中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期末测试英语试题(平行班)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What are the speakers talking about?
A.Environment protection.B.Public transportation.C.A birthday party.
2. How does the man usually go to work?
A.By bus.B.By car.C.By bike.
2023-05-24更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省普通高中友好学校联合体2022-2023学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The impact of the man-made climate crisis on Antarctica is scientifically undeniable: stable ice shelves are retreating, air temperature increased by 3 degrees Celsius. krill(磷虾)numbers are declining, melting ice is contributing to sea level rise, and polar bears and seals are getting displaced. “Antarctic biodiversity could decline substantially by the end of the century if we continue with business as usual.” Jasmine Rachael Lee, lead author of the University of Queensland study says.

Published in the journal PLOS Biology, the study finds population declines are likely for 65% of the continent’s plants and wildlife by the year 2100. The most vulnerable(脆弱的)species is the Emperor penguins. In October 2022, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed Emperor penguins as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act(ESA), as experts predict the flightless seabird will see a 26% to 47% dip in its population by 2050. “This listing reflects the growing extinction crisis and highlights the importance of the ESA and efforts to conserve species before population declines become irreversible(不可逆转).” said Service Director Martha Williams at the time.

Aside from Emperor penguins, other Antarctic specialists, like the Adélie penguin and dry soil nematodes, were also highly vulnerable. We urgently need a combination of global and local conservation action to best conserve Antarctic species. Global action and global voices to help relieve climate change—because the biggest threat to Antarctica is coming from outside of it. And then we need local actions to help protect biodiversity against local threats and give them the best chance of adapting to climate changes. This will help to save our iconic(代表性的)species like the Emperor penguins and all of Antarctica’s unique and highly adapted inhabitants. It will also help humankind, as we rely heavily on the priceless services the Antarctic provides in regulating our climate and capturing sea level in its ice sheets.

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
A.The impact of climate crisis is usually denied.
B.Conservation efforts are badly needed.
C.Air temperature on Antarctic increases 3℃ annually.
D.Sea level rise results in seabirds losing their habitats.
2. Why is the Emperor penguin mentioned in Paragraph 2?
A.To serve as a call to protect wildlife on Antarctic
B.To reflect the growing population of wild species.
C.To prove the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act.
D.To highlight the severe impact of rising temperature.
3. What is probably the best conservation policy?
A.Reducing the chances of making a trip to Antarctic.
B.Making joint efforts to relieve climate change.
C.Attempting to provide essential nutrients to the ecosystem.
D.Continuing to carry forward the Endangered Species Act.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Plants and Wildlife on Antarctica Will Decline Quickly
B.Antarctic Species Are Vulnerable to Human Threats
C.More Action Should Be Taken to Protect Wildlife on Antarctica
D.The Best Conservation Strategy Will Be Carried Out Soon
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。巴黎市长Anne Hidalgo希望清洁塞纳河,到2024年巴黎举办奥运会时,让这条河可以游泳。塞纳河每年约有360吨塑料被发现。
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, wants to clean the Seine,     1    (make) the river swimmable by 2024 when the city will host the Olympic Games. Unfortunately, the Seine has a lot of pollution, which is the addition of harmful materials     2     the environment. Around 360 tons of plastic     3    (find) in the Seine every year.

Lucky for Hidalgo, 11-year-old Raphael is on the case. For nearly two years, he     4    (spend) nearly every weekend with his dad, fishing debris (垃圾) out of almost     5     whole stretch of water. It all started when Raphael saw a YouTube tutorial from someone doing something similar. So Raphael asked his parents for     6     (supply). “I was initially taken back by his request.    7    , once he showed me the YouTube video I ended up being quite impressed,” Raphael’s dad said.

Raphael feels     8    (encourage) by his progress in the last two years. A section of the Seine, he said, is noticeably     9    (clear) than the rest of the river. That’s     10     he started fishing and he hopes he’ll be one of the first to swim in the water once it’s declared safe.

2023-05-13更新 | 122次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届吉林省长春市高三质量监测(四)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Now, a study proves that gardens are more than just a pretty place. The study, by researchers at Illinois State University, demonstrates that such constructed gardens can have a measurable and positive impact on water quality.

Floating gardens are essentially platforms built and wrapped in coconut husks (椰子壳), and filled in with native plantings. As plants grow, they extend their roots into the water. On the North Branch of the Chicago River, non-profit Urban Rivers and its partners are developing a mile-long floating eco-park called the Wild Mile. The re-development of this former industrial canal is Urban Rivers’ important project. As part of the park, floating gardens, attached to shore, are being fixed.

The primary aim of the floating gardens is beautification. But the Illinois State team, from the University’s Department of Geology, Geography, and the Environment, saw an ideal setup for a controlled experiment. “We joined it because it’s the perfect opportunity to see if there’s an influence on water quality,” explains lead author Abigail Heath.

The study is novel: previous studies have explored floating gardens’ influence on water quality over time, primarily in wastewater treatment ponds, but not over space, in moving water. The project also matches well with Urban Rivers’ broader goals. “The city is interested in bettering water quality,” says Phil Nicodemus, Urban Rivers’ Director of Research. “Happily, Illinois State took part in it later.”

Could this small human-made park improve water quality? An average of data collected over the course of the study shows middle but definitive improvement. For example, nitrogen (氮) dropped from 4.69 milligrams per liter in surface water to 4.43 milligrams per liter, a drop of about 1 percent.

“Despite how small this garden was, there was measurable improvement in water quality from upstream to downstream,” notes Heath. She and her colleagues see this as a model for how large floating gardens should be to help improve water in similar settings. “Even this tiny garden makes a difference,” she says.

1. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A.The floating gardens are environmentally friendly.
B.The floating gardens are fixed everywhere in the eco-park.
C.The floating gardens can help fix the former parks.
D.The Urban Rivers were once industrial canals.
2. What is the main reason to build the floating gardens?
A.To reduce waste water.B.To attract more visitors to the park.
C.To make the surroundings brilliant.D.To help researchers do the experiment.
3. What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 4?
A.The floating garden.B.The project.
C.The treatment of ponds.D.The quality of water.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Floating Gardens: More than Pretty
B.The Best Way to Better Water Quality
C.A Practical Method of Improving Parks
D.Floating Gardens Beautify the City
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . You’re out on a hike, snacking on an apple, a banana, or some nuts. When you’re finished, all that’s left is a core, a peel, or a shell. “It’s natural,” you tell yourself, throwing it into the woods.

After all, food waste is biodegradable (可生物降解的). It’s not like you’re littering by throwing away a plastic bottle.     1    

Food waste doesn’t break down as fast as you think

Most people know food waste is biodegradable. But fewer people are aware that orange and banana peels can take up to two years to break down in the wild, meaning they’re going to be staying in nature for a lot longer than you might think. And even if they eventually biodegrade, they can lead to a lot of serious problems.


“ Animals have a super advanced sense of smell compared to us,” says biologist Jeff Marion. All human food can attract animals. This can then cause “attraction behavior”, which refers to human actions that cause animals to overcome their natural wariness(警惕)of people.     3    

Attraction can mean aggression

When animals are routinely attracted to humans and their food, they often become habituated to human presence. “Once an animal reaches that point, it’s essentially game over,” Marion says. That’s the origin of the phrase: A fed bear is a dead bear.     4     Even if a person is injured by a bear, the human usually recovers. The animal, however, is often relocated or killed to prevent further potentially deadly encounters.

    5     You should properly store and deal with food waste. Don’t attempt to burn or bury it, as food waste is more difficult to burn than you think. Besides, if you see other food waste in nature, pick it up, even if it’s not yours. Because while negative individual impacts can have a harmful effect outdoors, positive individual impacts do just the opposite!

A.Food waste can appeal to animals.
B.Human actions result from attraction behavior.
C.Keeping your food to yourself is the best solution.
D.However, food left outdoors can have unexpected impacts.
E.Here are the measures we should take to prevent food waste.
F.This sort of attraction behavior can quickly become dangerous.
G.Because when it comes to human-animal encounters; animals are often the losers.
2023-04-21更新 | 240次组卷 | 2卷引用:吉林省长春市朝阳区长春外国语学校2022-2023学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The coronavirus pandemic(新冠疫情)has brought with it the rise of a new kind of single-use plastic in the form of personal protective equipment (PPE), like face masks and gloves. Experts warned that these sharply increasing single-use items could cause a new wave of plastic pollution and kill wildlife.

The charity Ocean Conservancy reported that volunteers had collected more than 100,000 PPE items from coasts and waterways during the last six months of 2020. They sent out a survey to more than 200 International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) coordinators and volunteers asking about their experience with PPE. The results show that it is a real problem. Volunteers collected 107,219 pieces of PPE in 70 of 115 participating countries. Of those surveyed, 94% reported seeing PPE at a cleanup, and 40% found five items or more. Further, 37% found the items had already sunk into the water.

“During one of our clean-ups in the canals of Leiden, our volunteers found a latex(乳胶)glove with a dead fish trapped in the thumb,” said Auke-Florian Hiemstra, a study coauthor from Leiden University. “Also, in the Dutch canals, we observed that a water bird was using face masks and gloves in its nests.” Other animals that have gotten tangled up in face masks include a fox in the UK, a pufferfish in Florida, and two crabs in France. Numerous dogs and cats have been observed eating PPE as well.

The danger posed by PPE goes deeper than what the eye can see. Luckily, there are ways that all of us can be part of the solution to the problem of PPE pollution. Hiemstra suggested using reusable PPE instead of single-use products. In that case, we should deal with them properly by cutting the ear loops to prevent animal entanglements(缠绕物)and throwing them away in a bin that is not overstuffed. “We definitely think it is important for citizens to understand how much PPE is ending up in the environment and impacting animals,” Hiemstra said.

1. What problem did experts mention in paragraph 1?
A.The decline of wildlife due to overhunting.
B.The shortage of personal protective equipment.
C.The plastic pollution caused by anti-pandemic products.
D.The increasing number of coronavirus patients.
2. What do the numbers in paragraph 2 mainly show?
A.The leading cause of ocean pollution.
B.Volunteers’ great efforts to protect the ocean.
C.The large amount of PPE in the environment.
D.Difficulties of cleaning up plastic waste in the ocean.
3. What can we infer from paragraph 3?
A.PPE pollution has threatened many animals’ lives.
B.Litter makes it hard for boats to pass through the canals.
C.Water birds may not be affected by plastic pollution.
D.PPE is attractive to dogs and cats due to its smell.
4. What is Hiemstra’s suggestion for reducing PPE pollution?
A.Limiting the production of non-recyclable plastic.
B.Cleaning the rubbish bin regularly.
C.Raising the price of PPE items.
D.Replacing single-use products with reusable ones.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Amy Fang has recently been asked a lot about how her handbag matches her vest (马甲). A few months ago, they belonged to the same grey jacket that she bought five years ago. “I’ve been telling people around me that if you have clothes that carry emotional value and you don’t want to get rid of them, you can have them upcycled (升级改造),” says Fang.

Fashion’s waste problem places a huge burden on the environment, awareness of which partly drives upcycle actions. The fashion industry contributes 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Upcycling, or making unwanted materials into new products, is an important solution that goes hand in hand with recycling and reuse.

In China’s big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, the trend is beginning to make an impact. Retopia, a sustainable lifestyle platform backed by student designer incubator Labelhood Youtopia, hosted a pop-up in a shopping centre in Shanghai to sell secondhand or upcycled clothes—70% of over 1,000 items were sold, according to the platform.

Haiyan Zhong, co-founder of Another Aura, which helped Fang find a new life for her old jacket, explains how her startup fits into the wider sustainability fashion context in China. “One part of it is to use natural, organic or biodegradable materials in making the clothes,” she says. “The other part is how to deal with the clothes and the materials they’re made from in their afterlife.”

Customers like Fang can help to influence the next generation. She is happy to see how her upcycle mindset rubs off on her 16-year-old daughter. “My daughter was very impressed with the final products from Another Aura. I hope she can be conscious of her purchases as well and adopt the same habit in the future.”

1. What does Amy Fang think about her vest?
A.It is of little use.
B.It has cost too much.
C.It contains a certain feeling.
D.It should be donated to others.
2. What can we learn from the text?
A.The fashion industry is environmentally friendly.
B.Another Aura attaches importance to materials of clothes.
C.Retopia is the first to sell upcycled clothes.
D.Recycling is not a solution to the waste problem.
3. What does the phrase “rubs off ” in the last paragraph probably mean?
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.China’s Upcycling TrendB.Fang’s Beneficial Actions
C.Starting Sustainable StudiosD.Influence of the Fashion Industry
2023-04-13更新 | 106次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届吉林省延边州高三下学期教学质量检测(二模)英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般