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1 . Should Elizabeth II be the last queen? And should police officers be banned from using guns? Pupils at Redden Court School, a state high school in London’s eastern suburb, compete with interesting topics when they give up their lunch breaks for debate club.

The school is one of many public ones to have taken up debating in recent years. Last year the English- Speaking Union (ESU), Britain’s main debating organization, began to provide free help to 100 schools with lots of poor pupils. It hopes to change the view that debating is for rich kids.

Advocates propose a range of benefits. Duncan Partridge of the ESU argues that the confidence and fluency debating inspires will help children in future university applications and job interviews. Teachers at Redden Court say it has improved pupils’ ability to set out their arguments logically, in writing and in class, and they believe debating can be of wider use still.

Yet, despite these organisations’ best efforts, success in debating competitions is not just becoming more concentrated in private schools, but in a few of them that take it most seriously. Some hire international debating superstars to tutor their pupils. In 2015 Eton College, one of Britain’s grandest schools, opened a debating club that cost £18 million. In the past decade just two state schools have won the ESU’s annual debating competition in England.

Joseph Spence, master of another top private school, says another problem is that “there is something quite white, middle class and male about the debating form.” Some worry that school debating promotes skillful rhetoric (虚华辞藻) but not critical thinking.

To respond to such criticism, the ESU is designing a new debating format that encourages teams to shift their position in response to their opponent’s arguments. It has also introduced a policy that from this year, at least 30% of its competition members must come from state schools. However, is affirmative (积极的) action a just response to continuing inequality?

1. Why did ESU aid 100 schools free of charge?
A.To involve students in debating clubs.B.To promote debating for rich students.
C.To introduce debating to poor students.D.To change a popular opinion on debating.
2. What can we learn from paragraph 4?
A.Eton College doesn’t lay much emphasis on debating.
B.Private schools take the lead in debating competitions.
C.Some debating experts are invited to be the judges of the competitions.
D.The debating organizations only value the performance of private schools.
3. What’s the deciding factor behind the gap between schools’ debating performance?
A.Student ability.B.Political influence.
C.School preference.D.Economic inequality.
4. What’s the writer’s attitude toward ESU’s efforts in the last paragraph?
2023-03-18更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省四校联考2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . For many years, school children in the US have taken on “field trips” to cultural institutions such as museums of art. Educators arrange them in the belief that schools exist not only to teach economically useful skills, but also to produce civilized young people who appreciate the art and culture. While there are parents who will take their children to cultural places in their free time, there are plenty of other children who will never have this kind of opportunity unless schools offer it. So you could say that taking school students on field trips is a means of giving everyone equal access to their cultural heritage.

However, the attitude towards field trips in recent years is changing, with the number of tours organized for school groups falling significantly in museums all around the country. The most obvious reason is the issue of finance. Because there are increasing demands on their funds, after all, computers and sports facilities aren’t cheap, schools are forced to make a difficult choice about how to spend the limited money they have. Faced with this dilemma, field trips are an obvious thing to cut since they are seen by many as a luxury.

Additionally, the nature of these field days is also changing. Schools increasingly use trips to amusement parks or sporting events as a treat for students rather than an opportunity for cultural learning. This shift could have a basis in generational differences between teachers’ reasons for organizing days out of school. A recent survey conducted among 500 Arkansas teachers showed that older teachers were significantly more likely to take the primary purpose of a field trip as a learning experience than younger teachers, who view it as fun.

Some evidence shows the trend of fewer trips may have a negative effect on children’s development. A research led by Jay Greene at Arkansas University found that students who received a tour of an art museum greatly improved their knowledge of art and the ability to think critically about art. They also display stronger historical interest and were more likely to visit cultural places in the future. The researchers warn that if schools cut field trips or switch to less educational destinations, valuable opportunities to broaden and enrich children’s learning experiences are lost.

1. What is the initial purpose of field trips to cultural institutions?
A.To leach students useful skills in economics.
B.To make every student exposed to art and culture.
C.To educate students to preserve cultural heritage.
D.To encourage parents to take their children there.
2. Which factor most probably leads to the trend of fewer field trips?
A.The drop in school funds.B.Students’ demand for fun.
C.The dilemma of school finance.D.Teachers’ generational differences.
3. What does the underlined phrase “This shift” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The switch from old generations to young generations.
B.The switch from sporting events to cultural experiences.
C.The change from an opportunity to learn to a treat to entertain.
D.The change from educational destinations to luxurious attractions.
4. What can be inferred about field trips from the research by Jay Greene?
A.Students are rewarded with more cultural knowledge.
B.Amusement parks enrich children’s learning experiences.
C.Cutting field trips is critical to the future of the museum.
D.Field trips guarantee better future academic performance.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Definitions of adult learning vary, but it is usually defined as all forms of learning undertaken by adults after having left initial education and training, however far this process may have gone.

Education and training are important factors for achieving the strategy objectives of raising economic growth, competitiveness and social inclusion. However, with some exceptions, the process of implementing education and training remains weak. Most education and training systems are still largely focused on the education and training of young people and limited progress has been made in changing systems to mirror the need for learning throughout the lifespan.

An additional 4 million adults would need to participate in lifelong learning. Recent research confirms the importance of investing in adult learning. The research on adults indicates that those who engage in learning are healthier, with a consequent reduction in healthcare costs.

The big economic challenge in Europe is to raise its growth and employment performance while preserving social cohesion(凝聚力). The rapid progress in other regions of the world shows the importance of creative, advanced and quality education and training as key factors of economic competitiveness. General levels of competence must increase, both to meet the needs of the labour market and to allow citizens to function well in today's society.

Europe is facing big demographic(人口的) changes that will have a major impact on society and on the economy and consequently on education and training provision and needs. Over the next 30 years, the number of younger Europeans will fall by 15%. One in three Europeans will be over 60 years old, and about one in ten will be over 80.

Given the challenges identified above, raising the overall level of skills of the adult population by offering more and better learning opportunities throughout adult life is important for both efficiency and equity reasons. Not only does lifelong learning help make adults more efficient workers and more active citizens, it also contributes to their personal well-being.

1. Which can replace the underlined word “implementing” in paragraph 2?
A.Carrying out.
B.Taking in.
C.Knowing about.
D.Looking over.
2. What can we learn from the research?
A.Adults have reduced healthcare costs.
B.Learning is good for adults’ health.
C.Few adults need to receive learning.
D.More research will focus on learning.
3. What problem does Europe face according to the text?
A.Europeans are not healthy.
B.Many old Europeans have died.
C.The European population is aging.
D.Young Europeans are out of work.
4. What does the author want to express in the last paragraph?
A.Lifelong learning is essential.
B.Raising adult population is significant.
C.We should help more efficient workers.
D.Work contributes to personal well-being.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道,介绍了英国首相Boris Johnson支持延长上学时间的计划,针对这项计划,教育界人士议论纷纷,有人持肯定态度,有人则认为这一计划可能会适得其反。

4 . Boris Johnson has said extending the school day is “the right thing to do” and the government is examining how extra hours could be used for additional tuition and activities. In his strongest commitment yet to imposing the extra hours, the prime minister also criticized the work of the former education recovery chief, Sir Kevan Collins, telling ministers that their catch-up schooling plan was not ambitious enough.

Collins once recommended spending about £ 15 bn on education recovery, including extending the school day by 30 minutes. Government officials said the plan was praiseworthy in some aspects. But they also suggested further cash for education catch-up at the autumn spending review, due to the objection that the plan already announced left much to be desired.

Speaking to the education committee chair, Robert Half on, Johnson said: “We’re looking at the evidence, and if Fm absolutely frank with you and the committee, to begin with some of the evidence that was assembled was not as good as it could have been.” The evidence on lengthening the school day wasn’t as powerful as it was on tuition, for instance, but that doesn’t mean it’s not the right thing to do. I do think it’s the right thing to do. Question is how you do it. What sorts of activities do you need? Are they academic? As you rightly say, we’re doing a proper review of all of that to get the evidence that we want. Halfon said he was encouraged by the comments. “We need radical thinking and radical action to tackle the disaster which has befallen children in the last 18 months” he told the Guardian, “If the government is seriously looking at a longer school day as the PM has suggested, that is encouraging.”

Teachers’ unions had warned that plans to extend schooling hours could backfire. Geoff Barton, the general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said: ”We know that quality of teaching is more important than quantity. It will be vital that these proposals are properly resourced and don’t become an unsustainable burden on schools, leaders and teachers. And there will be many questions about exactly what the expectation will be over the content of longer school days.”

1. What did the government officials think of the plan already announced?
A.It was a good try but limited itself.
B.It was well-designed but poorly conducted.
C.It was inspiring but the evidence was unreliable.
D.It was a failure but the methods deserved praise.
2. What is Robert Halfon’s attitude toward expanding the school day?
3. Which of the following could be known from the passage?
A.The public has no expectation of the content of longer school days.
B.Quality of teaching should be attached more importance to than quantity.
C.All the work of the former education recovery chief fails to gain affirmation.
D.There are enough powerful evidences to confirm extending the school day is meaningful.
4. What does the text mainly intend to tell us?
A.Extending the school day is proved to be right to do.
B.All are pulling together to tackle the education problem.
C.Experts are investigating the ways to extend the school day.
D.There are both pros and cons to extending the school day.
2023-03-11更新 | 228次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2022-2023学年高三下学期月考(七)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Parenting styles have changed over the years in response to the rapid changes in the world. Whether it is tapping technology or applying the best parenting practices to meet a parenting need, parents nowadays generally invest more time in finding out how best to raise their children.

Modern parents often look to the internet and social media for parenting advice. The availability of resources has helped modern parents engage more in their children’s development, both academically and emotionally. Modern parents are also more eager to find out effective parenting methods to help them raise disciplined and confident children.

A modern parenting style that has emerged is helicopter parenting, where parents are much too focused on their children. They help children with tasks they’re capable of doing on their own, like selecting activities and friends for them, or calling their teachers about homework matters. Such a parenting style can hold back the development of the children’s ability to handle responsibilities independently. Children might be ill-equipped with life skills such as doing laundry (洗衣),clearing their plates or coping with their schoolwork. Always protecting children from failures may also prevent them developing adaptability and acquiring skills like problem-solving.

On the other hand, parents in the past tended to monitor less. Children were given more control over how to manage their schoolwork and choose their friends. Domestic helpers were also not the norm then, hence children of the past were often expected to shoulder the responsibilities of caring for younger brothers and sisters and managing housework. Living in the pre-internet age, parents were less informed about different parenting methods, and their parenting styles were guided more by their personalities, common sense and friendly advice from the extended family and neighbors, rather than by social media influences or parenting websites.

There is no one right way to raise a child. Each child is unique and should be raised differently by parents who are present but not wandering, who are supportive but not controlling, and who protect but not care too much.

1. What does the underlined word “tapping”   mean in paragraph 1?
2. What is a distinctive characteristic of helicopter parenting?
3. What do we know about parents in the past?
A.They educated kids in a rigid way.
B.They overestimated their kids’ independence.
C.They afforded kids more space for self-growth.
D.They tended to stay away from social activities.
4. What does the text mainly tell us?
A.How to raise all-round children.
B.How to enhance parent-child bonds.
C.How parenting modes have shifted over the years.
D.How information technology boosts people’s lifestyles.
2023-03-10更新 | 428次组卷 | 3卷引用:河南省焦作市博爱县博爱县第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Dalena worked as a teacher in a small Indian village, where girls attended school only for primary education. Mala was a(n) _______ girl in Dalena’s class, whom Dalena was proud of. Dalena always instructed her girl students about the importance of _______, self-respect, and courage. So, it was surprising when Mala was _______ for more than a week.

Dalena decided to _______ in Mala’s home. Mala’s parents _______ their plan to get Mala married. Greatly _______, Dalena argued, “I don’t believe it! But she is too young to know what _______ means and what the responsibilities are. Mala is not ready physically, _______ or emotionally.” Mala’s father said, “But our family _______ won’t allow girls to continue school, and the seniors of the family may also ________.”

Dalena said, “I do respect your customs, but these are old ________. Nowadays, girls can ________ to great heights because of their education. Please reconsider it.”

In the next two weeks, Dalena visited the family many times. Finally, Mala’s father ________ to let Mala go back to school.

Mala ________ her learning opportunities and rose to be a topper in her school. Years later, with hard work, Mala became a senior Civil Services Officer in her city. Mala proudly said, “It is the ________ of my teacher that has made me what I am today.”

A.turn aroundB.come throughC.check upD.get out
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . How to Develop a Habit of Keeping a Diary

Diaries are wonderful ways that allow you to express your emotions or ideas, and reflect (沉思) on daily life in a safe private space.    1    Here are some tips to help you develop a habit of keeping a diary.

Brainstorming (集思广益) topics. Not sure what to write about? You can choose any event of your day that impresses you deeply. For example, you could write about the English exam you took at school that day. Are you feeling good about the exam?    2    Besides, you can also write down inspiring words from a famous person, your favorite book or movie and what they mean to you.

Choose an exact time each day to write in your diary.    3    Others simply forget to write. Choosing an exact time each day for diary writing may help. For example, you might choose to write in your diary every night right before bed. Don’t set an unrealistic schedule for yourself. If writing every day seems out of reach, plan on keeping a diary 3 times a week instead.

    4     You don’t have to spend much time every day writing in your diary. 10-15 minutes every time is enough when you’re just starting out. For example, you could write a few key points in your diary when you just try writing. Remember that keeping a diary is just an expression, not an unpleasant task, so go easy on yourself.

Use illustrations (插图)if you prefer drawing to writing. Some people find it easier to express their thoughts and emotions through drawing rather than writing. Quick drawings may also help you write down something that you want to remember but don’t have time to write about.     5    

A.W rite down your feelings at the time.
B.Keep your writing time short in the beginning.
C.However, you will be tired of it soon in that way.
D.For this reason, many people have tried keeping a diary.
E.Many people struggle to find the time to write in their diaries.
F.When you are thinking about the topics, keep away from them.
G.If you prefer to record your day by drawing, feel free to use that way.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文,文章的作者是一名小学校长。她主要关注了学校教育的两个问题:老师怎样布置家庭作业?以及家长怎样帮助孩子迅速地完成作业?同时,作者用耐克的广告语“Just do it.”告诫父母们要鼓励女孩想做就做,不要有过多的顾虑。

8 . I’ve always disliked the term homework. Surely home is where we rest, refresh, recreate — in the truest sense, it’s where we don’t work. What sort of message have we sent our young people all these years by requiring them to work not only at school but at home? No wonder they don’t prefer homework.

At my school, we have kept the older name for homework: prep (or to use the full name and highlight its true purpose: preparation). Prep is designed to help children prepare for the next lesson. A number of short tasks can be part of prep these days: a YouTube clip, a short film made by a teacher, a map or picture to look at. Something visual often suits the child who, by the end of a busy school day, is mentally tired.

Prep can still consist of consolidation exercises but based on past experience, a practical method should be that these are not as many as to be demanding and should be adjusted to suit the child’s needs. Some written work maybe requested but I would hope that it would be a short piece or even a sample paragraph. “Write an essay...” comes with strings attached and usually takes rather longer than the prep time needed.

Ensure that a child’s workspace at home is tidy, quiet and uninterrupted by devices that are not being used for study. On tablets or PCs in use for homework, turn off the notifications or remove any apps you feel are a distraction. Keep an eye on, but not a physical presence in, the workspace until you know your child is truly self-sufficient in terms of focus and pace of work.

Finally, I advise parents to coach children in the Nike approach: “Just do it.” In truth this is generally more favoured by boys than girls, who love wasting time arranging the many coloured pens and crisp stationery. Help your daughter release her inner boy, grab a pen, get the work done, cross out errors with one straight line so that the teacher can see the thought process, finish, pack the bag for tomorrow, and go out to play!

1. What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.To explain what home is.
B.To explain what homework is.
C.To explain why children don’t like homework.
D.To explain why the author doesn’t like the term homework.
2. What can be part of preparation?
A.Making a map.B.Clipping a picture.
C.Watching a short video.D.Shooting a short film.
3. According to the passage, which of the following may the author approve of?
A.Writing a long essay can be part of preparation.
B.Keep an eye on and stay with children until their work is done.
C.Preparation can be homework but consolidation exercises cannot.
D.Turn off the notifications when children do homework on tablets or PCs.
4. What does the author probably do?
A.A principal.B.A photographer.
C.A parent.D.An official.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Our lives are full of habits. Unfortunately a great many of them are bad habits. One way to break these bad habits is to fill our lives with good habits. Most people decide one day that they need to make changes to their lives and then they go all out to make big sweeping changes. This may work for them for the first few days, but then they get burned out.     1     This is a very unproductive way to spend your time and energy.

    2     Say your goal is to get up an hour earlier every day. One day you start setting your alarm for an hour earlier and you keep this up for one week. Then because you are naturally resistant to change, you go back to your old habit. A better way is to set your alarm one minute earlier every day. After two months you are getting up an hour earlier and you will not even notice the change.     3    

This approach can work for just about anything. If you are exercising for half an hour every day and you want to increase that time to one hour then add a minute every day. After one month you will have reached your goal with very little resistance from your body and mind.     4    

This method of change is gentle, but very powerful. Think of everything you can accomplish if you just continuously improve a little at a time. The change itself creates the momentum (动力) you need to keep going.     5     What one minute change can you make to your life today?

A.The key is to change a little bit at a time.
B.Keeping on exercising can build up strength.
C.It may take longer, but with this approach you are likely to succeed.
D.Nothing will happen if you are not determined to achieve your goal.
E.Pretty soon they are back to their old habits and nothing has changed.
F.Changing slowly removes the greatest barrier we have to change: fear.
G.Soon you will find yourself reaching your goals with almost no pain involved.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Young adults often have a lot to learn in school. However, occasionally, the life skills needed for them to become successful outside of school aren’t learned. This may be why the years after high school can sometimes be the most uneasy and tense times for young adults.

Some may say that life skills are to be taught by their household rather than school, but that’s not exactly true. Some students don’t have a parent figure to teach them the necessary moral lessons needed and habitually rely on school to propound them with this essential knowledge. This is why courses of life skills should be set up in schools.

Over the course of history, students generally go to an educational institution of some sort to find themselves spending their entire time learning math and science, instead of what is required for real world-communication, which is through behaviors and manners. Manners are important when having a conversation with family, friends, teachers perhaps or even employers. Schools should find a way to teach manners as a way for students to have respect and be open-minded when it comes to other individuals.

In addition, the handling of finances is one of the major life skills for students. For people, especially young people, to survive in today5s financial environment, knowledge of personal finance is a necessity. For example, schools educating students about building credit scores and keeping up with a credit card is helpful. However, Educational Institutions does not spend a good amount of time talking about the topic of money managing : paying taxes, mortgage, bills, insurance, etc. It is time to extend financial knowledge by making personal finance a required course at US colleges and universities.

With the essential instructions of communication and financial management provided to the young adults, they will be more successful in their future life.

1. What does the underlined word “propound” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What does the author advise schools to teach students?
A.Skills of making money.B.The communication ability.
C.The history of their country.D.Ways to study maths and science.
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 4?
A.It is easy to survive in today’s financial environment.
B.Most of the students don’t need to build credit scores.
C.Students are lacking in instructions of financial management.
D.Educational Institutions spend much time on money managing.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.What Have Students Learned in School?
B.Why Should Life Skills Be Taught in School?
C.How Can Students Behave Well in Daily Life?
D.Why Should Parents Teach Kids Moral Lessons?
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