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1 . We all notice bright colors. People who opt for striking attire (服装) and shiny decorative items, hear everything from, “No one is going to miss you at the party” to, “I would never have the guts to wear that.” But according to research, those comments may be both accurate and expected.

Adam D. Pazda and Christopher A. Thorstenson examined how we perceive people at first impression who wear bright colors. They specifically examined the effect of chroma, which means color intensity in a practical way. They found that targets, both male and female, who were wearing or surrounded by high-chroma colors were perceived as more open and extraverted (外向的) than in a low-chroma setting. They concluded that chroma is a variable of perception that can influence first impressions of personality. Drilling down further, they found that high-chroma colors enhanced some viewer perception on personalities, but not other traits: such as emotional stability, agreeableness, reliability, responsibility or innovation. These observations are important because some job capitalize on some of the traits (特征) inferred through bright colors.

Pazda and Thorstenson recognize what job seekers no doubt consider as they look for a career to match their personal disposition: in some occupations, success is fueled by possessing certain personality traits. They give examples of industries such as sales and marketing as well as customer service where individuals with outgoing personalities tend to excel. Accordingly, applicants for these positions may be viewed more favorably and judged as more competent if they wear highly chromatic clothing.

Regarding the generality of their results, Pazda and Thorstenson note that one of the drawbacks of their study was their use of participants living in the United States, which means their findings may not predict results in other cultures. They note the possibility that chroma may influence the perception of personality traits differently in non-Western countries, and that high-chroma clothing may be perceived as varying from social norms in other cultures.

1. What does the underlined word “guts” mean in paragraph 1?
2. Which personalities are believed to relate to people wearing high-chroma colors?
A.Innovation and creation.B.Openness and extraversion.
C.Responsibility and reliability.D.Emotional stability and agreeableness.
3. What does the last paragraph focus on?
A.The possible limitation of the research.
B.The explanation of the research methodology.
C.The benefits of high-chroma colors in various jobs
D.The universality of high-chroma colors across cultures.
4. Which of the following can best describe the overall tone of the text?
A.Critical and skeptical.B.Informative and objective.
C.Persuasive and promotional.D.Evaluative and judgmental.
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As the cold of winter loosened its hold and spring was approaching, I found myself in the quiet process of recovery. The world outside my window, once full of life, now seemed like a distant, unreachable place. Each day was a repetition of the last, a cycle that mirrored my own struggle to regain my strength and find hope in a future that felt dark and uncertain.

One afternoon, as I sat mindlessly by the window, a flash of movement caught my eye-a swallow (燕子) under the roof. It was a delicate creature, with its elegant wings. For a moment, it seemed to look at me, its eyes bright and curious, as if it recognized a fellow soul.

“A swallow,” I whispered, looking at the lovely creature, whose liveliness formed a contrast with the silence of the room.

The swallow’s daily visits became a comforting rhythm, as steady as the dawn’s arrival. Each time it appeared on that branch, it wasn’t just a sign of spring; it was like a friend. I found myself looking forward to its daily appearances. Its presence became a flicker (闪现) of warmth in my otherwise lifeless days.

One day, the swallow was not alone; it had been joined by a mate. Together, they began the merry work of building a nest under the roof. Inspired by their joyful spirit, I decided it was time for me to take control of my own life. I began to set small, achievable goals, mirroring the swallows' tireless work on their nest.

However, life can be unpredictable. Just when the nest was almost done, a storm blew in out of nowhere, tearing the nest apart. I watched from my window, my heart aching for the swallows and their broken dream.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I was worried I would never see the beautiful creatures come back.


Finally, the swallows’ new nest took shape.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Every May, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hosts Air Quality Awareness Week with the goal of sharing information on air quality and how it affects health, as well as encouraging people to apply knowledge of air quality to their daily lives. Here are some events that may help you be air aware and prepared.

Asthma (哮喘) and the Impacts of Climate Change

In honor of World Asthma Day, EPA Asthma Program welcomes Jenna Riemenschneider, the Director of Advocacy and Special Projects at the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. She will present the event and talk about the cause of Asthma and how to prevent it.

When: October 3, 2: 00 pm

Where: Click here to join the meeting

Screening of Unbreathable

The District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environmental Air Quality Division will cooperate with multiple universities to host a screening of Unbreathable. The event will include a screening of the movie and a discussion of academic experts and advocates.

When: November 13, 2: 00 pm

Where: Click here to join the meeting

Sun Tran Transit Workshop

A Transit Workshop will be led by Sun Tran for downtown employees and residents to learn about bus, shuttle (班车) and street car options for travel. Other travel reduction resources will also be available.

When: November 25, 2: 10-2: 50 pm

Where: Basement Conference Room C, 201 Stone Avenue, Tucson

Change is in the Air: A Community Conversation

The program is designed to discuss on some questions. What challenges have asthma patients faced? How to prevent? What is unjust about the air quality in my community? How are air sensors used to inform the public and engage with public health and local government?

When: December 4, 2: 00-5: 00 pm

Where: The Cleveland Public Library, 525 Superior Avenue, Cleveland

1. When can you attend the Screening of Unbreathable event?
A.October 3.B.November 13.C.November 25.D.December 4.
2. How many activities are concerned with the prevention of asthma?
3. What will you do if attending Sun Tran Transit Workshop?
A.See a movie concerning air quality.B.Talk about the usage of air sensors.
C.Know about travel reduction methods.D.Acquire some knowledge of climate change.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了Coleman在复兴濒危的Owens Valley Paiute语言方面的努力,他提出了一种被称为LLM-RBMT的机器翻译方法,以保护和推广濒危的语言。

4 . In 2019, Coleman started taking online classes in a lesser-known language: Owens Valley Paiute. But it was not easy. Coleman is a member of the Big Pine Paiute Tribe of Owens Valley — and Paiute is his father’s ancestral language.

“My dad didn’t grow up speaking the language — like many families, it was forced out of use by boarding schools where speaking the language was forbidden. And there was no language-based language models (LLMs) to help me. But I’m lucky my great-grandparents sat down with scientists to document the language and to create recordings so I can hear their voices and words,” said Coleman.

ChatGPT and other LLMs exhibit human-level performance on many natural-language tasks in English, because one-fifth of the world speaks English. But Paiute is regarded as a “no-resource language”, meaning there are no publicly available Paiute sentences translated into English on which to train a machine learning model.

In a new paper, Coleman and his professor Krishnamachari propose a machine translation approach called LLM-RBMT (Rule-Based Machine Translation) to help people learn no-resource languages. In their method, the LLM does not translate into or from Owens Valley Paiute. Instead, it gives guidance to the rule-based translators, which rely on grammatical and vocabulary rules to translate between languages.

This method, said Coleman, mirrors how language learners naturally speak by mixing known and unknown words, making it a practical tool for real-world use. LLM’s remarkable general-purpose language skills make them a promising tool in helping revitalize (复兴) critically endangered languages.

Coleman also built and maintains a suite of digital tools related to language revitalization, named Kubishi or “brain” in Paiute, including an online dictionary, and a sentence-builder and translation system enabled by this research. For his part, Coleman credits his tribe’s members, past and present, for paving the path. “A lot of people in my tribe have been working for a long time on different language revitalization efforts, including classes, dictionaries, recordings,” said Coleman.

1. How did Coleman learn Paiute initially?
A.By turning to an LLM.
B.By taking a course at school.
C.By referring to printed documents.
D.By hearing the created recordings.
2. Why did the author mention ChatGPT?
A.To indicate the progress of Al.
B.To show the popularity of English.
C.To recommend a language learning tool.
D.To stress the challenge of developing LLM-RBMT.
3. How does Coleman’s machine translation approach work?
A.It bases its performance on grammar rules.
B.It helps to guide the rule-based translators.
C.It corrects grammar mistakes during translation.
D.It directly translates Paiute into other languages.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly talking about?
A.The cooperation between individuals.
B.Coleman’s talents and learning goals.
C.Coleman’s contributions and gratitude.
D.The main task of language revitalization.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . At the “I Am Mbare” community school near Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, over 30 children sat in neat rows in the small schoolyard. Their eyes were wide with curiosity as I unrolled my calligraphy work, displaying the Chinese characters “sheng sheng bu xi” as my encouragement for the kids to grow healthily.

I read the words aloud and explained their meaning. I was touched as the children excitedly tried to imitate (模仿) me, showing their interest in my calligraphy and the Chinese language. The small yard was filled with their enthusiasm.

This happened during a field trip I took from July 1 to 9 as part of the Tsinghua University Global Competency Overseas Practicum Course. The course sent four teams to various countries as part of a summer program in 2024, and I was selected as a member of the team visiting Zimbabwe.

This small-scale, in-depth course wants to help students to have a global vision, facilitating future people-to-people connections.

During my time in Zimbabwe, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my calligraphy talents played a significant role in cultural exchanges. One of the highlights was a forum (论坛) where we engaged in a series of activities with local artists. While my fellow team members sang Welcome to Beijing, I created four calligraphy pieces and presented these pieces on stage at the end of the song, receiving an enthusiastic response.

In addition to my performance at the forum, I devoted time each evening to creating calligraphy tailored for the people we were to visit the next day. My efforts were well-received, as the Zimbabweans’ initial surprise at my calligraphy turned into delight, recognition, and gratitude after I explained the meanings to them. This gave me a sense of achievement and firsthand experience in cultural exchanges.

This experience in Zimbabwe has made me realize the power of art to bridge differences. These valuable connections will stay with me, inspiring me to continue sharing Chinese culture while remaining open to others.

1. How did the author feel about the children’s reaction?
2. What is one aim of the summer course?
A.To develop students’ life skills.
B.To connect with other universities.
C.To help students obtain a global vision.
D.To do voluntary work in poor countries.
3. What greatly helped deepen the relationship between the two countries?
A.Chinese songs.B.Teaching experience.
C.A sense of achievement.D.Chinese calligraphy.
4. What might be the author’s intention to write the text?
A.To share an unforgettable experience.
B.To call on people to care for children.
C.To stress the importance of international help.
D.To introduce a program of Tsinghua University.
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

This is the first cross-provincial ecological restoration project in China,     1     design that is truly paving the way for the future. Green ecology and harmony is the theme and the end result is     2    (absolute) amazing.

    3    (design) by the Tus-Design Group Co. , Ltd, this incredible shoreline linkage project uses the wetlands as part of the design. The Yangtze River is integrated     4     the design as well. The project’s aim is to restore and improve the shoreline, creating a home for native plants, wildlife and people who want to come here and enjoy the natural     5    (beautiful).

Additionally, this design honors the water culture of the Yangtze River. The project was created so as not to disturb the natural patterns of the fish and provide a place for native plants     6    (grow) healthily.

Moreover, there’s a hidden flood control walkway, which combines the shoreline with plants, terrain (地形) and the     7    (exist) surroundings. The walkway is hidden within the environment, which creates an even     8    (dynamic) experience while walking.

Meanwhile, the walking path     9    (surround) by native grasses and plants with beautiful views all around. Ecological pavement leads past watery areas that are perfect for picnicking. There are public spaces everywhere, all of     10     honor nature.

书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 假如你是来自英国的交换生Adam刚刚来到新华高中进行交流学习,你将向老师和同学介绍自己,包括个性、爱好等方面。
内容包括:1. 自我介绍;
2. 性格、爱好;
3. 未来计划。
注意事项:1. 词数不少于80。
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Good morning,
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

An increasing number of middle and high schools now require students to serve a certain number of volunteer hours before they can graduate. And some parents insist that their kids do volunteer work year-round --even if it ’s not mandatory (强制性的) at school.

    1     most people agree that it’s important for students to volunteer, many teens already have huge demands on their schedules, including homework and after-school programs. Critics of mandatory community service say that many students feel     2     (stress) when other activities     3     (add) to their plates--and may even resent (不满) having to volunteer.

“Adding community service to teens’ already crowded schedules     4     (be) the wrong way to go,“ says Ellison O’Grady, 15,a student from Bay Head, New Jersey. ”It makes something as important and rewarding     5    volunteering feel like a chore.

Other people say many of the     6     (benefit) of community service come from volunteering--that is, participating by choice. If your school or your parents require you to do something, it’s not     7     (real) voluntary, they note.

Ellison thinks schools should shift their focus. “Instead of forcing students     8     (volunteer),” she says, “schools should create more opportunities for them to serve. The more exciting and diverse the options are, the     9     (great) the chance that many students will sign up     10     them."

2024-07-18更新 | 86次组卷 | 2卷引用:河北省唐山市开滦第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Cheng Yongmao,     1     is in his 60s and has been repairing and maintaining the Great Wall’s Jiankou section for nearly two decades, reaches his office at 6:30 am and     2     (get) right down to business.

Jiankou is widely considered one of the most dangerous parts of the Great Wall in Beijing and is known by     3     (hiker) as the “wild Wall”. The Great Wall has been subjected to natural disasters and human impact after     4     (stand) for more than 450 years, and now extremely needs maintenance and reinforcement.

“Construction work is     5     (general) conducted from April to October, and now it’s time     6     (prepare) documents for future work,” said Cheng. “Previous work has to be reviewed, and historical items     7     (unearth) during the cleaning and repairs need to be properly put in files, while construction charts for future efforts have to be readied.”

Cheng’s office is filled     8     traces of his dealings with the Great Wall. A dozen walking sticks he made out of branches stand in the corner behind the door, next to     9     pile of tools he uses for tiling. Detailed overall plans of the Jiankou section and the restored parts in Huairou District spread across the office walls. They clearly show towers and     10     (vary) scenic spots Cheng has mapped using a computer program.

2024-07-16更新 | 74次组卷 | 2卷引用:河北省邢台市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was an exceptionally bright weekend morning. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping(吱喳叫). 7-year-old Chase Proust was filled with enormous joy. The reason for his excitement was a promise made by his father, Steven Proust, who had promised to take Chase and his sister, Abigail, on a much-awaited family picnic.

The Proust family had been looking forward to this special outing for a long time. It had been a while since they had last spent a day together in the great outdoors. They began their day by packing their favorite snacks, a colorful Frisbee(飞盘), and a kite with a long tail that danced in the wind. As they set out happily from their home, they were all expecting a day full of fun, laughter, and precious family moments.

Their chosen destination was a beautiful park in Jacksonville, Florida. The park was famous for its lots of green plants, bright flowers, and a ca lm lake that shined in the sunlight. They put their picnic blanket under a big oak tree that gave lots of shade, and Steven Proust quickly got lost in his favorite book. At the same time, the kids were playing close by, and their happy sounds filled the quiet area.

Their day took an unexpected yet exciting turn when Abigail, Chase’s curious and adventurous sister, spotted a brightly colored butterfly. She was curious and chose to follow the butterfly. It led them on a path away from where they were having their picnic. The butterfly flew ahead and brought them to a secret area in the park, a lovely field full of wildflowers in all sorts of colors. It looked amazing, like a hidden garden from a storybook. They discovered different types of flowers they had never seen before, watched a variety of insects going about their day, and even spotted a few rabbits hopping around. The whole situation was attractive, and a magical moment that they would remember for years to come.

Seeing so many beautiful flowers, Chase made a sweet and thoughtful decision.
As the sun set, they went back, with Chase carefully holding the flowers for his mom.
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