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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Can harmed relations restore like holes in the fence?

Matt was a nice enough guy. He enjoyed his friends and family and, mostly, they enjoyed him. I say “mostly” because sometimes Matt could get really angry. If things didn’t go quite his way, he could shout and scream at people. His mom and dad had long said things like, “You’d better learn to control that temper, young man, or one day you will get into real trouble.” Now Matt was noticing that some of his friends at school tended to be avoiding him more and more.

This worried Matt. He liked his friends. He didn’t want to lose them but he didn’t know what to do about it. Try as he might, at times things would build up like a volcano until he erupted. Matt felt it was outside his control. What could he do?

One Saturday morning his dad came home from the hardware store and said, “Matt, I’ve got a present for you.” Out of the shopping bag he pulled a brand-new hammer and bag of big, shiny nails.

He got an old can and tipped the nails into the empty container. Handing Matt the brand-new hammer and can of nails, he said, “Every time you get angry, go outside and hammer a nail into the wooden fence that runs down the side of the house.”

At first, Matt thought his old man must be going crazy or something. But he had tried everything else, why not do what his father had said?

Each time he got angry at home he went and hammered a nail in the side fence. If he got angry at school he’d remember how many times he’d lost his temper and as soon as he got home he’d go and hammer the appropriate number of nails into the fence.

Soon Matt found the task of hammering the nails in got boring. He didn’t like having to keep track of all the times he got angry and pound (敲击) in a few more nails. Surprisingly, Matt found that he was getting less and less angry. It was easier, in fact, to control his temper than to remember the times he hadn’t, then go and hammer another nail in the fence.


After a week of not hammering the nails, he proudly went and told his dad.


Matt became concerned about the holes that remained after removing the nails.

今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市通州区高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In the village of Qufu City, the birthplace of the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, traditional Chinese culture courses     1     (provide) for free every weekend at the Confucian lecture hall, attracting more than 30 students.

Ten years ago, the first     2     (space) Confucian lecture hall was built in Beidongye Village, Sishui County,     3     Confucius is believed to have been born.

A group of scholars     4     (specialize) in Confucianism from home and abroad gathered in the village and discussed how     5     (put) new power into traditional Chinese culture, especially in rural areas.

Then, lecturers delivered lectures on Confucian classics and told stories concerning the philosophy of harmony, integrity,     6     filial piety (孝心) in Confucian lecture halls, combining the traditional Chinese culture and modern social norms.

So far, Shandong Province     7     (establish) more than 22, 000 Confucian lecture halls in rural communities over the past decade.

In recent years, the rural cultural service system in Shandong has reached     8     (mature) and it has developed standards for     9     (facility), course contents, lecturer qualifications, and activities to build it into a platform     10     cultural communication.

今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市通州区高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . “Hobbies” is a term that refers to the activities done for relaxation and enjoyment in your spare time. Hobbies are valuable as some of them make you skilled and knowledgeable.     1     I will list some of the hobbies that are productive and worth developing.

Reading makes a full man. Children must develop the hobby of reading at an early age by reading storybooks, poems and so on. However, if you didn’t do that in your childhood, don’t worry.     2     The more a person reads, the broader his vision becomes.

Cooking is another good hobby.     3     Many of those who enjoy the art of cooking take a training course in hotel management. After completion of the course, some of them can get placed in famous hotels and restaurants, and many will start their own business.

    4     Most of the people take up the hobby just for pleasure and peace. They enjoy doing it and build up a great collection over time. Those who paint really well can exhibit their talent and gain some appreciation. They may also use the hobby to earn some money, if they wish to.

Facebooking was not considered as a constructive hobby, but Facebooking can turn out to be highly useful nowadays.     5     Many people who know how to attract people with awesome contents build huge fans online and they do well on facebooking.

A.There are no age limits to the hobby.
B.Painting is an art of expressing views and on paper.
C.The sooner a hobby is developed, the better you perform.
D.Some people take up this as a hobby and later as a career.
E.With time going by, we will miss out on some good hobbies.
F.It has turned out to be a powerful medium of communication.
G.If you love doing it, you will surely succeed in your future career.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市通州区高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Using a brain-training app helps people eat less junk food and lose weight, new research suggests.

The Food Trainer (FoodT app)trains people to tap on images of healthy foods but to stop when they see unhealthy snacks, creating an association between these foods and stopping. The new study, by the universities of Exeter and Helsinki, found that playing the game about once a day for a month led to an average one-point reduction of junk food consumption on an eight-point scale (the scale ranges from four or more items per day, to one or zero items per month).

About half of the study’s 1, 234 participants followed the recommendation and played the game at least 10 times. Across all participants, an average weight loss of half a kilogram and a small increase in healthy food eaten was seen. “For example, someone who ate each junk food four times a week reduced this to twice a week after using the app regularly for a month, and then to once a week. Overall, the findings are really encouraging” said Professor Natalia Lawrence. “The app is free and it only takes about four minutes per day. So it’s something people realistically can do.”

“There’s some evidence that the benefits were stronger for people who were more overweight. We would expect to see this, because the app targets mechanisms that lead people to become overweight, such as the strong urges to approach and consume inviting junk foods.” CO-researcher Dr Matthias Aulbach added.

“If you’re trying to teach the brain something new, it’s a good idea to space out the learning over multiple sessions,” said Dr Aulbach. It may be helpful to do the training in different contexts—not just at home but at work and elsewhere, so the associations you learn don’t just relate to one location.

The researchers stress that their findings should be interpreted fully and that further study is needed, because there was no control group and other factors could play a part in the results, such as the possibility that people who did more training were also separately more motivated to lose weight.

1. How does FoodT help users eat less junk food and lose weight?
A.By having negative reactions to junk food.
B.By making healthy-eating plans for them.
C.By turning their attention to video games.
D.By recommending healthy foods to them.
2. What can be known about FoodT?
A.It is accessible on limited occasions.
B.It specially targets unhealthy people.
C.It follows a gradual weight-loss mode.
D.It encourages people to take more exercise.
3. What is the researchers’ attitude toward their findings?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.An app setting a new trend in exercising.
B.An app originating from a mobile game.
C.An app assisting people in eating less.
D.An app helping people reduce weight.
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市通州区高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When Areej El-Jawahri, a doctor at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, signed the contract to purchase the house specially designed to fit the needs of multigenerational (多代的) residents, she knew she wanted her parents, who then lived in Michigan, to join her. “I wanted them to be in a state where I could help manage their health care needs,” she said. “As an only child from a Middle Eastern background, our culture is all about family units.”

El-Jawahri’s choice was not unique. A Pew Research Center analysis found that from 1971 to 2021, the number of people living in multigenerational households increased, with the share of the US population in these homes more than doubling, from 7 percent in 1971 to 18 percent in 2021.

“Rents in Boston are so high that I see lots of multigenerational living. Many young people move back in with their parents,” said Connie Brown, a global real estate adviser in Charlestown. “I have a rental apartment that’s $5, 000 a month, and we collect the first month’s rent, a security deposit (保证金), and our service fee, so it’s $20, 000 just to walk into the door.”

One of Brown’s clients, Brian Lash changed space over his garage to an apartment for his 92-year-old dad. “Living with my dad for those months was wonderful,” he said, noting that his father has since passed away. “We watched basketball, baseball, and golf, we went out for dinner, and I cooked for him. Those are the days I would never have had if I hadn’t built that apartment.”

Still, experts encourage people to have an open conversation before they move in together. They propose that both parties talk about whether there are shared expenses and who is responsible for what and that they put their agreements in writing. Cohabitation (同居) agreements are common among friends, but they are equally crucial for multigenerational families. Putting it in writing at the beginning of the process enables people to clarify viewpoints, and sometimes allows them to decide whether to move in together or not.

1. Why did El-Jawahri purchase the specially designed house?
A.To ensure that her parents could be better cared.
B.To follow the traditional virtues of American culture.
C.To experience culture in a multigenerational community.
D.To acquire more household property in Boston for herself.
2. What does the Pew Research Center analysis show about multigenerational living?
A.It is popular with Middle Easterners.
B.It is mainly favored by senior citizens.
C.It has seen greater acceptance in the US.
D.It frequently occurs in single-child families.
3. What did Brian Lash think of his living with his father?
A.It provided financial savings.
B.It aroused his interest in sports.
C.It left warm memories in his mind.
D.It brought great changes to his daily life.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The reasons for people living together
B.Suggestions on harmonious cohabitation.
C.Convenience brought about by cohabitation.
D.The importance of multigenerational families.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市通州区高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Embark on an exciting trip down the beautiful Juutua river in Inari. Experience the natural beauty of Finnish Lapland with a guided whitewater packrafting (轻便漂流) adventure. This 8-hour trip is perfect for both beginners and experienced rafters, ensuring a fun and safe time for everyone.

Our skilled guides will be there to help and teach you everything you need to know, so no prior packrafting experience is required. They’ll make sure you feel comfortable and confident on the water. You can also take a break to enjoy a tasty lunch in the stands along the way. This unforgettable Juutua River packrafting trip will give you memories to cherish as you explore the peaceful wilderness of Inari.

Schedule and directions:

We start at 10: 00 am from Eräsoppi/Xwander shop. Please arrive at the shop no later than 9: 45 am so we have time for preparations. The total trip takes about 8-9 hours, and we’ll return to the shop between 5 and 6 pm.

Pricing Information:

Standard Package: €260 per person (includes all necessary equipment and lunch).

Additional Charges: Pickup service from Inari, Nellim, Saariselkä, and Kiilopää areas: €20 per person(please contact usto book a transfer).

Cancellation fee: 50%of the total package price.

Please note:

This activity runs every Saturday from June to August.

The trip cannot go on unless there are at least 2 participants.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@xwander. fi or call +35810200 7633. We hope to see you on the Juutua River for a memorable packrafting adventure!

1. Who is the passage intended for?
A.Travel guides.B.River packrafters.
C.Nature researchers.D.Desert adventurers.
2. What is highly recommended about the trip?
A.Getting there ahead of time.B.Choosing pick-up service.
C.Having relevant experience.D.Bringing your own lunch.
3. What do we know about the trip?
A.It is intended for families only.B.It can be canceled free of charge.
C.It requires at least 2 participants.D.It opens at 10: 00 am on weekdays.
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市通州区高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Roujiamo is a traditional Chinese street food, similar to a sandwich. The dish, made up of slow-cooked meat and a freshly-made flatbread called baijimo,     1     (refer) to as a ‘Chinese Hamburger’. Roujiamo is thought     2     (originate) over 2,200 years ago. The world’s oldest burger is the very street food     3     carries an atmosphere of ancient dynasties, the Silk Road and far-off desert frontiers.

The word “Roujiamo” contains three Chinese characters: ‘Rou’ meaning pork, ‘Jia’ meaning placing meat     4     bread, and ‘Mo’ meaning bread.     5     the dish was traditionally made with pork, you can also find beef versions in the predominantly Muslim areas of Xi’an. The flatbread is cooked by street vendors on the inside of clay ovens. The hot pork meat braised (煨) for hours in a soup     6     (contain) over 20 different spices and seasonings is put inside the flatbread once cooked, thus leading to     7     variety in flavor. The street vendors have their own defining features     8     (attract) customers, with everyone having their own twist on the dish.

Now Roujiamo is still much-loved in China and its enduring     9     (popular) has given rise to numerous nationwide chains. In recent years, Roujiamo stores     10     (spring) up in a long list of overseas countries, making the Chinese snack familiar to more and more people and capturing the hearts of both locals and tourists with its unique texture and rich nutrition.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Many have probably heard of Thoreau, even though his message of simplicity may sound old-fashioned. Nowadays, smartphones flood us with text messages. Many consumers are buying the latest digital devices, from tablets and fitness trackers to commercial drones. Simple living seems to be a thing of the past.

As a writer who declared the value of simplicity almost two centuries ago, Thoreau was a contrarian (叛逆者) for his time. He lived during the height of the Industrial Age, distinguished by the rise of large factories, expanding urban developments, and powerful machines such as steam engines.

Turned off by the constant hustle and bustle of his time, Thoreau withdrew from city life to live alone in the woods. He brought with him only the necessities of life and wrote about this adventure in his book Walden. In Walden, Thoreau is basically making a philosophical statement. We are not living deliberate or meaningful lives, thanks (or no thanks) to modern technology. We created powerful machines to make life more convenient. Unfortunately, these machines have done the opposite. In his words, “men have become the tools of their tools”.

That is to say, we are not the ones controlling technology. Technology is controlling us. Let me try updating Thoreau’s message with a couple 21st-century examples. Every few minutes, smartphones may distract us with messages. At least half of Americans check their phones several times an hour. Meanwhile, information overload from social media can weaken our concentration and heighten confusion.

When technology causes that much distraction and confusion, it may be healthy to simplify life by reducing technology overuse. Personally, I’ve done so in two ways. First, I use very little data on my phone and keep the apps on it to a minimum. The vast majority of the time, I only use my phone to call or text. Second, I quit most social media. Sure, those two things aren’t as extreme as Thoreau withdrawing into the woods. Nevertheless, they’re realistic moves I can make toward living a more meaningful life.

1. Which statement would Thoreau probably agree with?
A.Technology holds back our ambition.
B.Technology is key to a meaningful life.
C.Simplicity is possible in a tech-driven world.
D.Simplicity is outdated in modern times.
2. What was the primary reason for Thoreau’s withdrawing from city life?
A.To escape the harsh economic conditions of his time.
B.To throw himself into the completion of his masterpiece.
C.To experience a new and exciting lifestyle away from technology.
D.To find a quieter existence that allows for deeper reflection and purpose.
3. What is presented in the last paragraph of the text?
A.Theoretical models.B.Popular beliefs.
C.Practical measures.D.Realistic analyses.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To criticize the overuse of 21st-century modern technology.
B.To illustrate Thoreau’s ideas on simple living in the modern context.
C.To explore the role of technology in shaping contemporary lifestyles.
D.To examine the effects of reduced social media use on personal well-being.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The estimated number of monarch butterflies migrating (迁徙) to Mexico for winter has reached its second - lowest level ever for the 2023 to 2024 overwintering season. The estimate, based on the size of the butterflies’ hibernating forest area, has dropped by about 59% from the previous year, according to officials.

Experts are pointing to extensive heat and drought as well as climate change for the major decline. Now monarch butterflies face three primary threats, including habitat loss for their breeding and overwintering; the use of pesticides, which can be toxic (有毒的) to the butterflies or can kill their food source, milkweed; and climate change, which can shift their migratory patterns. By the 2022 to 2023 overwintering season, World Wildlife Fund reported a 22% drop in the amount of overwintering monarch butterflies in Mexico.

According to WWF, monarch butterflies once covered about 45 acres of forested land in Mexico during their 1996 to 1997 overwintering season. Last year, they covered 5.5 acres. With the 59% decline, the 2023 overwintering season saw the butterflies covering just 2.2 acres, The Associated Press reported. The lowest coverage ever recorded was 1.65 acres from 2013 to 2014. The largest amount of butterflies observed for the current overwintering season were around the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve.

“This is not the first time we’ve observed changes in the locations of the largest monarch colonies,” Jorge Rickards, general director of WWF Mexico, said in a statement. “It’s telling us that we need to strengthen conservation and restoration measures not only in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, but also outside of it.” According to the Center for Biological Diversity, monarch butterflies have declined by 85% in the past 20 years. The eastern monarch butterflies migrate from Canada and the U. S. to Mexico for overwintering. Western monarchs, which overwinter in California, have declined 99% in the past two decades.

In 2020, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service noted that these butterflies do warrant protections under the Endangered Species Act, but there were higher-priority species to consider for listing. Biologist Ryan Drum, who works with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, told The Associated Press that the latest count would be considered this year when officials consider whether to list migratory monarch butterflies as threatened or even endangered.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.More butterflies are migrating to Mexico.
B.The number of butterflies is getting larger.
C.The size of forest area is decreasing faster.
D.Monarch butterflies are facing survival crisis.
2. How does the author show us the gravity of the problem concerning monarch butterflies?
A.By listing concrete numbers.
B.By describing typical scenes.
C.By interviewing some scientists.
D.By making reasonable predictions.
3. What does Jorge Rickards suggest people do?
A.Increase the number of the butterfly reserves.
B.Observe the changing number of the butterflies.
C.Take more actions to protect the butterflies.
D.Distinguish eastern butterflies from western ones.
4. What does the underlined word “warrant” mean in the last paragraph?
7日内更新 | 132次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市崇川区高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Students’ social-emotional skills are positively correlated with their reading and math performance, according to a study by Branching Minds, an ed-tech company. It found that 60-70 percent of students who were identified as needing additional social-emotional support were also identified as needing additional academic support.

To understand the links between social-emotional learning (SEL) and academic outcomes, the study analyzed student screening assessments for social-emotional skills and reading and math performance of nearly 4,000 K-8 students in the 2021-22 school year.

The study’s findings are in line with previous research that shows social-emotional learning has a positive impact on students’ academic achievement, but there’s still a gap in understanding how those pieces of data about academic and social-emotional strengths should be integrated and used together to create intervention plans for students.

The study also found that social-emotional skills may act as “a protective factor” for some students performing below academic standards, meaning that students’ social-emotional strengths could be used to boost their academic achievement, said Essie Sutton, the director of learning science at Branching Minds. Therefore, “it would be beneficial for educators to think about more combined support plans for struggling students,” she added.

For example, if a student is struggling with reading, but he is very social, “how can we build that into a support plan, and perhaps make these targeted or individualized reading support groups more social and play to that strength that they have?” Perhaps the student could take on the role of teacher and explain something to their peers in order to help them practice reading comprehension, as well as social skills, Sutton said.

In the study, it is recommended that results from academic, social-emotional, and behavioral screeners should be used when developing intervention plans for students. “It’s really important to look at students’ strengths and needs comprehensively,” Sutton said. To do that, district and school leaders should ensure that their academic, behavioral, and social-emotional support teams work together and that all stakeholders-students, parents, and teachers-are part of the process of creating intervention plans.

1. How did the researchers carry out the study?
A.By interviewing students.B.By carrying out experiments.
C.By conducting data analysis.D.By referring to the previous data.
2. Why is the example mentioned in paragraph 5?
A.To attach great importance to social skills.
B.To narrow the gap of the previous research.
C.To explain social skills can protect everyone.
D.To advocate the integrated support strategies.
3. What matters when designing intervention strategies according to the passage?
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The prospect of applying social emotional skills.
B.The effects SEL skills have on academic performance.
C.The methods to develop students’ SEL skills to the full.
D.The useful intervention plans for academic performance.
7日内更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通市海安市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
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