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1 . Jokes and humor are often thought of as unimportant. If the lawyer defending you in court couldn’t stop joking, you’d be understandably alarmed.

However, regarding humour as insignificant is a mistake. Humour, jokes and laughter, have a vital role to play in human behaviour and interaction. They are a powerful part of social bonding and are genuinely beneficial for health via their stress-relieving properties.

Why do we respond, in such powerful and rewarding ways, to things that objectively make little sense? A substantial amount of data has been generated regarding how humour works in the brain and on the various types of recognisable jokes that trigger it.

Verbal puns, the most familiar type of joke, involve words that convey two meanings at once. For example, “Why did the golfer wear two pairs of trousers? In case he got a hole in one.” Here “hole in one” has two possible interpretations. Their simplicity and familiarity mean most people recognise the humour in puns. So, the brain’s humour processes are still engaged.

But where does humour arise from in the brain? Considerable research points towards a specific system in the brain for recognizing humour. This system seemingly detects and resolves incongruity (不和谐). Our brains know how things, like language and behaviors, should work. But, in the real world, many things don’t match our expectations. It seems our brains have evolved a system to recognise when this happens.

If normality is subverted, it means we don’t know what’s going to happen, which creates cognitive (认知) tension. However, the system that recognises incongruity seemingly also resolves it, by providing an explanation, or at least a confirmation that the incongruity has no negative consequences. This removes the uncertainty, relieving the tension. So, we experience a rewarding feeling. If the incongruity is not resolved, however, humour is absent. If the answer to “Why did the golfer wear two pairs of trousers?” is “in case the metal owl that lives in his gold bag attacks him”, that’s not funny. There’s unresolved incongruity.

Humour is essentially our brain going, “This isn’t how things usually work... but I’m okay with it!”

1. What does the author say about humor in the first two paragraphs?
A.Its positive role is often underrated.B.It mainly serves to entertain and amuse.
C.Its harmful effects shouldn’t be ignored.D.It is essential for professional communication.
2. Why does the author mention the “hole in one” example in paragraph 4?
A.To prove a theory.B.To draw a conclusion.
C.To illustrate a concept.D.To make a comparison.
3. What does the underlined word “subverted” in paragraph 6 probably mean?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How Jokes Affect Brain StructuresB.Using Humor to Boost Brain Power
C.Jokes and the Brain’s Reward SystemD.Unlocking Brain Secrets Behind Humor
完形填空(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。作者参与了一次前往北极海域小岛Jan Mayen的卓迪船探险活动,尽管天气条件不佳且该岛位置偏远、天气多变,访问者寥寥无几,作者仍满怀热情地克服困难,与同伴们一同探索了这个难以抵达的火山岩岛屿。这次经历给予了作者前所未有的生命体验,超越了他原先对旅行可能性的认知。

2 . As a traveler with a disability, I have always avoided cruises. This expedition-style small-ship cruise changed my mind.

When our expedition leader ________ we would make a Zodiac (卓迪船) ________ at Jan Mayen, a tiny island in the Arctic Ocean, I stepped out onto my balcony aboard our ship, ________ to find clear skies and calm seas. ________, I was met with a gust of wet wind and a view of mist-covered mountains in the distance. Jan Mayen wasn’t on our itinerary (行程), and due to its ________ location and often unpredictable weather, very few people ever ________ the island. I knew the ________ weren’t ideal, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me.

In fact, the possibility of ________ adventures was one of the reasons I chose this small-ship cruise. So I ________ joined my shipmates in the mud room, where we put on waterproof clothes and life jackets before hopping in the Zodiacs for a bumpy ________ to a black-sand beach. Even the fierce wind and rain couldn’t ________ our excitement as we ________ our way to the beach and hiked to a viewpoint, pausing to photograph little purple flowers ________ the volcanic rocks.

Our visit there wasn’t about what we could do or see. It was an opportunity to just be—to exist in a brief ________ on a tiny, often inaccessible, volcanic rock in the Arctic. And that’s something I never thought I’d ________ in my lifetime.

A.set foot onB.fell victim toC.kept track ofD.gained control of
A.in response toB.in view ofC.in contrast toD.in defense of
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A BCBF highlight, the Illustrators Exhibition is a unique international showcase for state-of-the-art illustrations for children and young adults.


Illustrators, both professionals and beginners, can enter unpublished artwork, or artwork published in the previous 2 years.

Art schools can enter the projects by students who have attended their Institute.

Publishers can enter illustrators they work with.


Illustrators must enter their artworks exclusively online by December 31, 2023.

The 5 artworks must be based on the same theme, and must be numbered, as preferred, from 1 to 5 on the digital format file.

The 5 illustrations—5, no more, no less—may be unpublished artwork or artwork published after 1 January 2022. The work can be in black and white or colour and be produced using any technique.

The digital format must be: jpg or png, maximum size 5 MB, resolution 150 DPI.


All works shall be examined by the international Jury comprising five members (from publishing houses, art schools, or illustrators) appointed by BolognaFiere. The Jury's decision shall be final.


Being selected will give illustrators great visibility with the publication of their works in the Illustrators Annual and the 2-year world tour of the exhibition.

Winners under 35 will automatically be shortlisted (入围) for the International Award for Illustration Bologna Children's Book Fair, which consists of a prize of 15,000 Euro and the assignment to illustrate a children's book to be published by Grupo SM, Spain.

Unpublished winners under 30 will also compete for the ARS IN FABULA scholarship, which covers the entire Masters course fee.


If you have problems or need assistance: bfarchimedia. it

1. Who can submit entries to the BCBF Illustrators Exhibition 2024?
A.Visitors of the exhibition.B.Editors of publishers.
C.Illustrators of all levels.D.Authors of children's books.
2. Which of the following entries may be accepted?
A.Artworks in jpg digital format.B.Five artworks on diverse themes.
C.Physical artworks in black and white.D.Artworks published over 2 years ago.
3. What benefit will all winners of the BCBF Illustrators Exhibition 2024 receive?
A.A 2-year global tour.B.A cash prize of 15,000 Euro.
C.A scholarship for further education.D.A chance to get their works published.
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4 . At the start of my first lesson in Chinese calligraphy, my teacher told me to write my name. After I put it down, he said, plainly: “Now I will teach you how to make it beautiful.” I felt my breath catch.

Growing up in Singapore, I had an uneasy relationship with my Chinese name. My parents are ethnically Chinese but they didn’t speak Mandarin. Unfamiliar with Chinese characters, they used fortune tellers to decide my name based on the ideal number of strokes (笔画) for each character, which was calculated for the best fortune. Chinese names can be truly poetic. Not mine. Embarrassingly, the characters for my Chinese name mean, roughly, “old,” “barley” and “warm.” My personal and cultural histories were messy knots.

When I arrived in America for college at 18, I embraced critical analysis and creative expression. It felt like a way to abandon the strict formalities that defined my early years in Singapore’s high-pressure education system, and with it, perhaps, parts of my identity. Suddenly, I felt the need to present myself in a way that Americans would accept. I put on an American accent and set aside my Chinese name. Ultimately, after 14 years in the States, I decided to learn calligraphy. Why not get back in touch with my heritage? I thought.

In calligraphy, the idea is to replicate (复制) the old masters’ techniques, thereby enhancing your own. Every week, my teacher would evaluate my writing. “You need to be braver,” he once observed. “Your challenge is in producing a bold stroke.” For years, I had prided myself on developing an image of integration and confidence despite deep insecurities, but my writing betrayed me.

I had been learning calligraphy to try to get in touch with my cultural roots, but what I was really seeking was a return to myself. That first lesson came with the terrific promise that what had been shameful in myself could be made beautiful—and that I could be the one to do that work. I know now that what calligraphy teaches me is not the value of replication but the possibility that I could know myself more fully.

1. What criterion guided the selection of the author’s Chinese name?
A.Poetic sound patterns.B.Ideal symbolic images.
C.Favorable stroke counts.D.Positive literal meanings.
2. Why did the author adopt an American accent?
A.To break with tradition.B.To fit into the community.
C.To achieve academic success.D.To facilitate language learning.
3. What have we learned about the author’s experience with calligraphy?
A.It revealed her inner self.B.It improved her public image.
C.It presented no challenge to her.D.It enhanced her replication skills.
4. What has the author learned from calligraphy?
A.Fortune favors the bold.B.Embrace who you truly are.
C.Our roots define our identity.D.Planning is good, but doing is better.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . As its name suggests, online therapy (心理治疗) allows people with mental health disorders to connect to a licensed therapist over the Internet. Five years ago, large scale online therapy providers started offering their services to the public.

    1    . Anyone who has access to a smart device and an internet connection will have the ability to talk to a therapist online. Many providers ask potential clients several questions prior to signing up. These questions can range from how old they are to what their current relationship status is.     2    , their algorithm (算法) then pairs them with a licensed therapist for personalized therapy sessions. Clients generally then proceed to a secure and dedicated chat room that is only accessible to them and their therapist.

There are a large list of benefits to this type of therapy. People who use an online therapy service frequently mention that they can manage the monthly payments, which generally do not exceed £200 per month.     3    . Additionally, it reduces the stigma (污名) surrounding therapy.

For all the love online therapy has received lately, it doesn't come without its flaws. The main issues many people have with online therapy are the absence of verbal or facial cues and moral implications. Due to these reasons, professional organizations are hesitant to fully support online therapy.     4    .

There are many considerations to take into account prior to joining an online therapy platform. It's important to keep in mind that though many people are already using one of these services, it doesn't necessarily mean it's a good option for you.     5    , understand the risks and potentially limited impact it can have.

A.The concept is quite simple
B.Should you decide to join one
C.Once the services understand a client's unique profile
D.For those hesitant about sharing personal information online
E.The reality is, online therapy services differ greatly in price and quality
F.Online therapy is also known as being as effective as traditional therapy
G.Other common concerns include legal issues and technological difficulties
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6 . For many students, math class is the subject of nightmares. Many who enthusiastically show off their counting skills in pre-school years later consider math class the most hated hour of the school day. The problem, according to a Stanford education professor, is a matter of mindset.

Jo Boaler, professor of mathematics education at Stanford, has studied how students learn math, to identify why so many students end up hating or fearing math, and, too often, underachieve. In her new book, Mathematical Mindsets, Boaler describes how society has traditionally valued one type of math learner — one who can memorize well and calculate fast — as opposed to others who have the same potential but may be deeper, slower.

The “testing culture” in American schools is a major problem for math learners, Boaler said, noting that exams and tests are far more pervasive (普遍) in math than other subjects. The combination of frequent testing, procedural teaching and uninteresting questions disconnected from students’ lives causes many students to regard math as a “cold, lifeless subject” without a human connection.

The good news is that any student’s negative perception of math can dramatically change, Boaler said. She works with Stanford psychology Professor Carol Dweck to deliver growth mindset interventions to teachers and students. A “growth mindset” is built around the idea that most basic abilities can be developed and expanded upon through dedication and hard work. By contrast, with a “fixed mindset,” people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits (特征).

“When we open up mathematics and teach broad, visual, creative math, then we teach math as a learning subject instead of as a performance subject,” Boaler said, “The outcome is that the subject becomes deeper and filled with more connections, so students enjoy it more and achieve at higher levels.”

Critics such as Marina Ratner, professor of mathematics at the University of California, express skepticism towards moving away from traditional methods. Math is math; there is no shortcut. They argue that without solid basic skills, students might struggle with subjects like algebra (代数), let alone tackling any other higher-level STEM courses.

1. What problem is presented in the text?
A.Students fear math due to abstract concepts.
B.There is a lack of standardized tests in math.
C.Math learners focus on advanced concepts too early.
D.Traditional math teaching discourages many students.
2. Which pair best describes the contrast between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset?
A.Dynamic methods vs. standard methods.B.Group learning vs. individual learning.
C.Improvable abilities vs. inborn abilities.D.Long-term results vs. short-term results.
3. How might Jo Boaler recommend teaching the division of 10 by 5?
A.By integrating timed drills.B.By rewarding quick calculations.
C.By encouraging repeated reviews.D.By employing pictures and models.
4. What is Marina Ratner’s attitude towards traditional methods of math teaching?
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Qingtuan, or sweet green rice balls, is     1     typical and popular Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day ) food in China’s eastern provinces.

Qingtuan     2     (make) of a mixture of glutinous (黏的) rice flour and green plant juice, and stuffed with sweetened bean paste. A green plant called mugwort, or “Ai Cao” in Chinese, is     3     brings the color to the delicacy. This time of year is when the plant has just jumped out of the earth and is at its     4     (fine).

With some soda     5     (add) to the water, the plant is boiled into a state of paste. Normal rice flour is mixed into glutinous rice flour to make the rice ball sticky,     6     not too soft to be shaped. Next, the liquid is poured into the powder. This rice dough is then kneaded (揉) into little green balls.

The green rice balls can have various fillings, most traditionally being sesame (芝麻) or bean paste. But nowadays some people also make     7     (one) filled with pork meat, pickled vegetables and bamboo shoots.

    8     (date) back to the Tang dynasty, the sweet green rice balls have been around for some 1000 years.     9     (original) a food to sacrifice to ancestors, they have gradually become a dish of the season. For people who leave their hometowns for work elsewhere, the sweet green rice balls are a delicacy reminding them     10     home.

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The motley (混杂的) looking group of eleventh graders didn’t look like any “honors” U.S. History class I’d ever imagined. They shuffled (拖着脚步走) into my classroom, which I had painstakingly decorated with Presidential portraits and colorful maps.

Fresh out of college with a degree in history, a teaching certificate, and not a lick of experience, which was what I was.

“Good morning,” I said brightly. I was greeted with vacant stares. “I am so excited to have been selected to teach this honors class,” I continued. “They usually don’t let first-year teachers do that.”

Several of the students sat up straighter and cut their eyes at each other. Too late, I wondered if I should have tried to hide the fact that I had zero teaching experience. “First off, let’s rearrange these desks,” I said. “I like lots of class discussion, so let’s put them in a big circle so we can all see each other’s faces.”

Several of the kids rolled their eyes, but they all got up and began scooting (拉) the desks out of the traditional straight rows. “Perfect! Thanks. Now, everybody choose a seat and let’s play a game. When I point to you, tell me your name. Then tell me what you hate most about history.”

Finally, some smiles. And lots more as our game progressed.

Amanda hated how history seemed to be all about war. Jose didn’t like memorizing names and dates. Gerald was convinced that nothing that had happened in the past was relevant to his life. “Why should I care about a bunch of dead white guys?” was how he put it. Caitlyn hated tricky true-or-false questions. Miranda couldn’t stand fill-in-the-blank tests.

Armed with the feedback my students had given me, I began formulating a plan. No teaching straight from the textbook for this group. No “read the chapter and answer the questions at the end” homework. These kids were bright. My honors class deserved to be taught in a way that would speak to them.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Our courses were somewhat different from traditional ones.


During our final workday, the principal called me into her office for my end-of-the-year evaluation.

书信写作-介绍信 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 上周末,你和同学参加了一次职业体验活动。请你为班级英语角写一篇短文,介绍本次活动,内容包括:

A Career Exploration Activity

阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . In the busy and fast-paced world we live in today, keeping a healthy eating routine within changing schedules and various family preferences can seem like an huge challenge. Below are some tips to help establish a balanced and healthy approach to eating in today’s family life.

Embrace mindful eating.

Mindfulness transforms eating into a nurturing (养育) practice, encouraging a deep connect ion with how food affects your body and mood. When you eat, take the time to really notice your food — eat slowly and without distractions.     1     It also leads to more fulfilling and healthful eating experiences, regardless of what is going on around you.


Consider establishing guidelines that encourage eating without distractions such as TVs, phones or other electronic devices. These guidelines will help everyone at the table to fully engage with their food and with each other. This practice not only promote the enjoyment of meals but also support healthier eating habits by focusing attention on the meal and the company, enriching the shared experience.

Establish a flexible meal routine.

Finding a common mealtime can be challenging due to varying schedules.     3     If you’re hungry earlier, empower (授权) yourself to eat when you feel the need. There’s beauty in flexibility; you can still share quality time with loved ones by sitting together at the table when they eat, even if you’re not eating yourself.     4     It’s about finding balance between personal nutrition needs and family well-being.

Nurture a supportive food environment.

Creating an environment that celebrates healthy eating involves everyone in the household. Discuss preferences openly and plan meals that are inclusive, ensuring that each person feels valued. Shared meal preparation becomes a moment for bonding and respect for individual health goals.     5    

A.Have mealtime house rules.
B.Schedule mealtime into daily routine.
C.It’s important to honour your own hunger signals.
D.This attentiveness develops a deep respect for your body’s needs.
E.By involving everyone, meals become a reflection of collective care and respect.
F.It’s important to be flexible and respectful of each family member’s eating preferences.
G.This approach respects your body’s needs while maintaining the joy of eating together.
2024-04-15更新 | 179次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般