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1 . When 72-year-old Randy Long was cleaning out his garage not long ago, he came across some practice baseballs he used to throw around with his son and grandson.

Thinking some kids might get ________ of them, he took them to a local baseball cage, where he ________ them along with a touching note that might just bring even the strongest men to tears:

“Hope someone can use these baseballs. I found them when ________ my garage. I pitched (投球) them to my son and grandson for countless ________ . My son is now 46 years old and my grandson is 23 years old. I am 72. They have both ________ away. If you are a father, ________these times. You won’t believe how quickly they will be gone.”

________, Long’s grandson, Ethan Anderson, tweeted about his grandpa’s generous gesture. He never expected the post to go viral. The impact of the story finally hit home when the family ________ by the media, but Anderson says while his grandfather is amazed by all the attention he’s getting, he really doesn’t have much use for social media.

Anderson may be grown-up, but he fondly remembers his grandpa as a thoughtful coach who helped him ________ his true athletic potential. “When I was a kid, we would usually go a few times a week to practice in the cages,” he recalled. “Many times, I didn’t even want to go, but he always wanted me to be the best ________ I could be.”

After the story was shown on the news, Anderson was nearly swept away by the wave of ________ feedback. There are a lot of kids younger than me telling me they’ll cherish the times they have with their dads or granddads,” he told CNN, “And they won’t ________ it for granted anymore.”

“I get to go back and ________ every now and then,” he said. “I just didn’t realize that he missed ________ in the cages. Although he’s moved to Birmingham, about a two-hour drive from Long, Anderson has decided it’s time to team back up with his grandpa on a more ________ basis.

A.was rankedB.was investigatedC.was extendedD.was contacted
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . If you’ve followed dieting advice and experienced significant weight loss, only to have it return; you’re not alone. It’s also not your fault. The human body is designed to maintain balance as much as possible. In a restricted calorie environment, the body adapts to using fewer calories each day to function. This leads to a slowing in metabolism, which makes it even. more difficult to lose weight and ultimately leads to gaining weight again. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, which means it burns more calories at rest than fat does. If your body starts breaking down muscle to fuel its basic functions, that can further slow your metabolism and make losing weight and keeping it off long term difficult.

Because the body wants to preserve weight, a slow approach to losing extra pounds is healthier than sharply cutting calories. It’s better to pace your weight loss by eating just enough calories to keep you at insufficiency while still meeting most of your body s energy needs. This will help keep your metabolism working efficiently.

Determining the number of calories you need to eat to meet that rate of weight loss will depend on several factors, including your age, starting weight, activity level and sex. Candace Pumper, a staff dietitian with the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, says, “The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics position statement on adult weight management recommends 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day for women and 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day for men to support weight loss.”

She notes, however, those guidelines are “not meant to substitute for professional nutritional advice or treatment. It’s recommended individuals follow the advice of their dietitian’s guidance regarding appropriate calorie intake, as many factors affect calorie needs.” She also notes that if one is looking to lose weight quickly, he has to work with and be supervised by a health care provider.

1. Why do people gain weight after dieting for long?
A.The muscle burns fewer calories at rest than fat.B.The body functions slowly because of dieting.
C.It is hard to strike a balance while in hunger.D.It is impossible to have a long-term effect.
2. What does the underlined part “at insufficiency” probably mean in Paragraph 2?
A.Being improper.B.Being unhealthy
C.Being inadequate.D.Being unnecessary.
3. Which of the following may determine calorie loss?
①age       ②weight             ③identity       ④gender
4. What is suggested in the last paragraph?
A.Individual efforts matter a lot.B.Professional advice is important.
C.Calorie needs vary from person to person.D.Care providers can be relied on for weight gain.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Communication Tips

Here are some suggestions about making your talk with your parents turn out for the best.

Be honest.

If you’re always honest, your parents will be likely to believe what you say. If you sometimes hide the truth, parents will have a harder time to believe what you tell them.    1    

Be brave and start talking.

It’s easy to say “Hi, Mum” or “Dad, can you pass the potatoes?”     2       Let’s face it. You will feel embarrassed (尴尬的)when talking about something personal, but your parents know you quite well. They were your age once, too! So don’t let a little embarrassment stop you. It’s OK to go ahead and share what’s on your mind.


If you have a disagreement, can you consider things from your parents’ points of view? If you can, telling your parents you understand their views and feelings helps them be willing to understand yours, too.

Try not to argue.

Using a friendly and respectful tone makes your parents more likely to listen to you and take what you say seriously.     4    

What if it doesn’t work? If you still can’t talk to your parents, seek other adults’ help.    5     Then follow all the tips above to make you communicate with that person well.

A.Explain your situation.
B.Try to understand them.
C.If you lie, they’ll find it hard to trust you.
D.Parents are the most important people in your life.
E.But it can be harder to start talking about personal topics.
F.It also makes it more likely that they’ll talk to you in the same way.
G.Find a relative or a teacher who will listen to, understand and care about you.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Your first day of school can be a nervous time. However, there are lots of ways that you can prepare in advance to help your first day go as smoothly as possible.

Locate your classes on the school map. If you are going to a big school or college, it’s really useful to know where all your classes are. Print out a map and highlight where your classes are.     1    

Check your school’s website for information about your classes. Some high schools and colleges have websites where students can log in and find messages and materials from their teachers.     2     You can see if there are any messages or special materials you will need to review.

    3     On your first day of school, you will most likely be asked to participate in games. These are a great way to get to know other people in your class but can be a bit nerve wracking if you feel shy. Practice saying your name, 2 facts about yourself, and where you are from.

Contact your friends and see if you have any of the same classes. If you already know someone at your school, ask if they have any of the same classes or lunch periods.     4     Having someone you know will help you to feel more comfortable in a new environment.

Go to bed early the night before. This will give you less time to worry about the next day. Try to have a relaxing evening and go to bed at a reasonable time.     5     Otherwise, you may end up lying in bed feeling anxious.

A.Get up early in case of being late.
B.Log into your school’s website before the first day.
C.Don’t try to go to bed too much earlier than usual.
D.If they do, organize to meet up before class or lunch.
E.Prepare some answers to popular icebreaker questions.
F.If you are having trouble finding your classroom, ask staff for help.
G.This will stop you from completely losing your head on your first day.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . In movies and books, people often describe a decisive moment when they figure out who they are. However, I never thought it actually happened in real life. I never expected to have a “moment” of my own. When it arrived, mine was much more powerful than I could have ever imagined.

During the spring of my junior year, my class watched a documentary called “The Invisible Children.” It was about three college students who take a trip to Africa and document their experience. At first the film was slightly humorous. However, once the group arrived in northern Uganda, the mood changed. They learned what the consequences of a 23-year war had been for thousands of children. Some had lost family and friends, while others were caught by the opposing force and became child soldiers.

Before long, I was sobbing. I couldn’t believe these things were happening, yet at the same time I knew they were. I just hadn’t been paying attention, for in the past 17 years, I was blessedly protected. When the movie ended, I couldn’t get it out of my head. For the next week, I was not myself. Every bite of food I took I thought of Grace, the 15-year-old who had little to eat. When I went to bed, I pictured Sunday, the 14-year-old boy sleeping on a straw mat on the ground in a camp. My whole world shifted.

Since that day, I haven’t been able to picture my future in a way that doesn’t involve going to Africa and doing what I can to help. Ultimately, this is why I decided to major in engineering. With an engineering degree, my potential for change will be limitless. I will build wells and schools, and design irrigation systems. Engineering is tough, but I know—in what Yeats called “my deep heart’s call”—that this is what I’m supposed to do with my life.

1. How did the author think of a decisive moment at first?
A.It was impossible.B.It was unforgettable.
C.It was common.D.It was powerful.
2. How does the movie influence the author?
A.It amused him.B.It changed his perspectives of life.
C.It made him unsure of himself.D.It made him lose the desire to eat or sleep.
3. Why does the author choose to study engineering?
A.To achieve his goal.B.To be well acknowledged.
C.To challenge himself.D.To realize his childhood dream.
4. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Open-air jazz, locally-grown vegetables, Focaccia bread, goat cheese, and Narcan training all competed against a rainstorm last Tuesday at Westside Farmers Market’s annual College Night.

And the vendors (商贩) held out pretty well. Even as the raindrops intensified, folks kept exploring the tables stationed in the parking lot of St. Monica Church. Among the crowd were a number of college students, mostly from the University of Rochester, likely brought in by the College Night awards being offered — a five-dollar token (购物券), a handbag, and a prize raffle entry, all free of charge.

Now in its 15th year, Westside volunteer Jackie Farrell said the market partners merely with local farms, businesses, and community groups to populate its tables. “Our mission really is to serve the people in the community, getting them health and nutrition information, and connecting them to the farmers who grow the produce,” Farrell said, “Everything has to be local. It’s a producer-only market, so you have to grow or produce whatever you’re going to sell here.” Those producers had diverse offerings. Vegetables, of course, were abundant but sellers also pushed cheeses, spreads, bread, prepared pasta dishes, and much more.

The community groups offering information were diverse too. Recovery All Ways, a local nonprofit with a stated “mission to support anyone affected by substance use disorder” handed out Narcan and trained people in its use. Their station was next to a Moms Demand Action tent, where staffers provided information on physical safety. SNAP-Ed nutrition and benefits educators also ran a table.

The activities of the stations were scored by live music. The University’s Midnight Ramblers performed, and a local jazz band played away as the rain showers started rolling in.

Farrell hoped that the College Night promotion would help make students more comfortable crossing the bridge into the Rochester community. “We love college students, and we keep encouraging them that all they have to do is go across the bridge.”

1. What attracted college students to the College Night?
A.Free prizes.B.Scenery in the rain.
C.Interesting books.D.Featured goods.
2. What is the characteristic of Westside Farmers Market?
A.It is managed by farmers themselves.
B.Its visitors are mostly university students.
C.Its offerings are locally grown or prepared.
D.Farmers provide more vegetables than corn.
3. Which of the following can best describe the College Night?
A.Crowded and chaotic.B.Busy and festive.
C.Luxurious and splendid.D.Romantic and peaceful.
4. What might be a suitable title for the text?
A.Westside Farmers Market is flowering rapidly
B.College Night channels products to community
C.College Night bridges university and community
D.Westside Farmers Market is expanding nationwide
2022-11-09更新 | 122次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省潍坊市2022-2023学年高三上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . For teenagers, the importance of adequate nightly sleep remains constant. Enough shut-eye time is crucial to both physical health and cognitive functioning.     1     Parents are deeply worried about this. Here are some tips for parents to cushion the blow from the school stuff, such as earlier school start time and mounting amounts of homework.

Set up a bedtime routine. A regular bedtime routine starting around the same time each night encourages good sleep patterns.     2     For old ones, this might include a quiet and reflective chat.

Check noise and light in your child’s bedroom.     3     Check if your child’s bedroom is too light or noisy for sleep. Blue light from various screens might contain melatonin levels and delay sleepiness.

Ensure good dinner with reasonable amounts. The saying goes that we should eat like a king in the morning, a prince at noon and a farmer at night. But the farmer-way of dinner doesn’t apply to your children. They need more nutrition. But make sure your child has a right amount of evening meal. Feeling hungry or full before bed makes your child uncomfortable.     4    

    5     Most children receive a portion of their recommended amount of sleep each day from naps. Not sleeping through the night is fairly common for young children, so they need an extra boost from daytime naps to ensure they get enough sleep for any given 24-hour period.

A.Take a good nap.
B.Sleep through the night.
C.This can make it hard for your child to get to sleep.
D.A quiet, dimly lit space is important for a good sleep.
E.Fixed bath and story time helps small kids ready for sleep.
F.Daytime naps are said to be a good addition to nightly sleep.
G.That said, surveys reveal one in five teens sleep less than seven hours.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Summer Writing Program Guide for Teens

Spend your summer with teens (aged 13—19) from over 100 countries as you experiment with words, try your hand at new styles and work with respected professionals to create pieces you’re proud of ... all without leaving your home!

Whether you are good at or new to putting down your thoughts on paper, we welcome you to join today and spend a week or an entire summer with teenagers of your age worldwide!

Our workshops includes:

College Essay

Go from college essay ideas to execution (执行) in this week-long workshop. Students will gain with a fully drafted, standout personal statement in hand, and plenty of writing resources.

Flash Fiction

In this workshop, we’ll explore how a set word count (固定字数) ranging from 5 to 1,000 words can lead to creative freedom, allowing authors to develop their micro-fiction story to its most effective message.

Humor Writing

When it comes to comedy, there is delicate art involved in making people laugh. In this workshop, we’ll learn how to use words to share humor with the world.

Science Fiction

Work towards the creation of a science fiction story, and connect with a professional author for advice on making your story shine.

Online registration is open now. Space is limited. Join us quickly! Register for 2 or 2+ workshops and you can get 20% off.

1. What is the purpose of the summer writing program?
A.To give teens professional tips.
B.To help teens connect with professionals.
C.To improve teens’ writing ability.
D.To offer teens entertaining activities.
2. Which workshop will a short story lover choose?
A.College Essay.
B.Flash Fiction.
C.Humor Writing.
D.Science Fiction.
3. How can teens get a discount?
A.Join over 1 workshop.
B.Sign up online.
C.Apply in advance.
D.Register in groups.
2022-11-04更新 | 300次组卷 | 16卷引用:山东省临沂市第一中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中线上模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。讲述去年9月2号Daryn Sturch在一个事故现场救助几位受伤的摩托车手,当他们恢复后,这些摩托车手聚集更多同伴来照顾Daryn Sturch女儿Bryanne柠檬水摊生意。

9 . The scene of nearly 30 bikers queuing up at a young girl’s lemonade stand is remarkable on its own. But the heartwarming story behind this moment is even more touching. It involves the girl and her mother helping several of the motorcyclists out after an accident last year.

It was September 2 when Daryn Sturch, a nurse, and her daughter Bryanne, came across an accident involving several motorcyclists from the Milwaukee Iron. Sturch quickly jumped into action. She did the best she could to comfort them and keep them awake and calm. All five bikers involved in the crash had suffered severe injuries.

After the accident, Sturch began receiving thank-you messages from some bikers associated with the Milwaukee Iron.They sent Sturch updates on the recovery of those injured, and have kept in touch with her ever since.

Fast forward to nearly a year later, when Bryanne, 8, decided to set up a lemonade stand to raise money to buy equipment for her horse. Her mom announced the sale on Facebook. A biker saw the post and commented, asking whether there would be a good place to park motorcycles if some club members were to stop by. But Sturch never expected to see nearly 30bikers come over to the stand. “My daughter was over-the-moon excited,” she says. “She thinks they’re the nicest people in the world.” The stand also provided a place for reunion between Sturch and the motorcyclists she’d aided, some of whom she hadn’t seen since the accident. The moment she reconnected with a rider called Lumpy brought tears to her eyes. “I remember trying to help him and him telling me ‘I’m fine. Please check on and take care of the others,’” Sturch recalled.

1. What happened on September 2 last year?
A.Bryanne decided to start her own lemonade stand.
B.Daryn Sturch took part in Milwaukee Iron’s activity.
C.Some motorcyclists were seriously injured in an accident.
D.Daryn Sturch was called in to treat some injured motorcyclists.
2. How did the biker know the founding of Bryanne’s lemonade stand?
A.From a website.B.From a group of bikers.
C.Through his friend’s comment.D.Through contact with Daryn Sturch.
3. How did Daryn Sturch feel when nearly 30 bikers appeared at the stand?
4. Why was Daryn Sturch impressed by Lumpy?
A.He always came to her daughter’s aid.B.He volunteered to help treat the injured.
C.He cared about others despite his own injury.D.He did his best to comfort the injured motorcyclists.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Fun things to do in high school

Learn another language

Your school might be holding foreign languages classes, so this is a great way to start your language learning journey! If you want more self-paced learning, apps like Duolingo are easily accessible (可使用的) on our mobile phones. As our world becomes more interconnected, it’s always good to learn another language or two.

Aim for a semester (学期) of straight A

This can be a difficult task but not impossible to achieve, as long as you put in the right amount of work and effort. If you are struggling(挣扎)with your grades, you can host or join group studies with your classmates!

Don’t be disheartened if you are not able to get an A in a semester. What’s important is having the drive to go forward. As a famous person once said, “He who would climb a ladder must begin at the bottom.

Experience another culture

Culture and tradition are something that all humans share. No matter where we come from, we always bring our culture with us. People coming from different cultures may be among your friends or neighbors.

You can go to a museum, read a book, or try new food in your area. Remember to keep an open mind and take the time to learn about them.

Bring a shareable treat to class

If you know your way around the kitchen, you can impress your class by making and bringing them a delicious treat! Not only will this make their stomachs happy, but you’ll also bond (联系) the whole class together. Just don’t forget to check with your teacher first before bringing one.

1. What should you do if you want to learn a language at your own speed?
A.Go to a museum to read books.B.Attend another language class.
C.Learn it on an app like Duolingo.D.Join group studies with your classmates.
2. What’s the key if you can’t get an A in a semester?
A.Keeping an open mind.B.Asking your teachers for help.
C.Changing your study method.D.Having the drive to go forward.
3. What will probably be the result if you bring a treat to class?
A.Experiencing different cultures.B.Making your teacher angry and anxious.
C.Making some students have a stomachache.D.Making your classmates happy and united.
2022-09-23更新 | 909次组卷 | 25卷引用:山东省青岛第九中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中英语试题
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