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阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . AI is a keyword in our time. Can artificial intelligence uncover a liar? It sounds like science fiction, but such an AI system is possible. Rada Mihalcea, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Michigan, has worked on deceit (欺骗) detection for about a decade.

The first thing that researchers working on artificial intelligence and machine learning need is data. In the case of the work that Mihalcea did, they began with videos from actual court cases. For example, a defendant speaking in a trial in which he is found to have committed a crime could provide an example of deceit; they also employed words from witnesses as either example of truthful or deceitful statements. Altogether, they analyzed 121 videos — about half represented dishonest statements, and half truthful. It was this data that they used to build machine learning deceit detectors that ultimately (最终) had between a 60 to 75 percent accuracy rate.

One thing the system noticed is the use of pronouns — people who are lying would tend to less often use the word “I” or “we”, Mihalcea explains. “Instead, people who are lying would more often use ‘you,’ ‘yours’.” Besides, someone telling a lie would use “stronger words” such as “absolutely,” and “very,” that reflect certainty, while interestingly, people telling the truth were more likely to use words such as “maybe” or “probably.” As for gestures, she points out that someone being deceitful would be more likely to look directly into the eyes of the person questioning them. They also tended to use both hands when gesturing.

However, Mihalcea’s work is “far from perfection,” she admits. “As a researcher, we are content that we were able to get to 75 percent accuracy. But looked at another way, that’s an error rate of one in four.” Ultimately, she sees technology like this as being assistive for people — it could indicate that it noticed something “unusual” in a speaker’s statement, and then perhaps have a person “investigate more.”

1. How did researchers create the deceit detection using artificial intelligence?
A.They interviewed criminals in court cases.
B.They involved AI system in a virtual trial.
C.They employed witnesses to identify dishonest criminals.
D.They fed the system with both truthful and deceitful statements.
2. What is a liar likely to do according to paragraph 3?
A.Gesture with one hand.B.Question others directly.
C.Use pronouns repeatedly.D.Speak with strong certainty.
3. How does Mihalcea feel about her work?
A.It completely lives up to her expectation.
B.It can be used as an aid for human beings.
C.It can replace human beings to uncover a lie.
D.It successfully lowers the error rate of detection.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.The use of pronouns and gestures in lie
B.Rada Mihalcea’s research on lie detection by using AI
C.The limitations of current lie detection technology
D.Accuracy rate of machine learning deceit detectors
2024-08-21更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省安顺市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Evidence of planning has been unearthed in the ruins of cities in China, India, Egypt, the Mediterranean world, and South and Central America. Early examples of efforts toward planned urban development include orderly street systems, functional quarters in a city and advanced systems of defense, water supply, and drainage. Most of the evidence is in smaller cities built in relatively short periods as colonies (殖民地).

For hundreds of years during the Middle Ages, there was little building of cities in Europe. Eventually towns grew up as centers of church or authority, of marketing or trade. As the urban population grew, problems of overcrowding in early European cities, the blocking out of air and light and very poor cleanness, certain quarters of the cities restricted to different nationalities, classes, or trades just came, as still occur in many cities of the developing world now.

The physical form of medieval and Renaissance (文艺复兴时期) towns and cities followed the pattern of the village, spreading along a street or a crossroads in circular patterns or in irregular shapes. Most streets were little more than footpaths and even in major European cities paving was not widely introduced before the 12th century. As the population of the city grew, walls were often expanded, but few cities at the time exceeded a mile in length. Sometımes sites were changed, and many new cities appeared with increasing population—frequently about one day’s walk apart. Towns ranged in population from several hundred to perhaps 40,000.

Conscious attempts to plan cities reappeared in Europe during the Renaissance, with their prime goal to glorify a ruler or a state. From the 16th century to the end of the 18th, many cities were laid out and built splendidly. The result may have pleased and inspired the citizens, but it rarely contributed to their health, to the comfort of their homes, or to efficiency in manufacturing, distribution, and marketing.

In much of the world, city plans were based on the concept of a centrally located public space. The plans differed, however, in their principles for residential development. In the United States the New England town grew around a central public space. Also from the New England town came the tradition of the freestanding single-family house that became the norm for big cities. The central plaza, place, or square provided a central point for European city plans as well. In contrast to American residential development, though, European domestic architecture was dominated by the attached house.

1. What does the underlined word “as” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.problemsB.early European cities
C.certain quarters of the citiesD.nationalities
2. Why did the Europeans make city plans during the Renaissance?
A.To comfort residential homes.B.To promote distribution and marketing
C.To contribute to citizen’s healthD.To honor a ruler or a state
3. What can be inferred based on the text?
A.There was much building of cities in Europe during the Middle Ages.
B.Some cities had orderly street systems in countries like China, India, Egypt in history.
C.The New England town in the United States grew around a central public space.
D.As the population of the city grew, many cities got enlarged in the Renaissance .
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.The development of urban planningB.Evidence of cities development.
C.Traditional urban forms.D.The development of cities in the Renaissance.
2024-08-21更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省安顺市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成--篇完整的短文。

Good friendship can get people through almost anything. Many times, a good friend will know what you need before you even ask for it, and they’ll want to offer a helping hand. That’s what happened to two friends in Caddo Hills High School. When one differently abled young man needed help, his friend went above and beyond.

When Brandon and Tanner met, Brandon was using a hand-push wheelchair. The chair was becoming kind of a pain for Brandon as he had to push his way down the halls from class to class around Caddo Hills High School. “My arms would get really tired and I would have to stop and take rests,” said Brandon.

Sometimes when they were together, Brandon would ask Tanner to push his wheelchair. Tanner was happy to help. Most often, Tanner would offer to help and he noticed how hard using this wheelchair was on his friend. Tanner thought that if his friend had had an electric wheelchair, life would be easier for him. But Brandon’s family was unable to afford it. Seeing how much his friend struggled in his wheelchair, Tanner made up his mind to do something about it, “He’s just been a really good friend and I wanted to do him a favor. I just felt like I needed to do it and I wanted to do it” Tanner explained.

Then the enthusiastic high school student became devoted to getting his friend a wheelchair. He got an after-school job at an auto repair shop and he worked there every afternoon. In order to help his friend out, Tanner worked part-time for two years. All of the money he earned went towards saving for a self-powered wheelchair. That moment finally came in late February, when he would present Brandon with a life-changing gift during the school day.


Initially, Tanner had planned on giving Brandon all the money he had saved.


Brandon cried when he first got the wheelchair.

2024-08-16更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省安顺市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。

On 22nd December 2023, the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (联合国大会)     1     (witness) a historic milestone. Unanimously (一致地), the assembly agreed to declare the Spring Festival a United Nation’s holiday. This decision has been welcomed as a significant recognition of the festival     2     (celebrate) by millions worldwide, particularly within Chinese communities.

The resolution     3     (honor) Chinese New Year as a UN holiday is a mirror reflecting the cultural diversity and the spirit of the global organization. The UN, through this agreement, has made     4     strong statement of its commitment to cultures and the acknowledgment of important cultural celebrations     5     (universal). The move is a proof of the UN General Assembly’s ability in     6     (strengthen) global unity and respect for all cultures.

Chinese New Year is not only a celebration marked     7     feasts, fireworks, and family reunions but also a rich cultural tradition     8     includes various elements of Chinese philosophy, folklore, and symbolism. By declaring it a UN holiday, the United Nations     9     (promote) its status so far, giving it a global platform and encouraging a deep appreciation of Chinese culture.

In conclusion, the decision provides an opportunity for the world to learn and understand more about Chinese culture. Moreover, it further promotes the     10     (principle) of peace, respect, and mutual understanding that highlight the mission and vision of the United Nations.

2024-08-15更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省安顺市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
书信写作-倡议信 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 假定你是学生会主席李华,你校将开展“创建文明校园”的活动。请你为学校双语播报社写一封倡议书。要点包括:
2024-08-15更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省安顺市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题

6 . “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.” This _______ has stuck with me since the first time I read it. And it just makes so much _______.

Just the other day I caught a cold, the flu made me feel so _______ and sleepy. How I wished it was a _______ already. But it was Monday. I had to go to work.

We have a caretaker at work. Her name is Lucy, who usually prepares some nice lunch for us. She asked me with _______ if I was ill. After realizing that I was not okay, she was _______ me.

As this serious illness made me _______, Lucy hurriedly went to the hospital to fetch some medicine to _______ my headache. Her kind gesture and _______ melted my heart. I mean, she didn’t have to do that but she went out of her way to make it for me. I felt so good, I felt loved, I felt visible and it was a huge ________.

Life is made up of the little things. These little things go ________ most of the time so that we might ignore them. But they’re the biggest things and ________ the best things. If you can collect these little things, you’ll never feel alone. These little things give hope and strength for doing more and doing better.

Therefore, if something ________ makes your soul smile, note it and let it ________ in your mind and be remembered during dull days that life may ________.

A.sympathetic toB.interested inC.ashamed ofD.displeased with
A.make a decisionB.block your wayC.keep your wordD.have a point
2024-08-06更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵阳市清华中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末监测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . When I needed a new jacket and my mother asked what kind I wanted, I described something like biker’s wear: Black leather and silver studs (饰钉). She listened so long while stirring dinner that I thought she understood for sure about what I wanted.

The next day when I got home from school, I discovered a jacket the color of out-of-date guacamole (鳄梨色拉酱) on my bed. I threw my books on the bed and approached the jacket slowly, as if it were a stranger whose hand I had to shake. From the kitchen mother yelled that my jacket was in the closet. I closed the door to her voice, hoping the jacket on the bed wasn’t for me. No luck. I wanted to cry because it was so ugly and so big that I knew I’d have to wear it a long time. I was a small kid, thin as a young tree, and it would be years before I’d have a new one.

The next day I wore it to sixth grade. During the morning recess (课间休息) Frankie, the playground terrorist, pushed me to the ground and told me to stay there until recess was over. My best friend, Steve, ate an apple while looking at me, and the girls turned away to whisper on the monkey bars. Everybody saw me. Although they didn’t say out loud, “Man, that’s ugly,” I heard the buzz-buzz of gossip (闲言碎语) and even laughter that I knew was meant for me. So embarrassed, so hurt, I wouldn’t even do my homework. I received Cs on quizzes.

I wore that thing for three years. Although I blame my mother for her bad taste and her cheap ways, that jacket became my ugly brother who tagged along wherever I went. And it was about that time I began to grow. In rain or cold weather the elbows began to crack and whole chunks of green began to fall off. I showed the cracks to my mother and she said you would love that jacket.

I ran outside, ready to climb the tree by the alley to think bad thoughts. Later, I was called to dinner: Steam fogged my mother’s glasses. After the dinner, I went outside with my jacket across my arm because it was a cold sky. Soon I put on the jacket in a hurry, and that green ugly brother warmed my shoulder that day and ever since. Now, it has accompanied me for many years. Even though it is nothing to others, it is a treasure to me.

1. Why did the writer think his mother understood what he wanted?
A.Because she got it from other people.
B.Because she asked him what he wanted.
C.Because he gave her a very specific description.
D.Because she listened to his description all the time.
2. What is the writer’s response to the new jacket?
A.He felt disappointed with the new jacket.
B.He accepted it with pleasure.
C.He quarreled with his mother violently.
D.He loved it because it was what he wanted.
3. Which of the following best represents the common thing in schools at the time?
A.School bullying was serious.
B.Many students liked to gossip.
C.Students put PE first and study second.
D.Students attached great importance to dressing up.
4. What did the jacket finally teach the author?
A.Clothes are only used to keep warm.
B.Keep the old, and you get nothing new.
C.Treat your broken one like a treasure.
D.An ugly duckling doesn’t turn into a white swan.
2024-08-06更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵阳市清华中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末监测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Critical reading is active reading. It involves more than just understanding what an author is saying. Critical reading involves questioning and evaluating what the author is saying and forming your own opinions.     1    

● Consider the context of what is written.

You may be reading something that was written by an author from a different cultural context than yours. Or, you may be reading something written some time ago in a different time context than yours. In either case, you must recognize and take into account any differences between your values and attitudes and those represented by the author.

● Question statements made by the author.

    2     Before accepting what is written, be certain that the author provides sufficient support for any statements made. Look for facts, examples, and statistics that provide support. Also, look to see if the author has integrated the work of authorities.

● Analyze assumptions made by the author.

Assumptions are whatever the author must believe is true in order to make statements.     3     This means you must read carefully in order to identify any assumptions. Once you identify an assumption, you must decide whether or not the assumption is valid.


In doing this, be certain that the sources are reliable. For example, Einstein is a reliable source if the author is writing about landmark achievements in physics.     5     Einstein is not a relevant source when the subject is poetry. Finally, if the author is writing about a subject in its current state, be sure that the sources are current. For example, studies done by Einstein in the early 20th century may not be appropriate if the writer is discussing the current state of knowledge in physics.

A.Evaluate the sources the author uses.
B.Don’t accept what is written at face value.
C.Also be certain that the sources are relevant.
D.Identify any possible prejudice the author has.
E.Here are the things you should do to be a critical reader.
F.The reasons why you should be a critical reader are as follows.
G.In many cases, the author’s assumptions are not directly stated.
2024-08-06更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵阳市清华中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末监测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Recently, a 17-year-old student ranked 12th in the preliminaries (预赛) of the global mathematics competition. Jiang Ping studies at Lianshui Secondary Vocational School (中职) in Huai’an, Jiangsu Province,     1     (major) in fashion design. She     2     (self-study) advanced mathematics for about two years and then entered the finals of the 2024 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition with a good score of 93 points (out of 120 points). She is the first current secondary vocational school student     3     (enter) the finals and the only girl among the top 30. Her     4     (opponent) were a group of outstanding students from top universities, her own teachers, and artificial intelligence.

Jiang Ping’s story has touched and inspired     5     (count) netizens. She proved that a person’s potential does not     6     (necessary) depend on his educational background. As long as one is diligent and persistent, dreams will eventually come true. Jiang Ping said: “I prefer subjects like advanced mathematics because they stimulate my desire to explore. I enjoy the process of mathematical reasoning step by step,     7     makes me very happy when the conclusion     8     (prove).” Jiang Ping spends most of her spare time solving difficult math problems. She also carries     9     English dictionary with her so that language will not be an obstacle when studying “Partial Differential Equations” (偏微分方程). She hopes that one day she can go to university     10     further explore mathematics.

2024-08-05更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵阳市清华中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末监测英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the conversation mainly about?
A.Common colds.B.A scientific achievement.C.A special medicine.
2. Where has most progress been made in genetic profiling?
A.In the United States.B.In Iceland.C.In China.
3. How does the man feel about the new treatment?
2024-08-05更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵阳市清华中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末监测英语试题
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