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1 . Four astronauts headed to the International Space Station (ISS) on Sunday where they will oversee the arrivals of two new rocketships during their half- year stay.

SpaceX’s Falcon rocket was launched from Kennedy Space Center, carrying NASA’s Matthew Dominick, Michael Barratt and Jeanette Epps and Russia’s Alexander Grebenkin. The astronauts should reach the orbiting lab on Tuesday. They will replace a crew from the US, Denmark, Japan and Russia, who have been there since August.

“When are you getting here already?” space station commander Andreas Mogensen asked via Twitter, after three days of delay due to high wind. SpaceX Launch Control termed it “fashionably late”. There was almost another postponement Sunday night. A small leak in the seal of the SpaceX capsule’s hatch caused a last- minute flurry (忙乱) of reviews, but it was thought safe for the whole mission.

The new crew’s six- month stay includes the arrival of two rocketships ordered by NASA.Boeing’s new Starliner capsule with test pilots is due in late April. A month or two later, Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser, a mini shuttle, should arrive. It is for delivering supplies to the station, but not passengers yet.

Epps, who is from New York, is the second Black woman assigned to a long station mission. She said before the flight that she was especially proud to be a role model for girls, especially for Black girls, demonstrating that spaceflight “is an option for them, and that this is not just for other people”.

Also new to space are Dominick, a Navy pilot, and Grebenkin, a former Russian military officer. Barratt, a doctor on his third mission, is the oldest full- time astronaut to fly in space. He turns 65 in April. As for his age, he said before the flight, “As long as we stay healthy and fit and engaged, we’re good to fly.”

1. Why were the four astronauts sent to the ISS?
A.To train test pilots for Starliner.B.To monitor the new rocketships.
C.To deliver supplies to the station.D.To replace the crew on the station.
2. What delayed the astronauts’ arrival?
A.The leak in the capsule.B.Bad weather conditions.
C.An interview with the media.D.Repair work on the rocket.
3. What do we know about Dominick?
A.He worked as an officer in the army.B.He was a full- time astronaut from Russia.
C.He performed the task for the first time.D.He was in charge of the space program.
4. What do Epps’ words suggest?
A.Females are capable of investigating space.
B.Age is a decisive factor in space tasks.
C.Her work makes her a role model for girls.
D.Space technology is a great challenge for girls.
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

An exhibition titled “Learn from the Past and Know the Future: China’s Archaeological (考古学的) Achievements in the New Era” is taking place at the National Museum of China. Nearly 400 of the most recently     1     (unearth) cultural relics from the collections of 43 museums and archaeological institutions are     2     (current) on display.

The exhibits cover a wide range of periods     3     include a variety of fields. The exhibition vividly describes the history of human origins, the     4     (form) of Chinese civilization and its development within the boundaries of China. One striking part of the exhibition is the hand axes (斧),     5     are fundamental tools that were created and used by early humans. They are characterized by both their aesthetic (美学的) and practical     6     (function). Bronzeware is another eye-catching part of the exhibition. A bronze box     7     Yuncheng, Shanxi Province that     8     (date) back to the Spring and Autumn period is famous for its elegant design. And a string-patterned stove vividly reflects the significant role that the Silk Road played in     9     (connect) China with the world.

It is also worth noting that the design of the exhibition hall was inspired by the unique spatial (空间的) structures of the archaeological sites, offering audiences the chance     10     (understand) the relationship between archaeological work and its outcomes better.

3 . Alex jumped with joy __________________! (当他听到那个令人兴奋的消息) (根据汉语提示完成句子)
2024-09-13更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第二实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期新生开学考试英语试题
完形填空(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意: 这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了小时候作者经常去爷爷的农场帮忙农活,之后会走到灌溉池塘边聊天。有时作者会扔石子到水中,波纹扩散开来。多年后,作者投石入池,发现这种波纹就像作者的人生,虽微不足道,却对周围产生深远影响。

4 . When I was young, I often went to my grandfather’s farm and helped with the farm work. Afterwards we would walk to the irrigation (灌溉) ________. There we would sit and talk about school, sports, friends and life in general.

Sometimes ________ I was sitting and talking with my grandfather, I would ________ a rock and throw it into the middle of the pond. This would cause ripples (波纹) to start at the ________ and extend outward until the ripples would ________ the entire pond. Those childhood memories were so ________ that I would treasure them forever.

Now some forty years ________, I have almost forgotten about those long ago ________ days with my grandfather. When one day I was ________ for an afternoon walk, I passed by a still small pond. I stopped and ________ a stone into the center of the pond and watched as the ________ took effect.

As I stood there very calm and quiet, I ________ this rippling effect was much like my life. Although perhaps very small and insignificant (微不足道的) compared to the rest of the world, it did in fact over time have a profound ________ on my family, friends, neighbors, and community. We must always remember that whatever we say or do, good or bad, does ________ cause a rippling effect that ________ far beyond ourselves.

A.break upB.get upC.come upD.pick up
A.in allB.in factC.in briefD.in general
2024-09-13更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第二实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期新生开学考试英语试题
5 . — Peter failed the online exam yesterday.
— That’s not surprising. Computer games ______ too much of his time.
A.take outB.take inC.take offD.take up
2024-09-13更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第二实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期新生开学考试英语试题
单项选择 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . No matter how difficult the task may be, we must fulfil it this month
2024-09-13更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第二实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期新生开学考试英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了校车司机Larry Farrish在校园“睡衣日”这天早上注意到他的一位乘客Levi看起来很沮丧,因为Levi没有适合这一天穿的衣服。Larry决定帮助Levi,他去商店买了几件睡衣,并带回学校给Levi。他的善举在网上引起了关注,Larry很高兴自己的行为对一个孩子的生活产生了积极的影响。

7 . Going to school on a special day like “Pajama (睡衣) Day” is usually a happy event. But on that morning, the bus driver Larry Farrish noticed that something was very _______ about one of his _______. Levi who always flashes a big smile in the morning seemed very _______.

Actually, he was crying. When Farrish asked Levi what was wrong, Levi told him that he didn’t have the _______ for the special day.

“ It _______ me so bad,” Farrish said. “That just wasn’t my Levi, and I wanted him to have a good day.” Farrish decided that he had to _______ this. He went to Family Dollar, _______ a few pairs of pajamas and _______ to the elementary school.

Farrish began driving a school bus seven years ago. He _______ the position to be able to have weekends and summers off. But it ________ turned into a passion.

Farrish loves ________ to the kids on his route. “They become my kids after they ________ their parents,” Farrish said. “I make sure they get to and from school safe and sound, but I also try to bring some ________ to them.”

Since his kind act was posted online, the response has been ________. People went out of their way to contact him. “It feels good knowing the ________ I have had on a child’s life,” Farrish said.

A.looked upB.got closeC.headed backD.gave in
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Here’s How to Use Wallpaper

Wallpaper is a powerful design tool that can transform a room. Here are tips to see how it’s done.

Where should the wallpaper go?

The first step is figuring out where you’re going to hang the wallpaper. Keep in mind:     1    . Smaller, darker spaces are the best places to hang wallpaper. Larger rooms with great light and beautiful views are often better left alone.

Once you’ve settled on a room, your decisions aren’t over. Where exactly in that room should you hang the paper? A typical installation involves covering all four walls.     2    .

Measure and plan the installation

Measure the walls or ceiling you plan to cover and consider how the width of the roll you’ve chosen will work in the space.

    3    , but if you have a large-scale pattern, try to make sure the center of that pattern is right where you want it. Similarly, try to avoid placing the roll in such a way that you end up having to use thin scraps (小块) of wallpaper in the corners of the room.

Prepare the wall

    4    . If your wall has many minor imperfections, you may want to use blank wallpaper to help smooth things out. If your wall has lumps and bumps, holes or a thick texture, those problems will be visible on the surface of the paper if you don’t correct them before installation. Popped nail-heads should be hammered flat, and holes should be filled.


With all the decisions made, it’s time to stick the wallpaper up with glue. You may hire a professional installer, but you can hang the wallpaper yourself. Once the wallpaper is hung, don’t be afraid to hang decorative pictures.

A.Stick it up
B.It’s not worth fixing the wall
C.Decorate the room with pictures
D.Small-scale patterns provide flexibility
E.Wallpaper isn’t a fix for damaged or uneven walls
F.Not all rooms are good candidates for wallpapering
G.Another option is wallpapering the ceiling instead of the walls
9 . 选择合适短语并用其适当形式填空,其中两项为多余选项。
give way to            die out                 belong to             try out        
adapt to                 go through            in addition            in shape       
now that               under pressure       all over the world   have a great influence on
1. Some owners wish they could________________the car in a race track.
2. Lions and tigers________________the cat family.
3. He finally________________his younger brother and let him take over the family business.
4. Farmers here have already________________variable weather by changing their planting.
5. Parents________________their children’s development.
6. ________________he has become president, many people once again have hope for genuine changes in the system.
7. Most teenagers________________a period of rebelling.
8. Many species have________________due to habitat destruction.
9. The 2024 Paris Olympics is being delayed by satellite to audiences________________.
10. Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin performed well________________and won an Olympic gold medal.
2024-09-11更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市朝阳区长春外国语学校2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
书信写作-投稿征文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 请你以“Better learning habits lead to better results.”为题,用英语写篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 谈谈两者之间的关系;
2. 举例说明;
3. 提出建议。
2024-09-11更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省白山市抚松县第一中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般