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1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What does ASO-S mainly do?
A.Do solar observation.B.Study Earth’s atmosphere.C.Make weather forecasting.
2. How long will ASO-S stay in orbit at least?
A.Four years.B.Forty hours.C.Seventy years.
3. Why is ASO-S so meaningful?
A.It can block the sun’s radiation.
B.It may fill China’s gap in the field.
C.It is the first solar satellite globally.
2024-04-17更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市第三中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Drew and Tia sat at a picnic table in the park on a beautiful fall afternoon. The air around them was filled with the sounds of children playing, dogs barking, and people laughing or calling to one another. But Drew and Tia ignored the sounds around them and focused on the task they had set out to complete. They planned to start a school garden at Jefferson Middle School.

Initially, it had been Drew’s idea. He had first seen a school garden when he went to visit his cousin PJ. in Washington. He was amazed at the variety of fruits and vegetables the students at P. J. ‘s school grew. “It’s a lot of work,” PJ. had warned. “But it’s also my favorite part of the week. I love putting on my boots, getting outside, and seeing all the new things that have happened.” When Drew returned from his trip to Washington, he told Tia all about what he had seen.

Now, at the table, they were determined to come up with a plan to bring a school garden to Jefferson. Drew opened his notebook and prepared to record any ideas they had for convincing Ms. Milano, the school principal, that the garden was a good idea.

“We’re going to need an adult to guide the whole operation,” said Drew thoughtfully. “I know that Mr. Issac gardens at home. Just last week he brought in a whole basket of tomatoes and zucchini from his garden. He might be willing to help.” Drew wrote down Mr. Issac’s name in his notebook.

“We might need donations to get this project up and running,” added Tia. “We could tell Ms. Milano that we would be willing to organize a yard sale to raise funds.”

“That’s a great idea,” said Drew. “I think we need to be able to present her with a realistic plan. That way, Ms. Milano wouldn’t feel as though she agreed to something unknown.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Closing the notebook, they took action.


“Actually, I was doubtful when you first came to me.” said Ms. Milano.

2024-04-16更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市2023-2024学年高三第二次“三诊一模”英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Why do we universally appreciate cartoons? Because they are visual — the humor unfolds right before our eyes. As writers, we have a unique challenge to craft worlds, including humorous ones, using only words.

At first glance, writers and cartoonists have vastly different toolboxes and skill sets. But if you look closely, you will notice similar devices, such as simplification, exaggeration (夸张), and contrast.

In many literary forms, decoration enriches a piece. That’s not true for humor writing — humor can get lost with too many details. Adding a bit of shading will give depth to an illustration, yet there’s usually no need to detail every feature. There’s a thin line between plain and funny, and the difference often lies in whether a writer adheres to the universal comedic principle, “less is funnier.” By simplifying complex situations, characters, plots, and reactions, your work becomes more digestible and humorous.

Exaggeration is one of the most straightforward and effective comedic tools. As a humor writer, don’t shy away from every chance to stretch the truth, whether by understatement or overstatement. However, effective humor is truth based. The relationship between exaggeration and realism in humor is like stretching a rubber band (橡皮筋). A little stretching, even repeated stretching, is no problem. However, overstretching the band will cause it to break, as well as the humor and the reader’s trust.

Contrasting is the juxtaposition (并列) of elements not usually coupled, a technique that cartoonists use to create humorous mismatches by placing significantly different elements side by side. As writers, we can use juxtaposition to brainstorm new humor angles and create funny mismatches.

Humor is at its funniest when it’s visual, and writers can craft more humorous material by employing the same techniques used by cartoonists. By thinking and writing visually, you can show the funny to readers.

1. What do writers and cartoonists have in common in expressing humor?
A.They craft worlds literally.B.They focus closely on details.
C.They employ techniques alike.D.They get through to readers easily.
2. What does the underlined phrase “adheres to” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What is a way to achieve humour according to the author?
A.Overstating simple situations.B.Shying away from the truth.
C.Reducing the number of characters.D.Combining uncoupled elements.
4. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A review of modern cartoons.B.An essay on the art of writing.
C.An introduction to painting skills.D.A guidebook for passionate readers.
2024-04-16更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市2023-2024学年高三第二次“三诊一模”英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Bumblebees are vanishing at a rate consistent with widespread extinction, and climate change is playing a big role. The analysis comes from a new study published in the journal Science today.

The authors found that the likelihood of a bumblebee population surviving in any given place within North America and Europe has dropped by an average of 30 percent as temperatures have risen.

Pesticides, habitat loss, and pathogens(病原体) have already hit bumblebee populations hard. The new study, however, is able to isolate the effect that hotter temperatures are having on bumblebees. Sadly, bees are having a hard time adapting to a warming world. “If things continue along the path without any change, then we can really quickly start to see a lot of these species being lost forever,” lead author of the study Peter Soroye tells The Verge.

That’s not just a tragedy for the bees. It’s also bad news for all the plants that they pollinate and for humans who eat the fruits (and vegetables) of their labor. “We also lose out on a lot of color on our plates,” Soroye says. “Tomatoes, squash, and berries are just some of the crops we can thank bees for pollinating. Animal pollinators like bees, birds, and butterflies could be responsible for up to 1 out of every 3 bites of food we eat,” the US Department of Agriculture says.

For this study, Soroye and colleagues examined data from 1900 to 2015 on 66 species of bumblebees across North America and Europe. They mapped the places bees called home and how their distribution changed over time. They found that bees were vanishing in the areas that had heated up beyond the limit in which the bumblebees had historically been able to survive.

Some bee populations are colonizing new territories that were previously too cold. But those gains are overshadowed by losses in areas where the bees once thrived but are now too hot.

1. What is bumblebees’ main struggle?
A.Habitat lossB.Climate changeC.Human activitiesD.Virus treat
2. What might Peter Soroye agree?
A.Humans can barely strive to save bumblebees from extinction.
B.Bumblebees will inevitably die out some day.
C.Bumblebees serve as a delicacy on our plates.
D.Human’s lives are tightly linked to bumblebees’.
3. What is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Animal pollinators eat up 1 out of 3 of our food.
B.Peter Soroye’s study started from 1900 and lasted 25 years.
C.Bumblebees can not be accustomed to the places they used to live in.
D.Bumblebees are more used to colder weather.
4. What does the last sentence mean?
A.The negative effects outweigh the positive ones.B.No cold areas are left for Bumblebees.
C.The losses are beyond estimation.D.Bumblebees will have a rather bright future.
2024-04-15更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省三新教研联合体2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次联考英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

She was six years old when I met her on the beach near where I live. I drive to this beach whenever the world begins to close in on me. She was building a sandcastle and looked up, her eyes as blue as the sea. “Hello,” she said. I answered with a nod, not really in the mood to bother with a small child. I was depressed: my life seemed completely out of balance.

“What’s your name?” She wouldn't give up. “Ruth,” I answered. “Mine’s Wendy....I’m six.” She giggled, “Nice to meet you, Miss Ruth. Do you want to play? Maybe we can build something together. You’ll be happy!” She looked at me eagerly, waiting for my answer.

I just couldn’t refuse this lovely creature. I asked her: “Why don’t you go to school?” “I don’t go to school. Mommy says we’re on vacation.” She chattered little girl talk as we built the sandcastle. When I left for home, Wendy said it had been a happy day. Feeling surprisingly better, I smiled at her and agreed. She pointed toward a row of summer cottages and told me she lives there.

Three weeks later, I rushed to my beach in a state of near panic. I was in no mood to even greet Wendy when Wendy caught up with me, “I’d rather be alone today.” She seems unusually pale and out of breath. “Why?” she asked. I turned to her and shouted, “Because my mother died!” “Oh,” she said quietly, “then this is a bad day.” “Yes, go away!” “Did it hurt when she died?” “Of course!” I shouted. She didn’t say anything more, tears rolling down her face.

A month or so after that, when I went to the beach, she wasn’t there. Feeling guilty, ashamed and admitting to myself I missed her, I went up to the cottage and knocked at the door.


A drawn-looking(憔悴的) young woman with red and swollen eyes opened the door.


“She left something for you,” her mum’s voice trembled and handed me an envelop.

2024-04-09更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省昆明市第一中学高三第七次高考仿真模拟英语试题
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Thomas and Christine Noctor have lived and raised their family in the home for three decades. They and their 12-year-old grandson Dean, who lives with them, had most of their personal belongings damaged or destroyed after a fire broke out in Thomas’ home office on Saturday evening.

Ally Noctor was in the home with her mother, father, nephew Dean, and brother James when the incident happened. “My mom has COPD (慢性阻寒性肺病) so I said ‘just get out the back’, and she took the dog out the back,” Ally recalled. “My brother came running down looking for a fire extinguisher (灭火器), and my dad was screaming, ‘Fire !’”

The fire started in the box room It’s Thomas home office. He’d just done it up. It was clearly an electrical fault but no one thought at the time to turn off the electricity. The room started filling with smoke quickly and they had to leave immediately.

The house is located just a short walk away from the fire station. But when neighbors called, the available trucks were already out — so nearly 20 minutes had passed before the fire crew arrived.

Thankfully, they managed to prevent the fire from spreading to the attic (阁楼) or to any more homes in the community.

The family then went back inside the house to investigate what had happened and survey the damage caused. Dean’s gaming PC was melted, toys were melted, and even the shower was melted. All their clothes couldn’t be taken out.

“The downstairs is okay, but there is smoke damage and water damage. And all of the upstairs is completely damaged. My mom is still in shock. She’s just staring into space,” Ally said.

But Ally was quick to praise her community, who were right there to help the Noctors get out of the house the moment they sensed trouble and every one of the family got timely help.

Ally ran out the door without shoes on when escaping.
The temporary house is OK but New Year may be difficult.
2024-04-05更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省下关第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(含听力)
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Cynthia was a primary school student. She was curious about everything. She made efforts to get a good grade in every subject. She was a kind-hearted and outgoing girl. At school, she was always ready to help her classmates. At home, she helped her mum do some housework. She was never a concern to her mum, Mrs. Anderson.

However, Mrs. Anderson noticed a change in Cynthia these days. There were more quiet moments. Mrs. Anderson saw Cynthia looking out of the window, lost in thought. She also learned from her teacher that Cynthia wasn’t as focused on school as before. A sense of worry rose in Mrs. Anderson’s heart and she wondered about what was behind Cynthia’s unusual behavior.

Before going to bed, she started talking with Cynthia, asking about her day. However, Cynthia just said that nothing in particular happened. Mrs. Anderson’s concern grew. She decided to keep a closer eye, hoping to uncover the challenges her daughter might be facing.

One day, while cleaning up Cynthia’s bedroom, Mrs. Anderson discovered something unexpected — on her desk lay some books on how to treat injured birds. It was quite surprising. Cynthia had never told her about this. It also amazed Mrs. Anderson. She had a deep love for nature and birds and she could always find inspiration in their freedom and the beauty of their songs. She couldn’t help but wonder what had inspired her daughter’s newfound interest in birds.


The next morning, Mrs. Anderson saw Cynthia walking quietly into the backyard with a first aid kit in hand.


Mrs. Anderson couldn’t help but walk out.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

8 . A study by University of Michigan researchers found that about mine out of ten people in New York City were exposed to noises that were high enough to harm their hearing. Some of the risk comes from traffic and other environmental sounds, but we suffer a lot of punishment on our ears by simply attending sports events and concerts. Listening to music through earphones and turning up the volume also do damage.

Hearing aids may have seemed not comfortable to wear for some people. But today, you might not even realize that the person next to you is wearing a pair of earphones so small and thin that they’re mostly hidden inside the ears. You might be even more surprised to discover that the person can adjust those hearing aids on a phone app — to make it easier to hear what you’re saying in a crowded, noisy environment.

“There’s a cool factor for hearing aids,” explains Dr. Hope Lanter. “They’re significantly (显著地) better and smaller.” Lanter is the lead audiologist (听力学家) for hear. com, an online source for hearing aids from various producers, which also offers access to a nationwide network of audiologists who can provide in-person testing and help.

Hear. com has started its own product, which is named the Horizon, together with engineers from hearing aid maker Signia, according to a news report. In addition to producing clear speech, the Horizon is also designed to interact with phones and other tools, make phone calls, stream podcasts, read e-books and so on.

Throughout the United States, the number of hearing aids and earphones is on the rapid increase. Though they have brought much benefit for those who have difficulty in hearing, they really do great harm to people with normal hearing when they listen to music or talk with others.

1. Why did the author mention the study in paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the topic of the text.B.To show the number of deaf people.
C.To explain the importance of protecting hearing.D.To tell us the wide use of earphones.
2. What can we infer about hearing aids from Lanter’s words?
A.Many people feel it awkward to wear hearing aids.
B.More and more people are wearing hearing aids now.
C.Hearing aids are getting more and more advanced.
D.It’s easier to stay away from loud noises with hearing aids.
3. What’s the author’s attitude towards hearing aids and earphones?
A.Unfavorable.B.Supportive.C.Confident.D.Not mentioned.
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.Loud noises in the United States.B.Different earphones producers.
C.The advantages of hearing aids.D.The wide use of hearing aids and earphones.
2024-02-28更新 | 93次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末统考英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My dad was a cleaner in my school. When I was 12, I decided to study hard to have a life different from his.

One day when Dad asked me to play basketball with him, I just replied, “I’m busy. I want to study well so that I can become a rich man. I don’t want to be a cleaner like you, Dad!” He was shocked (震惊的), but I didn’t care and continued studying hard. Finally, I graduated from high school with honors, and decided it was time to break free from my dad and follow my dreams.

“Dad, I got a scholarship to a law school in California,” I told him. “I’ll leave in 3 days.” My dad was surprised but proud of me. As I left for the airport 3 days later, he said, “Son, wherever you go, welcome back home.” I ignored his words and flew to California.

After I graduated, I found a great job there. Later, I was made manager and earned much money. I no longer remembered my father was a cleaner. I had forgotten my dad, who was still cleaning my school. I seldom answered his calls or wrote back to him. I was busy; I still had a lot more to achieve.

With time, the more success I tasted, somehow, the lonelier I became. I felt especially lonely on my 31st birthday. I kept checking my phone, hoping someone wished me a happy birthday. But there wasn’t a single call or message. Later that evening when I returned home from my office, something in my mailbox drew my attention.

“A letter?” I whispered and saw it was from my father. He never forgot to mail me a letter on my each birthday. However, I never took the trouble to read it. “How did I ignore him?” I thought. I brought the letter home and took out his earlier letters. And I opened one. It read, “Wherever you are, I love you to the last drop of my blood. I wish you a happy life.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I picked up another letter and read it.


Finally, I arrived at my dad’s house and saw him sitting alone in the yard.

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was working as a supervisor in a small, rural hospital on a bitter cold Midwestern winter in 1992. I wasn’t even supposed to be working the evening shift, but had agreed to swap with a colleague who needed the night off. Among my many duties was to assist in the emergency room (ER) if our ER nurse needed help. Suddenly, my pager (寻呼机) echoed down the hallway that quiet evening.

“I need your help now,” a nurse in ER said urgently. “We have an ambulance out on a little boy. Not many details, but it doesn’t sound good. He was found outside in a snow bank, and the first responders have started CPR.” My heart sank. It was thirty degrees below zero with windchill. The child didn’t have a chance.

I entered the emergency room. The ambulance was just pulling up, and when the gurney (轮床) rolled into the ER it was met with dead silence. CPR was in progress. The blond boy lay lifeless and pale with little hands frozen so solid. Because of the circumstances, we were obligated to continue CPR until his core body temperature was raised. No one in the room seemed to hold any hope of bringing back this little boy.

The next hour passed quickly as many ways were conducted to warm him up. I stood silently over him, tears running down my cheeks, as I prayed silently for him and his family. I couldn’t even help understanding the pain his parents were experiencing.

He was the same age as my little boy, with the same beautiful blue eyes and blond hair. I thought of how much I loved my son and tried to remember the last time I told him I loved him so. What if he died tonight? Would he die knowing how much I loved him? I realized, watching a group of doctors and nurses desperately trying to do the impossible, that I hadn’t even hugged him before leaving for work. And I deeply regretted that now.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;

Then a miracle occurred.


Watching the scene, I made a promise to myself that night.

2024-02-18更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省曲靖市高三上学期第一次教学质量监测(一模)英语试题
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