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1 . A funeral or an obituary (讣告)is traditionally how we honor those who have died. But the way we remember loved ones is changing, as thousands of families turn to one project using TikTok and a surfboard.

Since the death of his father Randy Mendioroz, Tony Mendioroz dreamed of reuniting him with the place that he loved most — the ocean. Randy’s life revolved around water. He was a specialist in building water parks, wave machines and swimming pools, and Tony once worked for him for a while. The Mendioroz family were also regulars at the coast and spent wonderful time from some of San Diego’s best beaches.

Randy passed away from liver cancer in 2013. Feeling lost, Tony began to search for ways to feel a connection with his dad again. He found comfort in the sea and surfing, but always felt it was an experience he should have shared with his father. So, when he came across a video of a man offering to grant Randy “one last wave”, he jumped at the chance.

The man behind the video was surfer Dan Fischer. He, too, had lost his father Karl Fischer to cancer and had turned to the ocean to feel closer to him. After one unforgettable trip into the waves off the coast of Newport, with his father’s name written on his surfboard, Dan realized the potential healing power this simple activity could have when dealing with loss.

“Through surfing, I took him out there because he always loved the ocean, and he and I were adventure buddies,” Dan says.

When he got back to the shore, Dan posted a TikTok video, encouraging others dealing with grief to reach out and have the names of their lost loved ones written on his surfboard.

The Mendioroz family were one of thousands of those who got in touch from around the world, sparking the beginning of the “One Last Wave Project”.

The project prompted Dan to document each of his trips to the beach as names continued to cover his board. It has been a powerful force in creating a global community and support network for those going through loss.

1. What do we know about Tony and his father?
A.They had a tough relationship.
B.They all grew up near the ocean.
C.They never went surfing together.
D.They once built a water park together.
2. Dan turned to the ocean to feel closer to his father because of ________?
A.his father’s love for the ocean.
B.his father’s interest in surfing.
C.his father’s adventurous spirit
D.his father’s working experience
3. What inspired Dan to do the “One Last Wave Project”?
A.One of his trips to Newport.
B.The Mendioroz family’s request.
C.Encouragement from his family.
D.Worldwide attention to his video.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A journey of overcoming loss
B.The healing power of a surfboard
C.Seeking comfort from TikTok videos
D.Remembering loved ones at the seaside
2024-04-19更新 | 108次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-家人和亲人
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . The UK has a rich literary heritage, with cities packed with bookshops, literary landmarks and comfortable cafes. If you love books, try one of these city breaks.


Earning a remarkable “bookspiration” score of 9. 4/10, York has claimed the title of the best UK city for book lovers. Having the highest number of reading spots per 100, 000 people among all cities analysed, literary lovers will find themselves spoiled for choice in this city. Home to 20 libraries and 33 highly-rated bookshops, this serves as a significant literary resource for a city of its population size.

Books inspired by York include: The Secret Garden, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre


Bath comes second, receiving a final “bookspiration” score of 8. 1/10. Beyond its plentiful quiet reading spots, more than seven libraries and 16 bookshops per 100, 000 people, the city also offers sufficient green spaces, perfect for eager readers to dive into their favourite books. It’s a dream destination for those with a preference for Jane Austen’s works. It’s also host to the annual Jane Austen Festival in September, featuring many immersive(沉浸式的)Regency-themed experiences.

Books inspired by Bath include: Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Vathek


In third place is Belfast, scoring a respectable 7. 3/10. The Northern Irish city has 18 libraries and 55 charming bookshops to choose from. Serving as the backdrop of inspiration for CS Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, Belfast also has a bookish culture as it plays host to an annual book festival drawing in the nation’s biggest bookworms.

Books inspired by Belfast include: Eureka Street, Mystery Man, The Star Factory


Bristol with a score of 6. 8/10 secures fourth place to be a literary lover’s paradise. Thanks to its treasure of bookshops from independent to second-hand, over 17 bookshops per 100, 000 people, the lively South West city makes an incredible destination for book-shopping.

Books inspired by Bristol include: Shadow Dance, Birdcage Walk, Keep Him Close

1. Which city is the source of the inspiration for Wuthering Heights?
2. What can you do during Jane Austen Festival?
A.Rate bookstores of the city.B.Attend theme-based activities.
C.Dive into CS Lewis’s books.D.Take a South West city tour.
3. What is a feature of Belfast?
A.The best green reading spaces.B.The highest “bookspiration” score.
C.The most attractive book festival.D.The biggest second-hand bookstore.
2023-12-22更新 | 469次组卷 | 5卷引用:阅读理解变式题-广告布告
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。文章是Kindred Spirit大象保护区的志愿者招募信息。

3 . Expecting to travel abroad but lacking a loose budget? Interested in meaningful volunteering programs but worried about issues like your security or working conditions? Here comes a right place for you — Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary (保护区).


Volunteering with elephants and bringing them back into their natural habitat

Making a difference in the conservation efforts to save elephants living under awful conditions

Helping teach English to the communities and raising awareness about the captive (圈养的) elephant situation

Wandering the forests and observe elephant’s natural behaviors in their home environment

Our Sanctuary

Our sanctuary has rescued 5 elephants from the tourism industry and we have now brought them home to live out their lives in the forest, in semi-wild conditions. We need volunteers to help us keep these elephants happy and healthy in their natural habitat. With volunteer support, we hope to return more elephants to the forest soon.

Your tasks

Performing research on the natural elephant behaviors and the surrounding forest

Taking part in community projects such as teaching English at the school and to other locals

Carrying out litter pick-ups with the kids to educate on waste management

Your Rough Schedule:

Day 1: Pickup from Chiang Mai at 9 am. Travel through a national park and stunning mountains until you arrive in our unique village. Meet your homestay family and the other volunteers, and immerse yourself in hill tribe culture.

Day 2: Wake up early to hike in the forest and find our elephants. Spend the morning recording and learning about these amazing animals and their natural behaviors. Return to the village in the late afternoon and take part in our community & camp & teaching projects.

Day 3: Another early start to hike to observe our elephants one last time. Return to Chiang Mai in the afternoon.

1. Which of the following is a feature of volunteer work at the sanctuary?
A.Looking after captive elephants with the locals.
B.Seeking and observing elephants in natural forests.
C.Helping rescue elephants living in the poor environment.
D.Teaching people to conserve elephants’ natural habitat.
2. What should you do as a volunteer there?
A.You should participate in anti-poverty projects.
B.You should have the great ability to go hiking for days.
C.You should master local languages and know about tribe culture.
D.You should undertake research into wild elephants independently.
3. Where does this text most probably come from?
A.A holiday brochure.B.A travel journal.
C.A geographical essay.D.An educational website.
2023-11-23更新 | 363次组卷 | 6卷引用:阅读理解变式题-广告布告

4 . How perfect the wings of a bird are! However, they will never________the bird during flight if unsupported by the air. Upon graduation, I will be able to analyze ancient poems using________terms, and simplify a derivative (导数) problem. Despite knowing how to perform these________tasks, I currently fail to________how to change a tire or how to obtain an insurance policy.

I used to outdo my classmates________. At first, I was getting everything right. Then, I ran for Student Government but was________. How could that be? Someone must have made a(n)________. Little did I know, this was my first exposure to meaning beyond________. As I failed for the second year, I________I had been wrongfully measuring my life through my test scores. It was my________that I had never prioritized communication skills, which my fellow candidates________. I decided to change my mindset and take a new________to the way I lived. Soon I grew interested in the new viewpoints everyone around me could________. People interpret situations differently________their own cultural contexts, so I had to________to pay more attention to every point of view. To my________, I was elected to Student Government after my third year of trying.

As I further accept new life skills, I realize how much remains________in the world. What I can do is prepare myself to take on the unknown.________, my wings will continue enabling me to fly,________it is going to take more than just me and my wings; I have to continue putting my________in the air around me.

A.as forB.apart fromC.due toD.instead of
2023-02-27更新 | 231次组卷 | 4卷引用:完形填空变式题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Fancy earning rewards for giving your opinions? Norstat is offering exactly that.

What are you going to do?

Participate in surveys whenever you want and get rewarded for expressing your opinions. By participating in Norstatpanel surveys, you get to influence the products and services of the future. This part-time job is completely flexible, and an excellent way to earn money.

How does it work?

Each survey will only take between 5~20 minutes. It is completely free to sign up, and up to you which surveys you would like to do. You will be rewarded for each completed survey and as you respond to more surveys, you unlock new benefits and receive more rewards! Complete your profile survey to be in with a chance of winning a $20 Amazon voucher (代金券).

What do we offer?

Completing surveys will earn you coins, which you can choose to spend in different ways.

You live by the motto “cash is king”? No problem! You can spend your coins on a universal gift card that can be used at hundreds of different stores! You can also use your coins as a donation towards forest planting.

What do we ask?

·No education background is required.

·Don’t be afraid to give your honest opinion. There’re no incorrect answers.

·You have access to the internet, a mobile phone or computer.

·You live in the UK.

·No experience is required.

Are you the perfect candidate? Click “apply now”!

1. What will you do in the job?
A.Sign up with little cost.B.Collect surveys.
C.Design better products.D.Give your opinions.
2. Which is a must for the job?
A.A mobile phone.B.A UK residence.
C.Related experience.D.College education.
3. Where can you probably read this passage?
A.On a website.B.In a magazine.
C.In a travel guide.D.On a notice board.
2022-07-08更新 | 251次组卷 | 4卷引用:阅读理解变式题-广告布告
共计 平均难度:一般