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语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The “Understanding Contemporary China” Foreign Language Contests were held in Beijing from December 4 to 8.

Nearly one million college students from more than 1,300 universities participated , with about 2,500     1     (enter) the national final. The contests aimed to     2     (deep) college students’ understanding of China, enhance their linguistic (语言的) abilities and intercultural communication     3     (competent), and provide a platform for them to tell China’s stories well.

The champion of the English group     4     (determine) through a simulated (模拟的) “Global Youth Summit”. Three contestants discussed     5     (topic) including cultural diversity and the future development of mankind with Xinhua News Agency’s reporter Simon Keith Robinson,     6     tested their knowledge and ability to handle diverse subjects.

Xu Chengcheng, from Beijing Foreign Studies University, won     7     national championship of the International Communication Contest. She demonstrated a high-level of English proficiency(熟练)and strong communication skills in the prepared speech     8     the Global Youth Summit session(会议).

A special session of “Multilingual Champions Showcase” was part     9     the closing ceremony, where champions used their foreign language skills     10     (share) stories about their understanding of China and communication with the world, showcasing youthful insights.

完形填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Sarkar is a nanotechnologist (纳米技术专家) and assistant professor at MIT. She is conducting her research on brain diseases that _________ the minds of millions of people worldwide.

Born in Kolkata, India, Sarkar credits both of her parents as early _________. Her courage as a researcher comes from her _________, who as a young woman went against social norms (常态) in her village by _________ to fund her own education. Meanwhile, Sarkar’s father _________ her interest in engineering. Sarkar recalls her father finding time for his _________, fashioning devices to make home life more _______, including an electricity-free washing machine. “That got me very _________ in science and technology.” Sarkar says.

After _________ a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad, Sarkar __________ California to study nanoclectronics. There, she tested new ways to __________ nanodevices that could reduce the amount of __________ consumed by computers and other everyday electronics. __________, she made a breakthrough by developing a standout nanodevice.

Along the way, Sarkar became fascinated with the __________, which she calls “the lowest energy computer”. She hopes to put nanodevices between human neurons (神经细胞) to improve the computing speed of the processor in our brains. “Our brains are __________, but we could be better than what we are.” she says.

A.adapted toB.related toC.headed toD.belonged to
阅读理解-阅读单选(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Four Best Science Books

A Short History of Nearly Everything

Price: $15.95

Author: Bill Bryson

Release date: February 4, 2003


+Explains a variety of scientific topics in a vivid and comprehensive way

+No science knowledge required

Thing Explainer

Price: $19.84

Author: Randall Munroe

Release date: November 24, 2015


+Explains complex concepts using illustrations and only the most common words in the English language

+Entertaining and easy to understand

+A few of the topics(e. g. the periodic table)also include detailed fold-out diagrams

Ask an Astronaut

Price: $9.19

Author: Tim Peake

Release date: October 19, 2017


+Entertaining Q&A format makes it easy to quickly find answers

+Suitable for both children and adults

+Accompanying graphics (图形) illustrate some of the more complex ideas

Brief Answers to the Big Questions

Price: $13.76

Author: Stephen Hawking

Release date: January 1, 2020


+Does not require prior physics knowledge-there is only one equation in the entire book

+Complex ideas communicated in a simple and understandable language

+Great introduction to the thoughts of Stephen Hawking

1. Which book was published the earliest?
A.Thing Explainer.B.Ask an Astronaut.
C.Brief Answers to the Big Questions.D.A Short History of Nearly Everything.
2. What do Thing Explainer and Ask an Astronaut have in common?
A.They are priced the same.B.They include illustrations.
C.They are hard to understand.D.They employ a Q&A format.
3. Who wrote Brief Answers to the Big Questions?
A.Tim Peake.B.Bill Bryson.
C.Stephen Hawking.D.Randall Munroe.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A recent research suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) could hold the potential for predicting sudden cardiac (心脏的) death and assessing an individual’s risk to potentially prevent future deaths. This development may mark a novel step towards prevention and global health strategies.

Professor Xavier Jouven, lead author of the study, said, “Sudden cardiac death, a public health burden, represents 10% to 20% of overall deaths. Predicting it is difficult, and the usual approaches fail to identify high-risk people, particularly at an individual level. We proposed a new approach.”

The scientific team employed AI to analyze medical data obtained from registries and databases in Paris, France and Seattle. They examined records of 25,000 individuals who had experienced sudden cardiac arrest and compared them with data from 70,000 people from the general population. The matching process involved age, sex and residential area. Using AI, the scientists created about 25,000 personalized health models to evaluate the data and identify individuals at high risk of sudden cardiac death. Additionally, they established a risk file for each participant in the study.

The AI analysis was able to identify people who had more than 90% of risk dying suddenly, and it can predict about more than one-fourth of all cases of sudden cardiac death. “We have been working for almost 30 years in the field of sudden cardiac death prediction. However, we did not expect to reach such a high level of accuracy,” said Jouven, who is the founder of the Paris Sudden Death Expertise Center.

Jouven added. “While doctors have efficient treatments, the use of AI is necessary to detect in a given subject a succession of medical information registered over the years. We hope that with a personalized list of risk factors, patients will be able to work with their clinicians to reduce those risk factors and ultimately decrease the potential for sudden cardiac death.”

1. What can be known about sudden cardiac death?
A.It is hard to predict and prevent.
B.Researchers still can do nothing about it.
C.It accounts for the highest percentage of all deaths.
D.Old approaches can effectively identify its high-risk people.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about concerning the research?
A.Its result.B.Its process.C.Its purpose.D.Its participants.
3. How does Jouven feel about the Al analysis?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Biggest AI Development in 2024B.Using AI to Stop Future Cardiac Attack
C.Improved Prediction of Death in PatientsD.Predicting Sudden Cardiac Death Using Al
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国著名的儿童诗歌诗人——Jack Prelutsky。

5 . Jack Prelutsky is an American poet. He is known for his humorous and fantastic poetry for children, which has earned him numerous awards.

Jack Prelutsky was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1940. As a child, he did not enjoy poetry, finding it boring and pointless. Instead, Prelutsky expressed his artistry through music, taking voice and piano lessons. While Prelutsky claims he got into poetry almost by accident, he also states that he was always a poet. It just took him some time to realize his love for poetry.

Prelutsky explored quite a few options before he found his niche in poetry. He was a folk singer and guitar teacher in Greenwich Village in his late teens and early twenties. Prelutsky also held a variety of odd jobs. He worked as a furniture mover, piano mover, taxicab driver, coal shoveler, fruit picker, truck driver and photographer, among other jobs.

At the age of 23, Prelutsky decided to try illustrating. Just before presenting his illustrations to a children’s book editor, he added a few lines of poetry to the pictures. The editor told him that the illustrations were not publishable but the poems showed the talent. Over the next months and years, Prelutsky worked with the editor to create a collection of animal poems inspired by his love of the Bronx Zoo. His first book, entitled A Gopher in the Garden and Other Animal Poems, was published in 1967.

In addition to writing, Prelutsky has edited various poetry collections and translated poetry from German and Swedish into English. He currently resides in Seattle, where he writes and performs his work. Prelutsky is considered one of the most popular children’s poets. His work pioneered a new era of children’s poetry. In 2006, the Poetry Foundation named Jack Prelutsky the first Children’s Poet Laureate, a position designed to promote poetry for children and raise awareness of the power and relevance of poetry for young people.

1. Why did Prelutsky dislike poetry in his early years?
A.It was too difficult.B.He wasn’t good at it.
C.He thought it meaningless.D.It took up too much of his time.
2. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “niche” in paragraph 3?
3. How old was Prelutsky when he published his first book?
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To introduce a poet.B.To attract poetry lovers.
C.To display some excellent poems.D.To encourage readers to write poems.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇议论文。文章主要讨论了虚拟现实(VR)在教育中的应用,特别是全虚拟学校的兴起。文章以Optima Academy Online(OAO)为例,说明了虚拟学校如何运作,以及它们吸引了来自不同地区的学生。同时,文章提出了对于VR教育未来的疑问,包括它的目的、发展速度,以及对学生社交互动的影响。

6 . Imagine a school where students are taught by the best teachers in every subject, regardless of locations. Imagine a school where children can go on safe field trips to the Amazon rainforest or Everest base camp. Well, such schools are already being built: in virtual reality(VR).

Last month, Optima Academy Online (OAO) was launched in Florida and started to deliver courses for elementary, middle and high schools and 170 full-time students from all over the state signed up. They used VR headsets for about three hours a day for formal lessons and then do course work independently with digital check-ins.

It is worth watching how such educational experiments develop. Used properly, the VR technology can help students to access learning resources and be connected with fellow students and teachers all over the world. But if employed poorly, it will have the opposite effect and turn a digital inequality into an educational one.

There is growing evidence to suggest that it is happening. In Mexico, according to a survey, only 24% of 15-year-old students in poor schools have access to home computers for schoolwork compared with 87% in rich ones. As reported in another study, some students in northern England have been forced to travel around on the Greater Manchester train network or camp out around McDonald’s to access free WiFi because they cannot do their schoolwork at home.

“VR technologies will be widely used in education. The only questions are: for what purpose and at what speed?” says Beeban Kidron, a member of the UK’s Digital Futures Commission. “The trouble is that they are too often seen as a shiny new toy that will solve all problems and save money rather than being viewed as a means to enrich learning.”

The inescapable truth is that there is nothing that can replace teachers educating students in safe schools—ideally, with access to well-designed technological platforms. Leaving children in their bedrooms with just VR headsets and no physical social interaction with other kids will fill-many of them—and their parents—with horror.

1. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 1?
A.Lead in the subject for discussion.
B.Provide some advice for the readers.
C.Show the advantages of VR headsets.
D.Introduce an unsuccessful online school.
2. Why do those students travel on trains or camp out around McDonald’s?
A.To relax themselves.B.To enrich their learning.
C.To make their study funD.To get free WiFi service.
3. According to Beeban Kidron, VR technologies___________.
A.will replace traditional learningB.are the future of education
C.will become a very helpful toolD.are a means to save money
4. Which word can best describe the author’s attitude to OAO?
书信写作-建议信 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 假设你是高一学生李华,你的好友Lucy在朋友圈里留言说,她不知道怎样提高学习效果(efficiency),心里很着急。希望得到你的帮助,给她一些合理的建议。你的回复包括以下要点:
1. 表示关心;
2. 合理建议(至少3条)词数80左右;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
2024-03-05更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄北华中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Volleyball star Zhu Ting,     1    is the captain of the Chinese women’s volleyball team, makes     2    to Top 10 of Chinese sports stars. The 27-year-old     3    (award) the most valuable player during China’s run to Olympic gold at the Rio 2016 Games.

But she wants to leave a legacy (遗产)     4    (big) than just being a well-known name to sports fans. “There has never been a ‘best player’,”she said. “Only a better one.”

Even on the court, Zhu says her “captain” label doesn’t apply and she is just one of the squad (运动队) members. “Being the captain is just an idea to the public, but within the team, I’m not really ‘leading’ my     5    (teammate). They don’t call me captain and they call me Zhu.”

She has told China Central Television that she aims     6    (compete) in three Olympics.

That would mean     7    (go) until the Paris 2024 Games at least. “    8    (personal), I would like to be able to do this, but it will take another five or six years and I hope my competitive ability can be maintained (保持),” Zhu said. “I must keep my advantage in the field, and as a member     9     the Chinese women’s volleyball team, I also have the     10    (responsible) to lead our younger members by improving myself.”

2024-02-12更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市西山学校2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . We were city people until about five years ago, when we found ourselves in the middle of three major medical issues My husband, Jack, our twelve year old son Holden, and I were all fighting different forms of cancer. We decided to move back to my hometown in Nebraska be close to my parents, who would help us with our treatments land the care of our other three children.

Holden liked it immediately. He was drawn to the hard work of a farmer and jumped right in to help his grandpa. He learned all he could and now helps with all kinds of work. He has even opened his own sweet business and took third place in the state competition. He didn’t let his brain cancer slow him down.

When Holden’s cancer returned for a third time. the doctor said it could not be treated. My husband refused to give up and found a doctor in Boston who said she was confident that she could remove the entire tumor (肿瘤). Unluckily, our insurance (保险) company wouldn’t pay for it. The hospital offered to charge less for the treatment, but we still needed $39,000. Years of cancer treatment for my husband and me had spent almost all our money. We had no way to find that $ 39,000.

We decided to hold a fundraiser. The day of the event was cold icy and windy, and yet people poured into the school and bought things that covered all the cafeteria tables. Our country town of only 1,000 people raised more than $45,000! They sent the payment to the hospital and had enough left over to send my husband and me along for Holden’s treatment. It was an impossible task made possible by a small amount of people banding together in small-town Amra.

Holden has been cancer-free for two years now. He works on the farm and plays football at his high school. He is very proud to be a blood donor (捐赠者) and carries his donor card everywhere.

1. Why did the author’s family move to her hometown?
A.To get better environment.B.To save living costs.
C.To receive better treatment.D.To get help from parents.
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.Jack didn’t pay enough money.
B.Jack had to give up treatment.
C.This family suffered much from cancer.
D.The hospital treated Holden free of charge.
3. What does the underlined word “fundraiser” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Activity to raise money.B.Party to celebrate a holiday.
C.Discussion to solve problems.D.Particular purpose to help others.
4. What words can be used to describe Holden?
A.Friendly and active.B.Helpful and strong willed
C.Patient and confident.D.Warm-hearted and outgoing
2023-12-22更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市第三十五中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I didn’t question Timmy, aged nine, or his seven year-old brother Billy about the brown wrapping (包装) paper they passed back and forth between them as we visited each store.

Every year at Christmas time, our Service Club takes the children from poor families in our town on a shopping tour. I chose Timmy and Billy, whose father was out of work. Their mother was still in poor condition. Besides, they also had two younger sisters to care for. They lived a hard life.

After giving them the allotted (指定的) four dollars each. I began the shopping trip with the two boys. One store after another, they could find their desired gifts. At different stores. I made suggestions on what they should buy, but always their answer was a polite shake of the head, no. Finally I asked, “Where would you suggest we look? What on earth do you want to buy for this Christmas?”

“Could we go to a shoe store, sir?” asked Timmy, I felt confused about his question, so I asked why.

Timmy replied, “We’d like to buy a pair of shoes for our Daddy so that he can go to work.”

In the shoe store, the shopkeeper asked what the boys wanted. Out came the brown paper. “We want a pair of work shoes to fit this foot,” they said.

Billy explained that it was their Daddy’s footprint. They had drawn it while he was asleep in a chair. The shopkeeper held the paper against a measuring(测量的)stick, and then walked away. Soon he came with an open box. “Will these do?” he asked.

Timmy and Billy held the shoes with great expectation. “How much do they cost?” asked Billy.

Then Timmy saw the price on the box. “They’re $16.95,” he said, feeling downhearted. “But we only have eight dollars. It is far from enough to buy them for our Daddy. What should we do? If only we could get a discount (折扣)!”

注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

At that moment, I looked at the shopkeeper and asked, “Can you give us a discount?”


The boys went back home with the shoes happily.

2023-12-22更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市第三十五中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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