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The discovery of Machu Picchu

The Incas

Between 1438 and 1532 the Incas built an empire with a population of about 12,000,000 people on the west coast of South America. They had no system of writing, so little is known about their everyday lives. But we do know these things:

● they built large cities in the mountains
● they built houses with huge square stones
● they built 23,000 kilometers of roads through the mountains
● they did not have wheels so everything was carried by animals or people

It was early morning on 24 July, 1911. A young American archaeologist named Hiram Bingham was in a small hotel in Peru, in the Andes mountains. He was there because he wanted to find a lost Inca city. He was not the first. Before Bingham, other explorers had looked for the city, but they hadn’t found it.

Bingham has always been attracted by the Incas. He was a university professor and had studied their civilization for many years. Bingham and some scientists had travelled all the way to Peru from the USA, and had gone up to the city of Cuzco. From Cuzco, they had travelled higher up into the mountains, to about 1,800 meters, and they had spent the night in the hotel. The hotel owner had told Bingham about a ‘lost’ city not far away.

On the morning of 24 July, Bingham and a guide went out in the heavy tropical rain and climbed another 60 meters. On the way, they met a ten-year-old boy who led them through the jungle to a wall. They climbed over it and there it was. Machu Picchu—the lost city of the Incas.

In his book ‘The discovery of Machu Picchu’ Hiram Bingham wrote: ‘Suddenly I was standing in front of the walls of a ruin and houses from the best quality of Inca art… I found brilliant temples, royal houses, a big square and tens of houses. It looked like a dream.’

1. Which of the following statements is true of the Incas?
A.They left behind no written records.
B.They lived along the coast of America.
C.They invented vehicles without wheels.
D.They built roads leading to other empires.
2. Why did Bingham go to Peru in 1911?
A.To study an endangered civilization.
B.To find local people that once lived there.
C.To confirm other explorers’ previous findings.
D.To look for an ancient city that used to be there.
3. What happened on the morning of 24 July, 1911?
A.The book ‘The discovery of Machu Picchu’ was completed.
B.A little boy went through the jungle by accident.
C.The city of Cuzco was rediscovered.
D.Bingham found Machu Picchu.
2021-11-16更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市徐汇中学2020-2021学年高一年级上学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . For most people, the longest relationship they will have is with their sibling (兄弟姐妹). It’s a shame, then, that we can’t choose them. As children, my younger sister and I were always _________ with each other. I was jealous of her looks and she felt threatened by my academic success. But our rivalry (竞争) was _________ compared to that of some famous siblings.

Take 1940s movie star Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine as an example. The competitive relationship between these sisters is famous in Hollywood. “I married first, won the Oscar before Olivia did. And if I die first, she’ll _________ be angry because I beat her to it,” Joan wrote in her autobiography (自传). Their rivalry became very _________ in 1946 when Olivia won an Oscar. Joan was asked to present the award but Olivia refused to even shake her hand. “They just don’t have much in common,” said one person at the time.

But it’s not just in _________ business where siblings fall out. Businessman Rudolf and Adolf Dassler started making sports shoes in the small German town of Herzogenaurach in the 1920s. Their factory south of the river became very successful but they were always very _________. Adolf, or Adi, was a quiet craftsman while Rudolf was “a loud-mouthed salesman”. _________, in 1948, the brothers fell out permanently. Rudolf moved across the river and set up a rival sports-shoe company, which he called Puma. _________, Adi used the first letters of his name and surname to create his brand—Adidas.

The brothers never spoke to each other again and their rivalry _________ the town. The residents wore either Adidas or Puma and would sometimes refuse to __________ each other. It became a place where you always looked at the __________ someone was wearing before starting a conversation. The brothers died in the 1970s and were buried in the same cemetery—at opposite ends.

But not all successful siblings __________ each other. Top tennis players Serena and Venus Williams have played each other in over major tennis tournament finals, but have always remained the best friends. They played doubles together, lived together, and even had breakfast together before these big matches. “We leave everything on the __________,” Serena once said. “We’re sisters the moment we shake hands at the net.”

So, now that we’re adults, have my sister and I learnt to be more like the William sisters and less like the Dasslers? Well, I’d love to say “yes” but the __________ answer is “not always”. I still hate seeing photos of us together because I still feel inferior (次的) to her. But our rivalry is not as bad as it used to be, and if I feel really jealous, I remind myself: __________ disappears but a sister is for life!

A.After allB.By comparisonC.In responseD.On the whole
A.mix withB.take onC.look afterD.set up
2021-11-16更新 | 104次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市徐汇中学2020-2021学年高一年级上学期期中考试英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. profitablyB. fallenC. sellD. dangerousAB. dumpAC. efficiently
AD. plasticBC. endlessBD. civilizationCD. throwawayABC. stylish

The value of upcycling

Recycling is a well-known idea that refers to reusing waste materials in any way possible. But what about “upcycling”? It’s a new word, even though it’s something that has been going on since human     1     began. It means reusing waste materials so that they have greater value. Throughout history, people have always done creative things with “trash”. For example, they’ve used straw and dead leaves to make roofs, skin from dead animals to make leather goods, and wood from     2     trees to make boats. So why is there a new word for it now?

One answer to this question is that we reuse fewer and fewer things, and so have become a (n) “    3    ” society. This has raised huge questions about waste: Where can we     4     it all? Will it pollute the environment? Could it be     5     to our health? The evidence is everywhere—even in the Pacific Ocean, where billions of bits of broken     6     float near the surface. Fish eat them, and then we eat the fish.

So upcyclers have adopted this new word to focus people’s attention on how waste cannot simply be reused, but be reused     7    . In fact, upcyclers don’t like the idea of waste and prefer to call it an “asset”, something of value. Nowadays, there are lots of organizations that     8     products with upcycled material. Some artists and designers have upcycled things like denim from old jeans to make rugs, and wood from old houses to make furniture. Others have even used candy wrappers to make handbags! Sometimes they’ll add a(n)     9     element to their products, such as a beautiful mosaic (马赛克) made with broken dishes. With a (n)     10     supply of “assets”, it seems that upcycling has a great future.

语法填空-短文语填(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Write your answers on the answer sheet.

In March 1974, two brothers digging a well happened to find some fragments (碎片) of pottery and a life-sized terracotta head. The find terrified them greatly. Archaeologists     1     (send) to the site for a long-term project to establish a new museum. In 1979, after about 2,000 warriors     2     (discover), the museum was open to the public.

The terracotta Warriors     3     display are an army of around 8,000 life-sized pottery figures     4     (bury) close to the bomb of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of a united China. The emperor intended to live forever. Therefore, he wished to copy in his tomb the property of life above ground, including a microcosm (缩影) of his empire and a private collection room,     5     he believed that the larger the state and the richer the family, the more elaborate (精心的) the burial should be. Although there are differences in their function, each warrior     6     (wear) the proper uniform for his role and has unique physical features. The warriors were created for the purpose of     7     (guard) the Qin emperor in his afterlife, along with around 700 terracotta horses and 130 terracotta chariots(战车). Its basic plan and design originated from traditional Chinese royal tombs but Western influence improved new skills that enabled the craftspeople     8     (increase) the size of terracotta figures they made.

One of     9     (astonishing) recent discoveries was a huge seated figure (so large that he would have taken size 18 shoes). He was probably a weightlifter whose power and pose seem very much in the tradition of Hellenistic copies of figures by Lysippos (Alexander the Great’s personal sculptor). But research into these influences is still a long way from providing conclusive answers, as the emperor’s tomb     10     has not yet been dug for fear of damaging the things in it.

2021-11-16更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市徐汇中学2020-2021学年高一年级上学期期中考试英语试题
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