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阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Climate change and beer might be two things that rarely appear in the same sentence. But according to an article in the scientific journal Nature Plants, if the Earth gets warmer, your Friday-night drink might get pricier.

The team behind the article modelled the effect of extreme events on production of barley, the main ingredient of beer. “Extreme weather conditions such as drought or heat will impact barley production. Barley is irreplaceable in beer making,” said Xie Wei, first author of the article. “If barley production drops, beer production will also drop, and beer might get more expensive.” When global temperatures rise to their highest, global beer supply will drop 16 percent. Prices will also hike due to drop of supply. For instance, a 4.84-U. S.-dollar price hike for a 500 ml bottle is projected in Ireland, almost doubling the previous price. Quality of that beer might also be affected. If barley cannot receive enough irrigation, quality of the protein and carbohydrate in its grain will drop.

In fact, the effect of drought on beer production has been seen. Bloomberg reported that drought and heat caused a 30 to 40 percent drop in barley production in European barley producing regions during summer 2018, leading to a 35 percent price hike of barley in France.

However, regional fluctuations in barley production are still manageable now. If production in one region fails, beer makers can make it up by importing more from other regions. But if climate change gets out of control, the impact will be global. Agriculture is incredibly vulnerable to climate change.

Xie pointed out the impact of climate change is not only limited to staple crops. “We are only using barley and beer as an example of high-added-value agricultural products,” said Xie. “In countries like China, per person consumption of staple crops is dropping, but that of products such as dairy and beer is rising.”

Beer, not essential for human survival, occupies a major part in culture around the world. That gives people yet one more reason to care more about climate change.

1. What can we know from the first two paragraphs?
A.Extreme weather influences the price of beer.
B.The more irrigation, the better quality of beer.
C.It’s necessary to replace barley in beer making.
D.Efforts should be made to promote beer production.
2. Why is Bloomberg’s report mentioned in Paragraph 3?
A.To lead in a new topic.B.To make a comparison.
C.To give a supporting example.D.To provide background information.
3. What does the underlined word “vulnerable” probably mean in Paragraph 4?
4. What’s the author’s potential purpose to write the text?
A.To popularize agricultural products.
B.To show the importance of beer in culture.
C.To draw people’s concern on climate change.
D.To indicate the impact of temperature on staple crops.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Tom was pleased to get a role in the school play. It wasn’t a major role and he had only four or five lines. However, he worked hard at perfecting the lines, repeating them in front of a mirror over and over again, as his drama teacher had suggested. He had great fun rehearsing (排练) with the older students. Then finally the big night came.

Suddenly, things felt different. The theater was full of audience. He looked around at those experienced actors and saw the confidence they’d shown at rehearsal seemed to have disappeared. Everyone was on edge. When Tom got on stage, he couldn’t help hurrying into the words he had repeated so many times before. He tried to slow down but, thinking about doing that, he suddenly realized he had missed a sentence. With no time to think it over, he carried on. When he stepped off the stage, his hands felt sweaty and his heart was racing. He didn’t think about what he had achieved. Instead, he was beating himself up for the mistake that he had made.

The audience, of course, didn’t know he had missed a sentence. In fact, no one noticed it except his drama teacher. “Well done, ” she said. “Acting is like learning to ride a bike. You may fall off a few times, yet each time you get back on, you do it better. Your performance may not have been perfect but, for your first time, it was great. ”

The drama teacher’s words put Tom’s mind at ease. He caught the look of his face in a mirror, which was smiling back at him. Without knowing it, he raised two hands with his thumbs (拇指)up.

1. What do we know about Tom before the big night?
A.He was sad about his limited lines.B.He expected a major role in the play.
C.He worked hard to prepare for the play.D.He was confident of the play’s success.
2. How did Tom feel when he finished the performance?
3. Why did Tom raise his hands with thumbs up in the end?
A.He got his teacher’s forgiveness.B.He made peace with his imperfection.
C.He decided to correct his mistakes.D.He admired his own face in the mirror.
4. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
A.Well begun, half done.B.Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
C.Practice makes perfect.D.Let your fault make you better, not bitter.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者作为年轻一代的美国华裔在做中国菜时遇到的困难,以及由两代人一起开通的美食博客“The Woks of Life”的诞生。

3 . For the first 18 years of my life, my mom cooked Chinese food every day, all served family-style. But when it came time for me to teach myself how to cook, I didn’t ask my mom for help. Instead, like so many young people, I turned to the online recipes. By the time I got married, I could cook many dishes. What I didn’t really know how to cook at all, however, was Chinese food.

Part of the problem was that I only knew how to cook by following recipes. And up until maybe 5 or 10 years ago, the number of English-language recipes for Chinese dishes you could find in a cookbook or on the Internet still felt extremely limited —at least when it came to homey(家乡菜), everyday recipes written with a younger Chinese American audience in mind.

That was the experience, too, for sisters Sarah and Kaitlin Leung. Like so many other ABCs (American-born Chinese) and younger first- and second-generation Chinese immigrants(移民), the Leung sisters reached a point in their adult lives when they started to love to eat the food they’d grown up on, but found it really difficult to learn how to prepare it.

As it turns out, though, the Leung sisters were uniquely positioned to do something about it: Their father had spent years cooking at his family’s Chinese American takeout restaurant. Their mom had deep knowledge about traditional Shanghainese cooking. Meanwhile, the two sisters had grown up in New York, eating their parents, food, but also immersed(沉浸)in America’s own food culture.

So, in 2013, the Leungs started a food blog “The Woks of Life”. What made their blog different from other blogs was that the intergenerational transfer of knowledge that the Leungs were so eager for was baked right into the concept: The four family members took turns posting recipes, each sharing their own favorites. In that way, Sarah says, the blog reflected — and continues to reflect — the diversity of the Chinese diaspora(华侨).

1. What partly stopped the author learning to cook Chinese dishes?
A.He was too busy to cook at home.
B.He had no access to such recipes.
C.He didn’t like Chinese dishes at all.
D.His mother left him no chance to cook.
2. Who might be the targeted readers of the Leungs’ blog?
A.Young American housewives.
B.Chinese adults living abroad.
C.The Chinese immigrant's family.
D.The Chinese chefs working in restaurants.
3. What sets the Leungs’ blog apart from others’?
A.Being written by several people.
B.Aiming to share people’s favorite dishes.
C.Introducing Chinese baked food in particular.
D.Involving the intergenerational transfer of knowledge.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Popularity of “The Woks of Life”
B.The Comeback of Chinese Food in America
C.Take a Glance of the Daily Life of Overseas Chinese
D.Help a New Generation of Chinese Americans Learn to Cook
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Music is known to have a great deal of mental and physical benefits on humans. From helping to treat physical medical problems to relieving stress, music can be extremely beneficial in helping to improve health.     1    

Animals may have a great deal of stress.     2     Dogs and cats may be stressed when around men because they were badly treated by a man, and they may never forget that. A dog who was attacked by another dog while on a walk may be always afraid to go on walks, or even be afraid to leave the house.

    3     Cats, dogs and horses will not all have the exact same stressors (压力源), so you just have to pay close attention to your animal and what makes them unique, such as changes in eating habits, too much sleep and too little sleep, just to name a few.

Music can be extremely beneficial for animals in high stress situations.     4     In the atmosphere, they feel calm, safe and well protected. Music can be specifically helpful when played at veterinary (兽医的) clinics for animals who are afraid of the vet. This helps calm the owners of the animals and the staff at the office besides the animals.     5     That’s why it is being taken up at a variety of veterinary clinics around the world.

A.It can create a space for them.
B.The same goes for our furry friends, too.
C.They could be stressed for a variety of reasons.
D.It would be a beneficial practice for all parties.
E.Another place where music can be helpful is in car rides.
F.There are ways that you can identify stress in your animals.
G.It’s no wonder loud noises can cause dogs and cats so much stress.
书面表达-开放性作文 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . “友善”是中华民族的传统美德,你校以“友善”为主题举办英语征文比赛,内容包括:
1. 日常生活中的友善行为;
2. 友善行为的意义或价值;
3. 提出倡议。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:传统美德traditional virtues
完形填空(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Many wonderful teachers have helped shape my life. One teacher who especially stands out in my _________ was Mr. Patrick Gallagher. He was my history teacher in high school, and one of the _________ of a service club in which I was an officer.

Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them _________.” I remember Mr. Gallagher made me feel like I was _________. He made me see things about myself that I never _________. He encouraged me to be a student _________, saying I was an inclusive(包容的) person who always tried to _________ others into a situation. He believed in me, and I wanted to live up to(不辜负) his good _________ of me.

On days when I feel a little lost or _________, I still pull out the letter of scholarship recommendation he ________ for me. Those __________ still have the power to make me once again feel worthy and __________.

From Mr. Gallagher, I learned to shine a light on students’ __________ and help them see their own special qualities. I look for ways to tell students all the __________ I see in them, so they, too, can __________ someday and remember that a teacher saw in them a bright student with so much potential(潜能).

A.pay backB.look backC.get backD.turn back
2023-07-08更新 | 89次组卷 | 4卷引用:江西省于都中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“You signed us up for what?” Lu’s eyes widened as Jamie grinned at her. “A charity bike ride. It’d be fun!” She stared at him open-mouthed. “Fun? But I haven’t ridden a bike for years, Jamie. And I hate exercise! How long is this ride?” Lu could feel her muscle shrinking at the mere thought of it.

“Only 20 kilometers.”

Lucinda swiped the brightly coloured leaflet advertising the bike ride from her husband’s hand. “Twenty kilometres? That’s a half marathon, Jamie!”

She tossed the leaflet back at him. “Well you can count me out. I’m not fit enough to run five minutes round the block, let alone hours on a bike.”

“But you will be in a couple of months. I thought we could train for it together.” Jamie patted his beer belly. “I’m not exactly in great shape at the moment. And you’ re always saying we don’t get to spend enough time together!” He gave her his best winning grin.

A smile fell across Lucinda’s lips. It was true, she was always saying that lately. Though spending her weekends cycling was not exactly what she’d had in mind.

A wave of sadness spun through her heart. The past few months had been... difficult. She had lost her job and was struggling to find a new one. Being at home, scrolling through job adverts and waiting for interview replies, had left her feeling stuck. Jamie had been working extra hours to support financially, but that only added to her guilt. Despite trying to stay positive, life had somehow skidded to a stop.

“I’m not sure,” Lu sighed.

“It’s not a race, but a joy ride, Lu.” Jamie reassured her, nudging her playfully. “Plus, I’ve already rented us a tandem bike(双人自行车)!”

“A tandem?” Lu’s eyes flashed with horror. “Are you mad?” She stared at him. “You’re not even joking, are you?” Doubts crept into her mind as she imagined the challenges of coordinating their movements on a shared bike.


Actually, the first training session did not go well.


It seemed cycling had truly got their lives moving forward again.

完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了莫斯科的一名残疾人Mason的视频在Tik Tok上走红,以及他的事迹,并且他也希望能成为一名有影响力的演说家,也会在Tik Tok上继续发布关于自己的视频。

8 . Born in Moscow, Russia, Mason is a disabled person, with no legs and only one arm. The 25-year-old man is ________ millions of people with his videos on TikTok.

Mason told News 8 about his ________, explaining that his own natural mother took him to an orphanage(孤儿院). “I have a letter, where she says she didn’t want to ________ a terrible creature. But now I don’t have any ________ or disappointment towards that letter or her. ________, without her giving me up, I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t have the amazing mom I do and the amazing ________ I have.”

He was adopted(收养)when he was 3 years old and has been taught to be ________ ever since. “I have two sayings, ‘I can’ and ‘I will’ and that’s something my mom would always make me ________,” he explained.

Last September, a TikTok video of him on a running machine was ________ widely. “I went to bed and when I woke up, it had two million ________,” he said. “And it just kept growing from that.”

Fast forward to now, his videos have ________ nearly 14 million likes. The recent attention might mean a new direction for Mason and he’s ready for any ________. He said he would love to become an influential speaker someday. “I am on a journey right now and I will let it ________ me wherever it goes,” Mason said. In the meantime, he ________ to make more videos. You can ________ Mason on TikTok here.

A.catch up withB.keep in mindC.put asideD.pass down
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Beijing Daxing International Airport is located 46 kilometers directly south of Tian’anmen Square in Beijing. It looks     1     a phoenix (凤凰), and is in the list of Seven Wonders of the Modern World by the Guardian (《卫报》). From 2015 to 2019, it     2     (take) only four years for this great project     3     (complete) ,     4     demonstrates the amazing “Chinese speed”.

The airport covers an area of about 150 square kilometers,     5     the terminal building (候机楼) alone covering 780,000 square meters, equivalent to 100 standard football fields. It is worth     6     (mention) that the clever design takes passengers     7     (little) than eight minutes to walk to any gate from the center of the terminal.

The airport is also an “intelligent airport”, with thousands of intelligent devices and tens of thousands of sensors. The airport     8     (inform) center is run with cutting-edge technologies including cloud computing and 5G, contributing to passenger comfort and     9     (convenient).

With the help of face check-in, self-service check-in, mobile phone query luggage location... in Beijing Daxing International Airport, you can feel the new travel experience     10     (bring) by high technology. More Chinese miracles are happening in this land.

语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍的是30岁的丁立人,来自中国温州,在击败俄罗斯的Ian Nepomniachtchi之后,成为了中国第一个男子国际象棋世界冠军。
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Ding Liren, a 30-year-old from Wenzhou, China, has become China’s first men’s world chess champion after defeating Russia’s Ian Nepomniachtchi. Ding     1     (win) a rapid-play tiebreaker (决胜局) after 14 first-stage games at the World Chess Championship in Kazakhstan. Ding’s victory makes him the 17th winner of the world chess game. His success,    2     (wide) celebrated in China, shows the country’s rising influence in global chess.

    3     Nepomniachtchi put up a strong fight, this marked his second loss in the championship finals. For the tiebreaker, each player had only 25 minutes to make their moves, plus     4     extra ten seconds for every move they made. Ding won in the fourth quick game and had finished second at the Candidates Tournament, which     5     (player) must win to challenge the world champion.

Ding’s journey in chess has been     6     (amaze), from becoming China’s youngest national champion in 2009     7     ranking second worldwide. He also holds the longest undefeated record in top-level chess history from 2017 to 2018. This victory reflects China’s growth in the global chess scene. China     8     (be) strong in women’s chess since the 1990s, when Xie Jun became the first Chinese person     9     (receive) a world title in 1991 in the women’s game. No Chinese player had ever won the World Chess Championship before, in     10     both men and women can compete.

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