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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A North Carolina woman had her first birthday party at 105 years old. Although she is so old, she never realized her dream—she wanted to have a birthday party. She also wished to receive 105 birthday cards, the same number as her age.

Lorene Summey is an elderly person at Somerset Court, a nursing home in Cherryville, North Carolina. Two months ago, a worker in the nursing home asked Summey what she would like for her upcoming birthday.

“We have an old lady that has a birthday next month and she will be 105 years old! She has never had a big birthday party before, so I asked her several months ago what she would like to do for her birthday. She said she would love to have square dance at her birthday party,” Jodie Lankford wrote in a Facebook post. “I think this wish is not quite too difficult, and we can help her to achieve.”

“She explained to us her experiences in her childhood. She said her sister could always go out to enjoy herself but she had to stay home most of the time to take care of the younger ones. She felt unfairly treated by her parents at the time,” she said. “She wanted her hair and makeup done, and she wanted to wear the same dress she wore when she was young.”

“She is also concerned about another thing—she doesn’t think she could have 105 birthday cards sent by mail to her for her birthday! I’ve told her that we will have more. I have made her believe that her wish is sure to come true,” Lankford added.

Last Friday night, her great birthday party began on the square of the nursing home. The time came for the old lady to realize her wish.


Summey looked especially beautiful that day.


Back to her room, the caregivers showed Summey the birthday cards.

语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上。

A father-son pair became the focus of attention during Sunday’s Xin’anjiang Marathon in Jiande in Zhejiang Province. The father, 45- year- old Luo Shujian,     1     (run) the marathon while he was pushing a three-wheeled cart carrying his 13-year-old son Xiaobai.

Due to severe illnesses, Luo’s son requires lifelong care. With help from charities, Luo’s family took Xiaobai to see experts on the management and     2     (treat) of LGS(癫痫综合征), and Xiaobai’s condition improved after taking medication.

Xiaobai cannot speak and has to be looked after when     3     (go) out. Most of the time, he has to stay at home. Luo always expects     4     (take) his son to see a wider world and the story of Dick Hoyt inspired him. Dick Hoyt teamed up with his son Rick, a boy     5     was born with the disability to walk     6     (normal), and the father and son took part in quite a few marathons.

To put the idea     7     practice, Luo began to go for long runs early in the morning on work days. On his days off, he took his son along with him.

The pair had their first try at the 7-kilometer mini-marathon event in the 2015 Hangzhou Marathon and finished the race in about     8       hour. Luo found that Xiaobai was excited during the race.

The positive reaction(反应) encouraged Luo, and over the years he has taken his son to take part in 54     9     (race) in over 20 Chinese cities, with Sunday ‘s marathon as the     10     (late) one.


3 . A police officer in Florida put her own life at risk to save a drowning(溺水的) baby. The police office shared the video of the rescue online.

Officer Me’ Atia Sanderson was the first to arrive at the site, the police office said. She was ________ that the baby was still in the water.

“Police officers across this country work each and every day to protect and ________ their communities. They ________ each day, knowing they will be faced with ________ challenges and dangers, yet they do not know what those challenges or dangers will be or how they will ________ themselves,” the police office wrote in a Facebook post.

“Sanderson, who does not know how to ________, without a second’s hesitation(犹豫), entered the ________ to save the child and carried out CPR (心肺复苏) until she was replaced by other officers.”

The video shows Sanderson, who ________ the police in 2019, jumping into the water and trying to ________ the drowning child. “Come on, baby,” Sanderson can be heard saying as she ________ CPR: “Come on!”

The body camera video ends when first officers arrive at the ________ and take over CPR efforts. “Her ________, while putting her own life at risk, undoubtedly saved the child’s life,” the police office said.

“Wow, one of the ________ things I’ve seen. That officer no doubt risked her own ________! Thank you!” one Facebook user wrote.

“This officer did not walk. Instead, she ran to find that child and ________ did what it took to save that baby! Great job, Officer!” another user commented.

A.show upB.hide awayC.work outD.check in
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Celebrating the holidays safely

As you plan for fall and winter celebrations, there are a few key steps you can take to try to make gatherings with friends and family healthier. The safest holiday celebrations are those that include the people you are around, such as your immediate family.

Before an event

Masking. Consider wearing a mask, such as an N95, in public in the days leading up to an event.     1    .

Testing. At-home COVID-19 tests are not perfect, but they can help prevent it spreading.     2    , in case you catch an asymptomatic(无症状的) case.

COVID-19:Facts suggest that an infection(传染病) lasts 8-10 days on average. The CDC’s separation and other measures can help identify the steps to avoid spreading COVID-19.

During an event

    3    . Other preventive measures include:

If you have a newborn (under 6 months), consider wearing your baby in a carrier so that people won’t ask to hold it. If you do let people hold the baby, don’t let them kiss the baby or ask them to wear a mask. Similar to a cold, symptoms(症状) are often slight, but RSV can be especially hard on younger children.

Attend outdoor activities, with fresh air, rather than indoor activities as much as possible.

After an event

    4    , take extra action to protect yourself and others:

Consider getting tested. If you’re over age 65 or at high risk, you could be treated if you are positive for flu and COVID-19.

Wash hands frequently.

    5    .

Avoid visiting people at increased risk of serious illness or who are sick.

A.Call your child’s doctor
B.Stay home as much as possible
C.If you get sick after attending a celebration
D.Masks protect you against all breathing diseases
E.Remember masking and hand-cleaning suggestions
F.When other diseases continue to show up in communities
G.It’s best to test two days before an event and again the day of the event
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Mauna Loa, the world’s largest active volcano, started erupting late Sunday in the U.S. island state of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The volcano last erupted 38 years ago. But it is not expected to put people in danger.

At this point, melted(熔化的) rock, called lava, is predicted not to come near populated areas, but officials warned people to be ready to move away. The path of lava flows can change quickly.

Island officials warned people to stay away from the areas where lava is coming out because it can shoot 30 to 60 meters in the air. The gas coming from the eruption is also harmful. At the moment, however, the state said air quality on the island is good.

The eruption is a new experience for many people on the island. There are more than twice as many people living there compared to the last time Mauna Loa erupted. State officials are most concerned about an area about 50 kilometers to the south of the volcano where about 5,000 people live.

There is some concern about a weak area on the southwestern part of the mountain. If lava escapes from that area, it could threaten places where people live in just hours or days. The lava has never come up through that area during past eruptions.

The lava could flow toward the city of Hilo, which has about 45,000 people. That could take about a week. Scientists say they hope the lava flows like it did in 1984, when it moved slowly.

Hawaii mayor is Mitch Roth. He said the eruption “will be remarkable”, but he does not think it will cause problems for people visiting Hawaii. He said many people come to Hawaii to see volcanoes, but they have to travel a long way to a national park. Now, they can see an eruption much more easily. “You can just look out your window at night and you’ll be able to see Mauna Loa erupting,” he said.

1. Why did officials give people a warning?
A.The way lava flows is uncertain.B.Air quality on the island isn’t good.
C.The lava can shoot 60 meters at least.D.The lava will reach where people live.
2. Why do some people worry about the weak area?
A.It is near populated places.B.No lava has come up through it.
C.Many people live there.D.It can stop eruptions.
3. What does Mitch Roth agree with?
A.People had better leave Hawaii soon.
B.The eruption is a possible danger to visitors.
C.It is convenient to watch an eruption in Hawaii.
D.The eruption is a once-in-a-century natural wonder.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.People in Hawaii Are Ready to Escape
B.Volcanoes in Hawaii Always Attract Visitors
C.Damage of Volcano in Hawaii Is Not Clear
D.World’s Largest Active Volcano Erupts in Hawaii
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . A growing demand for turtles(乌龟) as pets in the United States, Asia, and Europe has led to a rise in poaching. Poaching means to catch or kill an animal illegally. Wildlife trade experts believe the rise in poaching is adding to the worldwide drop in rare freshwater turtles. Such concerns have led to proposals to increase protection for freshwater turtles.

More than 180 nations have gathered this week in Panama as part of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, or CITES.

Tara Easter, a doctoral student, studies the trade. She looked at turtle trade data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She found that the business export trade for mud turtles in the United States increased from 1,844 in 1999 to nearly 40,000 in 2017 and that the trade in musk turtles increased from 8,254 in 1999 to more than 281,000 in 2016.

The United States and several Latin American countries have suggested stopping or limiting the trade in more than 20 turtle species. In their CITES proposal, the countries included data from Mexico that found nearly 20,000 were confiscated from 2010 to 2022. To confiscate means to take something away from someone to carry out laws or rules.

The illegal trade has also led governments to suggest listing for the first time 42 turtle species under CITES, including North American musk turtles. A listing means traders will need permits to sell them internationally.

Matthew Strickler is with the U.S. Department of the Interior. He is heading the American group at the CITES meeting in Panama. He called the possible listings and increased protection for North American turtles “really, really important”.

“We’ve seen this pattern of turtles being depleted in one place, and then poachers and traders moving to another place,” Strickler said. “Southeast Asia was depleted. They moved to Africa. Now, we see them moving to the Americas.”

1. What is the real cause of the drop in the turtle population?
A.Hunting them for their medical value.B.The pollution of freshwater.
C.Humans’ keeping them as pets.D.Their homes being destroyed.
2. What do we know from Tara Easter’s study?
A.Turtle trade grew rapidly.B.Turtles were well protected.
C.Turtles grow more and more popular.D.Mud turtles were liked better than musk turtles.
3. What does listing some species under CITES mean?
A.Allowing selling them freely.B.Limiting the trade in them internationally.
C.Hunting them by law.D.Canceling international wildlife trade.
4. What does the underlined word “depleted” in the last paragraph probably mean?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A man in England woke up from a coma(昏迷) with new skills that have puzzled doctors and led to him starting a new career.

In 2004, Moe Hunter was found with certain diseases in the brain. He went into a coma for over a month where his heart even stopped. He awoke from brain operation with a new set of art skills.

“I woke up on Oct. 13, 2004. I don’t remember anything before 2004—everything has been told to me by my family and friends,” Hunter, 38, told South West News Service (SWNS). “I really wasn’t creative before in the slightest, and in fact, people used to laugh at my drawings,” he said. “I was more interested in going out, football and computer games.”

His friends and family still can’t believe his newfound ability, describing it as “crazy”. “They’re still completely shocked,” he said. “It’s crazy, but when I spoke to a medical expert, he just said, ‘Enjoy it,’ and said there’s so much about the brain they still can’t understand.”

Hunter has sold and showed his artworks at Comic Con events across the country. He builds complex life-size model copies of characters from films and TV shows.

“Nobody has really given a medical explanation for it. I just know comas can do crazy things to a human brain. They just said there are many stories and theories over the years and people have woken from comas with skills and even speaking other languages,” Hunter said.

“I remember the first thing I drew afterwards was a Legend of Zelda drawing and my mum turned around to me and asked ‘when did you learn how to draw?’ It was crazy, and I haven’t stopped since then. I just found I had this passion(激情) there which never existed in me before. I just feel extremely lucky but also shocked as I really don’t know where this came from.”

1. What happened to Hunter after the operation?
A.He became crazy.B.He returned to normal.
C.He lost his memory.D.He was healthier than ever.
2. What is the expert’s suggestion about Hunter’s situation?
A.Finding out its cause.B.Letting it be.
C.Studying drawing further.D.Getting back into old habits.
3. What has Hunter been doing since he woke up?
A.Creating many artworks.B.Making speeches on making films.
C.Devoting himself to acting.D.Attending TV programs regularly.
4. Which word can best describe Hunter’s feeling about his newfound ability?
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Three Chinese astronauts landed in a northern desert on Sunday after six months in space. They had been working     1     (complete) the basic structure of the Tiangong space station, a symbol of the country’s     2     (ambition) space program. A capsule carrying commander Chen Dong and astronauts Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe touched down at a landing site in the Gobi Desert in northern China at approximately 8:10 pm.

Before leaving the Chinese space station, they had spent almost five days with three     3     (colleague) who arrived on Wednesday in the Shenzhou-15 spaceship,     4     (mark) the first time China had six astronauts in space at the same time.

The astronauts     5     (carry) out of the capsule by medical workers about 40 minutes after landing. They all wore smiles and appeared to be in good condition, waving     6     (happy) at the workers at the landing site.

The three astronauts were part of the Shenzhou-14 spaceship,     7     was launched in June. After their arrival at Tiangong space station, Chen, Liu and Cai performed three spacewalks, held a live science lecture from the station and conducted     8     range of experiments.

Tiangong space station will be the only space station still up and running in the universe one day     9     the International Space Station     10     (retire) by around the end of the decade as expected.

文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己的母亲——80岁的Donzella Washington从阿拉巴马农工大学毕业,获得了社会工作学士学位。除了学术成就,她还创造了历史——成为阿拉巴马农工大学历史上年龄最大的毕业生。

9 . My mother, Donzella Washington, 80, graduated from Alabama A&M University on Dec.6 with a bachelor’s degree in social work. Along with her ________achievements, she made history as the oldest ________ in the history of Alabama A&M University.

What ________ me most was the challenge my mother had accepted to ________ her stuttering (口吃) problem, which ultimately ________ her to begin taking speech classes more than a decade ago.

My parents had been living on a farm in California. My mother said that her ________ behind going back to school was my father, Jeff, who was her biggest ________. He was my mother’s No.1 fan. He supported everything she did, _________returning to school. Although my father did not have a traditional college education, he knew the ________ of gaining one. My mother wanted to finish her ________ in his honor.

However, my father ________ in 2010, and my mother ________ to Alabama to live with me two years later. The most challenging part was ________ her when she was missing my father badly. Those moments when she cried, all I could do was hold her and love her. I had seen my mother ________ from great sadness over my father’s death and ________ to achieve her education dream. And I was very ________ to be there to witness her final success.

Now, my mother says she is not slowing down so soon. She’s even ________ going back to school to obtain her master’s degree. She ________ to inspire and motivate others that. ________ is not a barrier. When it comes to ________ our dreams, it’s never too late to achieve them.

A.showed upB.passed awayC.set offD.fell ill
2023-02-01更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省安阳市第一中学等2校2022-2023学年高三下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The Health Benefits of Music

Music can have a big impact on your mental health.     1     But it can actually do more than just change your state of mind—music has an impact on you physically, too. Here are just a few of the transformative effects of music on your health!

It improves the cardiovascular (心血管的) health. Good music may just help your heart to be healthier.     2     One study found that music reduced the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in people’s systems, and reduced blood pressure.

    3     If you’re looking to take your exercise performance to the next level you may want to consider doing it with the help of music. Studies have found listening to music as you exercise improves endurance, productivity, power, and strength. If you’ve ever wondered why professional athletes don’t listen to music during a race, it’s because they aren’t allowed to— for this very reason!

It boosts your immune system. With cold and flu season on the horizon, you may want to make sure you’ve got all your favorite songs downloaded.     4    

It helps you sleep better.     5     A study showed that students who listened to relaxing classical music for 45 minutes before turning in slept significantly better than before. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try listening to a little soft music before bedtime.

It’s safe to say the next time you need a little pick-me-up, turning on your favorite tune is the smartest option—and the healthiest, too!

A.It enhances your performance.
B.It might help improve your creativity.
C.Over 30% of Americans suffer from poor sleep.
D.There has been a link found between heart health and classical music.
E.It can make you relaxed, increase your focus and help you deal with stress.
F.Some studies have found that music can change how people look at their lives.
G.Studies have found that listening to music helps to prevent infection and illness.
2023-02-01更新 | 227次组卷 | 6卷引用:河南省安阳市第一中学等2校2022-2023学年高三下学期开学考试英语试题
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