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1 . Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance (pocket money). The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.

    1    . Timing is another consideration. Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance. In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money.

At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it. If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget.     2    . The object is to show young people that a budget demands choices between spending and saving. Older children may be responsible enough to save money for larger costs, like clothing or electronics. Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home. These jobs are a normal part of family life.

Paying children to do extra work around the house, however, can be useful. It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.

Allowances give children a chance to experience the things they can do with money.     3    . They can spend it by buying things they want. Or they can save and maybe even invest it.

Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice: you have to cut costs and plan for the future.

Requiring children to save part of their allowance can also open the door to future saving and investing.     4    . A savings account is an excellent way to learn about the power of compound interest. Compounding works by paying interest on interest. So, for example, one dollar invested at two percent interest for two years will earn two cents in the first year. The second year, the money will earn two percent of one dollar and two cents, and so on.

That may not seem like a lot. But over time it adds up.

A.Many banks offer services to help children and teenagers learn about personal finance.
B.They can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause.
C.It is a good virtue for children to form a habit to learn how to save money.
D.The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family.
E.Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.
F.Parents are supposed to tell their children how they should spend their pocket money wisely but the refused to do so.
2024-04-03更新 | 54次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学青浦分校2023-2024学年高三下学期3月质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-六选四(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文,文章介绍了越来越多人成为“mouse potato”的原因以及如何避免成为“mouse potato”。
2 . 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Now there is an increasing number of inactive people, namely the “mouse potato”. A mouse potato is someone who sits in front of his or her computer all day and eats junk food instead of regular meals. Why are we becoming potatoes and what can we do to avoid it?

One reason behind it is our modern way of life. We don’t have as much time to prepare and eat food as we used to.     1    Not all of these are bad for us, of course, but they make it more difficult for us to control what we eat.

If we want to be healthy, we should make good choices about what we eat.   It is not necessary to become a vegetarian, but we must make sure that our diet is varied and balanced. A healthy diet should give us the calories we need but not contain too much fat and sugar. The number of calories our body needs depends on what our body type is, how much we weigh and how active we are.

Teenagers need about 2,500 calories a day.    2    Getting the calories we need is not enough. If we want to be healthy, we must make sure that we get the calories in the best way possible. The best source for calories is carbohydrates, which are found in gains, vegetables and fruit. Our bodies store carbohydrates in our muscles so that we can get energy when we need it.

Junk food has a lot of calories but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals, Some food does have nutrients, for example pizza, but because it contains too many calories, it is still called junk food. A healthy diet should include a variety of food, most of which should be rich in nutrients.     3     Those of us who love French fries, sweets, ice cream and cheeseburgers can still enjoy an unhealthy bite every now and then. All we have to do is to be careful how often and how much we eat of it.

If we make the right choices about what we eat, we will be healthier and have more energy to enjoy the good things in life.     4    And remember, it is better to eat a potato than to be one.

A.Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was.
B.That does not mean that we are never allowed to eat junk food.
C.A balanced diet combined with exercise is the recipe for a healthy life.
D.Girls usually need a bit less and people who play sports may need more.
E.A large breakfast, one containing about 700 calories, will help lose weight.
F.Fast food restaurants are everywhere and supermarket shelves are filled with ready-made pre-prepared dishes.
2024-03-08更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市东城区(南片)2014-2015学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题(解析版)
阅读理解-六选四(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . What Makes a Nobel Laureate?

Are there any predictors that point to who will be selected as Nobel laureates?

Is brilliance in childhood a predictor? When the 2006 chemistry laureate, Roger Kornberg, was asked what he wanted for Christmas, he said, “A week in the lab.”     1    . Mario Capecchi (medicine, 2007) was an abandoned child on the streets of wartime Italy.

    2    . Five of Enrico Fermi’s (physics, 1938) postdoctoral students went on to win the Nobel Prize. Otto Warburg (medicine, 1931) advised an American doctoral student, “If you wish to become a scientist, you must ask a successful scientist to accept you in his laboratory.”

Experts often recommend that people specialize in one field of work or research to maximize their chances of success.     3     If you look at the careers of Nobel Prize winners, you’ll find that they are unusually likely to be “creative polymaths.” That is, they purposely integrate formal and informal expertise from widely varied disciplines to yield new and useful ideas and practices.

There remains one quality that is essential. It is what Leon Lederman (physics, 1988) called “compulsive dedication.”     4    . Take Marie Curie (physics, 1903; chemistry, 1911) and her husband Pierre (physics, 1903). The Curies were assigned a shed with a leaking roof and a dirt floor, where they worked for years, freezing in winter and sweltering in summer. “And yet,” Marie Curie wrote in her biography of her husband, “it was in this miserable old shed that the best and happiest years of our life were spent, entirely dedicated to work.”

A.What distinguishes Nobel laureates is passion for their work, work that engages their hearts as well as their heads.
B.But early privilege is not essential.
C.The typical Nobel laureate in science is a male born into a middle-class family.
D.In many Nobel laureates’ autobiographies, they pay tribute to an outstanding mentor.
E.In fact, Nobel laureates are mostly down-to-earth and discreet.
F.Yet recently published researches indicate that successful innovators take a broader path.
2024-02-21更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市上海中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-六选四(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . More Than a Feeling

Charles Darwin formulated the most successful theory in the history of biology: the theory of evolution. He was also responsible for another grand theory: the theory of emotion, which dominated his field for more than a century. Its core principle was that the mind consists of two competing forces: the rational and the emotional.     1    

We now know that, on the contrary, emotions enhance our process of reasoning and aid our decision-making. In fact, we can’t make decisions, or even think, without being influenced by our emotions.

    2     Perhaps the most important discovery regarding the role of emotion is that even when you believe you are exercising cold, logical reason, you are not. People are not usually aware of this, but the very framework (框架) of their thought process is highly influenced by what they are feeling at the time - sometimes subtly (细微地).

Consider anger, for example. Backed by the threat of attack, anger creates incentives (动机) for others to comfort the angry individual. Your mental calculations increase the importance you place on your own welfare and goals at the expense of others’. Coaches tap into anger as a motivational tool because the focus on the self encourages athletes to push themselves to achieve their goals. Anger also causes you to perceive less risk.     3    

The new view of emotion may not correspond to the way Darwin saw it, but it does support one of the basic conclusions of his theory of evolution. Humans are not as different from non-human animals as people believed. What can we learn from this? The first and most crucial step is self- awareness.     4     By studying our own emotions, we can read others’ better and communicate more effectively. Once we are in touch with our true feelings, we can take steps to manage them whenever it benefits.

A.Emotions play a critical role in shaping our thoughts and decisions, subtly influencing the framework of our reasoning even when we believe we are thinking rationally.
B.He believed that emotions played a constructive role in the lives of non-human animals, while the usefulness of emotions was largely replaced by the evolution of reason in humans.
C.That can produce better judgments in situations where risk aversion (厌恶) is inappropriate, as when you are analyzing stocks (股票) or playing poker.
D.Anger, while often perceived negatively, can sometimes fuel our motivation and reduce our perception of risk, enabling more decisive actions in certain situations.
E.Studies show that those with high levels of emotional intelligence fare better in their personal and professional lives.
F.If emotions aid rational reasoning, how does that work.
2024-02-19更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海交大附中嘉定分校2023-2024学年 高一上期末英语考试
阅读理解-六选四(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Nowadays a vegetarian lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. Leading health experts agree that maintaining a vegetarian diet is one of the best things we can do for ourselves and our families.

    1    . A well planned vegetarian diet provides us with all the nutrients we need and avoids fat, cholesterol and the pollutants found in animal flesh, eggs, and dairy products. And it can provide protection against various kinds of diseases, including the three biggest killers: heart disease, cancer, and strokes. The American Dietetic Association states that vegetarians have lower rates of death from heart disease, lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and lower rates of hypertension. All of these diseases are more likely to happen to meat eaters.

Scientists have also found that vegetarians have stronger immune systems than their meat eating friends.     2     Vegetarians live, on average, 6 to 10 years longer than meat eaters.

    3    . Animals raised for food consume the vast majority of their calories simply in order to live, just as we do. We feed more than 70 percent of the grains and cereals we grow to farm animals, and almost all of those calories go into simply keeping them alive, not making them grow. Only a small amount of the calories consumed by farm animals are actually turned into the meat that people eat. So it’s really a huge waste, isn’t it? Try your best to find tips for maximizing the health benefits of a vegetarian diet.     4    

A.Living on plants also saves energy.
B.Growing all the crops needed to feed animals requires massive amounts of water and land.
C.This means that they are less likely to be affected by everyday illnesses like the flu.
D.Vegetarian diets are the only diets that work for long-term weight loss.
E.It’s never too late to turn over a new page.
F.Healthy vegetarian diets support a lifetime of good health.
2023-12-17更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市闵行第三中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-六选四(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . School diversity inclusion and representation is significant in education.     1    Ethnicity, cultural differences, racial differences, and more are all important to talk about as part of a student’s education.

There are many specific reasons why diversity is key in the classroom and schools, including: Diversity brings new perspectives into a classroom. Students of different genders, races, backgrounds, etc. bring various thoughts into a classroom.     2    It can add well-rounded views and enables students to learn more from each other. It will allow students to see things in a new light. From elementary to high school, new perspectives are important to learn at any age.

    3    Schools that are more diverse see no difference in test scores from schools that are less diverse. However, there is also research that shows diverse groups are better able to solve problems and work more effectively. Diverse schools also see students who are more empathetic, allowing everyone to feel more safe and confident in their learning environment. No matter what age, elementary or high school, introduction to culture and racial differences can have great positive impacts on students.

More classroom diversity prepares students for their future. The world around us is increasingly culturally diverse. It’s extremely likely that students will be working in a field that is incredibly diverse, and classroom diversity can help prepare students for that future. It increases their cultural awareness in a classroom setting, helping set them up for success in their future.     4    

A.This encourages a classroom discussion and learning opportunities.
B.Research shows that diverse classrooms improve learning results for every student.
C.People have different views on the impact of classroom diversity.
D.There are many educational benefits from introducing new thoughts on cultural differences in a classroom.
E.Having respect and kindness for culturally unique individuals will help them succeed in a career where it is likely that they will interact with those of different races and cultures.
F.Students feel more confident about themselves in a classroom full of diversity.

7 . There are many customs and traditions connected to yearly celebrations which are part of Britain’s folklore (民俗). Lughnasadh is a celebration at the beginning of August.     1     The doll is saved until the following spring when it is put back into the earth with new seeds. People believe that the doll contains the spirit of the corn and will bring a good harvest. Christmas too is full of ancient customs. The traditions of lighting a fire and decorating the home with an evergreen have their roots in times. The fire is to keep away evil spirits and fill the home with light and the evergreen is valued because it is a sign that life continued during those cold, dark days.

    2     The roots of Morris dancing, for example, are not known. This is a dance in which men(and sometimes women)dressed in white dance together. Some people think the dance may be from pre-Christmas times, and others say it was introduced into Britain in the late 15th century and that it comes from Moorish dancing. In any case, it is interesting to see that Morris dancing is not a dying tradition.     3    

Although these customs have been passed down to us from forgotten generations, they themselves have not been forgotten and continue to play a part in our modern lives.     4     This month people all over Britain shall be preparing their homes for the ancient celebration we now call Christmas, lighting fires and putting up Christmas trees, just as their great-great-grandfathers once did.

A.Most families observe with a large meal and sometimes a religious service.
B.There are Morris dancing groups in places as far away as New Zealand and San Francisco!
C.It is a holiday rooted in the belief that the world is spiritually connected to heaven.
D.Not all the origins of ancient traditions are remembered, however.
E.Every week groups of individuals regularly meet to sing, play instruments or practice ancient dances.
F.A custom connected with it is to make corn dolls with corn from the last of the harvest.
2023-10-17更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:Test for Unit 4 必修第一册(上外版2020)
阅读理解-六选四(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . When you’re climbing up a hill or playing sports, your back is all wet and so is your face. Why? Because you are sweating.     1    When your body gets hotter than that, your brain doesn’t like it. It wants your body to stay cool and comfortable. So the part of your brain that controls temperature sends a message to your body, telling it to sweat. Then sweat glands(腺)in your skin start making sweat.

    2    They are all called pores(毛孔)academically. When the sweat hits the air, the air makes it turn from a liquid to a vapor. As the sweat leaves off your skin you cool down.

Sweat is great cooling system. If you’re sweating a lot on a hot day or after playing hard, you could be losing too much water through your skin. Then you need to put liquid back in your body by drinking plenty of water so you won’t get dehydrated(脱水的).

Sweat isn’t just wet—it can be kind of stinky, too.     3    It’s the bacteria that live on your skin that mix with the sweat and give it a unpleasant smell. And when you reach adolescence, special hormones affect the glands in your armpits(腋窝)—these glands make sweat that can really smell. Luckily, regular washing with soap and water can usually keep stinky sweat under control.

So don’t feel sorry about a little sweat—it’s totally normal and everybody sweats. Sometimes too much sweating can be a sign that there is something wrong in the body, but this is rare in kids.     4    

A.Sweat by itself doesn’t smell at all.
B.The sweat leaves your skin through tiny holes.
C.When people sweat, they lose water in their bodies.
D.Your body works best when its temperature is about 37℃.
E.The vapor goes into the air and turns into drops of water when it comes across cold.
F.But if you think you have a sweat problem, talk to your parents or doctors about it.
2023-10-15更新 | 8次组卷 | 2卷引用:Final Test 必修第一册(上外版2020)
阅读理解-六选四(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Symptoms of Culture Shock and Their Stages

Like any new experience, there’s a feeling of euphoria (兴高采烈) when you first arrive in a new country and you’re in awe of the differences you see and experience.     1    During this stage, you still feel close to everything familiar back home.

The Distress Stage

Everything you’re experiencing no longer feels new; in fact, it’s starting to feel like a thick wall that’s preventing you from experiencing things. You feel confused, alone, and realize that the familiar support systems are not easily available.

Re-integration Stage

During this stage, you start refusing to accept the differences you meet.     2    You start to idealize life “back home“ and compare your current culture to what is familiar. You dislike the culture, the language and the food. You throw it as inferior. You may even develop some prejudices (偏见) towards the new culture. Don’t worry. This is normal. You’re adjusting.

Autonomy Stage

This is the first stage of acceptance. It’s the emergence stage when you start to rise above the clouds and finally begin to feel like yourself again. You start to accept the differences and feel like you can begin to live with them.     3    You no longer feel isolated and instead; you’re able to look at the world around you and appreciate where you are.

Independence Stage

    4    You embrace the new culture and see everything in a new, yet realistic light. You feel comfortable, confident, and able to make decisions based on your preferences. You no longer feel alone and isolated. You appreciate both the differences and similarities of your new culture. You start to feel at home.

A.You are yourself again!
B.You feel excited, stimulated, and enriched.
C.You feel more confident and better able to handle any problems that may arise.
D.You are still what you are and there is no change at all.
E.You are like a baby.
F.You’re angry, frustrated, and even feel hostile (敌对的) to those around you.
2023-10-15更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:Test for Unit 2 必修第一册(上外版2020)
阅读理解-六选四(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Britain has a population of over 66 million.     1    About 80% of the population live in England, with over 8 million in the capital. The rest are distributed in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

    2    These people settled in England and drove the native Celtic people (凯尔特人) to the mountainous areas of Wales and Scotland. Their language became the official language of the country.

Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendants of the Celtic people who were the earliest known inhabitants of Britain.     3    

Besides the early groups from Europe, Britain has a considerable number of Italians, Greeks, Australians and New Zealanders who have settled in the country as permanent residents. In addition, there is a large number of immigrants from Africa and Asia. Most of them come from the former colonies of the British Empire, such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh (孟加拉国), the Caribbean Islands and a number of African countries. All these immigrants have made Britain one of the most culturally diverse countries in Europe. In London, for instance it is estimated that more than 300 languages and dialects are spoken.

English is a member of the Indo-European family of languages (印欧语系). This broad family includes most of the European languages spoken today.     4    This group began as a common language about 3,000 years ago and was later split into three distinct subgroups: East Germanic, North Germanic and West Germanic. English evolved from the West Germanic group. The development of the English language can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English.

A.The Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes began populating the British Isles in the 5th and 6th centuries.
B.English is in the Germanic group of this family.
C.The Irish people are also of Celtic origin.
D.William the conqueror, the-Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England and the Anglo-Saxons in 1066.
E.The majority of the population is descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic people from Europe who went to England between the 5th and 6th centuries.
F.Its overall population density is among the highest in the world.
2023-10-15更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:Test for Unit 3 必修第一册(上外版2020)
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