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1 . Few things are as wonderful as visiting a beautiful natural place, breathing the fresh air and enjoying the beauty.    1    People can love a place to death if they aren’t careful. In 1990, the Leave No Trace movement attempted to help. They introduced the following principles to encourage people to both enjoy and protect the great outdoors.

Plan ahead.     2     Check the weather forecast, plan what clothing to wear, and think about a water supply. Also, check the area’s rules for use.

Throw away waste properly. Never leave garbage behind. Don’t leave your food wrappers, cans or leftovers.    3    

Respect wildlife. You should stay at least 100meters away from wildlife, so you don’t disturb any animals.     4     Protect your food so that animals can’t get into it, and don’t feed the animals on anything. Human food isn’t good for them, and becoming comfortable with humans is dangerous for them. They may forget how to survive in the wild or become less afraid of humans.

    5     Don’t make loud noises or play loud music when you’re out in natural environments. It annoys both the animals and humans. Don’t travel in large groups as it makes it troublesome for other travelers to move around on the paths.

The principles above can help everyone share the outdoors comfortably. We all need to take care of the earth we know and love.

A.Be kind to other visitors.
B.What you take in, take out.
C.But enjoying nature comes at a price.
D.Getting too close could be dangerous.
E.This means more than just deciding which day to go.
2023-02-13更新 | 178次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-五选五(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . We all experience stress(压力) at some point.     1    

No one can “make” you feel anything.

The way you deal with a situation is a choice. You can ask yourself “Is this something I can change?”     2     If the situation cannot be changed, accept it and find ways to deal with it. In this way, stress can be greatly reduced.

Exchange attitude for gratitude(感恩).

Our attitude has a big influence on how we deal with situations.     3     Instead of being angry about the traffic, find some gratitude. Think of things you can be thankful for.

Relax, relax, relax.

    4     It will help you relax and make you better prepared to deal with stressful situations.


Look at your stressful situation from a “big picture” point of view. Ask yourself “How important is this?” and “Will this matter in the long run?” If the answer is no, it’s likely not worth your time and energy.

A.Look at the big picture.
B.If so, start doing something to change the situation.
C.When you are stuck in traffic, change your attitude.
D.Try to find something that you enjoy and do it every day.
E.Here are four points to consider when dealing with stressful situations.
2023-01-24更新 | 101次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市进山中学校2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-五选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . If you have a hobby or idea that currently does not fit into an existing club in your school, starting one may be a great idea.     1     Here are some ways to help you start a club.


The first step of starting anything is to think.     2     It allows you to see all of your possible ideas for the club. This leads us to the next step: sharing the results of your brainstorming with people.

Judge interest

The next step of starting a club is judging interest of others. It is important to talk to friends and other students at school, because they will be the ones who finally will choose to join or stay away from your club. If they have no interest, you have no club.     3    

Think about details

    4     It probably wouldn’t be that smart to rush into a club without having thought about what you wish to achieve, how you are going to do so, the meeting times and locations and finally what you need to do to start your club.

Make it official

Then you can head to the teacher’s office and tell this teacher what your club is about, along with all details. Once he or she agrees, you will likely have to fill out some paperwork to make the club official.     5     Starting a club can be very rewarding and benefit you in ways you could not have imagined. Be patient and stick with it once you start.

A.In this case, brainstorming will be very helpful.
B.Then you may want to reconsider your idea for the club.
C.It’s a great way to practice leadership and organizational skills.
D.Now you can spread the word and attract others to join your club.
E.Next, it is important to think about the behind-the-scenes aspects of your club.
2022-11-11更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市2022-2023学年高一上学期期中英语试卷
阅读理解-五选五(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . What Makes a Book a Classic?

People usually confuse “classical” with “classic” when it comes to literature.     1    . A work of classical literature refers only to ancient works, while classic works are great literature throughout the ages. For example, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea has long been believed to be a classic piece of literature. What features do classic books have?

They have artistic quality

    2    . Some literature elements, such as metaphor and poetic language, combine together to form the artistic beauty.


A classic is usually considered to be a representative of the period in which it was written, and it deserves lasting recognition. A classic may look “old” due to pacing and dated language, but you can learn from and be inspired by it even today.

They have universal appeal

Because great works focus on themes that are understood by readers from different backgrounds and levels of experience, they can easily reach readers’ hearts. This is especially true of the themes of love, hate, death, life and faith.     4    .

They encourage lifelong readers

Because of the high quality of the characters, story and writing, readers can read a classic in their youth and gather a basic understanding of the author's themes.     5    . Rereading helps them see additional truth that they missed previously. The quality enables the work to communicate with different age groups throughout time.

A.They can stand the test of time
B.It can also be read later in their life
C.A classic uses literary techniques properly
D.However, each of them has a separate meaning
E.They touch upon readers’ basic emotional responses
2022-07-01更新 | 107次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市2021-2022学年高一下学期期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-五选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . The art of being a good adviser

Think back to the last time you were discussing a problem at work and someone broke in to offer their opinion.     1     Probably not. Every time we rush in to give advice, we are releasing our inner “advice monster”. Sometimes it needs to be stopped, because in our hurry we are likely to give the wrong advice. So try the following steps when you have strong desire to say something.

·Be aware of its coming. The first step toward controlling the “advice monster” is to pay attention to just how quickly it appears.     2     So please think twice before your action.

·    3     Leader as you are, you can’t be the expert in everything. It's stressful to put that pressure on yourself. The answer to the problem is coaching. It involves helping others think out their own solutions to the problems, which means asking questions rather than offering advice only.

·Know something about the art of expressing. If you do decide to go ahead to ask questions or speak out answers, express them in a more acceptable way.     4    

Offering advice in the right way, you can help people acquire smarter solutions.     5     Being a better adviser, you’ll extend your influence and learn from the people who come to you for guidance.

A.Ask more questions.
B.Did you welcome his advice?
C.And also they can sharpen their decision making.
D.The quicker it appears, the worse situation you will be in.
E.If so, others can choose to welcome or ignore it without anyone losing face.
2022-04-20更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市2021-2022学年高一下学期期中英语试卷
阅读理解-五选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . By looking at things from a different view, you can gain new understanding about problems But it can be difficult to step outside of your world and see things from someone else’s point of view.    1    

Listen to other people carefully. Imagining yourself in someone else’s experiences while talking one-on-one is a great way to experience a different point of view. When you talk with other people, listen closely. Make sure to listen even if you don’t share their opinions and make eye contact while they are talking.    2    Let them know you are listening.

Respect people’s differences.    3    Whenever you interact with someone else, take a moment to remind yourself that they may not share your worldview and that is okay. For example, you might have a coworker who performs a specific task different from what you do. His approach might be very different, but still effective.

Think about how you would feel in another person’s situation. If you meet someone who has experienced a misfortune, imagine how you would feel if you had a similar experience? Why might you feel that way?    4     These questions lead you to build empathy to others.

    5    For example, if you work at a local homeless shelter and hear about the stories people there share about steeping on the street, then you might begin to feel fortunate for having a roof over your head and a bed to sleep. Tasting different people’s experiences is another great way to gain opinion.

A.Volunteer to help less fortunate people.
B.Then what could be done to make it easier?
C.What might you do to handle the experience?
D.Ask them questions if anything they say is unclear to you.
E.Realising not everyone shares your values helps you see things differently.
阅读理解-五选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Choosing the Right Career

For many students, choosing a career is the most important life decision they must make at school. However, choosing the right career is not that easy.    1     If you take the following steps, you will have a good chance of finding a career that interests you for a long time.

Step One: Reflection

Before you decide upon a career, think about your interests and your talents. Ask yourself: What do I enjoy doing? What am I good at?     2    

Step Two: Planning

    3    Read books describing different kinds of work, the typical qualifications (资格) required, and the typical salaries for various jobs. Also, talk to people already doing the jobs that interest you. And try out careers by taking internships (实习) or part-time jobs

Step Three: Selection

Consider what kind of personality you have and what your value is: What is really important to you?     4     If so, a job as a computer programmer may not be the best option. If you like the security of getting a monthly salary, then starting a business probably is not for you. And remember that you can always change your mind. Most people change jobs several times during their working life.     5    Your first job right after college probably will not be your career 30 years from now. Be flexible and allow yourself to change if you are not satisfied with your chosen career.

A.So how can you find a satisfying one?
B.Then think about jobs that match you.
C.Make an overall survey about your target job.
D.Perhaps you like working face to face with people.
E.So don’t push yourself to make the perfect decision right now
2021-11-11更新 | 97次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市2021-2022学年高二上学期期中质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-五选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Have you ever thought that settling even the smallest disagreement between you and your friend may become a battle, a tug-of-war over who is right and who is wrong?     1     But what matters is how we manage the conflicts(冲突).Here are some rules we can follow to reach a win-win situation.

Rule 1: respect

Everyone should be treated with respect, even during an argument.     2    You should tell him or her to stop. If your friend keeps doing so, walk away, because you do not want to continue. Respect has to be eared. If you want people to respect you, do the same.

Rule 2: negotiate

To negotiate is to tlk about the problem peacefully and try to reach an agreement. Fist you and your fiend should hold a correct attitude. Then analyze the needs of two sides. At last. give solutions     3    It means each side has aright to solve the conflict

Rule 3:listen

When everyone is talking, who does the listening? We are used to talking without listening. during which we only focus on ourselves and are likely to hurt others' feelings. Actually listening is more important than talking. Listen to understand, not to reply.     4     .

    5    : Please remember that "our way" isn't always the best. Next time when you have different opinions with your friend, try thinking win-win and this will fill your heart with positive thoughts and protect your friendship.

A.It is normal
B.Do not be too quick to judge what you hear
C.The key to solving disagreements is like this
D.It doesn't mean someone wins and someone loses
E.Sometimes your friend may make fun of you in an unkind way
2021-11-11更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市2021-2022学年高一上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-五选五(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Whether you’re trying to persuade your kid to turn off the TV or your boss to give you a raise, how do we win the bargaining game? By being persuasive!    1     How can you be more persuasive — at home, at work, in your relationships? By using the 4 Ps.


For example, do you want a 20 percent salary increase? Do you want your kid to limit video games to 45 minutes a day? Having a clear purpose in mind makes you confident because being clear does not allow for confusion or mixed messages.    2    


This step is commonly overlooked (忽略) as we make request What’s the why behind your purpose? For example, if you want a raise, how much money are people in your role being paid at different companies? How have you gone above and beyond in your position over the past twelve months?    3     Preparation puts you in the strongest situation possible.

Presenting benefits

When we want someone to do something, we want to present the decision in their best interest. Once I was bargaining a conference room in a nice hotel and wanted to pay less. I didn’t mention my limited budget. I didn’t talk about my needs. What I did was to tell the manager that my guests would come to her hotel, see its amazing facilities, and even consider hosting their own conferences there.    4     My aim was to get a 20 percent discount. I got 30 percent. Win-win for all!


We are too likely to quit and leave dissatisfied from any bargaining. After more than ten years in sales, I can tell you that the best salesmen are patient enough. It’s true that success is a patience game.    5    

A.Have a clear purpose.
B.Persuasion is more effective than force.
C.She realized more money was coming her way.
D.However, most people leave the party too early.
E.List all the reasons that best support your request.
2021-07-06更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-五选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . How to Learn English Idioms (习语)

One way to improve your English is to learn English idioms-and then use them.     1     They make you sound more like a native speaker. Like other languages, English has thousands of idioms which you can use in many different situations, or to talk about your feelings and opinions. So how do you learn them?

Learn idioms in context

It’s difficult to learn idioms through lists.     2     Make sure you have an example of how the idiom is used, and know clearly whether it’s common. This is important, because if you use the idiom in the wrong situation, it won’t sound natural.

Don’t try to learn too many at once

    3     For that reason, don’t try to learn more than five at any one time. Don’t forget: You’ll need to practise your new idioms (like any new vocabulary), so limit what you do in any lesson.

Understand the feeling

We often use an idiom to express a feeling or emotion. So for example, we say that someone has a heart of gold. Because gold is a precious metal, we can imagine that someone with a heart of gold is a good person.     4    

Listen out for idioms

If you hear two words used together in an unusual way, it might well be a new idiom.     5     However, usually you might need to make a note of it or ask the person who has spoken it.

A.Idioms can be complex.
B.Instead, learn their meanings in context.
C.Idioms can add interest to what you say or write.
D.In fact, it does mean that a person is very kind.
E.Sometimes you can guess its meaning in context.
2020-11-18更新 | 162次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市2020-2021学年高一上学期期中质量监测英语试题
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