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1 . The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check my phone. I’m checking emails and looking at Twitter all before I’ve even gotten out of bed. And I’ll keep doing that throughout the entire day, until I go back to bed for the night.

If, like me, you feel unbalanced by how much time you’re spending online, a strategy called digital minimalism (简约主义) may help.     1    .

Set some basic boundaries

Try deleting social media apps from your phone to create natural barriers to accessing them. If that’s not enough, you can use screen timers or app blockers to make it even tougher to log back on.     2    . And that could also change how you communicate with other people.


One study found that sleeping without phones improves sleep, relationships, focus and health and increases happiness and quality of life. So, sleeping without a phone is good for you, and charging your phone somewhere else could help you experience that benefit.

Recognize your emotions

Ask yourself how you feel when you’re logged in:     4    ? Are you energetic? Do particular apps arouse certain emotions? When you’re online, write down how you feel and see what patterns you have. From there you can decide what to keep, what to get rid of.

Take up your hobbies

You might notice you have a lot more time on your hands if you start practicing digital minimalism and using the Internet less. Make a list of activities you enjoy and people you like hanging out with.     5    , you can try one of those hobbies or call a loved one instead.

The goal with digital minimalism isn’t to figure out how to live without social media or the Internet. It’s to be more aware of when and how you use it.

A.Are you stressed
B.Benefit from phones
C.Here’s how to get started
D.The following tips can help
E.Don’t go to bed with your phone
F.When you feel the urge to grab your phone
G.Setting these boundaries changes the way you use the Internet and social media
昨日更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届内蒙古自治区包头市高三下学期适应性考试(二)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是威尔士语及其在威尔士社会中的地位和影响的争议。文章通过BBC驻外记者Jeremy Bowen的亲身经历和观点,以及威尔士语发言人Huw Edwards对另一位评论家Jonathan Meades的回应,揭示了威尔士社会中关于威尔士语使用和推广的争议。
2 .        BBC foreign correspondent Jeremy Bowen’s recent assignment — a three-part series on Radio 4 in which he made “a personal journey through Wales”, the country of his birth — must still have left him a little shocked. Bowen, born in Cardiff but living in England and a non-Welsh speaker, did the most dangerous thing — he attacked what he saw as the way the Weish-speaking minority in Wales dominates the cultural conversation. This argument has not gone down well in the land of his fathers.

The Welsh online media has suggested this is the view from Camberwell where Bowen lives, rather than Criccieth — a journalist’s whistle-stop tour of a country he last resided in more than 40 years ago. Fellow BBC journalist Welsh speaker Huw Edwards responded to that criticism: “We are all products of upbringing — this take is 1970s Cardiff.” Edwards was even ruder about an attack on Welsh by Jonathan Meades in The Critic. “So long as it’s a hobby language it is as harmless as a Sunday painter,” wrote Meades. “But in pockets of Snowdonia and mid-Wales it is a tool not only of communication but of identity and exclusivity, thus of self-harm.” To which Edwards responded: “Meades is a brilliant writer and I have enjoyed his work over many years. I can only assume he’s crazy. Nothing else can explain this rubbish.”

Bowen’s argument is that because bilingualism (双语) has become essential for many jobs in Welsh government and media, the English-speaking majority has been disadvantaged. Meades is more concerned with a project to create a million Welsh speakers (a third of the population) by 2050. At present, only a fifth of the population speaks Welsh regularly. Such views are, however, either outdated or exaggerated (夸张的).

Largely rural Welsh-speaking Wales was discovering new confidence, thanks to the start of the Welsh-language channel S4C in 1982 and the growth of Welsh-medium education. But Welsh-speaking Wales is not responsible for the difficulties of English-speaking Wales, and the two have to find a way to coexist. The survival of Welsh is a miracle, and every Welsh person, whether or not they speak it, should celebrate that fact.

1. Why was Bowen recently shocked?
A.He had a narrow escape in Wales.
B.He was refused entry into his fatherland.
C.He was assigned to do a series about Wales.
D.He was criticized for his Radio program about Wales.
2. What was Edwards’ attitude toward Meades’ comments?
3. What put the English-speaking majority at a disadvantage?
A.They could not speak two languages.
B.They held outdated ideas about language.
C.A third of the Welsh could speak the native language.
D.The government attached less importance to English.
4. What does the author say about the survival of Welsh?
A.It establishes Welsh dominance.
B.It is unexpected and welcome.
C.It occurs at the cost of English-speaking Wales.
D.It owes to the efforts of Welsh-speaking Wales.
2024-06-03更新 | 51次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届内蒙古自治区通辽市520联考模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . An apology tells someone that we’re sorry for the hurt we caused — even if we didn’t do it on purpose. It’s a way of saying we’re aware of what we did and we’ll try to do better in future.

    1    . Sometimes we hurt people’s feelings without wanting to. Sometimes, we do it on purpose and feel bad later on. So we apologize.

Apologies are one of the tools that we use to get along better with other people. Saying that you’re sorry is more than just words.     2    . Apologizing shows you can understand the other person’s feelings as if they were your own. What’s more, after apologizing, you might feel a little better. The other person probably will, too.     3    , you can feel good because you are trying to make things right again.

Everyone needs to apologize when they do something wrong. For example, if someone is irritated because of something you did, you need to apologize. If you say something that hurts someone, even if you don’t mean it, then you should apologize.     4    .

When someone apologizes to you, you may welcome it and be ready to forgive.     5    . If a person keeps hurting you and apologizing without making an effort to change, you might not want to hang out with that person anymore. However, it’s always good to accept an apology.

A.When you apologize in a caring way
B.When you accept an apology in a desirable way
C.It’s difficult to mend a relationship if we don’t apologize
D.Or you might not feel like being friendly again right away
E.It isn’t always easy for us to get along well with everyone all the time
F.If you lose or break something belonging to someone else, you should say sorry
G.You’re also saying that you respect and care about the other person’s feelings
2024-06-03更新 | 61次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届内蒙古自治区通辽市520联考模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Deserts could be the best places on Earth for harvesting solar power. They are spacious, relatively flat, and never short of sunlight. So researchers imagine it might be possible to transform the world’s largest desert, the Sahara, into a large solar farm, capable of meeting four times the world’s current energy demand.

While the black surfaces of solar panels absorb most of the sunlight that reaches them, only around 15% of that incoming energy gets turned into electricity. The rest is returned to the environment as heat, affecting the climate. If these effects were only local, they might not matter in a thinly populated desert. But the area of the installations in the Sahara would be vast, covering thousands of square miles. Heat released from an area this size will be redistributed by the flow of air in the atmosphere, having regional and even global effects on the climate.

A 2018 study used a climate model to assess the effects of building massive solar farms in the Sahara. The model revealed that when the size of the solar farm reaches 20% of the total area of the Sahara, the heat released by the darker solar panels creates a big temperature difference between the land and the surrounding oceans that ultimately lowers surface air pressure and causes wet air to rise and condense (凝结) into raindrops. With more rainfall, plants grow and the desert reflects less of the sun’s energy since vegetation absorbs light better than sand and soil. With more plants present, more water is evaporated (蒸发), creating a better environment that causes vegetation to spread.

So, a large solar farm could generate enough energy and at the same time turn one of the most abominable environments on Earth into a habitable place. Sounds perfect, right? Not quite. In a recent study, we used an advanced Earth system model to closely examine how Saharan solar farms interact with the climate. It showed there could be unintended effects in remote parts of the land and ocean.

We are only beginning to understand the potential consequences of establishing massive solar farms in deserts. Solutions like this may help society reduce the use of fossil energy, but Earth system studies like ours underscore the importance of considering the numerous coupled responses of the atmosphere, oceans, and land surface when examining their benefits and risks.

1. What can be learned about solar farms?
A.They are mainly located in deserts.
B.They can affect the local and even global climate.
C.They can make the best use of incoming energy.
D.They satisfy the world’s current energy demand.
2. What will happen if 20% of the Sahara is covered with solar panels according to the 2018 study?
A.It might become greener.
B.It might reflect more sunlight.
C.Its surface air pressure will increase.
D.Its temperature difference between day and night will decrease.
3. What does the underlined word “abominable” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What does the author think of turning the Sahara into a solar farm?
A.It is an impossible task.
B.It will do more good than harm.
C.It calls for more consideration.
D.It might be the solution to fossil fuel pollution.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Imagine a world where nothing ends up in landfill. Instead, everything can be reused and recycled, creating products that never reach their “end of life”. According to a recent report by the Circle Economy Foundation, only 7.2% of all used materials are being cycled back to be reused and recycled without creating waste.

An Italian company aims to change this by creating furniture products made from a plastic-like biomaterial, which is fully organic and biodegradable (可生物降解的), and can be used over and over again. Using fruit peel, orange seeds and coffee grounds collected from businesses in Italy, the company can redistribute products to the same businesses for use in their offices, instead of furniture made from common plastic. If, by mistake, any of the material ends up in the ocean, it doesn’t produce any microplastics.

Each product is made through a four-step process. First, the food waste is dried and crushed into a very fine powder. Then, the powder is mixed with a biodegradable plastic alternative known as polyhydroxybutyrat (PHB), with the fruit waste making the PHB more study (坚固的). The material is then turned into a filament (细丝) and, using a spool, put into a 3D printer.

Because a lot of food waste would be buried and incinerated in the landfill, which would produce lots of carbon dioxide, Reusing fruit peel and coffee grounds decrease carbon dioxide from the production of plastic, according to the director of operations in the company. He adds that the biomaterial is as sturdy as wood, and won’t begin to break down unless it’s touched by water, bacteria or acidity.

Despite its eco-friendly benefits, the biomaterial is expensive. It costs probably six times more than common plastic, and it is a very difficult and expensive process, so this is why many companies aren’t doing it.

However, the director is hopeful that in a few years, as-more consumers and businesses are forced to face the damage that unsustainable plastic is doing to the planet, the biomaterial will be much more widely used. “We really believe this is the material of the future,” says the director. “Little by little, a step at a time.”

1. What is a problem faced by the current world according to paragraph 1?
A.Pollution is becoming milder.
B.The rate of recycling is too low.
C.Plastic poses a threat to the ocean.
D.New material needs to be improved.
2. What do we know about the biomaterial?
A.It is of benefit to the environment.
B.It is cheaper than common plastic.
C.It is given a welcome by businesses.
D.It has gradually replaced common plastic.
3. What does the underlined word “incinerated” in paragraph 4 refer to?
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.New Material: One Way To Regain Fruit Peel
B.From Landfill To Furniture: The Journey Of Furniture
C.Sustainable Material: The Future Of Eco-Friendly Furniture
D.Italian Businesses Using New Strategies To Manage Industrial Waste
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Are aliens trying to contact the Earth? Six new mysterious blasts of radio energy are detected from deep space. While the source of the waves remains unknown, some suggest the mysterious bursts of energy could be a sign of alien life trying to contact us. The waves were detected by researchers from McGill University in Montreal.

The detection follows 11 previously recorded fast radio bursts (FRBs) from the same location, called FRB121102. This is the only known repeater of FRBs. Although there have been a number of FRBs from the site, the origin of the radio bursts remains a puzzle to researchers.

But the researchers say that the repeated FRBs imply that whatever is causing the FRBs is not a one-time event, such as an explosion or a collision. Instead, they say that flares (耀斑) from a young neutron star (中子星) are a promising candidate.

Previously when waves have been detected, astronomers have also asked Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) to take a closer look at whether they could be a message from aliens. But it is unclear whether the researchers will ask SETI to help this time.

If there were any intelligent alien life forms out there, in Stephen Hawking’s opinion, we were playing a dangerous game by trying to contact them. If alien s discovered the Earth, they would likely want to conquer and colonize our planet.

But the co-founder and former director of the SETI Institute, Jill Tarter, doesn’t think this will be the case. She argues any alien s who have managed to travel across the universe may be friendly and peaceful. “The idea of a civilization which has managed to survive far longer than we have... and the fact that the technology remains an aggressive one, to me, doesn’t make sense,” she said.

1. What is the purpose of the question in paragraph 1?
A.To draw readers’ attention.
B.To indicate commonality in astronomy.
C.To emphasize the mystery of the source.
D.To highlight the discovery’s significance.
2. What is the most likely cause of the FRBs according to the text?
A.Messages from aliens.
B.The explosion of a star.
C.Flares from a neutron star.
D.A collision between two stars.
3. Which might agree with Stephen Hawking’s view?
A.We should try to find the aliens.
B.The aliens may conquer the Earth.
C.We can play games with the aliens.
D.The aliens may live with us one day.
4. What is Jill Tarter’s attitude to contact with the aliens?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . From a fish and chip stall, Jenny has come to be the toast of London’s foodie scene. She has achieved a remarkable feat by becoming a famous chef, a distinction that has been a dream coming true for her. “It’s still sinking in,” she said, expressing her surprise at the overwhelming social media response to her accomplishment.

Her restaurant is a unique space where modern West African cuisine takes center stage, highlighting the rich culinary (烹饪的) traditions of Nigeria’s Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo ethnic groups. “In my restaurant, I bring together these three culinary traditions, providing an exciting journey for diners,” Jenny described. Each dish tells a story, from a black sauce for fish, a postpartum (产后的) meal for new mothers, to a fermented tomato sauce.

Jenny’s love for food began at a young age, but she was initially guided towards a more traditional career path. She studied biological sciences in university, where she also ran a fish and chip cart. Her move to the UK in 1999 marked the beginning of her journey towards culinary success.

As for her, her restaurant is not only a restaurant but also Jenny’s way of honoring her heritage and the food her grandmother used to prepare. “The memory of my grandmother’s cooking inspires me every day,” she shared. Jenny’s cooking shows heartfelt respect for her roots, and her mission is to showcase the flavors of her culture.

Jenny longs to be a role model for chefs from diverse backgrounds. She recognizes the value of representation and hopes her success can inspire other chefs in the UK. She notes that while the industry is slowly becoming more inclusive, it’s crucial for employers, landlords, critics, and investors to expand their perspectives to support a variety of cuisines.

Her fame is a testament (证明) to her talent and dedication, but it’s the personal connection to her dishes and the memories of home-cooked meals that truly fuel her passion. Jenny’s story is a shining example of how one can achieve their dreams while staying true to their cultural identity.

1. What is the character of Jenny’s restaurant?
A.It serves traditional British cuisine.
B.It is famous for postpartum meals only.
C.It is managed by a social media influencer.
D.It features West African culinary traditions.
2. What was Jenny’s initial step to her career path?
A.Being a biological sciences student.
B.Being a social media influencer.
C.Being a corporate executive.
D.Being a professional chef.
3. What can we infer about Jenny?
A.She prioritizes commercial success over culture.
B.She aims to westernize traditional Nigerian cuisine.
C.She uses her restaurant as a medium for scientific research.
D.She integrates her personal history with her professional knowledge.
4. What does Jenny desire to contribute to the culinary world?
A.Celebrity status.B.Culinary revolution.
C.Diversity in cooking.D.Profits of her restaurant.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Maples are known for their autumn colors. Many species put on a display of oranges, browns, yellows, and reds every year. Here are four excellent species of maple for your landscape.

Bigleaf maple
Native Area: North America
Height: 50 to 100 feet

As the name suggests, the leaves are quite large on this tree. It has the biggest leaves of any maple; the classic palm-shape leaves can be over 12 inches wide. This large tree is an excellent shade tree for large landscapes and parks.

Hedge maple
Native Area: Europe and Asia
Height: 25 to 35 feet

The hedge maple is a great choice for the urban garden, as it does well in many severe environments: drought, salty soils, shady locations, and climates where there is ozone deficiency. It can also be used as a street tree if the power lines are high enough.

Norway maple
Native Area: Europe and Asia
Height: usually 40 to 50 feet

Known either as Norway maple or European maple, this popular species was brought to North America from Europe in the 18th century. It has since become one of the most common trees. In the right settings, this species may become invasive (侵入的), so before planting it, check to make sure it is not a problem in your region.

Hornbeam maple
Native Area: Japan
Height: 15 to 30 feet

Many species of plant within a genus have a similar appearance, but there can be surprises, as is the case with the hornbeam maple. Its leaves are nothing like what you expect from a maple. This can be a somewhat difficult plant to find for sale, but it can make a good   small tree or a large shrub (灌木) in the landscape.

1. What might the name of the first maple be based on?
A.Its height.B.Its native area.
C.The size of its leaves.D.The function it performs.
2. Which can adapt to various challenging environments?
A.The bigleaf maple.B.The hedge maple.
C.The norway maple.D.The hornbeam maple.
3. What can we learn about the hornbeam maple?
A.Its leaves look like hands.
B.It is larger than other maples.
C.It is easy to find for sale at the market.
D.Its leaves differ from those of typical maples.
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The community is the basic unit where we share space and resources with others. A harmonious and orderly community not only enhances the quality of life for its residents but also promotes stability and development in society. Therefore, community residents should understand and fulfill their responsibilities and duties to ensure a harmonious and beautiful community environment.


The cleanliness of the community environment directly affects the health and quality of life of its residents. Residents should avoid littering, actively participate in community cleaning activities, and regularly clean their own doorsteps and surroundings. Additionally, properly sorting waste and participating in recycling are essential duties for every resident.

Observing public order

    2    . Every resident should observe public order and not disturb the peace of the community. This includes controlling noise from household activities, avoiding loud noises at night or on rest days, and following traffic rules by not parking illegally or speeding within the community. Moreover, residents should treasure public facilities and not damage plants or trees, collectively maintaining the community’s beauty and functionality.

Participating in community management

Actively participating in community management is;an important responsibility for residents. This includes voting for community leaders, participating in community meetings, and offering suggestions and feedback on the management and activities of the community. Residents can also join volunteer organizations, take part in community safety patrols, and organize cultural events.     3    .

Promoting neighborly harmony

Good neighborly relations are the foundation of a harmonious community.     4    . Each should be willing to help, and provide extra care and assistance to the elderly, children, and disabled individuals. When facing neighborhood disputes (纠纷), residents should approach the situation with understanding and tolerance and resolve issues through communication and negotiation.

Enhancing safety awareness

Community safety affects everyone’s interests. Residents should increase their safety awareness and report suspicious behavior and safety hazards (安全隐患) promptly.     5    . Using them, residents can protect themselves and assist others in emergencies.

A.Protecting ourselves and others
B.Residents should respect each other
C.Maintaining environmental cleanliness
D.The community is a space for public life
E.Those all contribute to the community’s development
F.Every resident has the opportunity to clean the community park
G.Besides, residents should learn basic safety knowledge and first aid skills
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Top Museums to Visit in Paris

Think Paris is all about the Louvre? Think again! Dive into the vibrant art scene of the City of Light with our guide to the best museums you shouldn't miss.

Louis Vuitton Foundation

Designed by the renowned architect Frank Gehry, the Louis Vuitton Foundation is a masterpiece of modern architecture. But it's not just the building that's stunning; inside, you'll find an impressive collection featuring artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Ellsworth Kelly, and Jeff Koons, among others. Admission is €16.

Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (closed Sundays)

Paris Museum of Modern Art

Located in the 16th arrondissement, the Paris Museum of Modern Art boasts an array of monumental artworks and captivating exhibits. While entry is technically free, a suggested donation of €5 helps support the museum's preservation efforts and grants access to the permanent collection.

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (closed Mondays)

Musée National Picasso-Paris

Immerse yourself in the genius of Pablo Picasso at the Musée National Picasso-Paris. Home to thousands of Picasso's works, this museum offers a comprehensive exploration of the artist's life and legacy. Admission is €14.

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 am to 6:30 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 am to 6:00 pm (closed Mondays)

Musée Marmottan Monet

Step into the world of Impressionism at the Musée Marmottan Monet. Devoted primarily to the works of Claude Monet, this museum houses a remarkable collection donated by Monet's son, Michel. Tickets range from €9 to €14.

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; late nights on Thursdays until 9:00 pm (closed Mondays)

There you have it! With these top museums, you'll experience Parisian art and culture at its finest, beyond the iconic halls of the Louvre.

1. Who is the architect behind the design of the Louis Vuitton Foundation?
A.Michel MonetB.Jean-Michel Basquiat
C.Olafur EliassonD.Frank Gehry
2. How much is the suggested donation for entry to the Paris Museum of Modern Art?
3. What is the primary focus of the Musée Marmottan Monet?
A.Works of Jean-Michel BasquiatB.Sculptures by Rodin
C.Works of Claude MonetD.Contemporary art installations
2024-05-12更新 | 175次组卷 | 2卷引用:英语 (全国卷02) (含考试版+听力+答案+解析+答题卡)-2024年高考押题预测卷
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