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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了出生在荷兰的Robert van Gulik成长背景及其所取得的成就。

1 . Robert was born on August 9, 1910 in the Netherlands. His mother came from a family of musicians and piano manufacturers, a fact that greatly influenced Robert’s life. His father was a physician in army, a position which required frequent foreign postings. The family stayed in various areas of East Asia for most of Robert’s youth. This experience contributed to his appreciation for cultures and mastery of several languages.

Robert was a hardworking academic, collector of art and manuscripts, and translator of ancient writings. He studied and trained to become a master musician on the Chinese guqin, and eventually wrote two books on the instrument. Similarly, his skills as an artist in the traditional Chinese style and knowledge of calligraphy were unparalleled. He wrote and published a number of non-fiction, scholarly articles and books on Chinese music, art, and literature, as well as Chinese culture and folk legends.

In 1940, Robert came across a little-known and anonymous (匿名的)18th-century Chinese novel that would take his career down an unplanned pathway and result in the public fame he never anticipated. The novel, titled Four Great Strange Cases of Empress Wu’s Reign, was a fictional account of the deeds of Judge Dee, one of the heroes of traditional Chinese detective fiction, and was set in the 7th-century Tang Dynasty. Fascinated, Robert not only translated the novel into English, he also did some research on the history of Chinese Penal Code and other legal literature of the period. It was not until 1949 that Robert was able to publish his translation —Dee Goong An: Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee. Robert’s Chinese mysteries comprise over 10 novels and short-story volumes, recording the career of Chinese detective called Di Renjie. Interestingly, the tales first found fame in oriental (东方的)editions, before being translated into English in 1957.

Through all the novels by Robert, he impressively brings to life the sights and sounds of daily Chinese life in the past. His passionate devotion and respect for the Chinese culture was never discounted, yet he also appreciated the purpose of fiction.

1. What inspired Robert’s love for oriental culture?
A.His language competence.
B.His previous stay in East Asia.
C.His mother’s good family background.
D.His father’s professional medical knowledge.
2. What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about?
A.Robert’s passion for China.B.Robert’s music proficiency.
C.Robert’s early achievements.D.Robert’s learning experiences.
3. What contributed to Robert’s fame?
A.He introduced western civilization to China.
B.He polished an existing Chinese fiction style.
C.He spread Chinese literature to a wider audience.
D.He conducted research on famous Chinese detectives.
4. Which of the following can best describe Robert’s translations?
A.Vivid and faithful.B.Dramatic and realistic.
C.Accurate and humorous.D.Imaginary and accessible.
2024-06-09更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省南通市高三下学期模拟预测(四模)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 困难(0.15) |

2 . The Surprising Strength of “Weak” Social Ties

It’s long been known that a community of supportive relationships improves our quality of life and can even help us recover from illness.     1    . Regularly interacting with a wide variety of social ties, both “weak” and “strong”, enhances our satisfaction. A rich diversity of ties provides more significant benefits to well-being, and “weak” social ties can prove just as important to life satisfaction as core, or “strong” ties.     2    . There you can find the people who cheer, serve, support, comfort, educate, motivate, and entertain you.

Claire gets cheered up by going to the library and chatting with her favorite librarian every week. Sherry gets great joy from her Sunday breakfasts at a local diner because the manager and her favorite waitress are nice to her.     3    . I remember discussing Anna Karenina on an airplane with a wise economics professor, and finding meaningful moments of joy with street musicians and performers.

    4    . When you show kindness to a stranger, your seemingly small act might stay in their memory as a source of support and positivity. Everyone needs to feel significant in the eyes of another. You could be that person for someone in your extended circle. That’s why it’s so important to reach out to people around you, especially when they’re going through hard times.

When we feel blue or lonely, we tend to turn down social engagements, either to avoid the imagined embarrassment of being the only sad person in a group or because socializing with people we don’t know well can be awkward at first.     5    . Being open to both our strong and weak ties allows us to benefit from the comfort, connection, and community they provide.

A.All of those connections matter — and so do you
B.Harvard researcher Hanne Collins discovered something new
C.Even those we meet only once can leave a lasting impression
D.Our shared kindness and familiarity offer me a sense of community
E.Interacting with the weak ties encourages us to behave more professionally
F.But saying yes, despite the hesitation, offers an opportunity to feel less lonely
G.So notice, pay attention to, and be grateful for your big, wide world of loose social ties
2024-06-06更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省厦门双十中学高三下学期模拟训练英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 困难(0.15) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了效价权重偏差(valence weighting bias),即个人倾向于积极还是消极态度来适应新环境或者新的工作任务,为解释拖延任务行为提供了新角度。俄亥俄州立大学的Russell Fazio和Javier Granados领导的研究发现了消极态度和拖延之间的联系,并且有可能改变权重偏差,逆转拖延任务的趋势。

3 . The psychological term, valence weighting bias, describes people’s tendency to adapt in new circumstances by drawing more strongly from either their positive or negative attitudes, or rather, whether negative or positive internal “signals” carry the most weight in guiding people’s final behavior.

Studies led by Russell Fazio and Javier Granados from Ohio State University found links between a negative-leaning attitude and procrastination (拖延) and that it’s possible to shift the weighting bias and reverse the tendency to delay a task.

In the study, 147 college students participated in a program allowing them to accumulate course credits for engaging in a research. Those who thought it was an awful thing to do procrastinated starting. The study also explored whether students’ measures of self-control influenced task-related behaviors: How students characterized their level of motivation about the research program, and if that affected whether students got an early start. Results showed the combination of negative weighting bias and self-reported low motivation for self-control was linked to students putting off research program participation by getting started later in the semester.

Then the students in the program who were self-reported procrastinators and who scored high for negative weighting bias were asked to join in another study. Researchers then inspired one group in a way that led participants to weigh positive and negative signals in a more balanced way. This shift caused the students to accumulate credit hours more quickly than the group whose negative weighting bias and low self-control reliably predicted their delay. “If somebody is more motivated and able to think more about it, that might bring other considerations that weaken the influence of the valence weighting bias,” researchers said.

Negative weighting bias can have a positive effect on behavior, though. These researchers have also found evidence that a negative weighting bias may help people be more realistic when they’re asking themselves, “Have I studied enough for this test?” “It’s better to be more objectively balanced than to be at either extreme,” Fazio said. “But the situation where a particular valence weighting bias is likely to be problematic is going to vary.”

1. What can we know about valence weighting bias?
A.It is used in modern technology.B.It influences people’s mental health.
C.It directs what people do variously.D.It leads to delays in carrying out tasks.
2. Students in the first study would start participating earlier if they ________.
A.suffered from valence weighting biasB.drew more strongly from positivity
C.thought poorly of their self-disciplineD.considered themselves lack of motivation
3. What does the experiment in paragraph 4 indicate?
A.High scores lead to more consideration.
B.Negative weighting bias can be reversed.
C.Participants need professional knowledge.
D.Measuring properly is of vital importance.
4. What message is conveyed in the last paragraph?
A.Negative weighting bias can be beneficial.
B.People need to strive to be positive at any time.
C.Positive people tend to make random decisions.
D.Valence weighting bias applies to different situations.
2024-06-02更新 | 145次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省烟台招远市高考三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 困难(0.15) |

4 . Several dozen graduate students in London were recently tasked with outwitting a large language model (LLM), a type of AI designed to hold useful conversations. LLMs are often programmed with guardrails designed to stop them giving harmful replies: instructions on making bombs in a bathtub, say, or the confident statement of   “facts” that are not actually true.

The aim of the task was to break those guardrails. Some results were merely stupid. For example, one participant got the chatbot to claim ducks could be used as indicators of air quality. But the most successful efforts were those that made the machine produce the titles, publication dates and host journals of non-existent academic articles.

AI has the potential to be a big benefit to science. Optimists talk of machines producing readable summaries of complicated areas of research; tirelessly analysing oceans of data to suggest new drugs and even, one day, coming up with hypotheses of their own. But AI comes with downsides, too.

Start with the simplest problem: academic misconduct.Some journals allow researchers to use LLMs to help write papers. But not everybody is willing to admit to it. Sometimes, the fact that LLMs have been used is obvious. Guillaume Cabanac, a computer scientist, has uncovered dozens of papers that contain phrases such as “regenerate response” — the text of a button in some versions of ChatGPT that commands the program to rewrite its most recent answer, probably copied into the manuscript (原稿) by mistake.

Another problem arises when AI models are trained on AI-generated data. LLMs are trained on text from the Internet. As they churn out (大量炮制) more such text, the risk of LLMs taking in their own outputs grows. That can cause “model collapse”. In 2023 llia Shumailov, a computer scientist, co-authored a paper in which a model was fed handwritten digits and asked to generate digits of its own, which were fed back to it in turn. After a few cycles, the computer’s numbers became more or less illegible.After 20iterations (迭代), it could produce only rough circles or blurry lines.

Some worry that computer-generated insights might come from models whose inner workings are not understood. Inexplainable models are not useless, says David Leslie at an AI-research outfit in London, but their outputs will need rigorous testing in the real world. That is perhaps less unnerving than it sounds. Checking models against reality is what science is supposed to be about, after all.

For now, at least, questions outnumber answers. The threats that machines pose to the scientific method are, at the end of the day, the same ones posed by humans. AI could accelerate the production of nonsense just as much as it accelerates good science. As the Royal Society has it,nullius in verba: take nobody’s word for it. No thing’s, either.

1. The result of the task conducted in London shows that ________.
A.LLMs give away useful informationB.the guardrails turn out to be ineffective
C.AI’s influence will potentially be decreasedD.the effort put into the study of AI hardly pays off
2. What does “model collapse” indicate?
A.The readability of the models’output is underestimated.
B.The diverse sources of information confuse the models.
C.Training on regenerated data stops models working well.
D.The data will become reliable   after continuous iterations.
3. According to the passage, people’s worry over the inexplainable models is __________.
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Faster Nonsense: AI Could Also Go Wrong
B.Imperfect Models: How Will AI Make Advances?
C.The Rise of LLMs: AI Could Still Be Promising
D.Bigger Threats: AI Will Be Uncontrollable
2024-04-17更新 | 558次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京市丰台区等5区高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 困难(0.15) |

5 . “Assume you are wrong.” The advice came from Brian Nosek, a psychology professor, who was offering a strategy for pursuing better science.

To understand the context for Nosek’s advice, we need to take a step back to the nature of science itself. You see despite what many of us learned in elementary school, there is no single scientific method. Just as scientific theories become elaborated and change, so do scientific methods.

But methodological reform hasn’t come without some fretting and friction. Nasty things have been said by and about methodological reformers. Few people like having the value of their life’s work called into question. On the other side, few people are good at voicing criticisms in kind and constructive ways. So, part of the challenge is figuring out how to bake critical self-reflection into the culture of science itself, so it unfolds as a welcome and integrated part of the process, and not an embarrassing sideshow.

What Nosek recommended was a strategy for changing the way we offer and respond to critique. Assuming you are right might be a motivating force, sustaining the enormous effort that conducting scientific work requires. But it also makes it easy to interpret criticisms as personal attacks. Beginning, instead, from the assumption you are wrong, a criticism is easier to interpret as a constructive suggestion for how to be less wrong — a goal that your critic presumably shares.

One worry about this approach is that it could be demoralizing for scientists. Striving to be less wrong might be a less effective motivation than the promise of being right. Another concern is that a strategy that works well within science could backfire when it comes to communicating science with the public. Without an appreciation for how science works, it’s easy to take uncertainty or disagreements as marks against science, when in fact they reflect some of the very features of science that make it our best approach to reaching reliable conclusions about the world. Science is reliable because it responds to evidence: as the quantity and quality of our evidence improves, our theories can and should change, too.

Despite these worries, I like Nosek’s suggestion because it builds in cognitive humility along with a sense that we can do better. It also builds in a sense of community — we’re all in the same boat when it comes to falling short of getting things right.

Unfortunately, this still leaves us with an untested hypothesis (假说): that assuming one is wrong can change community norms for the better, and ultimately support better science and even, perhaps, better decisions in life. I don’t know if that’s true. In fact, I should probably assume that it’s wrong. But with the benefit of the scientific community and our best methodological tools, I hope we can get it less wrong, together.

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.Reformers tend to devalue researchers’ work.
B.Scientists are unwilling to express kind criticisms.
C.People hold wrong assumptions about the culture of science.
D.The scientific community should practice critical self-reflection.
2. The strategy of “assuming you are wrong” may contribute to ______.
A.the enormous efforts of scientists at workB.the reliability of potential research results
C.the public’s passion for scientific findingsD.the improvement in the quality of evidence
3. The underlined word “demoralizing” in Paragraph 5 means ______.
4. The tone the author uses in talking about the untested hypothesis is ______.
A.doubtful but sincereB.disapproving but soft
C.authoritative and directD.reflective and humorous
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 困难(0.15) |

6 . You are what you eat-and what you eat may be encoded in your DNA. Studies have indicated that your genes play a role in determining the foods you find delicious or disgusting. But exactly how big a role they play has been difficult to figure out. “Everything has a genetic component even if it’s small,” says Joanne Cole, a geneticist at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. “We know that there is some genetic contribution to why we eat the foods we eat. Can we take the next step and actually locate the regions in the genome (基因)?”

New research led by Cole has gotten a step closer. Through a large-scale genomics analysis, her team has identified 481 genome regions that were directly linked to dietary patterns and food preferences. The findings, which have not yet been peer-reviewed, were presented last month at the American Society for Nutrition’s annual conference.

The team based the new study on a 2020 Nature Communications study by Cole and her colleagues that used data from the U.K. Biobank, a public database of the genetic and health information of 500,000 participants. By scanning genomes, the new analysis was able to identify 194 regions associated with dietary patterns and 287 linked to specific foods such as fruit, cheese, fish, tea and alcohol. Further understanding how genetics impact how we eat could reveal differences in nutritional needs or disease risks.

“One of the problems with a lot of these genomics studies is that they’re very small. They don’t have enough people to really be able to identify genes in ways that are credible. This study had a huge group of people, so it’s really powerful.” says Monica Dus, a geneticist at the University of Michigan. “The other thing that I thought was really great is that there are so many different features that they’re measuring related to diet including cholesterol (胆固醇), the body and socioeconomic backgrounds.” As the research advances, Dus says, such genome analysis could potentially assist health care providers and even policymakers to address larger issues that affect food access and health.

It’s definitely true that it may contribute to making sure there aren’t food deserts-areas which have limited access to fresh, healthy and affordable food or to making sure that there’s a higher minimum wage so that everyone can afford to eat, although the journey ahead remains lengthy and challenging.

1. How did researchers conduct the present study?
A.By involving a substantial number of participants.
B.By directly analyzing the data from a public database.
C.By building on a previous study based on large-scale data.
D.By identifying genome regions associated with dietary patterns.
2. Which statement will Monica Dus probably agree with?
A.Powerful participants were involved in the current study.
B.The methods employed for the previous studies were credible.
C.The genome analyses have helped address larger social issues.
D.Various features linked to diet were considered in the present study.
3. What is the text mainly about?
A.The benefits of latest large-scale diet-related genome analyses.
B.The contribution of genes to diet patters and food preferences.
C.The significance of a newly published diet-related genome discovery.
D.The introduction of a research on identifying diet-related genome regions.
4. Which one might the passage come from?
A.National GeographicB.Sports Illustrated for kids
C.Scientific AmericanD.The Wall Street Journal
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 困难(0.15) |

7 . Art Builds Understanding

Despite the long history of scholarship on experiences of art, researchers have yet to capture and understand the most meaningful aspects of such experiences, including the thoughts and insights we gain when we visit a museum, the sense of encounter after seeing a meaningful work of art, or the changed thinking after experiences with art. These powerful encounters can be inspiring, uplifting, and contribute to well-being and flourishing.

    1     It contributes to facilitating a better understanding of ourselves, the human condition, and moral and spiritual concepts. The question is how that happens — what are the attributes of meaningful experiences of art?

According to the mirror model of art developed by Pablo P. L. Tinio, aesthetic reception corresponds to artistic creation in a mirror-reversed fashion. Artists aim to express ideas and messages about the human condition or the world at large.     2     This results in the build-up of layers of materials — from initial studies and sketches to the final, refined piece. A viewer’s initial interaction with an artwork starts where the artist has left off. Their interaction first involves the processing surface features, such as color, texture, and the finishing touches applied by the artist during the final stages of the creative process.     3    

In addition, art making and art viewing are connected by creative thinking. Research in a lab at Yale University shows that an educational program that uses art appreciation activities builds creative thinking skills. It showed that the more time visitors spent engaging with art and the more they reflected on it, the greater the correspondence with the artists’ intentions and ideas.     4    

Correspondence in feeling and thinking suggests a transfer — between creator and viewer — of ideas, concepts, and emotions contained in the works of art. Art has the potential to communicate across space and time.     5     What it takes for this to happen is active engagement with art in contexts that facilitate this engagement, especially museums.

A.The viewers gain a new perspective on the story.
B.The theory of aesthetic cognitivism describes the value of art.
C.This helps to create connections and insights that otherwise would not happen.
D.To do so, they explore key ideas and continually expand them as they develop their work.
E.After spending more time with the work, the viewer begins to access the ideas of the artist.
F.For example, in one activity, people are asked to view a work of art from different perspectives.
G.Participants were more original in their thinking when compared to those who did not take part in the program.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 困难(0.15) |

8 . Travelling abroad can present many challenges, including long journeys, language problems, and culture shocks, plus the expense of transport and accommodation.     1     It is rewarding to get to experience life in different ways.

One of the wonderful benefits of going abroad is that you can learn history and culture without real effort. There’s a natural tendency to absorb other cultures and pick up historical concepts, while enjoying yourself at the same time.     2    

Another great benefit is that living in a foreign culture is the only real way to fully understand its language.     3     Even if you’re a complete beginner and only manage to pick up a few key phrases of the local language, you still know more than when you arrive.

    4     People in other countries can demonstrate different ways of doing things and alternative ways of being. It can open up your mind and generate new ideas. A direct encounter with a fresh expression of arts, religions, architecture, and food can contribute to an enlightening and valuable experience.

Removing yourself from the familiar and travelling to a new country can be a very powerful tool for gaining self-awareness and deeper understanding.     5     It can help you shift how you see yourself. Perhaps ironically, visiting a foreign country can also teach you things about your homeland. You get to view your land of birth from another perspective and have something to compare it with.

A.It’s far superior to learning it in a classroom.
B.The new land gives you a fresh social environment.
C.The direct experience helps you remember something easily.
D.Many people wonder what they should do in a foreign country.
E.Travelling abroad can also boost creativity and drive innovation.
F.Another benefit of travelling abroad is the relaxation you can get.
G.However, there’s rarely a dull moment when you’ re in a different country.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 困难(0.15) |

9 . Fortunately, the days of being spread on thick baby oil and lying in the sun to get you skin yellowish-brown—or more likely burnt—are long over. Many sunscreens work by filtering (过滤) the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays to keep them from reaching skin cells and causing the DNA damage that can lead to wrinkles and skin cancer. But in recent years, the safety of some of those filtering chemical ingredients, particularly oxybenzone (氧苯铜), has been in question.

A 2019 study published in JAMA found evidence that oxybenzone is absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to concerns about whether it might affect functions of our body. Oxybenzone has also been detected in breast milk for newborn babies. Because of concerns about higher intake in children, doctors from the American Academy of Pediatrics advise against sunscreen with oxybenzone for kids.

The Environmental Working Group, an activist organization that monitors chemical safety, has called for a ban, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers sunscreens with oxybenzone safe. “It’s uncertain,” says Deborah S. Sarnoff, president of the U.S. Skin Cancer Foundation. “Just because you’re absorbing the chemical doesn’t mean it’s dangerous.” Further study is required.

But oxybenzone is a risk to coral reefs. Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands have banned the sale of sunscreens with oxybenzone. In a 2022 study published in Science, researchers found that some certain sea plants, when exposed to sunlight, turn oxybenzone into energy or something needed in a way that damages and kills corals.

Some companies have been trying to stop using oxybenzone gradually in stages, and many big brands offer oxybenzone-free options. For anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding, or simply looking to avoid these chemical filters, Dr. Sarnoff recommends mineral sunscreens, which contain mainly physical barriers.

1. What is the advantage of sunscreen?
A.It gets your skin yellowish-brown.B.It stops wrinkles and skin cancer.
C.It keeps UV rays from harming you.D.It prevents skin cells from DNA damage.
2. Why do doctors advise against sunscreen with oxybenzone for kids?
A.They don’t want children to absorb more oxybenzone.
B.They don’t want oxybenzone to hurt babies’ functions.
C.They know oxybenzone can affect children’s bloodstream.
D.They know oxybenzone has been found in newborn babies.
3. What can we learn from the last three paragraphs?
A.Coral reefs in Hawaii were damaged or killed by sunscreens.
B.More research is needed to prove the danger of oxybenzone.
C.Some organizations have already banned the use of sunscreens.
D.Mineral sunscreens are much safer than those with oxybenzone.
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.The findings about sunscreens with oxybenzone.
B.Questions on safe use of oxybenzone raised by doctors.
C.Discussion on safety of oxybenzone between organizations.
D.Effects of sunscreens on humans and plants in recent studies.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 困难(0.15) |

10 . When you ask people to judge others by their speech, a trend emerges: Listeners dislike disfluency. Slow talkers producing loads of ums and pauses(停顿)are generally perceived as less charming. But science tells us there may be even more to disfluency.

Disfluencies do not occur in arbitrary positions in sentences. Ums typically occur right before more difficult or low-frequency words. Imagine you’re having dinner with a friend at a restaurant,and there’re three items on the table: a knife, a glass, and a wine decanter(醒酒器). Your friend turns to you and says, “Could you hand me the...um...” What would you assume they want? Since it’s unlikely that they will hesitate before such common words as knife, and glass, chances are you’ll pick up the decanter and ask, “You mean this?”

This is exactly what we demonstrated through controlled eye-tracking studies in our lab. Apparently, listeners hear the um and predict that an uncommon word is most likely to follow.Such predictions, though, reflect more than just simple association between disfluencies and difficult words; listeners are actively considering from the speaker’s point of view. For example, when hearing a non-native speaker say the same sentence but with a thick foreign accent, listeners don’t show a preference for looking at low-frequency objects. This is probably because listeners assume non-native speakers may have as much trouble coming up with the English word for a common object, like a knife, as for unusual ones and can’t guess their intention.

In another experiment, listeners were presented with an atypical speaker who produced disfluencies before simple words and never before difficult words. Initially, participants displayed the natural predictive strategy: looking at uncommon objects. However, as more time went by, and they gained experience with this atypical distribution of disfluencies, listeners started to demonstrate the contrary predictive behavior: They tended to look at simple objects when hearing the speaker say um.

These findings represent further evidence that the human brain is a prediction machine: We continuously try to predict what will happen next, even though not all disfluencies are created equal.

1. What does the underlined word “arbitrary”mean in paragraph 2?
2. What does the author say about the non-native speakers?
A.They can be understood easily.B.They actively put themselves in others’ shoes
C.Their vocabularies are limited.D.Their disfluencies are a little less predictive.
3. What does the experiment in paragraph 4 show?
A.Simple things are difficult in some cases.B.Listeners can adjust predictions accordingly.
C.Distribution of disfluencies is changeable.D.Disfluencies in communication can be avoided.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Pauses Coexist with Prediction.B.Brains Are Powerful Prediction Machines.
C.Active Listeners Simplify Talks.D.Disfluency Says More Than You Think.
2023-12-12更新 | 765次组卷 | 4卷引用:2024年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语领航卷(四)
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