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1 . On these dark winter evenings, I find myself daydreaming of summer. I think of the one activity and place that quiets my mind: clamming (挖蛤) on Cape Cod.

Before I had kids, it was a much-needed active outing after days of vacation-level eating. But when I went with kids, the experience took a turn from relaxation to devotion. The bay became part of the world I was trying to build for my children. The act of clamming became an unexpected escape,a moment when I wasn't thinking about 20 different things, when I wasn’t really thinking at all.

This year, for the first time, my children joined in the clamming. I kept yelping (尖叫) when my children almost raked (用耙子耙) my feet. But there was joy in having something to teach them, to connect them not only to a generational tradition but also to the history of the land. And when they raised their basket and it wasn’t a rock for the hundredth time, but rather a shining clam, it was a richer moment than if they had struck gold. Seeing a child holding up a clam with an expression of success on his face does more for the heart than any meditation (冥想) ever could.

I hope that one day my children will view clamming as the relaxation that I do. They are not there yet.At this point, it is more adventure than getaway. At the end of our clamming morning, my 6-year-old refused to leave, insisting she needed one more clam. When she finally caught one more clam, she laughed, pride written all over her face. To be fair, perhaps what she needed to get from clamming was not what I needed. Perhaps what she needed was to have a tiny bit of control over this wild world, one in which she has little say. In that moment, she was victorious, if not in calm, then in clam.

1. Why did the author go clamming before having children?
A.To get together with her friends.B.To spend quality time with her family.
C.To escape the responsibility as an adult.D.To enjoy relaxation after overeating.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The experience of clamming.B.The benefits of meditation.
C.The change of a generational tradition.D.The necessity of exploring the land.
3. How do the kids find clamming?
A.Demanding and boring.B.Complicated and tiring.
C.Adventurous and rewarding.D.Painful and disappointing.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph about the author and her kids?
A.They are successful in removing stress.B.Clamming is the most interesting to them.
C.They refused to leave the bay.D.Clamming has different meanings to them.
今日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省镇江市2023~2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . For most of us, it's pretty easy to stand up for someone else.     1    . So how do you go from being everyone else' s advocate to learning how to stand up for yourself? These steps come from 16 years of coaching my clients.

·Define your boundaries

The definition of a boundary is a line that marks the limits of an area; it's both a line of containment (keeping you in) and a line of protection (keeping others out). Boundaries are not complaints, threats or demands.     2    . They are your rules for who,what,how and why you feel comfortable being close to someone else, helping others know who you are and how to interact with you.


The next time someone asks you for a favor, consider if you can afford to say yes. What I mean by this is, think about what this “yes” will cost you in terms of finances, energy, health and time. Do you have an excess of these resources that you can give after you've already cared for yourself?

·Stop people-pleasing

People-pleasing is often motivated by fear. It's easy to fall into the habit because you tend to get praised for it. People-pleasing pleases people. But its effects over a long period of time can be disastrous.     4    

·Ask for what you want

It's not easy to figure out what you want. But the more time you spend getting clear on your own

desires, the easier it is to defend what you need. Your desires are the forces that lead you into life's unknown frontier.     5    . Stand up for them and yourself.
A.Get comfortable saying no.
B.Think twice before refusing.
C.They deserve attention, energy and respect.
D.You will not end up exhausted and depressed.
E.To break this habit, start leaning toward courage and inner strength.
F.They are guidelines that help to clearly define what needs to be protected.
G.But when the tables are turned, we often feel guilty for giving priority to our own needs.
今日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省镇江市2023~2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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3 . Scientists are embracing artificial intelligence (AI)-from developing “self-driving” laboratories to replacing human participants in social-science experiments with robots. Many disadvantages of AI systems have been discussed. In an article published in Nature this week, social scientists say that AI systems carry a further risk: that researchers perceive such tools as possessed of superhuman abilities when it comes to objectivity, productivity and understanding complex concepts.

Scientists planning to use AI “must evaluate these risks now”, write co-authors Lisa Messeri and Molly Crockett. The article is a warning about what could be lost if scientists embrace AI systems without thoroughly considering such risks.

Messeri and Crockett examined around 100 papers and books, published mainly over the past five years. From these,they put together a picture of the ways in which scientists see AI systems as enhancing human capabilities.

In one “vision”, which they call AI as Oracle, researchers see AI tools as able to tirelessly read and digest scientific papers. In another vision, called AI as Arbiter, systems are perceived as evaluating scientific findings more objectively than do people. In a third vision, AI as Quant, AI tools seem to perform better than the human mind in analyzing data sets.

Messeri and Crockett also predict risks that arise from these visions. One is the illusion (幻觉) of explanatory depth, in which people relying on another person-or,in this case,an algorithm (算法) — for knowledge are likely to mistake that knowledge for their own. Another risk is that research becomes skewed (偏颇的) towards studying the kinds of things that AI systems can test.

If you’re a scientist planning to use AI, you can reduce these dangers through a number of strategies.All members of the scientific community must view AI use not as unavoidable for any particular task, but rather as a choice with risks and benefits that must be carefully weighed.

1. What is a further risk that AI systems carry according to paragraph 1?
A.They perform better than humans.
B.Researchers overestimate their capabilities.
C.They are able to understand complex concepts.
D.Researchers use them in self-driving laboratories.
2. What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us about AI?
A.Its benefits in analyzing scientific data.
B.Its roles in helping doing scientific research.
C.Its strengths in digesting scientific papers.
D.Its advantages in evaluating scientific findings.
3. What is the illusion of explanatory depth?
A.Finding the accuracy in algorithmic.
B.Denying the mistake of algorithmic.
C.Accepting the complexity of algorithmic.
D.Considering algorithmic insights as personal understanding.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards the use of AI in scientific community?
今日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省镇江市2023~2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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4 . A man whose right hand was cut in an operation at the age of 20 is now able to feel the temperature of the objects he touches with his prosthetic (假体的) hand, thanks to a new device integrated in it.

The device, called MiniTouch, was developed last year. It is made by two components, an active thermal (热的) sensor which measures temperature and generates realistic signals which are then sent to the second component, a thermal stimulator (刺激器).

It was first tested as a standalone device at the prosthetic centre of the Italian Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (INAIL) near Bologna. INAIL’ s engineers integrated the thermal sensor on the index finger (食指) of the prosthetic hand of one patient, and the thermal stimulator into the connection point that secures the robotic hand to the forearm, in such a way that it touched a point on the remaining arm that aroused thermal feelings in the person’s a prosthetic index finger-the typical feeling of still having the finger.

During eight experimental sessions over six months, the participant could identify objects with three different temperatures or made of different materials. He could also determine whether he was touching a prosthetic arm or a real arm while unable to see, and grasp and move blocks of different temperature in order to classify them from the hottest to the coldest.

“The richness and realism of the feelings provided to wearers is key to the effectiveness of a prosthetic hand in replacing a natural hand in daily activities,” says Emanuele Gruppioni, who led the clinical tests.

“As a next step we will work with a new prosthetic hand, developed in cooperation with the Italian Institute of Technology, to improve the MiniTouch integration and have a light and wearable thermal prosthetic hand,” Gruppioni concludes.

1. What’s the function of paragraph 1?
A.To present a problem.B.To make a comparison.
C.To introduce the topic.D.To clarify a concept.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The thermal stimulator.B.The connection point.
C.The index finger.D.The thermal sensor.
3. What does MiniTouch enable the patient to do when tested?
A.Change the materials of the objects.B.Integrate a thermal sensor on his real arm.
C.Feel the temperature of the objects.D.Send thermal information to engineers.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A man who has a prosthetic hadB.MiniTouch that consists of two components
C.A prosthetic hand that feels the heatD.Engineers who made a wearable prosthetic hand
今日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省镇江市2023~2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了New Brunswick的美食旅游目的地,描述了四种不同的旅游体验。

5 . Culinary tourism in New Brunswick has grown dramatically and deliciously in recent years, offering up a variety of new adventures for the foodie explorers. Here’s a sampling of what’s on the menu.

Old-growth Forest Tour

Take a medicine walk with Cecelia Brooks and her son, Anthony Brooks. They guide you through the forest, teaching the history of local medicinal plants and trees along the way. Afterwards, they prepare wild rice and corn pancakes with ingredients straight from Cecelia’s garden.

Kings Landing Tour

Wandering through the open-air museum’s historic buildings and chatting with interpreters dressed in period clothing about life in the Saint John River valley in the 19th century is an immersive cultural experience, but eating history is next level. Tasting a meal in the King Head Inn’s attractive dining room, where traditional pub food evokes (唤起) an immediate journey back in time.

Paddle (划桨) Tour

Second Nature Outdoors offers a sunrise paddle tour on the Saint John River that starts with a canoe (独木舟) out to Hartt Island, where guides teach how to roast coffee over a campfire. Drinking coffee and eating local cheese with river views is the perfect way to begin the day.

Ganong Chocolate Museum Tour

The museum tour includes everything from the early methods of chocolate making to the story behind the Ganong candy dynasty’s famous Pal-o-Mine bar. The highlight must go to the hands-on activity where you participate in the complicated process of hand-dipping chocolates and taste the fruit of your labor!

1. Which tour will most probably make you feel transported to the past?
A.Paddle Tour.B.Kings Landing Tour.
C.Old-growth Forest Tour.D.Ganong Chocolate Museum Tour.
2. What will travelers do during the Paddle Tour?
A.Make local cheese.B.Enjoy an amazing canoe journey.
C.Learn the history of herbs.D.Take part in a paddle competition.
3. What do the four tours have in common?
A.They provide walks in the forest.B.They require professional interpreters.
C.They offer immersive cultural experiences.D.They involve trying tasty cuisine or snacks.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省镇江市2023~2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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6 . Many years ago, my mother read from the book Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey to me. I remember as if it were yesterday, hearing her voice at my side on a cold wintry night. My mother’s voice changed my world.

Long before I could read on my own, she shared with me the strength and beauty of McCloskey’s language in a story of a little girl and her mother out in nature, co-existing with a mother bear and its baby. The power of the story, of language and of my mother all came together. And it happened many times after that, over and over. The read aloud made me a reader.

Years later, I was reading aloud a picture book to a small child in a classroom. His life, so far, had not been easy. His childhood was troubled by poverty and loneliness. In that moment, in the joy of the read aloud, he had an idea that started something big.

What he said was this: “Mrs. Allyn, let’s make sure everyone knows how good this feels. Let’s have a holiday for the read aloud.” Therefore, my organization, LitWorld, created a grassroots movement World Read Aloud Day in 2010 to honor this young boy’s wish for everyone to be able to have a read aloud every day.

Since the day he shared that good idea with us, World Read Aloud Day has become a worldwide event, reaching over one million people in more than 65 countries around the world. This year we are over 600 cities strong, a number that is growing every day.

Children who grow up as readers become engaged citizens of the global world, and every child deserves the right to read. When I say that reading aloud will change the world, I know it sounds simple. But one of the many great things about giving kids access to the power of stories and sharing them together is that it is simple. It is also cheap and easily done. And the impact is huge.

1. What did the author’s mother do when she was a child?
A.She read aloud to her.
B.She listened to her reading.
C.She bought many books for her.
D.She encouraged her to read aloud.
2. According to Paragraph 3, the relationship between the author and the little boy was probably ______.
A.mother and childB.teacher and student
C.boss and workerD.writer and reader
3. What does the small child’s idea in the passage refer to?
A.To reduce poverty.
B.To overcome loneliness.
C.To have a holiday for the read aloud.
D.To create a World Read Aloud Day.
4. What can we infer from Paragraph 5?
A.World Read Aloud Day has developed quickly.
B.This year World Read Aloud Day are over 600 cities strong.
C.World Read Aloud Day has become a worldwide event.
D.World Read Aloud Day has reached over one million people.
5. What conclusion can we draw from the last paragraph?
A.Sticking to reading isn’t easy.
B.Reading aloud isn’t actually simple.
C.Reading can benefit children easily.
D.Kids should try to change the world.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市部分区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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7 . Community Development Projects Overseas

The aim of Community Development projects abroad in Temple Conservation, DIY and more is to improve poorer local communities. You can do them as part of your work experience, gap year or career break. Or just as a volunteering holiday.

South Africa

Time: 1st, March-31st, May 2022

Registration fee: $65

Maintenance/Handyman/DIY skills, this project would love to have you! The project is truly unique... you will assist an Animal Rehabilitation Center that desperately needs any help it can get and you will be benefiting the animals at the same time! And, of course, the location is very unusual.

Sri Lanka:

Time: 1st, May-31st, July 2022

Registration fee: Free

Buddhist Temple Repair and Construction Project in Kand. Rebuild and repair Buddhist temple in and around Kandy. This unique and fascinating project offers an opportunity to learn about Sri Lanka n construction using traditional manual methods, without using modern machines. Work includes construction, repairing temples, cleaning in and around temples, interacting with children and villagers and helping the temples arrange Community Centers for the village youths. You will also assist with the repair of paintings and sculptures inside the temples.


Time: 1st, October-31st, December, 2022

Registration fee: $120

Community Healthcare and Medical Project in Gweru gain basic medical experience in local clinics and play a role in HIV/AIDS education and awareness. You will be able to get involved in not only this clinic but others in the nearby areas. as well. You do not need to be qualified in any particular area. You will work with children from the ages of 3 to 6 years. It is a very worthwhile, enjoyable placement.

1. What can we know about Community Development project?
A.They can improve poorer local communities.
B.They bring you a chance to travel abroad.
C.They can make you understand foreign countries well.
D.They can make you more experienced in your future work.
2. Which of the following is needed in South Africa?
A.People with rich travelling experience.
B.People who are experienced in painting.
C.People with experience in treating AIDS.
D.People with experience of caring for animals.
3. How will the temple repair be done in Sri Lanka?
A.It will be directed by experienced expert.
B.The repair work can only be done by hand.
C.All work will be done through modern machines.
D.The construction workers do not have to be experienced.
4. What is the project of Zimbabwe aimed at?
A.Health and medicine.
B.Food and environments.
C.Animals and resources.
D.The community and education.
5. What is the similarity of these three projects?
A.They all require some fees.
B.They all require particular experience.
C.They all need the same length of working time.
D.They all need you to be good at foreign languages.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市部分区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。多年来,火星一直被视为一个干燥、没有生命的星球,但是越来越多的证据表明情况并非一直如此。科学家弗朗西斯科·萨莱斯(Francesco Salese)和他的团队对其进行了研究。

8 . There is growing evidence to show that our past knowledge about Mars was not always the case. Now European researchers say they have discovered the first evidence of a huge groundwater system that once existed below the planet’s surface.

A new study was carried out by Francesco Salese and his team, who studied images of 24 deep craters (n.弹坑) in the northern half of the Red Planet. These pictures were captured by ESA’s Mars Express orbiter (n.宇宙飞船), which was launched in 2003. The study provides the first geological proof that Mars once had a “planet-wide groundwater system.”

According to Salese, scientific evidence already suggests Mars was once a watery world. His team says the images showed that large amounts of successive groundwater activity connected the areas they studied. Evidence of basins and coastlines was also found on the surface of Mars, supporting the idea that water was once present. He added that all the basins seemed to reach about the same height.

Scientists have yet to find out what happened to all that water. And the complex history of water on Mars has linked to whether or not life ever existed on it. During the latest study, researchers also discovered evidence of minerals within some of the identified (adj.被识别的) bodies of water.

The researchers say the findings adds weight to the idea that the water basins on Mars may have once held the materials required to support life. Some of this material could still be buried on Mars, providing possible evidence of life during future exploration. Francesco Salese believes the latest findings could also help us learn new things about our own planet.

1. What can we infer about our past knowledge of Mars?
A.It had no water.
B.It had no groundwater.
C.It had a great groundwater system.
D.It had water on the surface of the planet.
2. Where can you find the evidence that Mars once had a “planet-wide groundwater system”?
A.In paragraph 3.B.In paragraph 2.
C.In paragraph 1.D.In paragraph 4.
3. Which of the following best explains “successive” underlined in paragraph 3?
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Evidence of water on Mars enables us learn new things about the earth
B.Our past knowledge about Mars was incorrect.
C.Evidence of life could be revealed by the discovery of water on Mars.
D.The ever existence of groundwater system on Mars was discovered.
今日更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Health, as the old saying goes, is over wealth, so it’s of great significance to keep fit. You can take away our money, our house, or our clothes and we can survive.     1     That is why I eat healthfully, exercise regularly, and keep up my social life.

Eating healthfully is important to maintain one’s health. I try to avoid foods high in fat like French fries or cookies. I also try to limit the amount of animal protein I consume.     2     So, it is important to know how to cook these foods so that the nutrients are not lost in the cooking process.

Our muscles must continue to be strong to support our body as we age. Exercise helps the bones build density and helps us maintain our posture.     3     A regular exercise program of cardiovascular training and weight training is an important part of keeping us healthy.

    4     Studies have shown that people with a wide range of social contacts get fewer colds and recover faster from diseases than those who aren’t socially active. For the sake of health, I like to play and interact with my friends and I always feel better when I am with them than when I am alone.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at an appropriate weight and can maintain my health. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy.     5    

A.It can also strengthen our muscles.
B.Take away our health and we will die.
C.Friends are an important part of one’s health.
D.These are my three secrets to keeping a healthy lifestyle.
E.Besides, I always stay away from junk food which lacks nutrients.
F.By joining in relaxing activities, I can refresh myself to study well.
G.Instead, I eat lots of vegetables and fruit which are rich in fiber and vitamins.
今日更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市博罗县2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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10 . The Global Food Donation Policy Atlas has issued a recent report in order to recommend ways to increase food donations, reduce food waste, and fight hunger, which may help Kenyan leaders meet 2030 food waste reduction goals.

Food donation can reroute eatable food — that would otherwise give off greenhouse gasses in a landfill — to those experiencing hunger. According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, 3.5 million Kenyans, roughly 37 percent of the population, face severe hunger. At the same time, the Policy Atlas reports roughly 40 percent of food produced within Kenya goes to waste. But Broad Leib, Deputy Director of Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC), sees some promising changes. “While progress is not happening as quickly as needed, Kenya’s food loss index has been steadily reduced from 1,744 metric tons in 2017, to 1,531 in 2018, to 1,446 metric tons in 2019, indicating a steady improvement and national commitment to food loss reduction,” reports Broad Leib.

According to the Policy Atlas, motivating food donation with rewards is particularly important, which helps food donors and food recovery organizations make up for costs necessary for recovery, storing, processing, and transporting food for donation.

“A major driver of food waste is inconsistent or unclear date labels that cause confusion among all actors along the value chain and limit the ability of businesses to donate food. This increases the likelihood that much safe food will go to waste,” Broad Leib tells Food Tank. However, he acknowledges Kenya’s current dual (双的) date labeling laws. While food may lose its freshness over time, it is still edible before expiration (到期). Dual date labeling on packaged foods reduces confusion by defining dates for both safety and quality. This helps reduce considerable waste and responsibility for donors.

Broad Leib believes that the private sector can also play a significant role in decreasing food waste in Kenya. It is vital for consumer education campaigns. FLPC’s research shows that public-private initiatives can help raise awareness among consumers and donors around issues of food waste and food donation.

1. What changes does Broad Leib see?
A.Kenya is not committed to reducing food loss.
B.Progress in reducing food waste is happening quickly.
C.People in Kenya no longer suffer hunger.
D.Kenya has gradually reduced its food waste.
2. What does the underlined word “edible” mean in Paragraph 4?
3. How can Kenya reduce food waste according to Broad Leib?
A.By reducing food produced within the country.
B.By using double date labeling on packaged food.
C.By increasing storehouses.
D.By fighting hunger with rewards.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Only the private sector is helpful in reducing food waste.
B.Bro ad Leib doesn’t agree with FLPC on food waste reduction.
C.Private and public joint efforts matter around food issues.
D.Consumer education campaigns are the most important.
今日更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省高州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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