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1 . Somewhere in the sky, lightning is forming. Although the possibility of getting struck in your lifetime is roughly 1 in 12,000, a human does provide an attractive target for lightning bolts (闪电). Here’s what you should expect if you ever find yourself in the path of lightning.

A lot can happen in the three milliseconds it takes for a lightning bolt to course through your body. Lightning strikes may leave you with deep wounds, often accompanied with third degree burns. Your clothes might even be torn by the explosive force of the surrounding air being superheated to up to 27,700 ℃. Blood vessels (血管) exploding from the electric shock and heat often create something called a Lichtenberg figure on your skin. This is a pattern of scars (伤疤) that branches out across your body like a tree.

But it doesn’t end there. You might also be faced with a lifetime of neurological (神经系统的) conditions for reasons that scientists still don’t fully understand. It’s also possible that you will suffer from pain.

In some cases, however, a lightning strike can lead to strange super talents. In a blog post, University of Miami neuroscientist Berit Brogaard writes about an incident where a surgeon who was struck by lightning developed an urge to learn to play the piano. He began to compose music he had started hearing in his head since the strike. This type of phenomenon confuses scientists.

One theory that Brogaard says is that cell death caused by being struck by lightning could cause a one-time flooding of the brain with neurotransmitters (神经递质) that are released from the dying neurons (神经元). This causes a rewiring of neurons, providing access to areas of the brain that were previously inaccessible.

Cool as it would be, you shouldn’t count on lightning turning you into a genius in one flash. Most of its results are painful, and could stay with you for the rest of your life.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.1 in 12,000 may die from lightning bolts.
B.Lightning attacks can heat bodies to 27,700℃.
C.Branching scars are typical after lightning attacks.
D.Humans are the most likely target for lightning bolts.
2. What happened to the surgeon after the strike?
A.His unexplored brain areas were activated.
B.His brain was left in a fixed state of death.
C.He suffered a lifetime of neurological pain.
D.He recalled hidden memories about music.
3. What does the underlined word “This” refer to in paragraph 5?
A.The cell death due to lightning strikes.
B.The flooding of brain’s neurotransmitters.
C.The rewiring of brain neurons.
D.The release of dying neurons.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The process of lightning formation.
B.The chances of surviving a lightning strike.
C.The possibility of lightning making a genius.
D.The consequences of being struck by lightning.
今日更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南京市高三上学期第一次学情调研英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇应用文。短文介绍了一款应用程序——Be My Eyes。
2 .

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1. What is the aim of Be My Eyes?
A.To explore new video and AI applications.B.To promote global communication.
C.To facilitate help for the visually challenged.D.To increase the sales of official goods.
2. Adopting Be My AI, businesses can ______.
A.tailor products to customers’ needsB.improve efficiency at a lower cost
C.gain more experienced specialistsD.conduct automatic team training
3. What can readers do to support Be My Eyes?
A.Purchase its service.B.Spread native languages.
C.Upload live video.D.Recommend the app.
今日更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南京市高三上学期第一次学情调研英语试题
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3 . Always the outsider?

One of the things I used to fear was being the new girl in the office — in the kitchen making coffee while the in-crowd chatted about the weekend. I worried that I wasn’t good enough or smart enough.     1     I’d struggle for words while trying to look cool. Back at school, I was best friends with Kate and Cathy until we had to walk across the road in twos, and guess who was left out? I’ve always been the outsider from school days to office life. Or is that the story I have told myself?

As in so many areas of life, the only thing you can control is your response. I remind myself of what Eleanor Roosevelt said:     2     The only person making me feel like an outsider is me. These are the lessons I have learned along the way:

●Starting anywhere new, you just have to find your people, the ones that get you.     3     It’s OK to take your time and figure out if you’re the right fit for each other. Have faith that you will find the right people for you.

●Very often it’s our belief systems that tell us we don’t fit in. We are replaying the stories from childhood and need to rewrite the script (剧本).     4     When are you assuming that you’ll be on your own? What fears are you projecting onto yourself?

●Practice self-acceptance. Remind yourself that it’s OK to have a different way of operating in the world.

    5     Sometimes, interactions with random strangers can help us feel more confident in all our relationships. For example, volunteering can make us feel connected and give us a sense of belonging.

A.Don’t charge into friendships, though.
B.Start noticing your patterns of mentality.
C.If I was asked a question, panic would set in.
D.No one can make you feel lower without your agreement.
E.The feeling of being an outsider would force me to shut up.
F.Try doing something to take yourself out of your comfort zone.
G.We all feel a little lost and awkward sometimes — you’re not the only one.
今日更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南京市高三上学期第一次学情调研英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要说明了莫霍克语Kanien’ keha已经濒临灭绝,为了保护这种语言McComber寻求社会的支持和帮助,建立了Kohanga Reo模式。

4 . In the heart of the Kanien’keha Nation (卡尼恩克哈部族) in Canada, McComber, a native language teacher reflected on a question raised by Maori (毛利) language advocate Sir Karetu: what was his dream for the future of his language?

Kanien’keha, the Mohawk language, is endangered, and for decades, McComber has worked hard to operate a native language school. At the turn of the century, as it encountered more barriers, McComber looked around the world for help and inspiration, and Karetu was the answer. “Don’t wait for money or approval; just do the work,” Karetu told him. It’s the same message Karetu carried with him decades ago, when te reo Maori, the Maori language, was also on the line.

In the early 1970s, young Maori advocates in New Zealand marched to the government, demanding Maori be taught in all public schools. In 1982, Dame Iritana Tawhiwhirangi established Kohanga Reo, an engaging language program where Maori was the only language taught, spoken and used both in the classroom and at home, and the courses focused on their history and culture. “Grandparents became teachers,” she says. “The difference-maker was that the Kohanga Reo was entirely community-led. Families raised the money to rent classroom spaces, and volunteers planned and taught classes.”

Translated in English as “language nest”, the Kohanga Reo model quickly became an important cultural export and inspired other minority communities worldwide. “Our parents ruled,” a student of McComber’s nest school says, “They wanted to teach us the beauty of our language, our culture, and who we are. And it has given me the confidence to speak and read with ease in both English and Kanien’keha.”

The model helped communities view the world through their ancestors’ eyes, ensuring the survival of their way of life. “It’s not just about language,” McComber can now answer that question. “It’s everything.”

1. Why did McComber turn to Karetu for help?
A.Karetu also spoke Kanien’keha.B.Karetu once faced a similar crisis.
C.He needed his financial support.D.He desired his tips on language learning.
2. What contributed to the success of Kohanga Reo?
A.Expansion of public schools.B.Flexibility of the courses.
C.Rule of the students’ parents.D.Support from the community.
3. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The impact of the Kohanga Reo model.B.The importance of parents’ involvement.
C.The procedure for building the nest school.D.The case of a student finding his real identity.
4. By saying “It’s everything”, McComber suggests ______.
A.guaranteeing the survival of their own schoolsB.keeping their culture for future generations
C.purifying their unique minority languageD.practicing the tradition of their ancestors
今日更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南京市高三上学期第一次学情调研英语试题
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5 . Can you think of someone who is an excellent communicator? He must have good skills of speaking confidently in various situations, including presentations, group discussions and activities. Also, he should be good at listening to others, understanding group dynamics, and promoting shared decision-making.

Research on classroom-based group work reveals a paradox (悖论): while cooperative learning can be highly effective, merely placing children in groups often proves unproductive. The solution lies in teaching children how to cooperate effectively. Teachers play a crucial role in this process through their interaction with students.

To ensure effective group work, teachers must first raise students’ awareness of the purpose and value of group activities. More importantly, they need to teach students how to engage in reasoned discussions, known as Exploratory Talk. This involves considering everyone’s viewpoints, justifying opinions with reasons, and making collective decisions. In Exploratory Talk, participants engage critically but constructively with each other’s ideas, invite contributions, and seek further explanations.

Successful cooperation requires a reasoned discussion, which can be facilitated by establishing a set of “Ground Rules” for Exploratory Talk. These rules guide behaviors such as asking for information, seeking and providing reasons, and evaluating proposals. Ground Rules help children work towards joint conclusions, respect opinions, and develop their ideas. For instance, children learn to ask, “What do you think? Why?” and listen attentively to each other’s responses, reaching reasoned conclusions.

Exploratory Talk enhances group activities as a powerful learning tool. Certain activities, like Talking Points, are particularly effective in stimulating such discussions. Talking Points are inspiring statements designed to encourage children to share their knowledge and uncertainties on a specific topic. Research indicates that Talking Points bring about more imaginative and extensive responses than traditional questions. They help children focus on the topic and compare their viewpoints with others. As they discuss, children realize that their ideas can develop with new evidence and that classmates are valuable resources for new thinking. With proper guidance, the students will soon begin to see their ideas flowing. And gradually they will learn to participate fully not only in education but also in life as well.

1. What may help solve the group work paradox?
A.Active interaction among teachers.B.Group learning among students.
C.Teachers’ effective guidance.D.Students’ deep engagement.
2. Why should Ground Rules be set for the students?
A.To popularize group activities.B.To build up their individuality.
C.To stimulate more proposals.D.To encourage reasoning in talks.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Students should be challenged with uncertainties.
B.Traditional questions should be avoided in classes.
C.Well-designed brainstorming matters in group activities.
D.Idea exchanges between the students deserve top priority.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Why putting children in groups doesn’t always work
B.What effects a good communicator has on discussion
C.Whether teachers should use Exploratory Talk or not
D.Where students’ participation in activities should go
今日更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南京市高三上学期第一次学情调研英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The estimated number of monarch butterflies migrating (迁徙) to Mexico for winter has reached its second - lowest level ever for the 2023 to 2024 overwintering season. The estimate, based on the size of the butterflies’ hibernating forest area, has dropped by about 59% from the previous year, according to officials.

Experts are pointing to extensive heat and drought as well as climate change for the major decline. Now monarch butterflies face three primary threats, including habitat loss for their breeding and overwintering; the use of pesticides, which can be toxic (有毒的) to the butterflies or can kill their food source, milkweed; and climate change, which can shift their migratory patterns. By the 2022 to 2023 overwintering season, World Wildlife Fund reported a 22% drop in the amount of overwintering monarch butterflies in Mexico.

According to WWF, monarch butterflies once covered about 45 acres of forested land in Mexico during their 1996 to 1997 overwintering season. Last year, they covered 5.5 acres. With the 59% decline, the 2023 overwintering season saw the butterflies covering just 2.2 acres, The Associated Press reported. The lowest coverage ever recorded was 1.65 acres from 2013 to 2014. The largest amount of butterflies observed for the current overwintering season were around the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve.

“This is not the first time we’ve observed changes in the locations of the largest monarch colonies,” Jorge Rickards, general director of WWF Mexico, said in a statement. “It’s telling us that we need to strengthen conservation and restoration measures not only in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, but also outside of it.” According to the Center for Biological Diversity, monarch butterflies have declined by 85% in the past 20 years. The eastern monarch butterflies migrate from Canada and the U. S. to Mexico for overwintering. Western monarchs, which overwinter in California, have declined 99% in the past two decades.

In 2020, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service noted that these butterflies do warrant protections under the Endangered Species Act, but there were higher-priority species to consider for listing. Biologist Ryan Drum, who works with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, told The Associated Press that the latest count would be considered this year when officials consider whether to list migratory monarch butterflies as threatened or even endangered.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.More butterflies are migrating to Mexico.
B.The number of butterflies is getting larger.
C.The size of forest area is decreasing faster.
D.Monarch butterflies are facing survival crisis.
2. How does the author show us the gravity of the problem concerning monarch butterflies?
A.By listing concrete numbers.
B.By describing typical scenes.
C.By interviewing some scientists.
D.By making reasonable predictions.
3. What does Jorge Rickards suggest people do?
A.Increase the number of the butterfly reserves.
B.Observe the changing number of the butterflies.
C.Take more actions to protect the butterflies.
D.Distinguish eastern butterflies from western ones.
4. What does the underlined word “warrant” mean in the last paragraph?
7日内更新 | 130次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市崇川区高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题
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7 . Eiffel Tower Tour by the Lift

Standing tall at 1,063 feet, the Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark in Paris. Being a popular tourist destination, thousands of people come to explore the beauty of the Eiffel Tower every day.

The day of your visit

Each e - ticket bears the name of its owner. Remember to bring ID for all of your group, including children. We may ask to see your ID, as well as any supporting documents for reduced rates (disability registration).

Make sure you check the time on your e - ticket. This is the time when you need to be on the esplanade, in a queue for “visitors with tickets”. We recommend arriving 15 minutes in advance so that you have time to make it through the security checks at the entrance.

Eiffel tower ticket prices

Ticket with lift — Second floorAdultsYouths
(aged 12-24)
(aged 4-11)
(under 4)

Ticket with lift — The top floorAdultsYouths
(aged 12-24)
(aged 4-11)
(under 4)

All the prices can be found on the e - tickets.

Carry minimal belongings

The Eiffel Tower does not have a locker room, so you will have to carry your belongings with you during the entirety of your visit. When you are caught in awe, it’s easy for eagle-eyed opportunists to do their tricks. Be mindful and carry minimal belongings such as your wallet, tickets, ID proof, and a water bottle. There is no left-luggage facility for non-permitted items, like wheeled suitcases, large luggage, non-folding buggies (童车) at the Eiffel Tower.

1. Which of the following may not be shown on the e- ticket?
A.The visitor’s name.B.The visiting time.
C.The reduced rate.D.The ticket price.
2. What’s the charge for a couple with twins aged 8 who take the lift to the top?
3. What should you know when visiting the Eiffel Tower?
A.Caution can help avoid theft.
B.Drinks can’t be taken in the lift.
C.Your bag can be kept in a locker.
D.Folding buggies are not allowed.
7日内更新 | 132次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市崇川区高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题
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8 . A modern problem of the outdoor lifestyle is how to keep your devices powered. Battery packs are one option, but they have limited use and can be rather heavy. The team at Aurea Technologies has come to the rescue with the Shine Turbine, a lightweight wind-powered turbine (涡轮机) that offers renewable energy to outdoor enthusiasts who need to re charge electronic devices.

Last year, the Shine Turbine launched a campaign that was fully funded in a matter of hours, highlighting the level of interest in this innovative product. Designed in Nova Scotia, Canada, the turbine weighs in at just three pounds and is about the size of a water bottle for easy pack-and-go accessibility. While out backpacking or working remotely, the Shine Turbine takes just a few minutes to set up. There are no loose pieces to worry about losing while you f old out the high-efficiency blades and place the turbine on the retractable stand (可伸缩支架). Everything you need is stored inside the container.

This clean energy option also has battery storage, so you can charge your devices as the wind blows. Then you can take it with you for more charging later. It can also be pre - charged before you head out using a standard wall outlet.

“Wind is the second-largest producer of clean energy in the world, yet most people don’t have direct access to it. As a team of outdoor enthusiasts with backgrounds in science and engineering, we set out to create a wind power product that gives users the freedom to produce their own clean energy day or night, rain, cloud, or shine,” said Cat Adalay, CEO and founder of Aurea Technologies.

The portable design makes it convenient to use for day trip s to the beach or mountains, camping trips or as an emergency backup. “To live sustainably (可持续地), we need to rethink the ways in which we create and use energy,” added Adalay. “The simplicity of our design, two-minute setup, and ability to rapidly generate and store power, does just that. It’s a game-changer in allowing people to access wind energy in the wind.”

1. What can we learn about the Shine Turbine from the text?
A.It is intelligent and works efficiently.B.It is user- friendly but expensive to buy.
C.It is sustainable and convenient to carry.D.It is cost- effective but breaks down easily.
2. What kind of people might need the Shine Turbine most according to the text?
A.Emergency rescuers.B.Sea surfboarders.
C.Rock- climbing lovers.D.Geological explorers.
3. Why do the researchers create the Shine Turbine?
A.Their product obtains financial support.B.They want to gain direct access to wind.
C.They attempt to prevent global warming.D.Their desired life promotes green rethink.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Wind: the world’s second clean energy.B.Aurea Technologies: innovative pioneers
C.The Shine Turbine: a green power productD.Outdoor lovers: environment campaigners
7日内更新 | 147次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市崇川区高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了第一位在美国获得医学学位的非裔美国女性Rebecca Lee Crumpler的从医经历。

9 . As the first African American woman to receive a medical degree in America, Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler challenged the prejudice that prevented African Americans and women from following medical careers.

Born in 1831 in Christiana, Delaware, Crumpler spent her childhood in Pennsylvania with an aunt, who frequently cared for sick neighbors, and Crumpler went with her on these trips. In her book published in 1883, Crumpler wrote, “Having been raised by a kind aunt, whose usefulness to the sick was continually sought, I early developed a liking for medicine, and sought every opportunity to be in a position to relieve the sufferings of others.”

In 1852, Crumpler moved to Charlestown, Massachusetts, to begin her medical career as a nurse. In the early 1850s, there was no formal school where one could become licensed to practice nursing. Even so, Crumpler assisted several doctors in Boston for eight years. They in turn supported her application to the New England Female Medical College, where she was awarded a state- funded scholarship.

Crumpler worked hard at her studies but had to take a leave of absence after two years to attend to her sick husband, who unfortunately passed away in 1863. Months later, Crumpler returned to complete her final term but was nearly refused after some faculty members (教员) expressed worry regarding the amount of time it was taking her to complete her coursework and were hesitant to let her come back. Luckily, with several of the school’s sponsors supporting her, Crumpler finally received a “Doctress of Medicine” from college, and began seeing patients in and around her house, treating them regardless of their ability to pay.

In 1883, Dr. Crumpler published a book based on journal notes she kept during her years of practice. A Book of Medical Discourses, specifically aimed at women and the care of their children, is believed to be the first medical text written by an African American author. Scientific American describes it as the forerunner of the famous What to Expect When You’ re Expecting (1984).

1. What inspired Crumpler to take up medicine?
A.The influence of her aunt.B.The desire to help the poor.
C.Her family’s encouragement.D.The doctors’ financial support.
2. Which of the following can best describe Crumpler?
A.Humorous and easygoing.B.Caring and determined.
C.Adventurous and sensitive.D.Optimistic and honest.
3. Why did some teachers attempt to reject Crumpler’s returning to school?
A.Her family couldn’t afford her education.B.She failed to follow the school regulations.
C.They felt negative about her determination.D.They doubted her ability to finish her study.
4. What do people think of Crumpler’s book according to the last paragraph?
A.Inspiring but unrealistic.B.Accessible and interesting.
C.Educational but complicated.D.Groundbreaking and practical.
7日内更新 | 143次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南通市崇川区高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题
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10 . Electric vehicles (EVs) are a strong weapon in the world's efforts against global warming. But the effects of EVs depend on what country you are in. In some nations, electric vehicles lead to the release of more carbon gasses than gasoline cars, new research shows.

The Radiant Energy Group (REG) compared gas emissions caused by a gasoline vehicle and from charging an electric vehicle. The study compared the emissions caused by charging a Tesla Model 3 to drive 100 kilometers with the emissions coming from an average gasoline car driven the same distance.

Countries where charging an electric vehicle is cleaner than driving a gasoline-powered car use a lot of hydroelectric, nuclear or solar power.

Sales of electric cars are rising the fastest in Europe. Data from REG suggests that EVs in Poland and Kosovo actually create more carbon emissions because their electric systems depend so much on coal.

In other European countries, however, EVs result in reduced emissions. The carbon gas reduction depends on what energy supplies electricity systems and the time of day vehicles are charged.

The countries with the biggest carbon gas savings from EVs use a lot of nuclear and hydroelectric power. An EV driver in Germany reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent over a gasoline car. Germany uses a mix of renewable energy and coal to produce electricity.

Germany and Spain create a lot of electricity from the sun and wind. But the sun and wind do not add to a country's electricity system equally throughout the day.

For this reason, the amount of carbon emissions saved by driving an EV depends on the time of day it is being charged. Charging in the afternoon, when there is more sun and wind, saves 16 to 18 percent more carbon than at night when electricity systems are more likely to be using gas or coal.

Automakers including General Motors, Stellantis and Volkswagen have set targets to sell mainly electric vehicles in Europe in the coming years. U.S. car manufacturer General Motors said it will have all new electric cars by 2022.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The amount of carbon emissions saved by EVs depends on the source of electricity used for charging.
B.Charging EVs during daylight hours with renewable energy sources can cause more carbon savings.
C.The time of day when EVs are charged can significantly affect their carbon footprint.
D.General Motors plans to sell only gasoline-powered cars by 2022 in the United States.
2. What can be inferred from the fact that car manufacturers like General Motors, Stellantis, and Volkswagen have set targets to sell mainly electric vehicles in Europe?
A.The demand for EVs in Europe is expected to decrease in the near future.
B.These manufacturers believe that EVs will become the norm in Europe in the coming years.
C.Europe has banned the sale of gasoline-powered cars entirely.
D.These manufacturers are not confident in the long-term viability of EVs.
3. Based on the information in the passage, which of the following is a potential challenge for the widespread adoption of EVs?
A.The limited range of EVs compared to gasoline-powered cars.
B.The high initial cost of EVs compared to traditional vehicles.
C.The inconsistency of renewable energy sources for EV charging.
D.The lack of charging stations in rural areas.
4. Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?
A.The Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging.
B.The Global Shift to Electric Vehicle Adoption.
C.The Economics of Electric Vehicle Ownership.
D.The Future of Renewable Energy in Automobiles.
7日内更新 | 106次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市第一中学2024届高三上学期暑期阶段性测试英语试题
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