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文章大意:本文一篇新闻报道。文章报道了印度“湖泊侠”Anand Malligavad致力于恢复湖泊的清洁。他通过采用古老技术,成功恢复了多个湖泊,创建了非营利组织,为解决班加罗尔的水资源短缺问题贡献力量。

1 . Anand Malligavad, known as the “Lake Man” in India, is a mechanical engineer from Bengaluru. He has spent his life studying ancient techniques for keeping lakes clean. Maligavad has successfully restored many lakes, covering a total surface area of 800 acres. These lakes now hold 106 million gallons (加仑) of water, and the groundwater level in those regions has increased by eight feet.

It was in 2017, and he was out for a walk with colleagues when he fell into a smelly, dirty lake. He remembered from his childhood that this was once a clean lake. The very next day, he asked his company if they would help fund the restoration of the 36 acre lake. However, they were uncertain whether Malligavad could do this. Determined to succeed, Malligavad took it upon himself to study the history of the lake and familiarize himself with various lake restoration methods. Four months later, Malligavad received funding from his company, which enabled him to start working on this project in the city of Bengaluru.

With the aid of hundreds of volunteers, they removed the waste and opened the channels. Malligavad then adopted the ancient Chola method to build mud walls that channel the extra rainwater into the lakes for agricultural use. It took them just 45 days and then they waited for the rains. Six months later, when the rainy season came, he was out boating on a fresh, clean lake. “When I saw the lake, I felt younger, and I wanted to jump into it,” Malligavad said.

Since this first win, Malligavad has not stopped. He created a non-profit organization called The Lake Revivers Collective. “All I have is a sense of urgency that if we don’t repair the damage we’ve already caused,” he said, “it’s going to end badly for all of us. Water shortage is a major problem in Bengaluru. Water tankers must drive in to meet the population’s needs.” His methods help to solve the problem, and even attract wildlife.

1. Why is Malligavad probably called the “Lake Man” in India?
A.He is good at boating on lakes.
B.He is devoted to recovering lakes.
C.He completed many lake adventures.
D.He created new ways of cleaning up lakes.
2. How did Malligavad respond to his company’s doubt?
A.By doing lake research to win support.
B.By seeking help from other companies.
C.By discontinuing the restoration project.
D.By making the lake’s history well known.
3. What words can best describe the approach applied in Bengaluru?
A.Creative but costly.B.Practical and fruitful.
C.Traditional but outdated.D.Challenging and dissatisfying.
4. What inspired Malligavad to start the non-profit organization?
A.His desire to fund water tankers.
B.His passion for wildlife protection.
C.The wish to attract public attention.
D.The serious lack of water resources.
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2 . A recent scientific report says that more than one-fifth of the world’s reptiles (爬行动物) are at the risk of dying out.

Reptiles are cold-blooded, which means their bodies have the same temperature as the around them, Examples of reptiles include animals like snakes, lizards, and crocodiles.

The study is the first worldwide measurement of how threatened different species of reptiles are. For 15 years, between 2007 and 2022, researchers collected information on over 10,000 different kinds of reptiles. The new report has revealed some unhappy news — 21% of all reptile species are in danger of extinction. That’s over 1,800 species in all. The study reported that at least 31 species of reptiles have already gone extinct.

The main reason why these reptiles are faced with extinction is that humans are taking over more and more of their habitat. More land continues to be cleared to make room for cities and towns. Large areas of land are also being cleared so that they can be used as farmland. Logging — cutting down trees for wood — is another big threat to reptile habitat.

When we talk about reptiles, many people may think of hot, dry areas. But some of the most endangered reptiles live in forests. The new study reports that 30% of reptile species that live in forests are at the risk of dying out. Turtles and crocodiles are among the most threatened reptiles — 60% of turtle species and 50% of crocodile species are at the risk of extinction.

Similar worldwide studies were made of birds, mammals, and amphibians (两栖动物) more than ten years ago. The authors of the report say it is harder to collect the money needed to study reptiles. They believe that’s because furry (覆盖皮毛的) or feathery animals like mammals and birds are more popular with most people.

Scientists say that the good news is that we know what must be done to protect reptiles. Bruce Young, one of the leaders of the study, says, “We have all the tools we need.” Protecting natural areas, especially rain forests, is at the top of the list.

1. What should be responsible for the loss of reptile habitat according to Para, 4?
A.Changes in agricultural practices.B.Environmental pollution.
C.Climate change.D.Human activities.
2. What is the most endangered reptile species?
A.Snake species.B.Lizard species.
C.Crocodile species.D.Turtle species.
3. Why is it more difficult to raise money to study reptiles?
A.They are less popular than furry or feathery animals
B.Most people are not aware that they are endangered.
C.It is much more expensive to do research on them.
D.It is much harder to find and observe them.
4. What is the theme of the text?
A.Reptiles have their own way of living in their habitat.
B.Many reptile species are at the risk of going extinct.
C.Many reptile species are protected by a lot of laws.
D.Reptiles play an important role in an ecosystem.
2024-06-26更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省酒泉市高三下学期三模英语试题
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3 . A 2,800-year-old Chinese bronze item that had gone missing after being stolen 40 years ago was recently returned to its motherland, which is an example of relic protection cooperation between China and the United States, the National Cultural Heritage Administration announced on Wednesday. The bronze vessel, named Feng Xingshu Gui, was believed to have been crafted during the last century of the Western Zhou Dynasty (11th century BC to 771 BC).

The vessel, which is 18 centimeters high’ and 2l cm in diameter and weighs about 6 kilograms, is a large bowl that has double handles, The treasure was flown from San Francisco and arrived in Beijing on Jan 28, A team of organized experts took a close look at the artifact (历史文物) the next day. Based on its comprehensive analysis of the vessel’s artistic patterns, materials, decorative arts and inscriptions (铭文), as well as old photos and historical files that were used for reference, the team confirmed that the repatriated item was the original Feng Xingshu Gui, a top-level cultural relic of China.

An inscription cast in the inside part of the vessel says it was “crafted by Xingshu (a nobleman) of the Feng state, dedicated to his wife, Boji, and is a treasure for all his generations to come”.

In 1978, the bronze vessel was dug out from a cellar (地下室) in Fufeng county of Baoji, Shaanxi province. It was later housed in a local museum, but on Nov 5,1984, it was stolen by thieves, and where it had gone remained unknown. Since the theft 40 years ago, China had never given up looking for it, said Li Qun, director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration.

Decades later, when Raymond King, an entrepreneur based in Portland in the US state of Oregon, was helping his mother clear out old belongings in her New York apartment, little did they realize that a bronze vessel among other antiques was the long-lost treasure. However, King discovered its origin last year when he invited a researcher at Sotheby’s auction (拍卖) house to look at his mother’s collection, The next day he was told the bronze had been stolen from China. “My grandfather got it from a dealer... and then gave it to my mother,” King said, “We had no idea when or for how much it was bought, but once we understood it was stolen, my mom’s reaction was just, ‘Give it back,’”

1. What is the possible meaning of the underlined word “repatriated” in Paragraph 2?
A.Brought back.B.Put away.C.Looked over.D.Picked out.
2. What can be learned about the vessel?
A.The vessel was stored in a cellar for 8 years after being dug out.
B.The vessel was made for a nobleman’s daughter.
C.The vessel was sold to a businessman in 1978.
D.The vessel disappeared from a local museum.
3. How did the bronze vessel end up being owned by King’s mother?
A.Her son took it from China.B.She got it from her father.
C.She bought it from a dealer.D.Her son acquired it at an auction.
4. What is a suitable title for the news report?
A.Lost relic happens to have been discovered in US
B.Return of relic from US to China a sign of friendship
C.How 2,800-year-old Chinese bronze item goes missing
D.Why bronze ritual vessel believed to have been crafted
2024-06-24更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省酒泉市高三下学期三模英语试题
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4 . Quiet Parks International (QPI) have got every reason to award Quiet Trail to the Niobrara National Scenic River this year, making it the other Quiet Trail in the world after Cuifeng Lake Trail, Taiwan. Kalli Kieborz, Director of Niobrara Council, received the award for their assistance in managing and protecting its natural resources, including natural quiet, since 1997.

This Award concluded a two-year process that included exploring the full length of the river to collect qualitative and quantitative acoustic (听觉的) data. Gordon Hempton, cofounder of QPI, stated, “Our testing process is very exact. Beyond collecting standard acoustic data, each team member must agree unhesitatingly that natural quiet existed throughout the testing period. The river’s splendid geologic landscape, unusual atmospheric conditions and outstanding wildlife all contributed to a positive outcome.”

The Niobrara River is notable for its beauty, ecological importance, and recreational appeal in the northern Great Plains, U.S.. Six major ecosystems meet in the Niobrara National Scenic River valley, resulting in a special mix of more than 160 plant and animal species. “It is filled with unique, even one-of-a-kind opportunities for the curious and adventurous visitors,” said John Ricks, Nebraska Tourism director.

“97% of the U.S. population faces noise pollution from sources like flights and highways. In fact, the more quiet we have, the more we can see and hear about the world, so we are thrilled to be able to offer it at Niobrara National Scenic River. From a quiet starry night to peaceful natural escapes, it uncovers what cannot be enjoyed in many other places,” stated Susan Cook, another director.

Areas like the Niobrara National Scenic River offer an opportunity to showcase quiet, unspoiled areas in a noisy world. Today, as people’s life is overloaded with noise, the intentional seeking-out of quiet areas is on the rise and with it, the opportunity to engage new travelers in visiting the beautiful, yet still largely hidden treasure of the wild.

1. Which of the following best describes the testing process?
2. What is a consequence of ecosystems meeting in the valley?
A.Ecology imbalance.B.Biodiversity enrichment.
C.Species competition.D.Tourism boost.
3. What does Susan Cook highlight in paragraph 4?
A.The joy of winning the award.B.The outcome of noise pollution.
C.The activities of enjoying quiet.D.The value of natural quiet.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To call on efforts to reconnect with nature.
B.To inform the recognition of a quiet river.
C.To display the challenges of protecting ecosystem.
D.To stress the need to escape busyness of modern life.
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文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了Anson L. Clark学者项目,包括其历史、时间安排、费用、研究领域及申请资格等详细信息,旨在为高中生提供高端暑期研究机会。

5 . Anson L. Clark Scholars Program

If you’re a high school student looking for research opportunities, it doesn’t get much better than the Anson L. Clark Scholars Program. This well-known research program has a selection rate of less than 3% and only 12 high school juniors or seniors are selected every summer to join the program.

In this post, we will dive deep into this program to help you understand the structure, the cost, location, research areas available, and reasons why you should apply for this intensive research program.

About Anson L. Clark Scholars Program

The Anson L. Clark Scholars Program was established in 1963 in honor of Anson L. Clark , a former Texas A&M student who proceeded to create a successful business career!

This program is an intensive 7-week comprehensive research program that will allow you to gain hands-on practical research under the mentorship (导师制) of Texas Tech University faculty. Apart from conducting one-on-one research with faculty, you will have additional weekly seminars, discussions and even field visits!


The program is off line and is conducted every summer at Texas Tech University. The current program dates are June 16, 2024 to August 1, 2024.


There is no program or registration fee, and your on-campus meals, on-campus room and board, and weekend activities will be covered by the program!

Research Areas

While the list of research disciplines for Summer 2024 haven’t been released, some of the general areas (based on the Summer 2023 disciplines) you can expect are biology, chemistry, computer science, economics/business, finance/marketing, electrical engineering & computer engineering, history, and physics.

You can access the specific research topics in 2023 in the attachment!


This program is open to high school juniors and seniors who will graduate in either 2024 or 2025. You will have to be at least 17 years of age by the program start date.

1. What do we know about the Anson L. Clark Scholars Program?
A.It’s an annual research program.B.It is hard to complete the program.
C.It is in honor of a famous scientist.D.It is open to all high school students.
2. What will students do in the program?
A.Visit Texas Tech University.B.Create business career.
C.Listen to lectures online.D.Do practical research.
3. How can you know the research areas for Summer 2024 at present?
A.By searching on the internet.B.By referring to 2023 disciplines.
C.By paying registration fee.D.By asking the mentors in college.
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6 . On a Saturday in November, Annacarin Elf, the head of Gothenburg City Library, just happened to walk by her workplace. Noticing that the door was unlocked, she entered the library, and was surprised that people were using it like on a regular day.

However, it was scheduled to be closed for the November 4 All Saints’ Day holiday, dedicated to remembering the dearly departed and for spending time with family. “In the library, many were sitting reading newspapers, some families were in the children’s section and others were searching for books on the computer,” Elf told The Local.

It seemed that Elf’s colleagues had simply forgotten to lock the door, and because this popular library is usually open on Saturdays, people just assumed they could walk in. Elf called to check with her staff team, before announcing that the library was about to close. The visitors calmly shut their books and left, some taking their books with them.

It later demonstrated that 446 locals visited the city library, borrowing a total of 246 books during the day. What’s remarkable is that clients checked out their books via the library’s electronic self-service system, and that to date, all the books have been returned!

While Elf did express surprise that the library seemed emptier than usual, due to the lack of staff, she highly praised the care shown by locals: “Nothing was destroyed. It’s amazing that Gothenburgers enter an empty library and treat it so lovingly.” The library itself was quick to show its support in an appreciative post with “Thank you for Saturday, dear Gothenburg.”

This story really attracted Swedes, going viral in the country. They were moved by this community’s respect for the books and equipment of what is a treasured community resource. The Mayor EU has even suggested that this unusual Saturday serves as an experiment of the possibility of operating a totally automated library.

1. Why did Elf enter the library on Saturday?
A.She was doing some research.B.She forgot that it was a holiday.
C.The library was accidentally left open.D.The library was usually open on Saturdays.
2. What did the visitors do in the library?
A.They behaved normally as usual.B.They held family party in the library.
C.They checked the self-service system.D.They volunteered to serve as librarians.
3. What wins the heart of Swedes in this story?
A.The honest community spirit.B.The library’s appreciation to visitors.
C.The community’s treasured resources.D.The library’s unusual Saturday service.
4. What can be the best title of the text?
A.A Library Looked Up To The BookwormsB.A Library Operated An Unusual Experiment
C.A Library Can Bring Out The Best In PeopleD.A Library Was Open For All Saints’ Day Holiday
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Reading books can be one of life’s greatest pleasures and learning experiences.     1    . Especially if you’re reading a book for more than just the pleasure of it, you have to do more than just turn over its pages. Here we will explore actionable ways to maximize the benefits of reading.

Set clear goals before reading

Understanding why you’re reading a book can significantly impact how you approach it. The right goal will help you pay attention to what’s most important. If you’re reading a book about photography, you may want to pay particular attention to the images.     2    .

Make summaries for every chapter

After finishing a chapter, take a few minutes to summarize it in your own words.     3    . It also creates a handy reference guide for the future. Summarizing can be a creative process, too. Try using bullet points, mind maps, or one-liners to capture the essence of each chapter.

Apply what you’ve learned

    4    . If a book teaches you a new approach to time management, try implementing it in your daily routine. If a novel provides a moral lesson, reflect on how it applies to your life. This active application ensures that the book leaves a lasting impact.


The process of reading doesn’t end when you turn the last page. Regularly revisiting your notes, summaries, and reflections keeps the material fresh and relevant. Consider setting aside time each month to review previous reads and reflect how they’ve shaped your thoughts and actions. Not for every book, of course, just for the most impactful ones.

A.Repeat reading for deeper insights
B.Review and reflect
C.You may notice details, themes, or ideas that were hidden during your first reading
D.This exercise deepens your understanding and helps identify the central themes and ideas
E.So spend some time reflecting on what you hope to achieve and let that guide your reading process
F.However, many of us struggle to remember and apply what we’ve read
G.Taking action on what you’ve read transforms theoretical knowledge into practical wisdom
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8 . Dreaming of dragons

Dragons share similar origins in both East and West. The year 2024 celebrates the year of the dragon,     1     But it is a sacred (神的) one that Chinese people have been crazy about for thousands of years, Chinese even claim themselves as the “descendants of the dragon”.

This is largely the same case in the West.     2     They frequently appear in legends, novels and other forms of entertainment, such as Sleeping Beauty and Dungeons & Dragons.

What may be surprising, however, is that dragons share similar origins despite different cultural explanations.     3     One of the earliest archaeological pieces of evidence of dragons can be traced back to the carved jade figures in China, unearthed at the sites of the Hongshan Culture, dating back more than 5,000 years. These jade carvings resemble snakes curled into a “C” shape, The Penguin Book of Dragons, a Penguin classic about 2,000 years of dragon legends, also notes that in the ancient world, dragons were often described as very large snakes.

But why are dragons so fascinating to people? This question was explored by Carl Sagan, a famous scientist, in a book called The Dragons of Eden.     4     He believed that people created dragon stories out of a human need to combine scientific observation of reality with an unreasonable fear for predators (捕食者).

Although dragons look different in Eastern and Western culture, they play a similar role in stories around the world, These stories can inspire hope and guide people towards a better life.     5     In the West, dragons are usually seen as evil (邪), but they also appear in the Bible many times, where they are used in stories that teach important lessons.

A.Dragons have a long history in Western mythology (神话).
B.Among the 12 animal signs, the dragon is the only imaginary one.
C.Some articles say that one’s personality depends on his animal sign.
D.In the book he describes how the natural world inspired the creation of dragons.
E.Folk dragon dance has been part of the dragon culture in China for quite a long history.
F.Both Eastern and Western records describe dragons as having snake-like characteristics.
G.In China, the dragon is seen as a sign of good luck and is believed to have control over rain and thunder.
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9 . One day I typed into ChatGPT all about my upset feelings and it instantly responded, offering a list of practical advice. Nowadays millions of people are already turning to ChatGPT and specialist therapy (治疗) chatbots for convenient and inexpensive mental health support.

Some experts say this is a boon. After all, AI, undisturbed by embarrassment and burnout, might be able to express empathy (同理心) more openly and tirelessly than humans. But others worry about the consequences of people seeking emotional support from machines that can only pretend to care. Some even wonder if the rise of so-called empathetic AI might change the way we interact with one another. Indeed, empathy is one of our species’ defining qualities, developing as it did in pace with social interaction.

One recent analysis about empathy looked at 52 studies published between 1980 and 2019, which shows that the empathiser must first be able to recognize how the other person is feeling. They must also be affected by those emotions and differentiate between themselves and the other person, grasping that the other person’s feelings aren’t their own while still being able to imagine their experience.

On the first point, in recent years, AI-powered chatbots have made progress in their ability to read human emotions, most powered by large language models (LLMs) that work by predicting which words are most likely to appear together based on training data. In this way, LLMs like ChatGPT can seemingly identify our feelings and respond appropriately most of the time. But when it comes to the other criteria, AI still misses the mark in many ways. Empathy is interpersonal, with continued feedback helping to perfect the empathiser’s response, which also requires some degree of intuitive (直觉的) awareness of an individual and their situation.

All of this helps to explain conversations like the ones I had with ChatGPT. At the end of the day, despite talking to multiple chatbots online, I did what I knew I had to do all along: I picked up my phone and called a friend.

1. What does the underlined word “boon” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What does the recent analysis show about empathy?
A.It calls for clear communication.B.It starts with emotion identification.
C.It rules out individual difference.D.It depends on rich imagination.
3. What can AI do according to paragraph 4?
A.Provide data-driven feedback.B.Recognize one’s real desire.
C.Update large language models.D.Predict one’s behavior by intuition.
4. What does the author think of ChatGPT?
A.Its development should be sped up.
B.Its intelligence is winning more favor.
C.Its application should be strictly managed.
D.Its artificial kindness is no match for humans’.
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10 . It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they do not trust their children to deal with crisis; that they talk too much about certain problems; and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships.

I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.

Young people often annoy their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in the entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then it turns out that their music or entertainers or clothes or hairstyles annoy their parents. This gives them additional enjoyment. At least in a small way, they are leaders in style and taste.

Sometimes you are proud, because your parents can’t change what you do. If they do approve, it looks as if you are betraying (背叛) your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are an underdog: you can’t win, but at least you can keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years if you were completely under your parents’ control in your childhood. But it ignores the fact that you should be responsible for yourself.

From my teaching experience for ages, I want to give you young people the following advice that perhaps can help deal with the generation gap properly. If you plan to control your life, co-operation can be part of that plan. You can charm your parents into doing things the way you want. You can impress them with your sense of responsibility, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do.

1. What can we know from the young people's views in Paragraph 1?
A.Parents are lacking in humor and like talking a lot.
B.Parents always know much and keep pace with the times.
C.Parents should be responsible for all the misunderstandings.
D.Parents believe their children's ability to solve any problems.
2. What can be inferred about the young people in Paragraph 3?
A.They find extra fun from their annoying actions.
B.They are quite content to be away from the adult society.
C.They make full use of their music to speed up their lives.
D.They always annoy their parents in order to enjoy music.
3. Which of the following is the closest to the meaning of the underlined word “underdog” in Paragraph 4?
A.Lovely dog.B.Failure.C.Partner.D.Looker.
4. What does the author do according to the text?
A.A capable chef.B.A famous writer.
C.A senior teacher.D.A trusted entertainer.
2024-06-15更新 | 81次组卷 | 4卷引用:2025届甘肃省武威市凉州区高三上学期第一次质量检测(一模)英语试卷
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