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1 . T. S. Eliot wrote of “Distracted from distraction by distraction /Filled with fancies and empty of meaning.” T. S. Eliot never had a smartphone.

Neither did I for a long time. No Facebook account; not even email. But according to my date of manufacture, I’m supposed to be a digital native. Perhaps it’s because by the age of 20 I was living in the Welsh countryside with no signal and no Wi-Fi.

When I finally fell into the digital world, I fell hard. Unlike my friends for whom social media and mobile technology had grown and flowered around them, for me it was a sudden immersion. I got Facebook, Twitter and Gmail accounts at the same time that I got an iPhone 4. I would check my phone; five minutes later I would check my phone again. I was addicted and it started to affect my relationships with friends and family

One night, without a word, I abandoned my iPhone and bought a Nokia 3310 and became the talk of the town. Soon I became aware that not only had I stolen secret time back from the hurried days, but somehow a secret space as well. I could stretch out, free to think again, to be wholly creative and to learn meaningfully.

But, wherever I went I got bloody lost. Wandering blindly around London, only to miss appointments, became a frequent pastime (消遣). What did we do before Google Maps? I was useless. The change was worth it, though. I’ll sound like an overstatement but I think it changed my life. My choices are broader and healthier because I’m not being screamed at all day.

I bought a new Samsung phone last week. I had been scared of the rate of progress, crying: “Stop the train! Stop the madness.” But I want to be part of building the future, and to do that, you’ve got to swim in contemporary waters. Rejecting the modern world doesn’t help anyone. It slows you down and I need to be efficient. Time will tell whether I’ve mastered the wisdom to reject constantly checking my phone.

1. What can be learned about the author when she lived in the Welsh countryside?
A.She read a lot of T. S. Eliot.B.She had no friends to talk with.
C.She had no access to the Internet.D.She was afraid of the digital world.
2. Why did the author buy the Nokia 3310?
A.She thought she needed a spare phone.B.She found her iPhone stopped working.
C.She wanted to attract people’s attention.D.She hoped to break her smartphone addiction.
3. What happened after the author used the Nokia 3310?
A.She led a simple and healthy life.B.She found her life was in a mess.
C.She spent more time with her friends.D.She became an example for other people.
4. For what purpose did the author buy the Samsung phone?
A.To seek wisdom.B.To stop her madness.
C.To keep pace with the times.D.To get back to the real world.
2024-02-18更新 | 81次组卷 | 4卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨第九中学2021-2022学年高二下学期开学测试英语试卷
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2 . It’s Thanksgiving, which means a lot of family time. Here are some movies that will be fun for the whole family.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 – Since the book series is so popular, and so is Jennifer Lawrence, you’re likely to have someone in the family who wants to go to the theaters to finish the games. This one tests the limits of PG-13 (适合13岁以上的电影) in its intensity, though, so be careful of that if you’re taking some little ones.

Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences (镜头) of violence and action, and for some thematic material

Availability: In theaters everywhere

The Good Dinosaur – Another great choice for adults and kids alike, Pixar’s latest offering goes back millions of years when dinosaurs weren’t destroyed by a small planet that hit Earth. We follow a little dinosaur named Arlo who must learn to face his fears when he gets separated from his family. It’s a touching story for the whole family, so make sure you bring some tissues (纸巾) for the tears that will eventually come out of your face.

Rating: PG for peril (危险), action and thematic clements

Availability: In theaters everywhere

Love the Coopers – Olivia Wilde stars in what is this year’s family Christmas comedy that deals with the trials (考验) and sufferings of not being able to choose your relatives. This one doesn’t have a great Rotten Tomatoes score at 21%, but I’ve heard that it’s pretty charming nonetheless thanks to Wilde.

Rating: PG-13 for thematic elements, language and some sexuality

Availability: In theaters cverywhere

Inside Out – Pixar’s summer release is a funny, beautiful tale of growing up and dealing with the complicated emotions inside your head. After seeing this one a couple of times, it quickly rose up to be my second favorite Pixar movie of all-time (behind The Incredibles). Honestly, it’s better than The Good Dinosaur. If you don’t feel like heading to the theaters, just pick this one up to watch at home.

Rating: PG for mild thematic elements and some action

Availability: Blu-Ray, DVD and VOD

Note: PG stands for parental guidance, which suggested some material may not be suitable for children.

1. The most touching movie is about how to ________.
A.finish one’s gamesB.face one’s fears
C.choose one’s relativesD.handle complicated emotions
2. What do these movies have in common?
A.They are all suitable for family entertainment.
B.They all have a good Rotten Tomatoes score.
C.They are all on show in every theater.
D.They all star famous actors and actresses.
3. What’s the writer’s favorite degree of the movies?
A.Inside Out>The Good Dinosaur>The Incredibles
B.The Good Dinosaur>The Incredibles> Love the Coopers
C.The Incredibles>Inside Out>The Good Dinosaur
D.Love the Coopers>Inside Out>The Good Dinosaur
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Picture the scene: the battery on your mobile phone has run out. You can’t make any calls for help and no one can contact you. You are all alone — well, not quite. Just reach into your pocket and take out a piece of sugar. Put it into the battery, wait a minute, and you’re back on the phone.

Thanks to a couple of American scientists, this situation could become real. Swadesh Chaudhuri and Derek Lovely have invented the “bacteria battery” — powered by bacteria that eats sugar and turns it into electricity.

“This is a special organism,” Lovely said. “You can harvest enough electricity to power a cell phone battery for about four days from a spoonful of sugar.”

In the past, bacteria batteries have been expensive and not long-lasting. But this battery uses a more efficient bacteria that can turn 80 percent of sugar into electrical energy. This is 30 percent more than similar batteries can manage.

The bacteria battery could become as small as a household battery. It’s also cheap and stable, as sugar can be taken from waste and crops.

But the sugar to electricity process is slow: it could take weeks for the bacteria to digest a cup of sugar. And it produces “greenhouse” gases which pollute the environment.

The scientists understand there is a lot more work to be done. “It is still young,” said Lovely. “Where we are now is where solar power was 20 or 30 years ago.

But he believes the battery could be used in scientific equipment at the bottom of the ocean. Other ideas include using sugar in the blood to run medical devices in the human body, and taking sugar from animal waste to provide energy to power homes in rural areas.

1. This passage is mainly about _______.
A.how to change sugar into electricity
B.a scientific invention of a new kind of bacteria battery
C.a new way to reduce pollution caused by mobile phones
D.a new kind of mobile phones and its future
2. Which of the following is NOT a strength of the newly-developed battery?
3. The underlined sentence in the 7th paragraph actually means _______.
A.the bacteria battery shares some similarities with solar energy
B.scientists will continue their work until they find solar power
C.there is much room for the improvement of the bacteria battery
D.the bacteria battery will get popular in 20 or 30 years
4. According to the passage, who will find the bacteria battery particularly useful?
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4 . When I was growing up, Father Christmas played an important part in my family’s Christmas tradition.

Each year my parents would feed us a light meal, make sure we put on our new pajamas (睡衣), and put us to bed. Father Christmas himself was going to leave presents at night! A few hours later, my mom would wake us up telling us to hurry up because he was getting ready to leave. With our eyes barely (勉强地) open, we would go down the stairs and Father Christmas would meet us at the bottom of the stairs by name, tell us how good we were that year, and hand us each a present. In all the excitement, we didn’t realize that our dad was missing until he walked in the door.

When I was 8 years old, my mom very gently (温柔地) and lovingly told me that Father Christmas was just a fun story. She then asked me to never tell my younger sisters or any of the other kids in our family. She believed every child should decide on their own when they were ready to move on and know the truth about Father Christmas. It was a promise I have kept all these years.

Until this year.

My youngest is 10, and I thought other children might make fun of him if he were to say Father Christmas was real. So I gently mentioned that there really wasn’t a man who lived in the North Pole.

“Oh, okay. I know that.”

I then told him not to ever tell anyone else, especially his two cousins, who at 7 and 5 still believe. I didn’t want him to blow my father’s cover.

“Mom, I know Father Christmas is Grandpa and I won’t say anything to them.”

It then dawned on ( 开始明白) me that for my children, Father Christmas would always be real. For them, he was their grandfather who took the time each year to dress up and their grandmother helped him get ready so that their Christmas could be a little more special. My mother was right; Christmas is the spirit of love and giving.

1. What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 2?
A.Her great expectation of Father Christmas.
B.The importance of Father Christmas to her.
C.Her memories of Christmas celebrations in her family.
D.The preparation her family made for Christmas Eve.
2. Why did the author’s mother let her keep the secret of Father Christmas from other kids?
A.She wanted to give them a surprise.
B.She didn’t know how to explain it.
C.She didn’t think they were old enough to understand it.
D.She thought they should decide when to unlock it by themselves.
3. What does the underlined part “blow my father’s cover” mean in Paragraph 7?
A.Say no to the Christmas present from my father.
B.Regard my father as the real Father Christmas.
C.Tell the truth about my father dressing up as Father Christmas.
D.Notice my father being away from the family party at Christmas.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The True Spirit of Christmas
B.The Real Life of Father Christmas
C.A Secret My Son Found at Christmas
D.My Experience of Meeting Father Christmas
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Exploring Wildlife Conservation in Kenya

Day 1: Nairobi, Kenya

Arrive at the airport in Nairobi, where our staff will be on hand to drive you to the hotel. Enjoy the rest of the day at leisure.

Accommodation: Tamarind Tree Hotel

Day 2: Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

A charter flight (包机) brings us to Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, a 62,000-acre grassland on the north of Mount Kenya. Considered a model in the conservation field, this healthy wildlife habitat is home to a number of rare species, including the giraffe, the Grevy’s zebra, and African wild dogs. Lewa and the neighboring Borana Conservancy also harbor roughly 15 percent of Kenya’s entire rhino population.

Accommodation: Elewana Lewa Safari Camp

Day 3: Amboseli National Park

Fly by private charter to Amboseli National Park, where vast grasslands are irrigated by underground runoff streams from Mount Kilimanjaro. These landscapes provide a habitat for hundreds of elephants, making the park one of the best places in Africa to spot these large creatures. The travel begins on the drive to Tortilis Camp, set within view of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Accommodation: Tortilis Camp

Day 4: Masai Mara National Reserve

At first light, head out to track the animals that crossed the area during the night. This area has one of the highest concentrations of large predators (捕食性动物) in all of Africa. Then watch large groups of hippos in the Mara River and crocodiles sunbathing on the shore.

Accommodation: Kichwa Tembo Camp

1. On which day will you visit Lewa Wildlife Conservancy?
A.Day 1.B.Day 2.C.Day 3.D.Day 4.
2. Which is the best place to watch African elephants?
A.Tamarind Tree Hotel.B.Kichwa Tembo Camp.
C.Amboseli National Park.D.Borana Conservancy.
3. What is special about Masai Mara National Reserve?
A.It provides the best sunbath.
B.It features the Grevy’s zebra.
C.It is located near an airport.
D.It is home to large predators.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The development and keeping of a strong friendship relies on the efforts of two parties.     1     To develop a true friendship, you should treat your friend the way you are expected to be treated. Your friend is also responsible for giving the same level of care to you.

    2     You should help your friends with problem-solving and respect their decisions. Good friends are not judgmental and attempt to offer advice on complicated life events. The presence of these factors also helps create an environment where both parties feel cared for and admired.

The development of honesty and trust in a friendship helps those involved feel comfortable when they communicate with each other. Mutual(相互的)honesty between friends helps build a solid relationship and encourages directness. Honesty also leads to trust, which is another important quality.     3    

Though it is a simple task, listening is very important in a friendship. Making an effort to listen to your friend is a form of respect.     4     To show you are listening, you can ask questions, maintain eye contact and provide feedback(反馈)on the subject.

You should make your friend feel accepted by including him or her in activities that you both enjoy. This is true of friendships at every age.     5     There are other benefits that can result from a strong and enjoyable friendship such as increasing happiness and encouraging healthy habits.

A.You should believe in your friend and expect the same in return.
B.In a friendship, it is important to be supportive during difficult times.
C.Try to accept your friend’s opinions even if you disagree with him or her.
D.Sharing whatever you have in common can go a long way in a true friendship.
E.Both members should share the responsibility of developing a healthy friendship.
F.Having fun and feeling comfortable are basic characteristics of a true friendship.
G.It also shows that you actually want to learn about things important to your friend.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . After a relaxing July day at the Jersey Shore in 2021, Jessica Reeder and her two children headed home to Philadelphia. As they reached Pennsylvania, they were greeted with a yellow-gray sky. It reminded Reeder of what she often saw in Southern California in her childhood when wildfires were burning.

In North America, most large wildfires occur in the western states and Canada. But smoke generated in the West doesn’t stay there. It tends to travel east. Within days, it can dirty the air in the Midwest and even East Coast towns. Today, most asthma (哮喘)-related US deaths and emergency-room visits from wildfire smoke occur in eastern cities.

The big problem comes from tiny aerosols (气溶胶) ― bits of ash, and other droplets in the air. Scientists refer to this mix as particulate matter, or PM.

The smaller the PM is, the longer it can stay in the air. And the longer it floats, the farther it can travel. The especially worrisome sizes are known as PM2.5. These bits are no more than 2.5 micrometers wide. That’s about one-thirtieth the width of a human hair. These aerosols are so small that they can be breathed deeply into the lungs. PM2.5 has been linked with breathing-related injury and heart disease.

Over the last few decades, US clean-air laws have set limits on emissions (排放) of PM from industrial sources. That has helped clean the air in many cities. But these rules don’t cover PM from wildfire smoke. Recent studies have shown that aerosols from wildfires may be more poisonous than industrial sources of these pollutants.

So far, much of the science on how wildfire PM2.5 can sicken people has focused on people exposed to smoke near fires in the US West. Now, researchers are turning their attention to how this smoke may be affecting people as far away as the East Coast. With climate change increasing the intensity and frequency of wildfires, people across North America need to be more concerned about the health impacts of this smoke.

1. Why does the author tell Jessica Reeder’s story?
A.To lead in the topic.B.To praise her performance.
C.To remember a friend.D.To introduce a nice scene.
2. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.The classification of PM.B.The treatment for asthma.
C.The harm of tiny aerosols.D.The characteristics of PM.
3. What did America do to clean the air in the past?
A.It cut down on PM from wildlife smoke.
B.It reduced industrial emissions by law.
C.It encouraged people to work from home.
D.It stopped wildfire smoke travelling east.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Wildfire Smoke Poses Health Risks in North America
B.Wildfires Are Burning Out of Control in the US
C.Why Do Large Wildfires Occur in the Eastern US?
D.How Do Wildfires Affect the Western US Cities?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Not sleeping enough or getting a bad night’s sleep over and over makes it hard to control your appetite. And that sets you up for all sorts of health problems, including obesity (肥胖) , heart disease and high blood pressure.

The link between poor sleep and a greater body mass index(BMI) has been shown in study after study, but researchers typically relied on the memories of the participants to record how well they slept.

Sleep apps on fitness trackers, smartphones and watches have changed all that. In a new study researchers tracked sleep quality for 120,000 people for up to two years.

The results showed sleep durations (持续时间) and patterns are highly variable between people. Despite that, the study found people with BMIs of 30 or above — which is considered obese by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-had slightly shorter sleep durations and more variable sleep patterns.

It didn’t take much less sleep to see the effect. People with BMIs over 30 only slept about 15 minutes less than those less weighty people.

There were some limitations to the study, naps(午睡) were not included, other health conditions could not be factored in, and people who use wearable tracking devices are typically younger, healthier and from a higher economic status than those who do not wear trackers.

“These are quite pricey devices, and they are not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. The results would need to be validated (确认) by the appropriate FDA-approved devices, and because the study is likely on younger people who are more economically well off, it needs further study whether that really applies to older folks with poor sleep.” said Dasgupta, the associate program director.

However, Dasgupta added, a major plus for the study is that it did monitor people for over two years, and the results corroborated previous research and were “not surprising.”

While we cannot determine the direction of association from our study result, these findings provide further support to the idea that sleep patterns are associated with weight management and overall health.

1. How does the new study differ from previous studies?
A.It lasts the longest time in history.B.It uses apps to record participants’ sleep.
C.It specially improves participants’ sleep quality.D.It relied on participants’ memory to record data.
2. What is Dasgupta’s attitude toward the new finding?
3. What does the underlined word “corroborated” probably mean in Paragraph 8?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Sleep Quality Varies from Person to Person
B.Sleep Apps Are Widely Used to Monitor Sleep
C.Young People Are Paying More Attention to Obesity
D.Lack of Sleep May Be Possibly Connected with Obesity
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Both my husband and I will celebrate birthdays in the next few weeks, and we are wondering where all the time has gone. Then we start to rethink about our years together, and the time before our relationship, and the memories flood back along with more smiles than tears. As a great deal of psychological research confirms, we actually recall more positive than negative memories as we age.

New research by Erika Sparrow and colleagues, just published in the journal Psychology and Aging, reviewed 16 studies on aging and altruism(利他主义), asking whether people become more open-handed and are more willing to give as they get older. The answer is yes — regardless of financial status, the level of education, or gender, older people responded more willingly when asked to give resources or help others than younger people.

So maybe all of us simply need to think happy thoughts. Can it really be this easy? Mara Maher reports, in the journal Memory and Emotion, that the focus on positive aspects of our past as we get older seems to be intentional, a specific goal-directed process to create more positive memories in order to increase our sense of well-being. So there are at least some good things about getting old! But must we age to obtain these benefits?

Perhaps not. Ernst Bohlmeijer and colleagues found that people who experience even mild depression or daily stress benefit from “gratitude exercises”, daily diaries where individuals write about positive experiences of their day and reflect on past experiences for which they are grateful. Taking time to actively think about and reflect on the positive experiences in our lives provides perspectives and improves our sense of well-being, regardless of our age.

And we can start this process with our children! Research from The Family Narratives Lab has demonstrated many benefits of recalling happy memories between parents and children, including helping children learn to meet challenges and regulate their emotions.

This birthday season, my husband and I will share our positive experiences as a gift to each other. In doing this, we will increase our sense of belonging and caring for each other, our family and our community.

1. What did the new research from Erika’s team find about older people?
A.They have a more open mind.B.They are more generous to others.
C.They are more likely to be tricked.D.They have a better financial situation.
2. What can we know about older people’s thinking happy thoughts?
A.It is difficult to be achieved.B.It is limited to certain age groups.
C.It may be performed purposefully.D.It can be helpful for people to focus on goals.
3. How do gratitude exercises benefit people according to Ernst’s team?
A.By improving their mental well-being.B.By raising kind and considerate children.
C.By teaching them ways to meet challenges.D.By strengthening their relationship with others.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Aging has both advantages and disadvantages.
B.Reflecting on grateful memories can decrease stress.
C.Keeping a diary helps increase our sense of well-being.
D.Remembering positive experiences is beneficial across age.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . In January 2022, the now l7-year-old Mack Rutherford watched his 19-year-old sister, Zara Rutherford, set two new world records for flying around the world in an ultralight aircraft. Less than a month later, Mack declared his intention to go for a world record too!

“I always knew I wanted to do something special in my life in aviation but I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do, it was only when my sister flew around the world that I knew this was what I wanted to do,” Mack said.

Mack is no stranger to aviation. He was only 15 when he became the youngest pilot in the world. Now, he’s set the record for the youngest person to fly around the world, replacing previous record-holder Travis Ludlow of Britain. Travis was 18 when he set the record in 2021.

Mack’s journey began on March 23rd, 2022 when he left Sofia, Bulgaria flying a Shark, an ultralight aircraft that’s the same style his sister used in her circumnavigation of the globe.

“I am flying a Shark,” Mack wrote on his website. “It is a high-performance ultralight aircraft made in Europe. The aircraft has been specially prepared for such a long journey.”

Mack traveled through 52 countries over five continents. The trip was supposed to take between two and three months, but paperwork and visa issues slowed his progress.

On August 24, 2022, Mack completed his journey and set not one, but two new world records! He’s now the youngest person to fly around the world solo. He displaced his sister as the previous record holder, but we’re sure there are no hard feelings!

As Mack stepped out of the aircraft in Belgium, he had some simple words of wisdom to offer the world.

“Just follow your dreams, no matter how old you are — work hard and move forward to achieve your goals,” he said.

1. What encouraged Mack to follow his dream mostly?
A.Encouragements from his parents.B.His sister’s great achievements.
C.His strong-willed personality.D.His intention to travel the globe.
2. What do we know about Mack’s journey?
A.Mack flew the same place that his sister did.B.Mack finished the journey ahead of time.
C.Bad weather made his journey slow.D.It lasted for about five months.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Mack?
A.Courageous and ambitious.B.Cooperative and generous.
C.Enthusiastic and kind.D.Professional and proud.
4. How does the author develop the text?
A.By giving examples.B.By following space order.
C.By following time order.D.By giving a detailed analysis.
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