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语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Kites, invented over 2,000 years ago in China, are believed to be the    1    (early) flying objects created by humans. After centuries of development, kites have become one of the country’s representative traditional    2    (culture), and kite-making technique was included in the list of China’s national intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) in 2006.

    3    (current), the most unique kite-making techniques can be found in three regions: Weifang in Shandong Province, Nantong in Jiangsu Province and Lhasa in the Tibet Autonomous Region. These regions have each developed their own characteristics     4    (base) on traditional kite-making craftsmanship (手艺) .

The city of Weifang is known as     5    important center of kite culture and is widely regarded as the birthplace of these popular flying toys. Weifang kites,    6    themes are extremely rich,    7    (include) birds, fish, insects, cultural relics, historical figures, and legends, are popular with people at home and abroad.

Today in Weifang, there are actually no limitations on the shapes or sizes of kites, and there are so many choices to be used    8    (express) people’s wishes and ambitions. This variety can be observed at the annual Weifang International Kite Festival, which     9    (hold) usually in April. More than 10,000 participants from over 30 countries and regions a-round the world compete     10    it every year.

语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Coffee fest hopes to fuel Shanghai’s cultural industries

Shanghai, the city     1     the most coffee houses in China, opened a two-week-long coffee culture festival on Thursday.     2    (organize) by the Shanghai Cultural and Creative Industry Promotion Association and the Shanghai Food Association, the Shanghai Coffee Culture Week will run to Aug 18 and feature a     3    (vary) of themed activities.

Data from domestic tech and retail giant Meituan showed that Shanghai was home to 7,857 cafes as of June 30,     4    (rank) first among cities in China. The central Huangpu district has the     5    (high) density of coffee shops, with 38.5 per square kilometer.

Wang Yayuan, deputy head of the municipality’s publicity department, said at a news conference for the event that coffee culture has prospered in Shanghai and become     6     important “window” for residents and tourists     7    (experience) a high-quality life and local culture. The festival     8    (design) to explore coffee’s cultural connotations and the city’s unique characteristics, advancing the development of     9    (culture) and innovation industries, Wang said.

On the event’s opening day, the homegrown coffee brand Manner Coffee offered free Americanos to residents,     10     food delivery platform Eleme provided 30,000 cups of free coffee on Friday. Customers can get special offers at hundreds of coffee shops across the city during the festival, according to organizers.

语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Drinking two or more cups of black tea a day     1    (be) associated with lower risk of death from all causes, according to a new study     2    (publish) Monday in Annals of Internal Medicine.

The study looked at nearly 500,000 men and women aged 40 to 69 years old who participated     3     the UK Biobank, which houses in-depth genetic and health information, between 2006 and 2010. The database included information participants reported about     4    (they) own tea drinking habits, such as     5    (frequent) and what they added to their cup.

Some participants didn’t drink black tea a tall, but since the data came from the United Kingdom, there were plenty of people who drank it     6    (regular) and some who drank up to 10 cups a day, said lead study author Maki Inoue-Choi.

The Biobank followed up about 10 years after the     7    (origin) survey, and researchers found that people who drank two or more cups of tea daily in the interim(其间) were less likely     8    (die) from causes such as heart disease.

The research is     9     exciting look into tea drinking habits, but there is still more work     10     needs to be done before recommending dietary changes, said Howard Sesso, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who was involved in the study.

语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Why do Chinese people drink hot water? Many westerners find it so interesting that they always see Chinese people carry a vacuum cup(保温杯) no matter which season it is.

For lots of Chinese people, nothing is     1    (common) than drinking hot water every day. But for most of the Westerners,     2     idea of drinking plain hot water is really odd since they drink cold water even in winter. Why do Chinese people drink hot water? Hot water vs cold water, which one is better? Follow us     3    (find) an ideal answer.

It is well known     4     Chinese people prefer hot meals every day, and they’re also used to     5    (have) hot drinks with it. Moreover, some parents always teach     6    (they) children to drink hot water with meals, because they think mixing cold liquids with hot meals     7    (be) really bad for the stomach. And cold liquids may solidify fats in your stomach, which cause digestive problems, whereas hot liquids aid in     8    (digest).

According to the eating habits in western countries, they prefer “raw” food,     9     they also prefer their water “raw”. At the same time, they are fond     10     hamburgers, cheese and fried stuff, which are all with high calorie. As a matter of fact, they need cold drinks to cool them off.

语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Confucius was born into a middle class family in Lu State, an area with the modern city of Qufu, in China’s Shandong Province. Now, he     1     (remember) for his teachings, which, along with the works of his students,formed the rule of Confucianism (儒学) many     2     (year) after his passing away.

Confucius also lived     3     active political life. From his job as Minister of Crime, he took part in a campaign (运动) to distance Lu from the rule of the state instead of     4     (work) for the central government. However, the plan failed. After a short period of being sent to live in another country, Confucius could finally return to Lu state     5     (spend) the rest of his life as a teacher of philosophy.

Even up to the time of Confucius’s     6     (die), his teachings were not     7     (wide) accepted in China, and most of     8     (they) were lost when the emperor Qin ordered the burning of Confucius’s books.

Yet, his philosophical (哲学的) ideas survived during the later Han Dynasty. Emperor Han Wudi,    9     was inspired by the social and political wisdom of Confucius, accepted Confucianism and applied his systems of morality everywhere from classrooms     10     law courts. The teachings of Confucius still spread far across China and the Far East.

语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空格处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The use of chopsticks has been     1     big part of Chinese food culture for centuries. When cooking food or picking it up, a pair of chopsticks always comes for use.

So how did chopsticks come into being? It’s said that Dayu, a legendary ruler of ancient China    2     helped his people fight floods, invented them. In those days, people    3     (eat) only with their hands. But Dayu was busy preparing for flood control work and often had his meals in the wild. Mostly, he hurried to deal    4     unexpected accidents and didn’t want to wait to eat. The meat    5     (cook) in the pot was too hot to pick up with his hands. So one day Dayu picked up some twigs(细枝)     6     (help) him hold the meat. Later, the twigs    7     (gradual) became the chopsticks we know today.

But of course, this is just a story. The    8     (early) chopsticks archaeologists(考古学家) have found so far are more than 3,000 years,     9     (date) back to the Shang Dynasty. The six bronze chopsticks were found in Yinxu, one of China’s oldest archaeological    10     (site) in Anyang, Henan Province.

语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

English language is closely related to the Frisian German and Dutch. England is the first country     1     (speak) English and now English is the main language of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and many island nations in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It is also an     2     (office) language of India, the Philippines, Singapore, and many countries in sub-Saharan Africa     3     include South Africa. English is the first choice of foreign     4     (language) in most countries around the world.     5     third of the world’s population now use English, which is     6     (amaze) to us.   

English belongs     7     the Indo-European family of languages and is therefore related to most other languages spoken in Europe and Western Asia from Iceland to India. During the course of hundreds of years, English words have been     8     (slow) changed from the forms     9     (find) in Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Russian and German to forms, as in Chinese and Vietnamese. The German and Chinese words for the word “man”     10     (be) a typical example. German has five forms: Mann Mannes, Manne, Männer, Männern. Chinese has one form: ren. English stands in between, with four forms: man, man’s, men, men’s.

语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 容易(0.94) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Known as boba, bubble tea (珍珠奶茶)has taken the world by storm, with its chains springing up like mushrooms around the world.     1     you’ve been living under a rock, it’s easy to notice this Chinese long-standing cultural food phenomenon.

It’s     2     (inspire) to see how this tea preparation has become a full-blown sensation in its land of origin as well as abroad. But     3    on earth came up with the idea of putting chewy tapioca balls in tea?

Bubble tea is said     4     (originate) in the city of Taichung. Liu Hanchie of Chun Shui Tang Teahouse, who claims to be the     5     (create), declares that in     6    early eighties, he experimented with cold milk tea       7     adding fruit, syrup, candied yams and tapioca bubbles.

A decade later, the     8     (addictive) tasty drink reached most parts of East and Southeast Asia with bubble tea shops     9     (pop) up in every mall and street corner. Since then, it     10     (spread) across the globe, including the US, Australia, Europe and South Africa.

语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Huang Wenxiu, an official in Baini village in Baise, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region,     1     (lose) her life at the age of 30 when a flash flood swept her away as she was driving back to work.

After earning     2     master’s degree from Beijing Normal University in 2016, Huang returned to Baise, her hometown, instead of seeking a career in the capital. “I grew up in a remote mountainous village     3     quite a number of folk are struggling with poverty, and all I wish is to do my part     4     (improve) their lives,” she once said.

With the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the Chinese government stepped up     5     (it) nationwide campaign to remove poverty in 2015. Huang volunteered to join the grassroots poverty alleviation (基层扶贫) effort and     6     (appoint) Party chief of Baini in 2018.

Huang introduced tangerine (橘) growing techniques to the village, expanded the planting area and emphasized the     7     (important) of e-commerce sales. Thanks     8     Huang’s efforts during her time in office, the village collective economy developed     9     (rapid). 418 villagers from 88 households were lifted out of poverty, with the village’s poverty rate     10     (decrease) from 22.88 percent to 2.71 percent.

共计 平均难度:一般