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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One morning during the summer vacation, a teenage boy named Alex was sorting out his snacks when the wildfires not far from the place where he lived started.

Alex’s parents got the bad news from the Internet. His mother. Sofia, came up to him and showed a video of the horrible scene to him. When Alex saw the condition of the victims, his heart sank. Some had minor or serious injuries. Others lost homes and had to live in shelters temporarily. Although the government was providing relief, food couldn’t reach all the victims for a short time.

“Turn it off, Mom. The video makes me too sad,” Alex said. Sofia realized that her son, sympathetic and caring, was really concerned. They needed tq reach out. But what could they do? She felt lost,

“Why not put up a lemonade stand (柠檬水摊)?”Alex suggested. He told his parents that he wanted to have one stand, supplying lemonade and other food for free. His parents thought it was time to teach him how to help others and a good chance to provide some support for the place they loved.

Finally, Alex put up the lemonade stand with the help of his family in the disaster area. The family offered a range of items, including rice, fruit, candies, sandwiches, lemonade, fresh water and even Alex’s snacks to the stand, which the victims could help themselves to.

The great support quickly went beyond the physical lemonade stand. Alex’s good behavior soon attracted the attention of others. Neighbors first rushed to donate to the stand, making sure that there was always enough food and drink for everyone in need. The stand soon turned into a center of charitable activities and a symbol of teamwork and hope,with donations pouring in from all directions. People from all walks of life came together, united by a common goal: to help those affected by the wildfires and bring hope to their lives. Most amazingly, as word about Alex’s selfless actions further spread, more and more children were inspired to join and support the cause (事业), including his friends and their parents.


Alex’s friends admired him very much and tried their best to help.


Later, the children’s parents also joined the cause.

2024-06-16更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省秦皇岛市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月份联考英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was seven years old, my family moved from Mexico to America. In Mexico, I was a cheerful girl who loved making people laugh with my jokes and inventing fun games to play with my friends. However, when I arrived in America, I found it hard to fit in, and I became quieter.

We lived in a small house with a modest yard where we grew vegetables—my responsibility. While I took pride in watching them grow, there were times when I dreamed of having a beautiful garden like my schoolmate Luella’s, with its delicate tulips (郁金香). Although Luella lived in the same neighborhood as me, we barely knew each other.

It was after a tornado that Luella and I finally became close friends.

The tornado struck on a Sunday afternoon.The gentle breeze transformed into a strong wind, and thick gray clouds filled the sky. Gradually, the tornado took shape, starting as a thin rope and growing into a large black funnel (漏斗). My entire family gathered in the bathroom, seeking shelter from the storm. Terrified, I sat close to my mom, knees in my chest. After the storm had passed, our worries and fears were replaced by relief that we were unharmed and that our house had remained undamaged.

As I stepped outside, I witnessed the extent of the damage the tornado had caused to our neighborhood. Across the street, a tall tree had fallen, crushing Luella’s garden in front of her yellow house. We hurried over to check on it. Fortunately, her family seemed to be away at the time, and no one was injured. However, her once-beautiful garden was in ruins, with the fallen tree destroying the tulips and debris (碎片) spread everywhere. I could only imagine how heartbroken they must feel seeing this.

Then my mom’s usual words rang in my ear, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” and my family started to think about how we could help.

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Just at that moment, Luella’s family returned in their car.


Even after the debris was cleared, I could still sense Luella’s sorrow for her lost garden.

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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

On my son Andrew's 15th birthday, I took him to a shoe shop near our home in Toronto to get a pair of shoes. Andrew is nonspeaking autistic (自闭症) and prefers to go shopping when it's not busy.

Andrew got new shoes for his 15th birthday. As we headed toward the door, I told the sales assistants it was Andrew's 15th birthday today. "Happy birthday and have fun," the sales assistants replied.

Instead of having Andrew point to the "thank you" symbol on the picture chart he carried with him, I paused and held up his letterboard.

For ten years, we have carried around a picture chart, which Andrew uses to communicate. It contains images that match his most important and most used words: people, places, food, greetings and activities. Over the years, neighbourhood kids, friends, cousins and classmates have studied the pictures and the strips at the top of the chart that contain even more "representations" of Andrew's life.

Years ago, we discovered that Andrew could communicate more than his basic needs through the use of a letterboard—by pointing to individual letters on an alphabet grid (网格) to spell out words. It's a simple but profound tool. We have attached a letterboard to the back of his picture chart to spare us the trouble of carrying multiple charts and boards.

Using the letterboard requires significant time and effort for Andrew, but we persevere (坚持) because we know it gives him an opportunity to share more of who he is than what can be conveyed through basic pictures and words.

And so, instead of rushing out of the shoe shop door. I held up the letterboard and asked Andrew how he'd like to respond.


After a moment of silent consideration, Andrew slowly pointed to the letters on the board.


On our way home, I thought a lot.

2024-05-17更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省秦皇岛市部分高中高三下学期二模英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My 10-year-old son and two friends attended a wonderful basketball camp on 6 August 2023. The camp was over two hours long, with more than 60 kids in attendance. I watched how much fun my son was having throughout the day.

A few minutes before the session (一场) ended, there was a shooting contest. Only a few kids were chosen to compete, and my son was not one of them. The contest winners received prizes and recognition, and some children were also selected as “All Star” due to their excellent performance. Again, my son was not selected.

My son was struggling to deal with his disappointment. Of course, as his mother, I would have loved to see him win an award. He absolutely loves the sport, and he is impressive at rebounding (篮板球). He would have enjoyed the honors. It would have also been fun to see either of his friends selected. But sometimes it doesn’t work out that way.

When the camp ended and we walked out, I could see how disappointed he was. I love my kid’s confidence and his competitiveness, but it can also lead to dealing with disappointment and frustration.

At the camp, he played a basketball game with kids he had never met, guarded them fiercely and took shots easily against them. As his mom, I was thrilled he spent the day without his iPad. All in all, the day felt wonderful. The last thing that I wanted was for these awards to ruin the experience.

I could see how he was feeling about the day. I decided to simplify it for him. I did the math and figured out the shooting contest and awards were about 6% of the total camp. The rest of the camp, the parts that he enjoyed, were 94% of the day. Even though the kid loves math, it was hard for him to see the contests and awards as a small part of his day.

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Paragraph 1:

At night, I went to chat with him.

Paragraph 2:

Indeed, we should learn how to be more positive.

2024-01-25更新 | 38次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省秦皇岛市卢龙县第二高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

We met at the Leeds Grenville SPCA. We were here to find the best fit for our little family of three. In my heart, however, I think I already knew which one was the right cat. Portia, a quiet brown tabby (斑猫), watched us with partially closed eyes, seemingly saying, “Take your time…” and I know it’s going to be me. As I neared her cage, one paw extended. Finally we decided to bring home a cat that day.

After a day or two of settling in, Portia became a sort of small and furry nanny to my kids. She would travel from room to room with us during the day, usually staying closest to my son. She wanted to sit where he sat, look out the windows from which he peered, and make courageous attempts to share whatever he was eating. At night, she would sprawl onto his lap during story time. We nicknamed her “Guardian Kitten” for the way she always wanted to be where he was, watching over him as if he were her own.

One day, I was gathering leaves while my child delighted in disturbing the piles. Portia was dozing on the porch, her cars sometimes shifting toward the sound of our voices. Then suddenly, from down the street, a desperate voice cried, “No! Come back here!” The phrase was repeated and the volume increased as the speaker drew closer. A Golden Retriever ignored his owner and reached my property first. In a split second it leaped over the low fence surrounding the front yard.   

The dog rushed toward my son with boundless energy and body language that expressed that it wanted to play. “Puppy!” my son exclaimed, spreading his arms apart in a welcoming gesture. Unlike me, he was not aware that this dog would, at the very least, knock him down with its uncontained enthusiasm. And I wasn’t going to be able to close the space between us in time.

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When I was wondering how to protect my son, a scream erupted behind me.


After a while, the owner arrived, out of breath.

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6 . 每个人都有自己引以为傲的人或事物,那么让你感到骄傲的是什么呢?是我们伟大的祖国,是努力拼搏的自己还是可亲可敬的家人呢?请以“I’m so proud of ________”为题写一篇英语短文。

I’m so proud of _________

2023-12-07更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省秦皇岛市青龙县联考2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Different sports filled my days in my youth. I dreamed or a big win some day, with a big trophy (奖杯). I was skillful and fast, or so I thought. However, I soon learned my skills seemed quite weak because the bigger, stronger boys seemed to occupy every corner of the playground. Once I was in the 100-yard hurdles, the only recognition I received for my performance was two bloody knees.

In college, I took a swim competition, dreaming of the glory! It turned out I achieved nothing. As an older adult, I still maintained an active lifestyle. In 2010 I signed up for a stair-climbing challenge to raise money for fighting against lung cancer. My father had died of the same disease, so this was a meaningful cause for me. Then, in 2019,the organization offered an even more challenging climb option: the vertical (垂直的) mile. So I would have three hours to climb up and down twenty-eight floors fifteen times, plus three more.

I trained hard. When the challenge started. I felt confident. But soon my legs started feeling heavy. What was worse, I began experiencing leg cramps (抽筋). My progress slowed dramatically and I quickly fell behind. When came down after finishing lap 14, it was past the time limit, so my big win had escaped once again.

Soon after the climb, I struggled to experience the sense of self-satisfaction. And I had, after all, set a goal for myself to prove what I was made of, what I had inside me. And what I had inside me was, “Nice try, but you didn’t make it.” So, a year later, at age 62 and after numerous workouts, I was back. Like last year, I was well ahead after an hour and I again started feeling some discomfort in my legs. I heard myself cry out loud, “Oh, no not again!” I finally stopped and sat down on the stairs, feeling quite depressed and wondering if my dream was over. A few climbers stopped to offer help. I was touched, but embarrassed to accept. Except for one climber. An angel climber, really.

Jessica, who I happened to know, was a salesman’s friend when I bought new running shoes at his store. And without that connection, she might have climbed past me as I sat on those steps, my legs shaking. But all those things did happen, and Jessica stopped to help.


When she saw I was cramping, she offered me some sports drinks containing electrolytes (电解质).


The cramps in my legs finally started to go away.

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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The two kids were whispering. Their dad, Jason, could hear them, but they didn’t know that. Jason listened intently.

”…and now I can’t sleep,” he heard his daughter say. “It’s okay, Ashley. Mom and Dad are sleeping. I’ll help you,” Todd said. “Thanks,” said Ashley.

Jason silently opened his bedroom door. His wife was asleep, and he decided not to wake her up. He watched as the two slinked (溜) down the stairs. He followed, unseen, unheard. The kids went to the living room. He watched as his son, Todd, put a blanket on the floor. He watched as Todd arranged the couch pillows on the blanket, against the couch. Ashley sat on the blanket and held her favorite teddy bear.

“I’ll be right back,” whispered Todd. Jason held still as Todd went to the kitchen. He quietly watched as Todd carefully made two peanut butter and jelly-sandwiches. And he watched as Todd went back to the living room and sweetly handed his sister a sandwich. Ashley gave Todd a smile. Jason wondered what show the kids would watch on television so late at night. He decided to find out before making his presence known. He did not expect to see what he saw next.

Ashley turned on a small flashlight. Todd picked up a book that Jason hadn’t noticed before. One of the two had carried it downstairs. “Okay Ashley, this was one of my favorites when I was little,” said Todd. Jason smiled in his hiding place in the dark. Todd was only nine. He watched, unable and not wanting to look away, Todd read in a voice just above a whisper while Ashley sat and listened and very quietly chewed. Her head rested on her brother’s shoulder, and she looked so peaceful. Could these really be the same children who had been fighting only a few hours earlier?

Todd read another book, which Jason had also not seen earlier. Then Todd said, “That’s all we can do, Ashley. My teacher said we have to get at least eight hours of sleep. Give me a second to eat my sandwich, okay?”

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Jason saw the brother was making sure that he did what his teacher said.


Jason went quietly into his room and opened his journal.

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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

At a moment’s notice, quick thinking can save lives. Nothing illustrates this better than the story of 13-year-old hero named Dillon Reeves, who jumped into action when his school bus driver experienced a medical emergency, bringing the bus to a stop and avoiding what could have been a very tragic accident. Reeves’ parents expressed their pride at his actions.

“It’s an honor, said his dad Steve. ”I am a bus driver, too. Because of that, Reeves could probably know how to hold the steering wheel (方向盘) and step on the brakes. "

That day, Reeves came back home from school and was riding a school bus full of students in Michigan. And he sat in the fifth rows as usual.

The school bus driver has ten years of driving experience, and during these years, he has never had a driving accident. He held the steering wheel confidently, and he stepped on the brakes carefully. All the students were chatting as usual. Everything went smoothly.

A few minutes later, Reeves noticed something was off, but others didn’t feel anything wrong at the beginning.

The bus driver felt lightheaded and said on the intercom (对讲机), “I am going to pullover for a moment. Hearing that, students thought the bus would stopped in a certain parking area.

However, the bus didn’t make it to the pull-off area, and began to drift onto on coming traffic. Security camera footage showed the driver already lost consciousness. Seeing that, all the students shouted loudly and shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles, but Reeves kept his head at that time and told himself he should take some actions quickly.

Noticing the danger of the situation, he knew it was time for him to do something.


Without hesitation, Reeves sprang from five rows back.


Emergency services arrived at the scene in no time.

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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was a vet in Yorkshire. One day I received a call from Mrs Tompkin asking me to cut the beak (喙) of her budgie (虎皮鹦鹉). I armed myself with a pair of clippers and stepped onto the narrow strip of pavement which separated the door from the road. A pleasant-looking red-haired woman answered my knock.

“I’m Mrs Dodds from next door,” she said. “I keep an eye on the old lady. She’s over eighty and lives alone.”

She led me into the cramped little room. “Here’s Mr Herriot coming to see Peter for you,” she said to the old woman who sat in a corner. Mrs Tompkin nodded and smiled, “Oh that’s good. Poor little fella can hardly eat with its long beak and I’m worried about him. He’s my only companion, you know.”

“Yes, I understand, Mrs Tompkin.” I looked at the cage by the window with the green budgie perched (栖息) inside. “These little birds can be wonderful company when they start chattering.”

She laughed, “Yes, but it’s a funny thing. Peter never has said that much. I think he’s lazy! But I just like having him with me.”

“Of course you do,” I said, “but he certainly needs attention now.”

The beak was greatly overgrown, curving away down till it touched the feathers of the breast. I would be able to revolutionize his life with one quick snip from my clippers. The way I was feeling this job was right up my street.

I opened the cage door and slowly inserted my hand.

“Come on, Peter,” I wheedled (哄骗). As I lifted him out, I felt in my pocket with the other hand for the clippers. Then I stopped.

The tiny head was no longer poking cheekily from my fingers but had fallen loosely to one side. The eyes were closed. He was dead.

Mrs Dodds and I looked at each other in horror. When I turned my head towards Mrs Tompkin, I was surprised to see that she was still nodding and smiling.

I drew her neighbor to one side. “Mrs Dodds, how much does she see?”

“Oh, she’s very short-sighted but she’s right vain despite her age. Never would she wear glasses. She’s hard of hearing, too.”

“Well, look,” I said. My heart was still pounding. “I just don’t know what to do. If I tell her about this, the shock will be terrible. Anything could happen.”

Mrs Dodds nodded, stricken-faced. “Yes, you’re right. She’s that attached to the little thing.”

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I decided to do something for her instead of telling her the truth.


It was a long time before I went to see how Mrs Tompkin got along with the bird I bought for her.

共计 平均难度:一般