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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给的段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In the heart of a busy city full of towering buildings, there was a small, lovely bookstore filled with lots of books from the past and present. This special place was taken care of by Eli, a young man who got it from his late parents. But as ebooks and online articles became more popular, Eli faced a tough choice: keep his family’s bookstore going or change with the times.

Life in the city moved fast, and many other shops had to close down. This left Eli’s bookstore as one of the few friendly spots left in a city that was always changing. When fewer people came to the bookstore, Eli began to worry about whether he had made the right choice. It felt like a big storm was coming, and he wasn’t sure what to do.

Then, Maya came into Eli’s life. She was a teacher who loved books a lot. She didn’t think the bookstore was old-fashioned. Instead, she saw it as a special place full of stories and history. Maya’s support made Eli feel hopeful again. She showed him that the bookstore was important not because it made money, but because it made people happy and brought them together.

Eli felt inspired by Maya and decided to do something new with the bookstore. He started having story nights every week, where people could come and tell their own stories about adventure, bravery, and love. Slowly, the bookstore became more than just a place to find books. It turned into a busy spot where people could meet and share stories, making them love reading and each other even more.

But just when things were going well, Eli and Maya found out that a big company wanted to build a shopping mall in the place where the bookstore was. This news was a big shock. The growing community and all their hard work seemed at risk. The bookstore wasn’t just a shop; it was a symbol of hope, strength, and the power of togetherness. Losing it would be a big loss, not just for them but for everyone who found peace.

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So, Eli and Maya decided to fight to keep the bookstore.


This project led to a big success.

2024-07-07更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省长治市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My story began in one autumn morning, as I rounded a bend on the path to school. I was 13 years old, and was on the way to school. It was the first time I had caught sight of a fox. Fascinated to the point that I forgot all fear, I dared to go up to it. I had never come so close to a wild animal. There was nobody else around, only me and the fox.

“Hey, fox!” I tried to greet it, though my voice was so weak it felt like I was saying hello to myself. It didn’t hear me. It stayed there and I watched it. My heart was beating fast. It was so cute. For a moment, I thought I might be able to touch it.

Throughout the day at school, I could only think of the fox at the big tree. At my return to the place where we met, I was sure I’d find it there.

And I did. This time I gathered a little bit more courage and called out to it,“Fox!”Of course it escaped. But that only made me long to meet it again. I decided that if I could find its cave (洞) and catch it, I would try to tame (驯服) it, making it my friend.

Thus, I spent most of my free time in the forests trying to find the fox during the following months. But I never saw it again before winter came. During the winter, I followed its footprints far across the fields. Suddenly I was alarmed by the calling of wolves near me. I ran away frighteningly, stumbled and hurt my ankle. It recovered very slowly, so that I had to stay at home during the winter, reading a book about animals of the forest and foxes.

When spring arrived, I was free again. I looked for fox caves and waited for my fox. To my amazement, it had got young ones but kept moving because of my observations; therefore I decided to observe the fox from a longer distance.


One day, as I sat quietly at the door, the fox cautiously approached.


But to my surprise, the day after I brought it home, it escaped.

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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As I grew up, I saw my mother as my hero for all the things she’d do for me. She helped me color pretty pictures when I started elementary school. She did things that fathers were supposed to do, like fix the car, when I was in middle school. Now I’m in high school, I see how strong she is. She looks at life with a positive attitude whatever the situation is.

One day I came home from school and saw papers on the table and my mom sitting with a worried face looking at my dad. My dad wasn’t working at the time because he had broken his arm. I had heard my parents talk about money issues a couple of times before but I never asked about the situation. “What’s going on?” I asked.

“We have to be out of the house in two weeks,” my mom said. She had her elbows on the table and one hand over her forehead. Then I realized this was a serious problem. That very day, she made phone calls and started to look for a place to rent.

We had no money and no idea what we were going to do. I read the papers on the table; it said we had lost the house because we hadn’t been paying rent. I was surprised that all this was going on and my dad seemed to be doing nothing about it and my mom never said anything about it. It seemed like everything was falling apart, but my mom seemed as if this was making her stronger.

That whole week she tried her best to find a place for rent. Besides the fact that we had no place to move to, we also had nothing to eat for the food had run out. Even though she didn’t show it, I felt my mom’s pain and how much it hurt her not to be able to provide a good shelter and food for us.

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One day when I came home, I saw she was cooking with a smile on her face.


At that moment, I admired her so much, filled with gratitude in my heart.

2024-07-01更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省长治市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A woman remarried a man from Mexico. She already had a 16-year-old daughter named Bethany, while her husband had a 14-year-old daughter named Maria. Maria and Bethany had been in each other’s lives since they were children. Their relationship as stepsisters was good until recently.

The entire family was busy planning Maria’s Quinceanera (成人礼). The woman’s husband and his ex-wife joined forces to get her a beautiful dress to celebrate the occasion. In total, the dress cost $3,000.

Bethany made it clear that she was jealous (嫉妒的) of the party. Her mom had to make her understand that in Mexican culture, a Quinceanera was a great deal, just like how she had a sweet sixteen party. However, Bethany kept comparing her party to that of Maria’s. It was a massive issue for her, and it reflected in the way she behaved around everyone at home.

Knowing how it made Bethany feel, the mom tried to spend more time with her daughter to assure her that she wasn’t being disregarded. They even got her a lovely dress for the Quinceanera, but much cheaper than Maria’s dress.

Two weeks before the big day, Maria and Bethany got into an argument regarding the TV. Bethany retaliated (报复) against her stepsister by tearing off the back part of her Quinceanera dress. After finding out what Bethany did, everyone was angry. The mom couldn’t believe what her daughter did and quickly gave her husband and his ex-wife money to get a new dress.

The mom told Bethany that she needed to get a job to pay back the total price of the dress. It was her punishment for such an unreasonable act against her stepsister. However, Bethany claimed her mom was unfair by choosing Maria over her. This made the mom question whether she was in the wrong for giving her daughter no choice but to find a job. She wrote about the story online, hoping to get opinions from others on whether what she did was wrong.

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To her surprise, she got everybody’s support.


Finally, the mom was determined to teach her 16-year-old a lesson.

5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a busy morning and I had to go out to deliver something before the day became too hot to be outside the house. As I was walking by the side of a busy road I saw an old lady, maybe in her 80s standing dangerously close to the traffic. Although my mind was preoccupied, I thought to myself that I should warn her not to stand so close to the busy traffic rushing by.

When I reached the spot where the old lady was standing, I noticed that she was trying to get attention of passersby who of course were too busy to take note of her. She kept pointing to the middle of the road. When I tried to gently move her back further away from the edge of the busy road, she said that she was standing there because she had dropped her house key in the middle of the road and was unable to open her house without the key. I looked around and no one seemed to be interested in the two of us. I knew I was getting delayed but decided to help.

The traffic was busy on the road with commuters on two-wheelers and office goers in cars as well as school buses rushing with school children. It was the worst time of the day to cross a busy road without a traffic light. I asked the old lady to stay at a safe distance, took a deep breath, and carefully stepped onto the road waving my hands wildly almost expecting to be hit by an oncoming vehicle. At first one lane (车道) stopped and then I moved further on to the middle of the road continuing to wave my hand. Just then a school bus was approaching me and I carefully stepped in front of it to stop it. My experience has been that school bus drivers are always considerate of reckless (莽撞的) pedestrians like me.


The school bus stopped exactly opposite the spot where the key had fallen.


Suddenly, the elderly lady gently pulled me by the hand.

2024-01-29更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省长治市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I thought my parents were crazy when they said over dinner one night that I was going to have a brother or sister in about nine months. I always wanted a little brother or sister, and now I was finally going to get one. However, I was at a point in my life where I was used to not having brothers or sisters, and being the center of attention at home.

The next several months were filled with excitement as we prepared for the new addition to the family. My Aunt Dorothy and Aunt Lynda threw her a wonderful baby shower. To my surprise, I also received presents. My family was worried about how I would feel once the baby was born, so they showered me with attention. All of my friends were excited for me. In a way, I thought they were looking forward to me experiencing the pains of being an elder sister.

The following days went by rather quickly. Before I knew it, one summer morning in June my mom was taken to the hospital. I was visiting my Aunt Lynda in Missouri when we got the call that my mom was in labor (分娩), so we drove to the hospital, hoping that we wouldn’t miss the big event. We stepped into the hospital at 12:03 p.m., which was the exact time my sister, Bekah, was born.

My mom had some complications (并发症) after the delivery. What was supposed to be a time of celebration now became a life-or-death waiting game. My first reaction was to hate the baby, since I felt it was all her fault (错误) that this happened. I had my mom to myself for fifteen years of my life, and now it looked as if she was going to be taken away from me forever.

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When I saw Bekah for the first time, those bad feelings went away.


One week later, my mom pulled through, and it was time to go home.

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7 . 你校英文报正在开展以Friendship为题的征文比赛。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:


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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As I was walking home from school, I came across a wallet lying on the path. I picked it up, checking on its contents. Five $20 notes inside! Wow, that’s a big money! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I looked around. No one in sight, I quickly put the wallet into my schoolbag and rushed home.

My mum was busy in the kitchen. I secretly slid into my room, carefully placed the wallet into my treasure box and locked it away. All that night, I was lost in thought and kept thinking about the money inside, twisting and turning. The thought of buying myself a bike with the 100 dollars flashed across my mind. I had wanted a bike for a long time, but each time my mom always said we couldn’t afford one. But how could I explain to my mum where I got the money? Suddenly I remembered an upcoming school science competition would offer a $100 prize to the winner. “Why couldn’t I tell my mum that I have won the prize?” A perfect excuse indeed!

I got out of bed and took out the wallet from the treasure box again. This time I noticed there was an old photo inside besides the money. The woman in the photo looked like Mara, my science teacher! I was sleepless all night to wait for the sunrise.


The early morning, I put the wallet back to my schoolbag and hurried to school.


Soon, the day of science competition came.

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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

We call Talent Show the biggest stage in our country. I stood on that huge stage, with my throat dry. As I stared at the audience, I knew this moment could change my life forever. When judges asked my name and I tried to speak,nothing came out. The crowd fell silent, waiting for the words to come. Finally I stuttered(结巴地说) my name and my age. “As you can tell,” I said, “I have a speech disorder…”

I’d love to sing and had already signed up for the school talent show in fourth grade when I started stuttering.Fortunately, most of the kids at my school were kind, and I was rarely made fun of. I tried speech therapy too, but it didn’t help. I feared to sing in the school talent show. Therefore, I decided to practice at home. To my surprise, the words came smoothly when I sang. And then I decided to learn to play the guitar, which was given as a birthday gift by my father.

One afternoon, I walked into the basement, where I kept my musical equipment. My eyes lit on the guitar. I picked it up and started playing. I opened my mouth, and the words came flooding out. Then I wrote a song called I Will Trust,telling the pain IP’d experienced. The next day, I filmed a video of performing the song and posted it online. Hundreds of strangers left comments that I had uplifted them with my music. Ever since, I’ve been writing songs.

Last year, I started college and majored in music production. When I saw Talent Show audition(试唱)announcement pop up on my computer, I wanted to have a try. Several months later, I was standing on that stage, trying to calm my nerves as I introduced myself, “I have a speech impediment.” I said, “It was definitely something that caused me to…” I took a long pause to find the words. “…to hide. But I found that I don’t stutter when I sing.”


Then I began to sing a new song I’d just written.


My performance on Talent Show had a deep influence on me.

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10 . 假定你是校英文报记者李华,上周学校举办了一年一度的春季运动会,请你写一篇介绍运动会情况的报道,内容包括:

Spring Sports Meeting

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