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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150 左右。

The moonlight appeared through the cottage window, lighting the room. Oliver was absorbed in his book in his bedroom when the suddenly heard Grandma Anges’s voice.

“Oliver, dinner’s ready,” she said. “I haven’t finished reading my book!”

Oliver opened the next page of his book in the light of the candle on his bedside table. He didn’t want to stop reading there. But he closed the book anyway and went downstairs for dinner.

Oliver was a bookworm. He read books whenever he could.

His family was small, and so was the cottage where he lived. Grandma Agnes and his little sister, Eve, made Oliver’s family. His parents passed away.

That night, after everyone finished dinner, Oliver helped Agnes clean the table. Then, he returned to his book and dozed off while reading.

The next day, on the bus, Oliver was reading his book again when he heard a noise and looked up. He saw an old woman who said she had forgotten to take money. However, the driver asked her to get down.

“I have to see my daughter. She’s in the hospital!”

“I’ll pay her fare, sir!” Oliver said.

Oliver helped the old woman into the seat next to him and paid her fare.

“Thank you very much, child,” she said. “You have a little kid’s sweet voice!”

“I’m a big boy! I’m not a kid!” Oliver said proudly. “And my name is Oliver. What happened to your daughter?”

“I’m Mary,” she introduced herself. “My daughter had an accident yesterday. Thank you for helping me today, Oliver.”

“Not a problem, Mary,” Oliver said, though it was a problem for him. The money he spent on the old lady was originally saved to buy the next book in the series he was reading. But he couldn’t see Mary get into trouble. When he told her he loved books and how eager he was to get more books, she listened with the same patience as Agnes.

Paragraph 1:
That night, instead of talking about his books, Oliver spoke about Mary.
Paragraph 2:
The next afternoon, hardly had Oliver reached home after school when he heard a knock at the door.
2024-07-30更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:湘桂黔2022-2023学年高二下学期名校大联考英语试卷
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Avoiding people in a small town requires the skills of a spy. Alban, 22, hasn’t seen or spoken to his junior school teacher, Ms Taylor, in his town for many years.

In Grade 9, Alban argued fiercely with one of his classmates, Robert. Robert grabbed his arm and verbally (言语) threatened him. When Alban turned to Ms Taylor, hoping for help, she kept silent and seemed to be thinking about something. Before she spoke, Alban rushed out angrily. That was the end of his relationship with Ms Taylor who had been the one person in school he could depend on. Then Alban moved like a ghost, taking precautions to stay far away from Ms Taylor.

One day after graduation from college, Alban was halfway home when he felt his cellphone vibrate (震动). It was Julia, the monitor in Grade 9, who had announced the classmate reunion and Ms Taylor’s retirement ceremony, which would be held in the school meeting room. Alban’s heart sank. Although he missed his classmates, Alban felt embarrassed to attend the reunion. Ms. Taylor would be there!

Despite his hesitation, Alban arrived on time for the big day. From where he sat, Alban saw his teacher, thin and tired, walk unsteadily into the room. She had not been well. Alban hesitantly walked over to her. He didn’t say much, just a few pleasant words. No hug or smile. Many people crowded in. The ceremony began and Alban sat there, just listening to the speeches of Ms Taylor and other students.

After the party Ms Taylor’s image, present and past, always haunted (萦绕) him. Alban’s memory of Ms Taylor began when he was in Grade 7. She’d listen to him patiently and help solve his problems in every aspect. She’d often suggest interesting books, and they’d share their opinions. Sometimes she even took him to camp near the school on weekends. Great memories still remained in his mind.


Alban decided to visit Ms Taylor again.


As scheduled, the day when Ms Taylor and Alban went camping came.

2024-07-13更新 | 72次组卷 | 2卷引用:专题突破卷11 读后续写-2025年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用)
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At the time I was living in a small village about 25 miles from London. That was the advantage of living there because you could get to London in half an hour. That was by train of course. If you went by car, it’d take about three times as long especially if you travelled in the morning rush hour. The reason why I was giving you this travel information in detail was that I had to make a choice between the car and the train.

I’d seen an advertisement in a national newspaper, which had asked for someone who had some knowledge of computing, had worked at least for two years in car sales and finally was not afraid of travelling up and down the motorway to London every day from a place not far from where I lived. It seemed interesting work and was quite different from the job I had at the time. The interview was to take place at 10:00 a.m. on a Monday morning in January.

Throughout the weekend I couldn’t make up my mind whether to travel by car or by train. At the end of Sunday I decided to drive my car because after all the job was to do with cars.

On the day of the interview I got up at 6:00 a.m. as I was terrified of being late. I usually woke up early because of the loud noise of the traffic outside my bedroom window in the morning. On this particular morning, everything seemed strangely silent. I looked out of the window and realized why: There was a thick blanket of snow on the road and it was still snowing heavily. I panicked. Clearly now I’d have to go by train. I telephoned the station and asked what time the next train down to London would be. I was informed that all services had been cancelled. I asked by whom they had been cancelled. I never knew the answer to that question because I’d been cut off.


Obviously I would have to rethink of driving for the day.


However, soon after, my car broke down because of the slippery road.

2024-07-13更新 | 111次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届河南、山西省高三下学期5月份大联考英语(新教材)
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When the sun rose one summer morning, Mark, a high school student, was riding his bike on the way to school as usual. He admired the attractive sights along the road with colorful flowers on both sides, and fresh air full of pleasant smell. It seemed to be a great day.

Mark was passing a park when he noticed an elderly woman walking about 100 meters ahead slowly falling down onto the ground. He felt his heart standing still with great concern. With nobody else around to turn to for help, Mark decided to ride over to see what was wrong with her for himself.

As he approached the old lady, he found her lying on the ground and looking pale and weak. Judging from her untidy clothes and messy hair, she might have been out for more than one day.

“Are you all right, Granny?” Shaking her arm, Mark asked anxiously. The old lady opened her eyes, a confused and lost expression on her face. She hesitated and then took a closer look. Immediately a big smile appeared on her face. Grasping Mark’s hand, she said with shining eyes, “John, there you are at last! My son, I’m hungry... hungry... Give me food...” She repeated, patting herself on the stomach.

Not knowing what to do, Mark anxiously asked her, “Granny, where is your home? Can you tell me who your son is?” But the old lady didn’t respond, only mumbling (嘟囔), “I’m hungry. Give me food, John.” Obviously, she mistook Mark for her son.

All of a sudden, Mark realized the old lady might be a patient with Alzheimer’s (痴呆症)disease because his own late grandpa used to suffer from such a condition. “She might have gone out without being noticed by her family. They must have been worried about her. Maybe they’re searching like crazy for her everywhere.” Mark thought to himself, “But she is so starved. I must give her some food before I get in touch with her family.”

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Looking around, Mark saw Billy’s Hamburgers nearby.


Just then the old lady reached into her pocket, a note dropping out.

2024-07-11更新 | 79次组卷 | 3卷引用:暑假作业 13 高二英语读后续写写作分类专练-【暑假分层作业】2024年高二英语暑假培优练(人教版2019)
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5 . 为了迎接即将到来的“世界旅游日”,你校计划举办一场英语写作比赛。请你自拟题目,用英语介绍一处你喜欢的历史名胜参赛。内容包括:
2024-07-11更新 | 48次组卷 | 3卷引用:河南省开封市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was still light outside and Dad wasn’t home yet. Mom told us we needed to wait for dinner so all of us could eat together. I didn’t mind. Dad worked all day cleaning pools and if he was late, it meant I could spend more time outside playing basketball with my brother.

Dad played basketball in an old-fashioned way. He always used two hands to hold the ball and he was always careful to line up his body with the basket. Each of his shots is perfectly measured so that the ball drops cleanly through the hoop (篮框). A few years before, when there had been more money to spend, Dad had bought us a backboard and a hoop and had set up a tall metal pole on the side of the driveway. It was primitive, but still, we could imagine it as a basketball court.

We would play basketball all day if Mom let us. We practiced all sorts of shots and tried to sharpen our skills by cutting around each other, sending the ball through each other’s legs and passing it behind our backs. It felt like magic holding a ball, aiming at the basket, sending it into the air and waiting for it to drop into the basket—all the problems of the world seemed to fade away.

Lately Dad didn’t see magic anywhere. He’d lost more customers to job losses. Many of Dad’s customers who had lost their jobs told him they couldn’t afford to pay Dad to clean their pools anymore. I could tell Dad was worried each night.

I squeezed past my brother to put in another layup (带球上篮). That was when I heard Dad arriving home. “Hey, guys!” Dad said as he got out of the car. His shoulders slumped forward with tiredness. It was early and there was still a lot of light left in the sky. In the fading rays of the sun, the light revealed a lot more wrinkles on my Dad’s face than I remembered.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I thought maybe I can cheer him up.


It was almost too dark to see the ball and the dinner was ready.

2024-07-03更新 | 137次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届湖北省武昌实验中学高三下学期5月适应性考试英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Nola Ochs was born in Kansas in 1911. There were many farms and everybody had a job to do. Nola Ochs was raised under the endless sky, and the long arc (弧线) of the sun marked her chore-filled (满是工作的) days. Her life was common. She grew and married, had children and grandchildren, taught in country schools, and lived the quiet Midwest life. But she was different in one way: After her husband died in 1972, Nola began taking classes and finally earned her associate degree (准学士学位) at the age of 77.

“I still want to go to school. It is fun to go to classes. And if I have homework to do in the evening, that takes up my time in a pleasant way,” she recalled. After some years went by, Nola decided to keep going and get her master’s degree in Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas, where her granddaughter studied. She emailed the university for admission (入学), mentioning that she was 80, and had prepared for studying further.

注意:1.续写词数应为 150个左右;

A week later, she got an mail back for her admission.


On the day of her graduation, Nola was chosen to be a spokesperson.

2024-07-02更新 | 50次组卷 | 3卷引用:河南省开封市五县联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

There was a student named Lily who studied at high school. She had excellent grades and was considered as one of the top students in her school. However, Lily had a rather irritable (易怒的) personality. Because her parents gave her high pressure that she must keep her top place in her school. her mind was only focused on her grades, leaving little room for anything else.

One day, after receiving a lower grade than she expected on an important test. Lily was falling apart. Sad and overwhelmed, she even started considering her failure was due to her parents. She quarreled with her parents and kept them out of her room.

Lily’s parents turned to the school teacher Mr. Thompson for help. They poured out all the bad present situations to him. Mr. Thompson was a professional teacher with a deep understanding of the importance of a balanced lifestyle. He recognized that it was Lily’s too much worry about grades that was having a bad effect on her and the parent-child relationships.

Mr. Thompson advised Lily’s parents to calm down first. And after school, he approached Lily and gently suggested they go for a run together. At first, Lily refused, saying that it would take her too much time. Besides, she couldn’t understand how running could be beneficial to her academic success.


“Believe me, Lily,” Mr. Thompson said, and finally Lily agreed to give it a try.


Seeing Lily’s change. Mr. Thompson recommended her to give a speech to her classmates.

2024-06-30更新 | 121次组卷 | 5卷引用:河南省周口市鹿邑县2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In Mr. Russo’s classroom, excitement filled the air as he announced, “We’re down to our final two spellers!” Jasmine couldn’t hide her joy, confident she was going to win. Finn, her competitor, reached out for a handshake, wishing her good luck. But Jasmine replied with a smile, “Luck has nothing to do with it,” leaving Finn embarrassed.

Then, it was Finn’s turn to spell his word. “Apology,” Finn took a deep breath and spelled, but he got it wrong. Jasmine watched closely, waiting for her turn. When she spelled “apology”, she stressed the letters Finn missed. After spelling the final word “Arrogant” (傲慢), Jasmine was announced the winner.

At lunch, Jasmine couldn’t stop herself from showing off as she walked by Finn and his friends. “How hard can it be to spell a few words?” she bragged (吹牛). Before they could answer, she walked away with pride.

The big day of the spelling bee showed Jasmine a different picture. Surrounded by older students, she started to doubt herself for the first time. She hadn’t thought about the tougher words she might face. A comment from Josh, a fourth grader, that “apology” was an “easy” word, made her worry. “Maybe I should have studied the list of words Mr. Russo gave the class,” Jasmine thought to herself.

As Principal Lopez introduced each of the spellers, cheers from each student’s classmates came from different areas of the hall. When Jasmine’s name was announced, most of Mr. Russo’s class clapped for her except Finn, who seemed to be looking at her angrily.

As the bee went on, Jasmine felt increasingly nervous with each word spelled right by others. Finally, it was her turn. Jasmine walked slowly to the front of the stage, her earlier confidence now mixed with caution. The audience watched, waiting. “Please spell ‘caterpillar’,” Principal Lopez asked.

Jasmine’s heart sank as she didn’t know the word.


After the competition, Jasmine opened the classroom door.

2024-06-27更新 | 49次组卷 | 2卷引用:暑假作业 13 高二英语读后续写写作分类专练-【暑假分层作业】2024年高二英语暑假培优练(人教版2019)
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A disability only becomes a disability when you allow it to stop you from being genuinely happy and spreading happiness to others.

In a high school in Missouri, there is a remarkable student named Ryheem Lumpkins. At the age of 16, Ryheem displayed a tough spirit that challenged physical limitations. While his arms and hands hadn’t fully developed, he still managed to land a part-time job as a cashier at a local pizza restaurant.

Although he had only been employed for a month, Ryheem’s work ethic shone exceptionally bright. When it’s not so busy at the counter, he would grab a broom to sweep the floors or carefully clean the buffet. Despite his disability, he had such enthusiasm for life that he even got his driver’s license and worked hard to save money to buy his first car.

As a naturally shy individual, this new job unexpectedly revealed his hidden positive character. Interacting with new people, engaging in conversations, and delivering services became a source of excitement for him.

One fateful day, a customer named Robert Samay recognized the exceptional personality of young Ryheem. The young cashier left a lasting impression on Mr. Samay, leading him to commit an act of kindness that would astonish Ryheem and warm the hearts of those who witnessed it.

Impressed by Ryheem’s personality, Mr. Samay decided to express his appreciation. He slipped a five-dollar bill into Ryheem’s hands and spoke words that sympathized deeply within the teenager’s soul. “I appreciate your infectious smile and your exceptional attitude,” Mr. Samay said warmly. “Such qualities are rare these days, especially among young individuals.”

Ryheem’s eyes gleaned with gratitude as he thanked Mr. Samay, his voice earnest and sincere. He carefully folded the five-dollar bill, tucking it into his pocket with a smile that could light up a room. The warmth of the kind gesture infused Ryheem with a sense of validation and empowerment, reminding him that his disabilities did not define him. The sight of joy that lightened Ryheem’s face as he received the modest tip remained impressive in Mr. Samay’s memory.


It fueled an urge for Mr. Samay to reward the young man’s happiness even more.


After the video was posted online by the shop owner, it swiftly spread across various platforms.

2024-06-27更新 | 62次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省邢台市邢台市名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
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