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Once upon a time, there was a naughty (淘气的) and curious little boy named Jack. Growing up in the city, he had always been fascinated by the countryside and all its wonders. So when his mother decided to take him to visit his grandmother in the village during one summer, Jack was overjoyed.

As soon as they arrived, Jack’s eyes widened with excitement at the sight of the old-fashioned spinning (纺纱) wheel and waterwheel in the yard. But it was the large geese (鹅) in the fenced enclosure that truly seized his attention. Their white feathers, long necks, and distinctive cackles (嘎嘎叫) were unlike anything he had ever seen before.

Eager to explore, Jack approached the fence and reached out to gently tap one of the geese on its head. He laughed at his own playfulness, but little did he know that his actions would have unintended consequences.

The goose, feeling threatened and annoyed, let out a loud squawk and charged towards Jack. Frightened and shocked, Jack moved backwards, tripping over his own feet and falling onto the ground. The goose continued to pursue him, its sharp beak (嘴) coming dangerously close to his face.

Just as the situation seemed terrible, Jack’s grandmother rushed to his rescue. She quickly grabbed a broom and managed to scare the angry goose away, saving Jack from potential harm. Breathless and shaken, Jack sat on the ground, realizing the gravity of his action.

His grandmother sat down beside him and gently explained that animals, even seemingly harmless ones like geese, could attack if they felt threatened. She reminded Jack that it was important to treat all creatures with kindness and respect, regardless of their size or appearance.

Feeling ashamed and regretful, Jack apologized to the goose for his thoughtless behaviour. From that day on, he made a conscious effort to be more mindful of how his action could affect others, both human and animal alike. He learned that true bravery wasn’t about being fearless, but about facing your fears and making amends (补偿) when you were wrong.


As the summer days passed, Jack helped his grandmother tend to the garden and care for the animals.


Years later, as an animal rights activist, Jack often reflected on that decisive summer in the village.

7日内更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽阳石油化纤公司高级中学高考英语冲刺压轴联考(二)
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It was our first day to explore the city of Jerusalem on our own, without a friend or tour guide leading the way. We had completed a week-long tour and felt confident that we could walk through the ancient streets by ourselves now. Then we suddenly realized that the sky had turned from clear blue to gray.

“It's time to head back!” we said at the same time. As we proceeded along the Hebron road to our apartment, the storm clouds covered the entire sky, and the first raindrops began to hit our heads. “Should we grab a taxi?” I shouted to my husband, the rain being so loud I had to raise my voice. “No, we can make it,” he replied loudly. “It's only a twenty-minute walk, and we will go fast.” As the rain and wind increased, so did our footsteps.

We marched ahead, but it wasn't long before we realized that we had been walking much longer than it should have taken us to arrive home. How in the world did we manage to take a wrong turn? We stopped a moment to say a prayer. It was simple and went something like this, “Please, God, lead us back to our apartment and send us your angels for protection.”

It was still pouring when my husband paused, detecting what appeared to be a pathway off the main road. “I think we should take this path,” he announced. “Here?” I was doubtful. I followed his lead as we made our way through overgrown brush until we entered a slight clearing. Looking out into the darkness from behind the bushes, we realized that we had come to a residential neighbourhood. “Let's just wait a minute,” he said. As we stood under the trees, some headlights appeared. A car pulled up to the roadside just below where we were huddled (挤在一起). Soon, a woman got out of the car.

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I approached her and the woman was noticeably shocked to see such a sight.


Noticing the confused looks on our faces, the woman suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

7日内更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省辽阳石油化纤公司高级中学高考英语冲刺压轴联考(三)
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“Look!” I said to my husband, Roger, pointing to the branches. “The doves (鸽子) have built a nest.

On a chilly April day, we watched with horror as a hawk dived down and took one of the doves. By the next morning the other parent was gone too. Roger climbed up a ladder to take a look into the nest. Was it possible the hawk had spared the young? Yes, there sat a newly hatched baby dove! We brought him inside and set up the nesting box with the heat lamps we had used for raising chickens. Then we rushed to the pet shop to buy the formula (配方奶) which needed to look like the mother’s milk. But even with our care and prayers, we knew that the dove’s chances were slim. We were especially worried that our little bird, whom we’d named Hawkeye, hardly cooed (咕咕地叫) at all. That had to be a bad sign.

But to our surprise, Hawkeye not only survived but also thrived. Within a month, he was able to stand on the edge of a bowl and eat out of a baby spoon. And before we knew it, he was eating the seeds we gave him. Having the opportunity to nurture this new life brought me a greater measure of peace with each passing day.

As Hawkeye grew, we noticed that unlike all the other doves in our yard, he had a double breast with a line dividing it. When I did some research on the doves, I found out that females don’t often coo.

“We got it all wrong,” I told Roger. “Hawkeye is a girl!”

We realized that we’d have to teach her to fly. First, we urged her to fly from a finger to the bottom rung (梯子的横档) of a six-foot ladder, and in no time she was moving quickly to the top. She lit out (逃走,溜掉) for the kitchen whenever she heard the click of the spoon on her bowl. By mid-June she’d gained full confidence in her wings.


Paragraph 1: At that time, we knew it was time to set our Hawkeye free.


Paragraph 2: But one May morning, Hawkeye and the other dove landed on the rooftop.

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Cedar Point was an amusement park in Ohio I had been expecting to visit as a child. We lived close to the park, so I often heard the screams of people on the roller coaster, saw the tired kids with their parents when they left. Sometimes, I looked wistfully at the lights through my window at night.

When I was nine, my grandmother managed to save a little bit of money here and there and took me there one day that summer. I yelled, excitement bubbling inside me. As we arrived at the park for the first time, kids were everywhere, eating popcorn (爆米花) and blowing bubbles. My eyes widened in delight at the scene. I wanted to do all those things, but deep down, I knew we didn’t have enough money. We could only afford to buy a ticket only for one ride for fifteen minutes. I pulled my grandmother toward the ticket window to buy a ticket for the carousel (旋转木马).

It was exactly as I had imagined, straight out of a movie. My grandmother smiled fondly and leaned down, giving the ticket to the ride operator, Mr Salas. Letting go, I rushed to the ride, stopping only to pick which horse to sit on. They were all so beautiful, coming in different colors with’ different expressions ‘on their plastic faces. To me, it felt like the decision of a lifetime.

“Come on, sweetie! The ride is going to start!” my grandmother called out, laughing at my indecision. Seeing that, Mr Salas also smiled warmly. Finally, I picked the horse with the pink hair and blue saddle. In the following minutes, I was absorbed in enjoying the ride, forgetting my family was struggling. My grandmother waved each time the ride passed her by. Mr Salas watched me from a distance.

Sadly, the carousel ride ended much too quickly. My grandmother was waiting and took my hand. I got down from the horse unwillingly, feeling bittersweet.

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At that moment, Mr Salas approached us with a warm smile on his face.
After a while, Mr Salas returned, with an all-inclusive ticket for Cedar Point for the entire day.
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Last Sunday morning, my parents and I were going on a vacation in Sydney, where my grandparents lived, to celebrate my birthday. Actually, celebrating my birthday in my grandparents’ home had been a family tradition. As a result, their neighbors, warm-hearted and friendly, were familiar with me. Sometimes, they even came to the house and brought me birthday gifts in person.

We took the subway there as usual. When we got off the subway, I found I had lost my bag. The bag was memorable to me because it was given by my parents when I became a senior high school student. It also had some valuable items inside, including an expensive watch a birthday gift from my grandparents.

I couldn’t help but cry because the bag meant so much to me.“What’s the matter. Lily?” my mom asked. I told her that I might leave the bag on the subway. Hearing that, she comforted me and said. “We have plenty of time. Let’s talk to the staff (工作人员).”

Instantly, my parents reported the situation to the staff at the subway station. A kind worker smiled to me and said. “If someone found it, they would hand it in.” He asked us to wait patiently for a while, and then he called for help.After half an hour, the worker didn’t give us any information. I started to become anxious and lose hope. My father said. “No news is good news.”However, the worker finally apologized to us and let us wait for the information on the recovery of the missing bag at home. We had to go to my grandparents’ house first.

In the afternoon, while I, together with my grandparents and my father, was preparing for a birthday party, I heard my mother talking to someone on the phone about my lost bag. My heart was beating violently, and I was expecting something extraordinary to happen. Sure enough, my mother got me to answer the phone, “Good news, Lily. The call is just for you, from the kind worker. He said a girl called Beatrice had sent the bag back.” I felt amazed that the girl’s name is the same as my friend’s in Sydney.


I took the phone, and then the voice of the worker who had helped us at the subwaystation came from it.


My family and I were dancing happily when someone knocked at the door.

2024-02-27更新 | 48次组卷 | 4卷引用:辽宁省辽阳市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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In a neighborhood, there was a woman named Mrs. Li who lived next to a young girl named Jenny. Mrs. Li had a large garden full of fruits, which she generously shared with everyone. Many in the neighborhood would advise her to sell her fruits, picturing the large profit (收益)she could earn, but Mrs. Li would always respond with a saying, “Mei guanxi! I have only one stomach so I cannot eat all these fruits.”

One day, Jenny’s mother had to work longer hours, leaving Jenny in the care of Mrs. Li.   She introduced Jenny to the wonders of her garden, pointing to the ripe lemons. “They let you know they’re ready to be picked by turning yellow and a little shiny. When you squeeze a ripe lemon, it feels firm,” said Mrs. Li. That evening, Jenny returned home with a basket full of lemons. “What will we do with all these lemons?” Mom asked, looking tired.

“Mei guanxi!” Jenny replied.

“What does that mean?” Mom asked anxiously.

Jenny was embarrassed, as she realized she didn’t know. Out of curiosity, Jenny asked Mrs. Li about the meaning of “méi guanxi” the next time she saw her. Mrs. Li explained that it meant “No problem” “It doesn’t matter” or “Not worry”. “Not worry? How could someone not worry? I worry about everything! I worry about making friends at school. I worry that my secondhand clothes aren’t cool. I worry about getting to school too late or too early. I worry about getting called on in class. I worry about getting a question wrong. When it rains, I worry about getting wet. When it’s sunny, I worry about getting burned,” Jenny said disbelievingly. “Have you tried your best? Then Mei guanxi! What’s the worst that could happen? Rain?

Sun? My trees need both to make delicious fruit!” replied Mrs. Li.

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Then Mrs. Li began to tell Jenny how she got her Mei guanxi attitude


From then on, Jenny also said “Méi guanxi” every time she faced difficulties.

2024-01-10更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省辽阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
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On a Friday evening in December, two weeks before Christmas, I lost my job. I hadn’t seen it coming. My daughter, Kristil, was 12 and I planned to get our Christmas tree. Then I listened to my voicemail, “We’re sorry, but your work assignment has ended as of today.” My heart sank.

I wasn’t just a single parent; I was the only parent. My paycheck was survival. I did everything I could to give Kristil a good life, but there were some things my love couldn’t fix. The next day as we searched for our Christmas tree, I struggled to be cheerful as I eyed the Christmas tree prices.

“Is everything OK?” Kristil asked. “You seem worried,”

“I got some bad news yesterday,” I told her. “But it is OK, honey. Please select your favorite Christmas tree! Let’s take it home!” I didn’t want my daughter to discover the fact that I was unemployed. She told me a few months ago that she wanted a Christmas tree.

“Daddy, is it too expensive?” She pointed to a Christmas tree and said to me cautiously.

“Absolutely not,” I told her. “Let’s take it home!”

I swiped my card (刷卡) and paid, quietly made up my mind to set off on my moneymaking pursuits. Over the next week, I crazily applied for jobs as my bank account grew smaller. However, there was no suitable position for me in this world. I felt as if the world was closing in on me.

The day before Christmas, I dropped Kristil in a wealthy community for her friend’s birthday party. I watched as she went in, surrounded by all the nice things that were expensive for me. When she was there, she looked so happy. At that moment, I even thought that she seemed to belong there, a fairy tale world decorated with extremely beautiful and carefully made desserts and beautiful decorations. I went back home defeatedly.

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After arriving at home and seeing the Christmas tree, my heart sank to the bottom.


After reading the card my daughter wrote, my eyes were filled with tears.

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Daniel and Lucas are twins. They are teenagers, studying in the same class. Their teenage life is rich and colorful. Tony is their grandpa, whose age is 70 this year. The two grandsons like to take exercise with their grandpa and even go out on adventures.

In the summer of last year, they paid a visit to Stone Mountain Park with their grandpa. They had the opportunity to spend the day with their grandpa, seeing the various beautiful sights and attractions. One thing that three of them had really desired to do was climb to the top of the mountain. Stone Mountain isn’t a very high mountain and fortunately there are some walking routes to the top of it, but for the two teenagers, along with a rather old grandpa, it’s a difficult task.

Daniel and Lucas were much more interested in the walk than their grandpa, and they viewed it as an exciting adventure. But climbing the mountain was a rather big challenge for Tony, who was old and thin. He decided to start the slow walk up to the mountain.

It seemed like that Tony was taking forever to climb just a short distance, but considering his personal safety, he had to remind himself that it took him two steps to equal his grandsons’ one step. When he walked closer to his grandsons, he had to stop for a while to regain energy, and then tried to catch up with them, over and over again.

Tony was very tired. He just wanted to arrive at the top of the mountain as soon as possible to enjoy the beauty of the mountain top. But the twin grandsons were not focused at all on the trial of climbing the mountain. On the contrary, they were simply enjoying the journey of the walk. They enjoyed all that they had seen and all that they had heard along the way up to the top of the mountain. They stopped now and then to look at every large rock and observe the unusual plant formations. Suddenly, they found a strange plant. Daniel called out, “Grandpa, here is a special plant. Come and have a look.”


Tony was hurrying towards his grandsons when he fell down.


Daniel and Lucas wondered how to get their grandpa to the top of the mountain.

2023-02-15更新 | 461次组卷 | 7卷引用:辽宁省辽阳市协作校2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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When Anna thought she finally knew what life was all about, it dealt her a heavy blow. Her husband passed away suddenly. They had been making plans to get away on a dream trip to France. Now it was too late, and Anna wept over all the memories they wouldn’t be sharing. She was heartbroken.

“I’m so worried about Mom,” Anna’s daughter Clara said to her son, Ron, one day. “It’s been over six months, and she’s still sad. She won’t leave the house, not for anything.”

Ron, a fourteen-year-old boy who had been close to his grandparents, was upset. “Poor grandma!” he sighed. He knew his grandpa was her world. Ron wondered how he could cheer his grandma up. “What if I start taking her out in the afternoon for walks the way she and Grandpa used to do?” he asked. “That’s a great idea, Ron!” his mother said.

So the next day, Ron showed up at his grandma’s house an hour before sunset. “Hey, grandma,” he said. “How about walking down to the lake and watching the sunset?” Anna turned her face away so her grandson couldn’t see her tears and said. “Why would I want to do a stupid thing like that? Don’t bother me!”

Ron was hurt by his grandmother’s words, but what he didn’t know was that Anna was just as upset. “Why did I say that to the poor boy?” she asked herself. “He was only trying to help.”

That night Ron told his mom what had happened. “Maybe she doesn’t want our help,” he said sadly. Clara replied, “She definitely needs it. Your grandpa would hope she could continue to love life. He once always brought her red roses and she loved them very much!”

That was when a brilliant idea struck Ron. He decided to buy his grandma roses like his grandpa used to do. Maybe the daily reminder that she was loved would turn things around. But first, he needed to earn money to buy roses, which weren’t cheap. Ron decided that he wasn’t going to say a word to his mom. He was going to do this for his grandmother, all by himself.


The next Saturday morning, he tried to find a part-time job.


When Ron arrived at his grandma’s house, he saw her holding the roses and smiling.

2023-02-14更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省辽阳市协作校2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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Chloe was 83 years old and lived by the ocean shore in a big beautiful house. She wished her son Steve would visit her, even if for only a day. Of course, the young man had a family of his own now, a darling little daughter Eva, and a business to take care of. Steve got on video calls with Chloe every other day. However, Chloe thought of her son and granddaughter, wishing she was with them. One day, Chloe heard sounds from the neighboring house. Chloe looked through the window and was delighted to see that she had new neighbors.

One morning, when Chloe woke up and walked along the shore, she heard the sounds of water being splashed and the sound of children laughing wildly. She followed the sound and was concerned on finding the twins from the neighboring house standing knee deep in ocean water. Something didn’t feel right. “Why would anyone leave their kids unattended on the shore?” Chloe thought. She grabbed the kids’ hands and walked them to their home. As Chloe opened the door, she found the young mother lying unconscious on the kitchen floor. Chloe didn’t waste a second in calling 911.

The first responders managed to revive (恢复) her consciousness on the spot. “My boys! Ralph! Ray!” the woman cried out to her kids as the ambulance took her away. Chloe said, “Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. I’ll take care of your sweet boys.” She kept her promise and looked after the kids like a grandmother. She took Ralph and Ray in and let them sleep in the bedroom that was specially made for her granddaughter Eva.

It was during these days that she knew that the boys’ father died of illness. Chloe knew that the neighbor, Phoebe, had been trying to make ends meet by selling sweaters and socks that she knit. Looking at Phoebe’s children eat and drink with such joy, she realized how much she longed to see her little Eva. By the time Phoebe came home from the hospital, the kids had already started calling Chloe “Grandma”.


Phoebe was very moved and struggled to find the words to thank her elderly neighbor.


One Thanksgiving, when Chloe and the Phoebes were talking, Chloe’s door was knocked.

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