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1 . 阅读下面的材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I used to be a lonely girl sitting at the back of the classroom. Having failed the college entrance exams and changed schools twice, I seldom smiled. Every day I would sit at the desk, staring into textbooks and exercises, motionless and heavy-hearted. However, my classmates were in a different picture. They were playing, laughing and chatting delightedly. Besides, I hated it when they were always answering the teachers’ questions, loudly and confidently. Obviously, I had no friends in this fiercely competitive class.

Life is harder for senior students. Hardly does a day go by without exercises or tests. Every time when the scores came out mine wouldn’t be the first or second but last. I was especially tired of the endless exercises and exams, which I seemingly would never do well in. I was under a lot of pressure, feeling like a fish being fried in a pan.

Hanging over me was a dark cloud. The only dim light came from Mr. Smith. Every time I stepped into the classroom, he welcomed me with a warm smile; every time my gaze began to wander over the classroom or stare out of the window, his caring eyes would draw me back to his class. Besides, he was the only teacher who invited me to the office, talking about my studies and scores. I remembered when I came out of his office, I felt refreshed believing that I could work harder.

I was feeling everything was changing for the better. I prepared hard for the final exam of the first semester, desiring to prove that I was not the last one. So before Mr. Smith told us the test result, I was expecting something good in store for me.

But I was still the last one in the class. A burst of sadness and shame consuming me, I was heartbroken.


Right at that moment, Mr. Smith invited me to his office.


Finally, the college admission letter came.

2024-06-13更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省茂名市高三下学期二模考试英语试卷
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In fifth grade, my family moved across town. I hated being the new kid at school.

I was tall for my age and already wore a size nine shoe—how awkward! My ponytails (马尾辫) and short bangs (刘海) seems quite different from others. I wanted to fit in, but in vain.

Theresa was thin but strong, with blond bangs and tightly pulled-back hair. For a reason unknown to me, she decided that I was worthy of her attention, and every day she walked up to me and kicked me in the back of the legs. Theresa was smart and quick. No teacher ever saw her, and within a week, my legs were bruised (淤青) black and blue.

One day on the playground, as Theresa was about to close in on me again, I escaped away. I glanced over one shoulder and, with relief, didn’t see her and thought she had given up. I stopped abruptly and turned around, unaware that Theresa had been running full-speed toward me. She didn’t expect my sudden stop and crashed into me and fell to the ground. A group of kids standing nearby laughed. Angry, she got up and began to kick me. I couldn’t stand any more. So I made a fist and swung my arm wildly. I caught Theresa in the nose, and she was bleeding. I didn’t know which of us was more surprised. Then we made a big fight. Consequently, we were taken to the principal’s office. He said we should be punished and then filled a form, I stared at his desk and realized that I could read the form upside down. It reads, “Labor punishment for one week.”

Theresa leaned toward me and whispered, “I guess we should get a two-week labor punishment.” I shook my head and said, “No, one week. I can read the form upside down.” Both of us were surprised that we should talk with each other.

We were arranged to take care of the flowers and plants in the school garden together.
I was surprised that Theresa and I have so many things in common.
2024-05-15更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省高州市高考适应性考试(三模)英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was in high school, my art teacher asked me to participate in a regional painting competition. I hesitated at first. Although I loved art, I had always painted for myself, not for contests or recognition. My family, who had moved from Mexico, encouraged me to express our culture through my art, but I was unsure about exposing my work to the public. Painting was a personal journey for me, a way to connect with my roots and express my emotions.

But my teacher saw something in my paintings that I hadn’t. She said, “Your work tells a story, a vibrant narrative of your heritage and dreams. You should share it with the world.” Motivated by her confidence in me, I decided to take the leap.

I chose the theme of ‘Migration’ for my painting. It was a tribute to my family’s journey from Mexico to the United States, a blend of colors and emotions depicting both the struggles and hopes of moving to a new land. I poured my heart into that canvas, each stroke representing a piece of my story.

As I worked, I found myself lost in the memories and experiences of my family. The more I painted, the more I understood the sacrifices they had made for me. My doubts turned into determination. I wanted this painting not just to be seen but to be felt. I stayed up late for several nights, perfecting every detail, ensuring that every color and every line conveyed the emotions I felt so deeply.

When I finally finished, I was no longer concerned about winning. The painting was a part of me, a representation of my family’s journey and my growth as an artist.

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The day of the competition arrived, and my heart was racing as I displayed my painting among the others.


After the competition, I walked up to my art teacher, filled with a mix of gratitude and pride.

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4 . 阅读下面的材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Mom, I’m ready to go,” called Jason.

Every Saturday, Jason looked forward to going to Chinatown to shop for food because his mom let him pick his favorite snacks: roast pork buns and bubble tea.

The streets in Chinatown were crowded with cars and pedestrians. His mother could not find the same exotic vegetables in the local supermarkets, so they always came here to shop. What fascinated Jason was tasty roast pork, even the whole pigs hanging on big hooks in the windows, their skins roasted to a glistening brown. Jason’s mouth would water just looking at them.

As they passed the newsstand carrying Chinese newspapers and magazines, Jason spotted an old man sitting on the sidewalk. His hair was long, white, and messy. The face beneath was lined, dirty, and unshaven. Frayed and torn clothing wrapped around his thin frame, and in this kind of cold weather, he even wore sandals, his feet blue with cold. He banged an empty can against the sidewalk. As Jason walked by, he could smell a musty odor and pinched his nostrils together. The old man reached out and touched Jason’s left leg. Instinctively, Jason gathered all his strength to jerk(猛拉) his leg away and kick the old man’s hand heavily. Frightened, he hurried to catch up with his mother without looking back.

“Mom, the old man touched me,” he cried, “He touched me with his dirty hands. It’s disgusting! And he smelled too.”

Jason’s mother glanced back at the man with a look of understanding and said gently, “Jason, he can’t help it. He’s homeless. He didn’t mean any harm.”

Mom’s words made Jason look back at the old man with regret, who now was looking up at other passersby, still banging his can.

On their way home, Jason asked, his voice filled with concern. “Why is that old man homeless? Where does he sleep?”

“I don’t know. It’s tough to be homeless, especially in this cold weather. He did look quite weak,” his mother replied.

Mom’s words made Jason’s regret deepened. He confessed his heavy kick to his mother, who reminded him that it was crucial to acknowledge his mistake and try to make up for it.


The next day, with his mother’s help, Jason decided to do something.


Hearing this, the old man looked at them with watery eyes.

2024-02-17更新 | 310次组卷 | 6卷引用:2024届广东省茂名市高三上学期一模英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Last Saturday, I drove back home from a long hard day. It was snowing heavily and the traffic inched slowly forward like snails. I was so hungry because I skipped my lunch that I decided to stop by KFC and had a quick bite before I continued my journey home. It took me a long time to find a place to park my car. With my face buried in my collar, I walked slowly in the snow. Soon my hands were numb(麻木) with cold, so I pulled my gloves out of my coat pocket and put them on.

I ordered some fried chicken and dug into my pocket for my wallet to pay, only to find it was not there! I remembered I did bring it with me before I set out. Embarrassed, I left the chicken on the counter and said I would return in a minute. Deeply worried, I got out of KFC and ran towards my car, wondering where my wallet, with everything in it, was.

Fresh snow was like a blank paper, recording my tracks. My attention fixed on the ground, I expected to find it on my way. Unfortunately, what I found was only the shape of it in the snow. Obviously, I lost it when I pulled my gloves out. Judging from the footprints on the ground, I was not the only one. There was someone else joining my way. But the footprints of this guy were messy. It seemed that he walked back and forth. My heart sank. At a loss of which way he went, I knew I could never claim my wallet back. Bye, fried chicken, not today. I walked towards my car helplessly.

A short, skinny man was standing by my car. He seemed like homeless because he was dressed in oversized worn-out coat and his face was dirty. He was stamping his feet to keep warm. I felt sorry for him because I had nothing to help him, no money, no food.

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The man noticed me and asked if this was my car.


Refusing my money, he was about to leave.

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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完 整的短文。

Steve, a twelve-year-old boy with alcoholic parents, was about to be lost forever, by the U. S. education system. Remarkably, he could read; yet, in spite of his reading skills, Steve had been failing since first grade. Sadly, no one noticed him until Miss White, a smiling, young, beautiful redhead.

Steve was immediately attracted by Miss White at the first sight! Yet, still he failed. He never did his homework, and he was always in trouble with Miss White. In the middle of the first semester, the entire seventh grade was tested for basic skills. Steve hurried through his tests, and continued to dream of other things. His heart was not in school, but in the woods, where he often escaped alone, trying to shut out the sights, sounds and smells of his alcoholic home. No one checked on him to see if he was safe. No one knew he was gone, because no one cared about him. Oddly, Steve never missed a day of school.

One day, Miss White’s impatient voice broke into his daydreams. “Steve!” Alarmed, he turned to look at her. “Pay attention!”

“You all did pretty well,” she told the class, “except for one boy, and it breaks my heart to tell you this, but…” She hesitated, pinning Steve to his seat with a sharp stare, her eyes searching his face. “…. The smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!”

She just stared at Steve, as the class spun around for a good look. Steve dropped his eyes and carefully examined his fingertips.

After that, Steve still wouldn’t do his homework. Even as the punishments became more severe, he remained stubborn.

“Just try it! ONE WEEK!” He was unmoved.

“Give yourself a chance! Don’t give up on your life!” Nothing swayed him. “Steve! Please! I care about you!”

Wow! Suddenly, Steve got if!!! Someone cared about him? Someone, CARED


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Steve went home from school, thoughtful, that afternoon.


The following Monday, Miss White gave a quiz on the weekend homework as usual.

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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One day my grandfather gave me a gift — a piggy bank. It had an opening through which one could put money in, but the opening was not big enough to reach in and get the money out. The only way to get at the money was to break the piggy bank open. My grandfather explained that was the whole idea: the piggy bank would help save my money so that, at the end of the year, I might have enough for that bike I dreamt about. He asked if I would put some of the money he gave me into the piggy bank. I agreed immediately and promised that I wouldn’t break it open until I could afford my dream bike.

Whenever he gave me a little bit of money, he would say, “This is for spending. But you can save some and put it in the piggy bank if you want to save it up.” When he gave me larger amounts, it was clearly for saving in the piggy bank. For some time, this worked fine. I loved shaking the piggy bank and hearing the sound of the coins. As it became heavier, I grew more excited, dreaming about buying my new bike, and all the adventures I could have on it.

Whenever I wanted to take some money from the piggy bank to buy delicious ice-creams or beautiful pens, I would imagine riding my bike on the street, and thinking of that, my thoughts about ice-creams or pens went away. So for almost six months, I only put money into the piggy bank without taking any out. I thought I wouldn’t break my piggy bank for anything. But one day something unexpected happened. I saw a piece of news on the television that a serious earthquake (地震) had happened in a nearby province. As many houses were destroyed, a lot of children became homeless. Seeing their shabby clothes and crying faces, I was sleepless that night.

Paragraph 1: I knew I should do something.__________________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2: My grandfather was surprised by my behavior._____________________________________________________________________
2023-12-27更新 | 157次组卷 | 21卷引用:广东省茂名市电白区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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8 . 你校英文报正举办征文活动,请你以“Travelling”为题写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:


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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Sports Day was getting close in the school. All the children were very excited and were practicing for the big race. John, one of the fast runners of the school, was confident that he would win for he was not doing anything at all. “You have to work hard to come first in the race John. You are not practicing at all,” said John’s mother.

“Mom, you know how fast I am! Why should I waste my time running? Only I will win; no one else will win!”said John. “John, you may be right but talent (天赋) without hard work is not good at all. This laziness of yours will cost you greatly,” his mother warned him. John just laughed. He was so confident that he would win the trophy (奖杯) as no one else in his class was as fast as he was!.

Tim, a classmate of John, was also participating (参加) in the running race. He was not a fast runner. However, he practiced till late at night and had developed great endurance (持久力) to run the race.

There were a few days left for the Sports Day but John did not practice at all. On the other hand, Tim practiced day and night.

The Sports Day was almost around the corner but John was confident that no one could beat him and had not practiced at all. But Tim with his hard work had become a very great runner.

At last, the Sports Day arrived. All the students showed up on the ground to cheer their favorites. The coach blew the whistle (口哨) and everyone began to run toward the finishing line. It was so exciting. John and Tim left all the racers far behind. Both of them were neck to neck.

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Suddenly, John went ahead of Tim.


John’s mother came up to Tim and praised him for his hard work.

2023-11-23更新 | 263次组卷 | 34卷引用:广东省茂名市信宜市2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

A boy named Ali had a large and harmonious family, happily living with his sisters, parents and grandmother. His grandmother loved everyone a lot and was respected by all family members. She was very old, but sometimes she would recall things from her past and share with them. Sometimes they would believe her but at other times they would think that Granny might be mixing up the facts due to her old age.

One day, when Ali was in school, suddenly while knitting (编织), Granny remembered something and she couldn’t contain her emotions so she got up to tell her son — Ali’s father. She walked as fast as she could to his room and said, “You always asked about my birth date, but do you know today is the day when I was born?”

She looked at her son with an excited expression, expecting an immediate response. However, her son wondered how she could remember her date of birth in this old age when she forgot so many other things, so he didn’t pay much attention to this. Disappointed at her son’s reaction, Granny then went to Ali’s mother and Ali’s sister, but like Ali’s father, nobody believed her.

Sadly, she went and sat in the terrace (庭院). When Ali returned from his school, he found his grandmother sitting alone with a sad expression. Ali asked his granny about the matter, but she said there was nothing to worry about. After a lot of persuasion she finally told him what was troubling her — nobody seemed to care that it was her birthday today!

After hearing what Granny said, Ali thought of a plan. Purely by chance, some of Ali’s friends were playing nearby so he shared his plan with them.

His friends were all willing to help Ali achieve what he planned.
Ali was so happy to see his granny with tears of joy shining in her eyes.
共计 平均难度:一般