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As The Jungle Book song Bear Necessities goes, “forget about your worries and your conflict” can be a little bit difficult when you find yourself face to face with a real bear.

Bears are common in the Northern Hemisphere. As human habitats stretch toward the wilderness, more and more animals cross their paths with those of humans. This can lead to dangerous encounters especially when precautions are not in place. In these situations, keeping your distance is still the best advice.

According to the National Park Service, one should also remain calm as bears, more often than not, are not really willing to attack you. Once in a standoff (对峙), avoid making sudden moves or loud noises as these can trigger aggression. 7-year-old Huxley did exactly what he was told when he encountered a massive bear.

It was a Sunny morning. Huxley was wandering on his way home when a big hulking (笨重的) figure emerges from behind him. A hurried glance backward, he knew it was a black bear. The bear approached cautiously at first, probably sizing up the figure in front of him. A second later, perhaps judging that Huxley was no match for it, the bear burst into a full sprint (冲刺) and ran its way toward the boy.

At first, Huxley was really frightened. However, he knew it was impossible to run or fight with the big beast. In the moment of crisis, he remembered his mother reminds him regularly about these possible encounters. She tells him that if Huxley finds himself face to face with a bear and there are no adults around, he should remain calm.

Huxley calmed down at thinking of this. He stared at the bear down without any movement. This might have been the reason why the young bear stopped dead in its tracks. They faced each other motionless, and there was only a foot distance between them.

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From around the corner, a neighbor hurriedly walked to the scene.


The neighbor continued to pressure the bear while the animal tried its best to find an escape route.

2024-02-15更新 | 52次组卷 | 3卷引用:云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高三上学期期末考试英语试卷
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A co-worker invited my husband and me to his son’s wedding reception. We’d worked in the same office with the gentleman for several years. Although neither of us had met his son, we felt like we knew him from listening to his dad talk about him so often.

We arrived at the dinner center and walked into a gorgeously decorated ballroom. I glanced around for fellow co-workers, hoping they’d saved us a seat, but didn’t recognize a soul. Scanning the room again, I zeroed in on the gift table and a small white box for wedding cards. I walked over and put my envelope into the box before joining my husband at the open bar to enjoy a big meal.

The wedding party danced in, and the happy couple greeted guests as they made their way to the head table filled with beautiful flowers. The bride groom shook hands with us and thanked us for sharing their special day. My husband remarked, “You sure look like your dad.” I nodded in agreement and added, “Same personality, too.” The bride groom smiled knowingly. “That’s what they all say.”

We found two seats at an empty table and then joined the long buffet (自助餐) line that stretched past an open doorway. I looked up just as a woman from our office and her husband walked by. Stepping out of line, I stretched my neck and watched them enter the ballroom down the hall. In a slight panic, I told my husband that we were at the wrong reception and we had to go. He asked, “What about the card?”

We shyly made our way to the gift table. My eyes looked left and right, waiting for nobody coming close. Hands shaking, I tried to lift the metal clasp (搭扣) on the small box. It wouldn’t move. I leaned in closer and knocked over a tall, thin box covered with bright silver paper, causing it to turn over forward. From out of nowhere, a man appeared by my side and caught the present before it hit the floor.

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He asked in a cold voice, “What can I do for you?”


After what seemed like forever, I found the envelope.

2023-11-27更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省楚雄州2023—2024学年高二上学期期中教育学业质量监测英语试题
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was only four when my parents passed away and after that, I had to be sent to Gran Lola’s house. Grandmothers should know how to bake cookies and cook some delicious dishes. Grandmothers should have gentle and soft hearts. But Gran Lola was none of those things. Gran Lola cooked the most usual meals but fed me with love. Although she pretended to be this rough (粗野的), strict and fashion granny, she had a loving heart that knew how to love everyone around her. What a fool I was not to realize that at that time!

I was afraid of Gran Lola until I was ten years old. I spent six years with her. That’s how long it took me to be used to her cooking, laughs and bad jokes. But by then, I couldn’t imagine my life without her. She protected me from all the bad like a mother protects her child. She saw the wrong things that were happening to me and she stood up for me. All in all, she would do anything for me that was good for me.

Gran Lola lived a simple life but had been always taking care of Mr Tammy, a lonely old neighbor, for free until he died. Later, Gran Lola became ill and was forced to stay in bed. I was 15 then and I could look after her.

“You are a loving boy, Morris!” Gran Lola said one day. “You see, honey, all of your love and care will come back to you one day. Kindness is priceless, and it can also bring unexpected rewards (回报).”

When Gran Lola died, I discovered that she had divided what she had equally among her grandchildren. But she had left me one more thing: her old piggy bank, which was placed on my bedroom shelf. One day, thirty-two years later, I was cleaning the shelf when I accidentally dropped it. As it broke into pieces, I was shocked. Along with the broken pieces on the floor lay stones, sparkling and shiny like diamonds (钻石)!

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Seeing these, I recalled (回忆) that Gran Lola had been living a rather simple life.


I was cleaning up the confusing stones when I found Gran Lola’s note.

2023-11-22更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高一上学期期中教育学业质量监测英语试题
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Henry Crawley was a cab driver who drove long circuits every day. His job kept him away from family for long hours. It was the topic of many quarrels he had gotten into with his wife, who understood why he was away so often but could not resist the urge to cry out for her husband’s physical absence.

To make up for not always being there for his daughter, Leslie, Henry was determined to make it to her 16th birthday party on time. On the day of her birthday, Henry conveyed as many passengers as he could as usual. When he finally finished the last order to a distant town outside the city, Henry rushed back to his city for the small party.

However, he got caught up in a heavy snowstorm that restricted mobility on his way back. Stubbornly, he decided he would press on anyway and continued driving even though he had to go at a snail’s (蜗牛的) pace.

It was 6: 00 pm and Leslie’s party started at 6: 30 pm. He complained about the weather as he fastened his eyes on the slippery road. As time passed, he got closer to the city. Suddenly, he spotted a person sitting beside the road. He stopped his car to check on it, and found it was an elderly woman who was unable to speak but almost freezing. Her bedroom clothes told him she must be from the town nearby he just drove past.

Henry decided to take the woman to her town, but he remembered that his wife would be upset with him if he missed his daughter’s birthday party. He called his wife to explain things. As he predicted, she said nothing, ending up the call. That made him uneasy and almost turn back to his car. But he knew that he could not leave the woman helpless. “I’d want someone to care for my wife or daughter if they ended up in such a tough situation,” he said to himself.


Without any hesitation, Henry was determined to help the stranger.


Upon his arrival, it was late at night and Henry became more uneasy.

2023-11-14更新 | 153次组卷 | 4卷引用:云南省楚雄州2023—2024学年高三上学期期中教育学业质量监测英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Molly and her husband Rex ran a used bookstore in a small town. People, mostly kids, came here to read books, sell books and buy books. The morning had been full of rain, and passers-by were walking with narrow eyes under umbrellas. Molly rested both her hands on the counter and leaned(倾斜)forward to watch the world outside in the rain while Rex was busy sorting out books on the bookshelves. Rick, who sat on the floor burying himself in reading a hardback illustrated book, was the only customer in such a rainy day. Rick was a regular customer to the bookstore and he never sold a book or bought a book. He just read books.

“Can you keep this book for me?” Molly heard a shy voice and looked down to find it was little Rick that stood before the counter, holding the illustrated book and asked.

“Sure!” Molly nodded encouragingly. But the uncertainty remained on Rick’s face. “I’ll be back really soon. Promise. Tomorrow if I can.” Molly nodded to him as seriously as she was treating an adult. Molly wanted to ask him if there was anything difficult, but she kept silent. Anyway, she put the illustrated book in a drawer in case anyone else would take it. Most of the secondhand books in her store were unique. If it was sold, she would fail to keep her promise.

Rick didn’t return the following day, or the day after that. Molly was somehow disappointed. Rex suggested placing the illustrated book on the bookshelf so that others could read it or take it. In Rex’s opinion, children made promises all the time and they promised all kinds of things. When they came to a store and was attracted by something, they promised to come back and they asked the shopkeeper not to let anyone else take the things they wanted away. It happened all the time.

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But Molly insisted that they should wait and keep the book.


Rick pushed the door open and rushed to the counter holding his money box.

6 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Daniel got a job as a delivery man to work his way through college. His parents couldn’t save up all the money he needed to get into law school, so since he was 16, he has been taking summer jobs to earn extra money.

The boy usually wakes up at 5 am in summer or winter, riding his rusty (生锈的)old bike delivering packages. It isn’t an easy job, especially during winter. Besides that, his old bike is slow, making things harder. But that isn’t a problem for Daniel. ”Come on, boy! We can do this, “he says to himself.

Daniel’s route is always the same and people in the neighborhood have already known him. He calls them by their names, and they often wave and greet him as he passes.

One day, Daniel came to McReynolds’ house. He parked his bike at the doorstep. He rang the doorbell but no one answered. He tried again, still no answer. Then he left the parcel at the doorstep.

As Daniel jumped back on his bike, he noticed his bike broken down. ”Bad luck!“But as he turned around, he saw a strange man secretly looked around and placed a package under his jacket. Daniel shouted at the man, ”Hey there! What are you doing? That’s not yours!“

The man saw Daniel and started to run. Daniel looked at his broken bike helplessly and ran fast after the man, shouting, ”Stop!Thief!“When the man saw that Daniel was gaining on him, he threw the package at him. Daniel caught it, but he didn’t give up the chase. Then the man tripped over a stone and fell on the floor. Daniel came a few seconds later and got him.

The ruckus (喧闹) alarmed all the neighbors. Then the police were called. McReynolds came out from the house, ”I couldn’t get the door when you rang because I was taking a shower. Thank you for stopping him!“ Daniel smiled back at her and was turning around to leave.

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When Daniel was to pick up his bike, he heard a voice behind him, “Wait!”


Minutes later, McReynolds returned, with a beautiful blue bike.

2023-07-13更新 | 116次组卷 | 3卷引用:云南省楚雄州2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 (含听力)
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Hey, Adam, I’m sorry I’m not there with you right now. Happy birthday.”

“Thanks, Dad. Are you coming home later for the party?”

“Um, well, something’s come up, darling. I might not be able to make it, but I’ll have Rose get you the best cake. Just tell her what you need, OK? Sorry, I really want to be there, but you know how busy my work is right now... I’m really busy.”

The call went silent. “Hey, Adam, You there? I’ll try to make time, OK? Hello? ...”

Jaden removed the phone from his ear and realized the call was disconnected. Adam had hung up.

Jaden let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, this is something I’m doing for you.”

Jaden owned a million-dollar farm business, and he was planning on expanding it. For that very reason, he was several miles away from his son, traveling to a village.

He pulled the car near the roadside and dialed his son immediately. But clearly, the call didn’t go well, Like several other times, Adam was disappointed that Jaden wasn’t there for him.

When Adam was a child, Jaden could easily ask him for forgiveness by getting him toys, chocolates and anything the boy loved.

But as an 11-year-old boy, Adam had started comprehending things. He was becoming curious and knew his dad was putting work before him. That hurt the youngster in many ways, and since Jaden’s wife passed away and he wasn’t always there for Adam, the boy was being looked after by his aunt, Rose.

As Jaden was driving along the rough road, suddenly he found a car stopped there and the driver was waving to him. Jaden stepped out of his car and approached the driver, “What’s up, sir?”

“I’m Paul, sorry to interrupt you. I’m driving a long way here to meet a client, but the battery of my smartphone runs out and my GPS doesn’t work, so I can’t figure out the route. I regret not bringing my driver for his wife was ill and I think he needs more time to accompany his wife,” the man said anxiously, After guiding Paul to his client, Jaden was lost in thought.

Jaden changed his idea, thinking it was the most important to celebrate his son’s birthday.
After running for fifteen minutes, Jaden was out of breath when he reached home.
2023-07-08更新 | 122次组卷 | 5卷引用:云南省楚雄州2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Once there was a businessman who was engaged in leather business, but his business failed because of his poor management, which made him lack of confidence to continue to do his business. Even worse, he owed a lot of money to others and could see no way out.

Today, it was just Christmas Day, he should have dinner with his family, but he was walking alone in the park because of business failure in order that he could relieve his sense of failure. He sat on the park bench, wondering if anything could save his company. Suddenly one of his old friends appeared in front of him.

“Oh, dear, long time no see! Merry Christmas! You look so bad, aren’t you? You must be encountering some troubles,” his old friend asked in a worrying tone.

“Merry Christmas! Well, I just encountered a big failure in my business and owed a lot of money to others. I don’t know how to continue to do my business,” the businessman replied in a low voice.

After listening to his problem, to the businessman’s surprise, his old friend took out a check, passed it to him and said, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time.” Then he turned and disappeared.

The businessman with a big surprising expression on his face saw the check in his hand for $500? 000! The money was more than enough to save his business. However, he didn’t plan to use it, he decided to put the check in his safe.

With the check, he was full of confidence and planned to continue to do his business again. He worked hard day by day and slowly his business began to breathe. The businessman was making money once again.

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One year later, the businessman decided to meet his old friend on Christmas Day.


He realized it was his newfound confidence that changed his life.

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Not too long ago, I was at the grocery store, and an elderly man in front of me was using a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) card, which we used to call food stamps. The card reader kept rejecting his payment. He had apparently gone over his limit for the month. He was confused about how it had happened and more than a little upset about the situation.

While I was trying to decide if the man would feel uncomfortable or grateful if I offered to step in and pay for him, the young man checking him out, who I thought was still in high school, said, “Sir, this happens all the time. It’s not a problem. I bet we can figure out a solution together.”

The line behind us was growing long, but the young man didn’t show a little impatience or anger. He confirmed that the man was, indeed, over his limit for the month and found the amount of the overage. Turned out, he wasn’t over by much, so the checker helped the customer determine which two or three items that he could make do without until his account was filled.

“You’ll definitely want to keep the milk, the butter, the eggs and the bread,” I remember the young man saying as he looked through the already bagged groceries. Then the young clerk, who had clearly done this before, pulled out a jar of salsa, a bottle of juice and some crackers that he and his customer agreed could wait until the beginning of the new month.

The young man definitely told his older customer, once again, that it was a common occurrence and not a problem at all. The man left with his dignity unhurt and, no doubt, with a renewed sense of loyalty to that grocery-store chain. Seeing what the young man had done to deal with such a situation, I decided to tell him what a good job he had done.


When it was my turn to check out, I told the young man that he had done an extraordinary job of handling the situation.


I got a return e-mail that day with thanks from the manager.

2023-02-22更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省楚雄彝族自治州2022-2023学年高三上学期期末教育学业质量监测英语试题
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