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On the walk home from school, my friend, Cherry, happily said, “Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. I’ve been saving up for the past month and plan to buy my mother the perfume (香水) she’s been wanting for so long.” Her excitement made me realize that I hadn’t prepared anything special yet. But I only had a little money left. I began to regret spending so much on snacks every day. “See you next week!” Cherry’s voice pulled me back to reality. We waved goodbye as she went into a perfume shop.

I continued walking along the road, carefully thinking about what gift I should choose. I planned to buy something like flowers or chocolate, but now it seemed like those were way too simple. Therefore, I pushed open the door to a mall (商场) and tried to find the perfect gift. The bright lights illuminated (照亮) the collection of various goods. I picked up a lipstick (口红) but immediately (立即) put it back after seeing its price. I could never afford that! Then I walked into another shop and saw a lovely cup. This cup, besides being beautiful, would also remind my mother to drink water. It’d be a wonderful gift. I picked it up and turned it over to see the price listed, hoping it was not too expensive. But once again, I couldn’t afford it even with all the money that I had. Feeling sad, I continued to wander around the shops. Time flew by quickly, and before I knew it, the sky began to darken, so I had to go home.

Since there was no time or money for me to pick out a gift, I decided to make a simple card. When I finished, the clock on my bedroom wall struck 11 p.m. I held up the card, examining its hardcover, handwritten letters, and the tiny pictures I’d drawn of my mom and me. It’s probably never going to compare to the expensive gifts that my friends bought for their mothers, I thought sadly.

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Soon, morning came, and it was time to give my mother my handmade card.
“I love this card!” My mother said excitedly.
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Thomas and Christine Noctor have lived and raised their family in the home for three decades. They and their 12-year-old grandson Dean, who lives with them, had most of their personal belongings damaged or destroyed after a fire broke out in Thomas’ home office on Saturday evening.

Ally Noctor was in the home with her mother, father, nephew Dean, and brother James when the incident happened. “My mom has COPD (慢性阻寒性肺病) so I said ‘just get out the back’, and she took the dog out the back,” Ally recalled. “My brother came running down looking for a fire extinguisher (灭火器), and my dad was screaming, ‘Fire !’”

The fire started in the box room It’s Thomas home office. He’d just done it up. It was clearly an electrical fault but no one thought at the time to turn off the electricity. The room started filling with smoke quickly and they had to leave immediately.

The house is located just a short walk away from the fire station. But when neighbors called, the available trucks were already out — so nearly 20 minutes had passed before the fire crew arrived.

Thankfully, they managed to prevent the fire from spreading to the attic (阁楼) or to any more homes in the community.

The family then went back inside the house to investigate what had happened and survey the damage caused. Dean’s gaming PC was melted, toys were melted, and even the shower was melted. All their clothes couldn’t be taken out.

“The downstairs is okay, but there is smoke damage and water damage. And all of the upstairs is completely damaged. My mom is still in shock. She’s just staring into space,” Ally said.

But Ally was quick to praise her community, who were right there to help the Noctors get out of the house the moment they sensed trouble and every one of the family got timely help.

Ally ran out the door without shoes on when escaping.
The temporary house is OK but New Year may be difficult.
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“Not again!” Aliya shouted angrily, looking at the marks she had attained in her maths test.

It seemed as if failing in the math test had become a part and parcel of her life. Despite her efforts, she had been unable to perform well. Tears in her eyes, she quickly shoved (乱塞) the paper into her bag before any classmate could make a rude comment on her.

Effortlessly, using the back of her palm, she was wiping the tears when her teacher Mrs Leena noticed her. She came to Aliya’s desk and, in a soft voice, asked her to see her during the break time.

Wondering what it could be, Aliya waited impatiently for lunchtime. Finally, when the bell rang, she made her way to Mrs Leena. As soon as she saw Aliya, she gestured for her to sit on the empty chair beside her.

She carefully studied her face, cleared her throat with a bright smile and said, “You seem to be anxious. I think I know what’s bothering you. If you allow me I think together we may come up with a good solution.”

With a puzzled look, she said, “Well ma’am, you know I have been struggling in maths since the beginning of the term. It seems as if no matter how hard I work, I am unable to get the desired result. I feel so upset,” she said sadly.

“You need not be so gloomy,” encouraged Mrs Leena. “With these three key ingredients: hard work, determination and resilience (韧性), you will move ahead and succeed. It’s always the first step that’s difficult, but once you decide not to look back and not give up, you will be successful, my dear. Come on, gather yourself and let’s work on it together.”

From that day onwards, Aliya worked hard, religiously following her teacher’s advice. By the time the final exams drew close, she had thoroughly revised her math book and well-prepared.

On the exam day, a fear of failure upset her stomach.
She passed her math exam with an unbelievable A grade on her report card.
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It was the last day of school, and the long year spent in fourth grade had finally come to an end. It had rained heavily all day, and by the afternoon it became chilly. The sun had dipped below the horizon (地平线) as I got home soaked (湿透) and cold. I rushed into my room and slipped into some dry clothes. Once I had changed, I joined my mother in the kitchen. She had already lit the fire to prepare supper.

The wood soon caught fire, and the warmth spread around the room. I tried to get closer to the fire as my body was shivering with the intense cold. My mother gently rubbed my back and said, “I am proud of you, my little hero,” as I told her how my schoolwork had improved. I remember her bright smile and the joy in her eyes.

My mother started humming the lyrics to one of my favorite songs, “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson. I immediately began to sing with my mother. We would always sing songs like this together. My mother knew how much I loved singing. She always felt sorry that she couldn’t afford to pay for music classes for me.

Life was not easy for us during that period. I was living with my mother after she separated from my dad, which happened the year before when I was in third grade. Sometimes the nights were tedious (单调乏味的) and tiresome as we did not have a television and the batteries in our old radio would often run out. However, I enjoyed the 20 songs that my mother and I sang together. As she hummed the tune and I sang along, I dreamed of a world where performing on stage would be the pillar (支柱) of my life. The turning point of my childhood came after the end of fourth grade. Our neighbor moved away and left his old piano to us.


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My mother was so happy that she could teach me singing at home with this piano.


The next term, I became the lead singer of the school chorus, which was one step closer to my dream of becoming a singer and inspiring people with my voice.


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As The Jungle Book song Bear Necessities goes, “forget about your worries and your conflict” can be a little bit difficult when you find yourself face to face with a real bear.

Bears are common in the Northern Hemisphere. As human habitats stretch toward the wilderness, more and more animals cross their paths with those of humans. This can lead to dangerous encounters especially when precautions are not in place. In these situations, keeping your distance is still the best advice.

According to the National Park Service, one should also remain calm as bears, more often than not, are not really willing to attack you. Once in a standoff (对峙), avoid making sudden moves or loud noises as these can trigger aggression. 7-year-old Huxley did exactly what he was told when he encountered a massive bear.

It was a Sunny morning. Huxley was wandering on his way home when a big hulking (笨重的) figure emerges from behind him. A hurried glance backward, he knew it was a black bear. The bear approached cautiously at first, probably sizing up the figure in front of him. A second later, perhaps judging that Huxley was no match for it, the bear burst into a full sprint (冲刺) and ran its way toward the boy.

At first, Huxley was really frightened. However, he knew it was impossible to run or fight with the big beast. In the moment of crisis, he remembered his mother reminds him regularly about these possible encounters. She tells him that if Huxley finds himself face to face with a bear and there are no adults around, he should remain calm.

Huxley calmed down at thinking of this. He stared at the bear down without any movement. This might have been the reason why the young bear stopped dead in its tracks. They faced each other motionless, and there was only a foot distance between them.

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From around the corner, a neighbor hurriedly walked to the scene.


The neighbor continued to pressure the bear while the animal tried its best to find an escape route.

2024-02-15更新 | 52次组卷 | 3卷引用:云南省蒙自市红河哈尼族彝族自治州第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My sister Josie and I wanted a dog more than anything else. We begged our parents many times but always got the same answer. One summer night, however, in our yard stood a big black female dog. We couldn’t believe our eyes!

Josie made a little kissing noise and held out her hand. The dog came to us slowly, taking a few steps forward, then a step back. She was so skinny and her coat was full of dirt. When she came closer, I was glad to find no tags around her neck.

Josie brought milk and several eggs for her. But when she finished them, she ran into the bush and disappeared. “Don’t go!” Josie cried, “Come back!” But she was gone. “I think she’ll be back when she gets hungry again,” I said.

The next night, we set the food in the driveway. Soon the dog appeared. We called her Lucky, hugged her gently and showed her the food. She sniffed it, drooling (垂涎) and licking her mouth, but for some reason she wouldn’t eat it.

The next minute Lucky did something unexpected. She grabbed the plate in her mouth and dragged it away. In the following nights it was the same scene. But the strangest thing was that even though Lucky kept taking the food, she didn’t seem to be putting on any weight.

On the fifth night, Lucky didn’t come as usual. We were worried. When we almost gave up, she appeared. She barked at us and ran back and forth. Then she ran towards the bush slowly, still barking. We chased after her. She ran and barked, turning to see if we were following. After about ten minutes, Lucky finally stopped, wagging her tail quietly. She looked at us, barked and disappeared through a dark hole in the wall of leaves and branches. I pointed toward the hole. “No way I’m going in there,” Josie said.

However, after hesitating for a little while, we finally made a decision.
Worried but excited, we went home with Lucky and her four little babies.
2024-01-09更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州高三上学期一模英语试题
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There was a girl called Cary, who was a new student in Esmarth Vil, a primary school in a small town.

She was the most hardworking girl at her school. Her marks were higher than the others. She was the best, but nobody wanted to be her friend. Her classmates didn’t want to play with her and some even laughed at her. Cary’s teacher Jared didn’t know that.

One day, Jared set an exam and Robert, a boy who was the king of all the students, signed his exam paper using Cary’s name, and changed Cary’s name for Robert’s quickly after Cary handed in her paper. It wasn’t noticed by anybody. When Jared returned all the exam Papers, everybody was shocked. Cary failed the exam, but the others seemed to be happy with that.

The next day, when Cary arrived at school, all the children wanted to be with her and invited her to play with them. Although Cary was surprised, she was happy to play with the other children. During their fun time, Jared suddenly appeared to inform Cary that there had been a mistake, and she hadn’t failed.

Jared explained to the students what had happened and punished Robert. After that, they all   stopped playing with Cary again.

Cary couldn’t stop crying this time and ran to ask her teacher why she couldn’t make friends with good school performance.

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Jared was sorry to know what had happened to Cary.


After hearing Jared’s story, all the children decided to change themselves.

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During my early years in school, particularly in the first and second grade, I was incredibly shy. I was afraid of making mistakes, so I would often find myself simply smiling and listening to others’ conversations without saying a word. However, I performed well academically and had a deep passion for writing. Writing allowed me to be myself and not worry about what others thought. In my stories, I was never shy.

My teacher, Mrs. Emily, always encouraged me to write more. She constantly reminded our class to pursue our dreams and put our wholehearted efforts into them. I believe she was one of the first individuals to recognize my inner strength. One day, she announced that our class would be performing a play she had written. “Tomorrow, I will begin casting (挑选演员) everyone,” she declared. “I need someone who isn’t afraid to be on stage in front of a large audience to play the lead role of George. Does anyone want to give it a shot?” A few eager hands shot up, but mine, of course, was not one of them. Mrs. Emily smiled and said we would discuss it further the following day. As the bell rang, my classmates filed out of the classroom.

As I was about to leave, Mrs. Emily asked me to stay behind. She looked into my eyes as if she could see through me. “I truly wanted you to take on this role, but if you truly don’t want to, I won’t force you. It’s your choice,” she said. It shocked me because I had always been a shy person, never daring to speak loudly in public.

Struck by Mrs. Emily’s words, I realized it was time for a change. I made up my mind to shed my shyness and prove to myself that I could overcome my fear in public. After a few moments of hesitation, I confidently nodded and said, “Mrs. Emily, I want to, no, I am determined to play the role, I will try my best.”

Thanks to Mrs. Emily’s guidance and support, I was luckily selected for the lead role.
After the performance, I approached Mrs. Emily with tears of excitement in my eyes.
2023-12-05更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省红河州第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

We sat on the bus waiting while other passengers piled on. A blond-haired girl, about nineteen years old, took the seat in front of us. The bus driver followed behind her. He demanded her fare.

“You pay $40 or get off the bus!” the driver said.

“I paid already. Yesterday, online,” the girl insisted.

“No, no record of it!” the bus driver pointed to the paper in his hand and waved it in her face. “See. No pay! You pay, or you must get off.” He angrily pointed to the exit door.

“But I don’t have money. And I paid already. Please.”

The bus driver picked up his mobile phone and made a call to find out if there had been an error with the paperwork. After failing to get through, he was getting angrier with the girl. So he cut the call and didn’t try.

“No, you have not paid. You must pay.”

“But please, I don’t have any money on me. I must get to LA today. Please.”

Tears streamed down her face.

I had boarded a bus headed to Los Angeles. I was very excited about experiencing LA. My dream of visiting Disney Land was about to come true. But while I sat there comfortably in my seat, thinking about my next adventure, this young girl was in tears, with a man standing over her, demanding money.

I wasn’t sure what I should do. Was she telling the truth? It wouldn’t be the first time someone had extracted money by telling a sad story that turned out untrue. Did she really not have any money? Maybe the bus driver would show some sympathy and allow her to sort the payment out later?

But no, the bus driver continued to demand she pay $40 or get off the bus. The young girl insisted that she didn’t have enough money for the fare and had no one she could contact for help. It seemed the driver would throw her off the bus.

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Suddenly, a messy grey-haired woman with a weathered face stood up.


At the next rest stop, I noticed that woman had no money for food.

2023-12-04更新 | 89次组卷 | 3卷引用:云南省开远市第一中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a chilly autumn evening. Sarah, a tired businesswoman, left her workplace and drove home. When she turned a corner, she spotted a puppy in the middle of the road. The dog was muddy and trembling. His eyes held a glimmer of both hope and despair. Sarah couldn’t ignore the poor puppy. Approaching him cautiously, she coaxed (哄) him and brought him home.

Over the next few days, Sarah tried her best to look for the dog’s owner, but in vain. It seemed that the dog had been abandoned, with no collar or tags to identify its owner.

She determined to take care of the dog, which she named Max. She kept him in the backyard, feeding him, providing water and watching him chase his tail in the yard. The puppy trusted in her slowly with Sarah’s gentle care and patience. Sarah had a happy feeling she never had before.

As days passed, Sarah became more comfortable with Max’s presence. When she was working, Max would sit calmly by her side. When she woke up in the morning, Max would sit near her bed with a playful bark, demanding his daily walk. The early morning air was cool, and the rising sun cast a warm glow on them. Sarah realized that Max had been a great comfort to her.

As days turned into weeks, Sarah grew more attached to Max. She found herself looking forward to coming home every day, excited to see her furry friend waiting at the door. Then, she would lovingly prepare Max delicious meals. His eyes, once filled with sadness, now sparkled with gratitude. He would eagerly follow her around the house wherever she went. Max became more than just a pet; he became a loyal friend and a source of happiness for Sarah, who had discovered a newfound balance between her career and personal life. They became inseparable.

One evening, as Sarah and Max were out for their regular evening walk, something unexpected happened. A social media post attracted her attention. A lady named Emma was anxiously looking for her missing dog, Buddy.


Her heart sank as she saw the photo of a dog.


Sarah arranged the bittersweet reunion.

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