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真题 名校
1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。


The twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mother’s Day. How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed. They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge. They had watched their mother in the kitchen. There was nothing to it. Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do.

The big day came at last. The alarm rang at 6 a.m. The pair went down the stairs quietly to the kitchen. They decided to boil the porridge first. They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast. Jeff broke two eggs into a plate and added in some milk. Jenna found the bread and put two slices into the egg mixture. Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan. Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread. The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw the burnt piece into the   sink and put in the other slice of bread. This time, she turned down the fire so it cooked nicely.

Then Jeff noticed steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake. The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned off the gas quickly. But the stove was a mess now. Jenna told Jeff to clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge. But Jeff’s hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cold water. Then she caught the smell of burning. Oh dear! The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.


As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared.


The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.

2021-06-09更新 | 19112次组卷 | 81卷引用:甘肃省张掖市第二中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
2 . 你们学校正举办主题为“用英文讲中国故事”的征文活动。请你以一位中国历史人物为题写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
2. 意义或启示。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 题目已为你写好。
2023-06-12更新 | 5658次组卷 | 23卷引用:甘肃省天水市秦州区天水市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.

When coming to this city for high school, I moved into the new house with my parents. We were very grateful to the owner for renting us this house at a cheap price. The house was really comfortable to live in. It was warm inside and full of life outside.

A tree in the front yard attracted my attention, and all I could confirm was that it was a fruit tree. My father thought it was a fig(无花果) tree, and sure enough, as the months went by, the tree grew huge leaves and finally bore the fruit—figs, the size of my fist. How wonderful they were! I took many pictures of the fig tree. And then we wondered how to deal with the figs. My mother thought for a while and said, “Why not try making fig jam?” I responded quickly, “That’s a good idea!”

Jack, one of our neighbors, just visited us and asked if he could pick some figs from our tree. Certainly, we encouraged him to take as many as he liked. In fact, Jack was extremely polite and friendly to us. He introduced himself at the first sight of us. He always waved to me as he came home or as he left for work.

When I picked the figs with him, he told me about how he had been living in the house next door for close to twenty years. He said, “Bruce, the owner of the house you live in now, used to be my best friend. And we had planted this very fig tree a few years before he went to the nursing home.” I was amazed to know that we actually enjoyed the fruit of his work. He told me that he was so impressed by the quality of the fruit this year. I found a fruit box for him to put the figs in. Both of us enjoyed the pleasure of sharing.

When Jack set out for his home, I turned to my parents and advised doing something in return for Jack and Bruce’s kindness and friendliness.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.

Finally, we decided to invite Jack and his family to dinner that night.


The next day, our family and Jack visited Bruce in the nursing home.

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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was Friday, and I was at my daughter’s place in Manhattan. My husband and I had gone out for breakfast with my daughter and son-in-law and their child. After breakfast, we took a taxi to Central Park. The plan was to take my 2-year-old grandson on his first horse and buggy(小马车)ride,pick up our bags from my daughter’s house and drive to my friend’s home in Flatbush, Brooklyn, for a visit.

The horse ride went well, and we all had a great time. My grandson was filled with joy and excitement all the time. We arrived back at my daughter’s apartment, picked up our bags and then I said to my husband, Moishe, “Where is your phone?” Usually, I will check everything before we leave a taxi since things can fall out, but this time, I guess I didn’t, and we could not seem to find it.

Maybe we left it in the buggy, or it might have fallen out in the taxi? I wondered. Or perhaps we left it in the restaurant at breakfast? I was in a state of panic, wondering what the one with the phone could do with it. Moishe was evidently at a loss as to what to do. My sensible son-in-law, Leon, had a clever idea of calling the phone to see if anyone would answer it.

With butterflies in my stomach, I watched as Leon dialed and got through. He turned the loudspeaker of his phone on so that we all could hear but what we heard was a lady’s poor, broken English. The person on the other side of the phone obviously had difficulty communicating with Leon. Leon was very patient and was speaking very slowly but I could see that he didn’t get much useful information before he had to hang up.

After some discussion, we decided to send a text message to the lost phone saying, “We will pay money to get our phone back, please tell us where you are.” This idea worked out well. Soon we got a reply message saying “119 Ocean Parkway, Mrs. Hichens”.


In no time, we all got into our car and headed for the address.


With Laura’s help, Mrs. Hichens was able to explain to us what had happened.

2023-03-16更新 | 454次组卷 | 9卷引用:甘肃省天水市秦州区天水市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节和给定段落开头语进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

When I was six years old, I visited my grandfather’s farm in Kansas and he sent me into the woods to gather pecans (胡桃) for us to enjoy later. The pecans were about the size of a man’s thumbnail and just about the tastiest snack I’d ever had.

However, pecan picking was really tiring and my little bucket was only half full after working hard for a long time. I thought I wouldn’t let Grandpa down. Just then something caught my eye. A large brown squirrel was a few feet away. I watched as he picked up a pecan, hurried to a tree, jumped up to the trunk and disappeared in a large hole. A moment later the squirrel popped back out and climbed down to the ground to pick up another nut. Once again, he took the pecan back to his hiding place inside the hollow of the tree.

Not so secret anymore, I thought. I dashed over to the tree and looked into the hole. It was filled with pecans! Golden pecans were right there for taking. This was my chance. Handful by handful, I scooped all of those pecans into my bucket. Now it was almost full! I was so proud of myself that I couldn’t wait to show Grandpa all the pecans.

I ran back and shouted, “Look at all the pecans!” He looked into the bucket and asked, “Well, well, how did you find so many?” I told him how I’d followed the squirrel and taken the pecans from his hiding place.

Grandpa congratulated me on how smart I’d been in observing the squirrel and his habits. Then he did something that surprised me. He handed the bucket back to me and put his arm gently around my shoulders.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

“That squirrel worked very hard to gather his winter supply of food,” he said.

Paragraph 2:

I picked up that little bucket full of pecans and carried it back to the tree.

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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I could feel the excitement rising in me as I held the beautifully wrapped present in my hands. I felt the string of the package softly and then, unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I tore it open. It was a bright, brand new laptop. I had scored straight as for my O level examination and this was my reward. I had always envied my friends who were exchanging news about ‘chat rooms’, ‘instant messaging’ and ‘e-mailing’, all of which I knew nothing about. Now I was going to find out.

It started out simply enough. I was searching for some information online when I came across a social networking site. Soon I became attracted to my new-found electronic friend. I began to spend more and more time on YouTube and became addicted to Facebook and Twitter. I had never imagined that the day would come when I would be controlled entirely by the glowing screen before me. Whenever I was not glued to these social networking sites, I would be going through gossip or fashion websites.

As time passed, I realized that I was addicted to the Internet. During weekends, when I had more time on my hands, I could easily spend a few hours on my laptop. It came to a point where I chose to lock myself in my room, refusing to come out and take part in family discussions. I preferred to stay connected to the people I made friends with on the Internet although I had never met them. Soon I was spending the whole hours of the morning surfing on the Internet. Sleep was reduced to small naps and my grades at school also began getting from bad to worse.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

It was about this time that my parents noticed my change.


Then one day,my father took away my laptop.

2022-02-25更新 | 776次组卷 | 16卷引用:甘肃省高台县第一中学2021-2022学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友对中国传统节日-春节很感兴趣。请你写一篇英语短文,介绍春节(Spring Festival)。
要点包括:1. 该节日的具体日期;
2. 该节日期间人们的主要活动或该节日的特色。
Lunar Calendar 农历Spring Festive gala 春晚 firecracker鞭炮
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

On February 21, 2018, Christine Cheers' world fell apart. Someone on the other end of the phone had said the words that bring parents to their knees: “There's been an accident.” Her 32-year-old Navy flight surgeon James was injured in a training mission. At hospital, Christine and her husband David were told that he would never breathe on his own and he would never smile at them again.

It was time for Christine to honor the spirit of her son who had switched his major from commerce engineering to premed (医学预科) because he wanted to help people. It was time to make her every worst day some stranger's best one. She instructed the hospital to begin the organ donation process. Christine Cheers wasn't leaving the hospital until every last one of her son's organs left the building. She and David watched hospital employees carry coolers from the operation room. The last one was his heart. “That was the one I cared about most, Christine says, “With bravery and selflessness, James had such an amazing heart.”Seeing James's heart leave the building, Christine fell into a sadness so deep that climbing out seemed impossible. Her only comfort would be to find out that James's organs had helped people, so she wrote each receiver a letter just to know if they were doing all right.

Mike Cohen, a cyclist, had a heart transplant. James's heart! Two months after the surgery, Mike got a call from the organization that arranged the transplant (移植). They had a letter for him from James's mother. As he read Christine's letter, Mike began to understand just how special his new heart was. Eager to know more about James, Mike googled him. He found they had a lot in common. They were both athletic and practically the same age. Another thing he learned about James: His grave site (墓地) was in Jacksonville—the other side of the country.


Upon recovery, Mike announced on social media to take a cross-country trip.


Mike got off his bike and walked straight to Christine, who was waiting at the grave site.

书面表达-读后续写 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Easton retired(退休) as a school teacher, and he didn’t have enough savings. What’s worse, his wife, Cassandra, had heart disease that needed expensive treatment.

To save his wife’s life, Easton didn’t have a choice but to take up a job, and he found one as a pizza delivery(递送) man at Rooster’s Pizza. On his first day on the job, his co-workers judged him because the sight of an 84-year-old pizza delivery man was undoubtedly a rare one. But Easton didn’t care.

After delivering the first two orders that day, Easton was on his way to deliver the third one, when he realized his car was low on gas. He stopped at a gas station, worried he would be late for his next delivery. Determined to make it on time, Easton grabbed the steering wheel and drove as fast as he could. However, as he reached one of the main roads, a police car stopped him.

When Officer Jenkins and Officer Matthew walked up to Easton’s car, they were shocked to see an 84-year-old behind the wheel of a pizzeria car. Moreover, they didn’t expect an old man to be speeding.

“You see,” Easton said nervously, “I am running late for pizza delivery. We have a policy of delivering pizza within 45 minutes, or I’ll have to pay for it out of my pocket, and I need money for my wife’s treatment. I hope you understand…”

Officer Matthew looked at Easton’s teary eyes and trembling hands and felt deeply sad for him. However, he couldn’t go against his line of duty. They had to give him a ticket anyway. Easton was late for the delivery that day, prompting his manager to deduct(扣除) it from his salary. He was also warned that he would have to leave if he repeated the mistake.

Not losing heart, Easton set out for his deliveries the following day. “Rooster’s Pizza!” he shouted as he rang the doorbell of one of the houses on his list.

注意:1. 续写词数应150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

When the door opened, Easton recognized his customer was Officer Matthew!


Easton couldn’t believe what had just happened and was surprised by what Officer Matthew did for him.

2022-11-26更新 | 566次组卷 | 13卷引用:甘肃省张掖市2022-2023学年高一下学期第一次全市联考英语试题
书面表达-图表作文 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 近日,你校英语报拟介绍学生课外体育锻炼的情况。请你结合图表信息,以“Physical Exercise After Class”为题写一篇英语短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 课外体育锻炼情况描述;
2. 简单评论;
3. 你的建议。

1. 词数80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Physical Exercise After Class

2023-05-13更新 | 261次组卷 | 5卷引用:甘肃省民勤县第一中学2022-2023学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般