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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a summer evening. Alex, who lived in a suburban neighborhood, was getting ready for bed when he heard the sound of fire alarms and screams coming from the outside. He quickly realized that there was a fire in his neighborhood and that his neighbors might be in danger.

He looked outside and saw that one of his neighbors’ houses was on fire. He knew that he had to act quickly to help his neighbors. After calling 911, he ran outside and heard his neighbors’ little son crying inside their burning house. “He must be quite scared,” Alex thought.

Alex quickly assessed the situation and found that the house was almost surrounded by flames (火焰). The best way out was through the front door, but it was blocked by fire as well. He knew that he had to find another way to help the boy escape.

He ran back to his house, grabbed a ladder and then rushed toward his neighbors’ house. He placed the ladder against the second-story window and managed to help the little boy climb down to safety. Once the boy was safe on the ground, Alex climbed up into the burning house again to see if anyone else was trapped.

As he made his way through the smoke, he heard cries for help from a bedroom on the third floor. He quickly ran up the stairs and found an elderly woman who was too weak to move. Alex quickly picked her up and carried her down the stairs to safety. By this time, many firemen had arrived, and they managed to put out the flames.

Looking around, Alex saw that other houses in the neighborhood were also on fire. He realized that the fire was spreading quickly and that more people needed help. Without hesitation, Alex joined those firemen, who were working tirelessly to put out the flames. He helped elderly neighbors, families with young children, and even pets.

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After hours of effort, fortunately, the fire was finally put out.


When he woke up the next morning, he found his action didn’t go unnoticed by his school.

7日内更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Catch it!” My husband and I shouted, but saw the ball hit the grass near our four-year-old’s feet while he continued kicking at the dirt. It was mid-season, yet he showed no interest in the ball game. We called his name and told him to pick up the ball, but he just stared blankly before going back to kicking the dirt.

As the games went on, it was clear that the coach didn’t want our son to play. We practiced with him, showing him how to hold the bat and throw the ball, but he never understood running the bases or other things we tried to teach.

At the end of the season, our son once again received the “Most Improved” medal, which he had received in other sports before. My husband and I looked at each other and I said, “Well, at least he’s improving,” though it reminded me of other sympathetic gestures from coaches or teachers. I was used to the feeling of our son being different and unable to fit into ball games. The same year, his preschool teacher told me, “He’s not paying attention.” This was not what any parent wanted to hear, but I knew it was true. As a stay-at-home mom, I was tired of having to repeat instructions to him. Initially, I wasn’t sure how much of it was normal, as he was our first child. We decided to have him assessed, but it was a guessing game until he turned six, when a professional evaluation determined that he had Asperger syndrome (幼儿孤独症). My husband always believes our son will be a good boy. Fortunately, he is blessed with good looks, intelligence, and an ability to face the future. There are no obvious signs that he has Asperger’s, apart from frequent lack of eye contact.

A friend invited our son to her son’s birthday party after his diagnosis (诊断), but I turned it down because it was a dirt-bike party and our six-year-old couldn’t ride a regular bike.

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We didn’t go to the party, but at least it inspired us to get our son to try cycling.


The attempt was not a success, so we decided to expose him to swimming lessons.

2024-06-14更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省濮阳市高三下学期二模英语试卷
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Karl was Fred’s son. When his son was little, Fred’s wife passed away, so a mountainous responsibility landed on Fred’s shoulders. Fred was fond of and cared about his son so much that he raised his son with all his heart and soul. He taught him to walk, talk, read and write. He also taught him how to be a true and moral man. When Karl came home with an injury due to falling off his bike or something else, it would hurt Fred’s heart more than it would hurt the boy. Whenever Karl went down with a fever, Fred would sit beside him day and night, barely sleeping a wink (合眼). He always supported Karl in every aspect. Gradually, Karl grew up to become an adult.

How deeply Fred loved his son! However, Fred was unprepared for the day when his beloved son Karl told him he would leave and start his own business in a new city.

“But, Karl, you are too young to start a business,” Fred warned his son. “You still have a long way to go. I think you can help me manage the cafe my grandma left to me first. This way, I’d be able to teach you more about business.” But Karl was stubborn and wouldn’t follow Fred’s advice. “Dad, I am not a kid anymore, so allow me to determine my life. OK?” said Karl. One week later, Karl packed his things and left for the new city, leaving the sad and worried father behind.

Three months passed. One night, Fred got a call from his son. It was strange because Karl seldom called him up after he left for the new city. “Dad, I should have followed your suggestions and stayed at home. I went bankrupt (破产的) and I am in debt now,” Karl said. “I knew this would happen someday,” Fred painfully thought. He planned to help his son and made one of his most difficult choices. “Don’t worry, my son. Luckily, you will succeed to (继承) a huge amount of money from your uncle, soon,” Fred told Karl.


“Oh, I am so fortunate,” said Kurl.   


On his way back home, Kar l was wondering how his father was.          

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Monday started out great. I woke up on time, ate breakfast and did some last minute studying for my math test that day. I was confident that I would get a high mark. I left my house, and minutes later, I was sitting with my friends on the school bus. We were busy talking about how we spent our weekend. At one stop, a boy named Ryan got on hurriedly. He tripped (绊倒) over someone’s foot and fell flat onto the floor.

Every one of us on the bus looked on and laughed crazily. Ryan picked himself up, dusted his jacket and made his way to an empty seat. He tried to laugh with us, but his face was burning with embarrassment. The rest of the morning flew by. I did well in my math test. It wasn’t long before the lunch bell rang. I met my friends from the cheer leading team in the dining hall.

When we finished eating, we headed out to the courtyard to practice a cheer we would do at that night’s football game. After much practice, we finally managed to do the cheer perfectly. We decided to practice it again one last time. Again, just like the rest of my day so far, the cheer was going great. I raised my leg for one last toe touch. I felt my jeans were torn down in the middle of my backside.

I froze (僵住了). I had no idea what to do but stand still. Then I heard people burst out laughing and I saw them pointing at my torn jeans. Trying to cover myself with my hands, I tried to laugh too, but I felt tears began to well up in my eyes.

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Then I saw Ryan running towards me.


That night, after the cheers at the football game, I found Ryan.

2024-06-07更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市宛城区六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Anybody have a bandage (创可贴) ?” a roommate spoke in a loud voice in the dormitory (宿舍) hallway.

It was our first week at college and we were all experiencing “being forgetful”. I had forgotten to bring snacks for late-night talks. Some poor girl who caught the earlier flight to the college had obviously forgotten bandages. It seemed that we were forced to move away from the home where we used to live.

Several months ago, I sat at my high school graduation party admiring my gifts and I was lost in thought. I found it hard to say goodbye to old friendships while longing for what would happen at college. The usual and beloved inspirational books were seated around my feet, silently telling about the wealth of wisdom they wished to share. A small pile of personal checks lay nearby. Notebooks with nice covers, desk supplies, and a collection of photos — all well-intentioned and well-received — they would show their givers’ thoughtfulness over and over during my college life.

But one gift struck me as strange. I frowned (皱眉) , figuring out what stayed inside when I opened it. Medicine? A small box of pills, creams, bandages and some other medical items lay within the package. Who would give that as a gift?

“You’ll need that once you’re at college,” Mom pointed out. “You won’t have to turn to the campus nurse for every cough. Luck can often mean simply taking advantage of a situation at the right moment. It is possible to make your luck by always being prepared.”

Not long after, in August, I packed my life into a borrowed truck and carried the bag of medicine along with my backpack. I hardly thought about it once I reached the campus, caught in the massive work of unpacking, book-buying, scheduling and preparing myself for the new school life.

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When hearing the roommate’s words that day, I remembered my medicinal package.
The little gift I had questioned now led me toward new friendships.
2024-06-01更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省濮阳市新高中创新联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One click of my wooden stick, and the buffaloes (水牛) moved forward. I guided them along the road’s edge, through the heart of the village. We walked past mud homes and villagers bent over tending to their crops. We eyed the green fields, where the buffaloes could eat growing grass. This was my life in a small village in Sindh, Pakistan. We had little, but I had a big dream.

Up ahead laughter attracted my attention. A group of students came into view, their uniforms a contrast to my faded trousers and worn-out shoes. Fingers wrapped tight around my stick, I stepped forward and said sincerely, “Dear students, could you please show me your books?” The students looked from my face to my stick, to their books. They quickly opened their bags and showed me their books. Illustrations of people and places caught my imagination.

“Someday, I’ll go to school too,” I declared, returning their books. Actually, I was desperate to go to school so that I could broaden my horizons.

Months passed. Every day I rose to my chores and buffaloes. Until, one day I got my chance. My uncle came to visit. He and Father sat, drinking tea outside. “Brother, you must send Rasool Bux to school. Herding the buffaloes is not in his future,” Uncle convinced my father. that all children should go to school. The following week, I was studying in primary school. Now, armed with my own books, I set out to learn everything. I read textbooks, asked questions, and even read newspapers for my father and his companions.

By the end of the year, I proved to be one of the best students in the school. I resolved to study at college or university in Karachi, a big city over 150 kilometers away. Unfortunately, I suffered from a skin condition that left white spots on my skin. The constant loss of skin color was stressful, making me feel bad about myself and even drawing attention away from my studies.

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The thought of not being able to finish school made me feel extremely depressed.


I visited my uncle after I did make it to university in Karachi.

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Last Saturday, David was taking a walk in the park near his home when he noticed a woman with a boy of about eight years old. When David passed them, he heard the woman yell. “How stupid you are! You’re good at nothing.” David stopped and looked at the little boy. The boy said nothing. He just stood there, looking upset.

David was reminded of his English teacher Mrs Brown in middle school. After he entered a middle school, David lacked self-confidence because he was often made fun of by others. He was often told that he was good at nothing, which David behaved. But one day it all changed.

One day, in an English writing class, Mrs Brown asked them to read a novel. They were asked to write a new chapter of the novel after they finished reading it. A few days later, David handed in his story. He didn’t give it much thought. But the next day, to his surprise, the comment “well done” from Mrs Brown came into view the moment he turned to the page where the story was written. When David read that, he almost burst into tears. He never expected to be praised one day. He suddenly gained some self-confidence.

That day after he returned home, he wrote a short story and gave it to Mrs Brown the next morning. And again he was praised. David became very interested in writing. He often wrote short stories and asked Mrs Brown to read them improve writing skills. One year later, David joined the school newspaper and became an editor of it. He was no longer that boy who lacked self-confidence. He gained his confidence, and was hopeful about his future.

He succeeded in entering a college and kept writing. Several years after graduating from college, he had his first book published. With some more books coming out, he became famous as a writer in his country. And he owed his success to Mrs Brown’s encouragement. Without her encouragement, his life might be very different now.

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Inspired by his own life story, David decided to do something for that boy.


The mother was ashamed when she heard that.

2024-05-06更新 | 93次组卷 | 51卷引用:河南省百师联盟2023-2024学年高二4月联考英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was a little girl, I used to be afraid of the dark. A simple sound in the middle of the night could make me imagine the scariest scenes.

My uncle lived alone in his big old house in New Hampshire. The house was surrounded by a huge yard with lots of trees. The inside was very neat and tidy but reminded me of a museum with its ancient objects. Everything looked like it dated from the previous century, from the old-fashioned oil paintings to black-and-white pictures on the walls. Looking back at it now, it would have made the perfect setting for a frightening large house.

Once, my family visited my uncle in the fall. During the day, my sister and I made big piles of leaves to jump in with the help of Elaine, my big sister. Our room had a double bed facing a window, out of which stood a huge maple tree. The floor was made of wood that made funny sounds every time we took a step.

Although the day had been bright and cheerful, the night turned out to be extremely windy. Soon after Elaine and I were lying in bed and all was dark, I started to notice strange noises, as if someone was walking in the room. It seemed that someone was knocking against the windows, making strange noises. There were even howls (咆哮声) coming from somewhere outside!

At this point, I didn’t know what to think. All of a sudden, I thought I heard someone coming up the stairs, and my heart rose to my throat. I thought I saw something moving in the dark corners of my room, and my breath quickened. Elaine sat up in bed, but when she looked at me, she seemed confused, too. We couldn’t help but wonder if we were going crazy.


The noises continued for a while longer.


The next morning, though I knew it was a false alarm, I was still nervous and talked with my uncle.

9 . 假如你是李华。你的澳大利亚朋友Tom听说春节期间你去了马街书会 (Majie Quyi Show), 请你给他写封回信, 介绍下马街书会的基本情况。


700 多年


民间艺术盛会; “中国十大民俗”之一








注意: 1. 词数80 左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear Tom,


Li Hua

2024-04-22更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省郑州市中牟县2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Brave Dog wasn’t always his name. In the beginning, he was just Stray Dog(流浪狗).

I saw him for the first time one evening when Mattie and I went to milk the cows. He was all dusty coat and skinny-ribbed(皮包骨头的), hardly worth a second glance. But Mattie made a beeline for him, reaching out to pet him, “What a pretty dog!” The dog looked unsure, as if he weren’t used to being spoken to kindly. I grabbed Mattie’s arm. “Keep away from that stray dog,” I told her, “You know how Dad feels about stray dogs.” “Don’t call him Stray Dog,” said Mattie. “He’s a pretty dog.” The dog licked her face and put a paw on her shoulder. Mattie threw her arms around his neck. “I’m keeping him.” She declared, “I’m calling him Pretty Dog.”

To Mattie, he was Pretty Dog. She talked to him, played with him and fed him secretly. He responded by following her like a shadow when no one else was around. To the rest of us, he was Stray dog. We did everything we could to chase him away, but he kept coming back. One day, Dad accidentally caught Mattie sneaking Stray Dog a piece of leftover roast meat. “Mattie! Get away from That Dog!” Dad shouted, “Where’s your common sense, girl? We don’t waste good food on stray animals. You see That Dog again, you send him away!” So, Stray Dog became That Dog. One cold winter day, Dad set off to go ice fishing. Matti e had begged to go, but Dad said no. “You’ll only fuss(对…大惊小怪 )about cold,” he said, tweaking(捏, 扯)her pigtail(辫子). “I want to do some serious fishing.”

Dad came home a few hours later. “Got some fine ones,” he shouted from the porch. “Come see!” Mom and I came out. “Where’s Mattie?” Dad asked. Mom and I looked at each other in confusion, both thinking Mattie was with the other. Then, Ma strode to the closet. “Her coat and boots are gone.” Mom turned to Dad with troubled eyes, “Maybe she went after you.” Worry lines creased(弄皱)Dad’s face. “She never came to the lake. Come on, we need to find her.”


In the lane, we found Mattie’s boot prints following Dad’s big ones.


Suddenly, some dog barks came from the distance.

2024-04-01更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省信阳市浉河区信阳高级中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题
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