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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Scout could clearly remember the night she had to leave her home in Poland. It was the beginning of World War II and her family had to escape as soon as possible. She quickly packed a suitcase with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and her most prized treasure, a silk scarf. Scout and her best friend, Betty, had persuaded their parents to buy them matching scarves, which they took as a symbol of their friendship. Scout didn’t know she was going to America and would not be returning.

Scout kept that special silk scarf for many years. One day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear to her first job interview for good luck. Scout was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but the granddaughter promised, “Don’t worry, Grandma. Nothing’s going to happen to your scarf. You’ll see that it’s going to bring both of us luck.” And with that, Eliza kissed her grandmother and left for the interview.

Leaving the interview, Eliza felt confident that she had got the job so she decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. Sitting at her table, Eliza felt an elderly woman staring at her for a long time.

“I’m sorry. Do I know you?” Eliza asked.

“I’m sorry, dear, but you remind me of my best friend,” the old woman replied. “She looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like yours.” Eliza listened carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open. She had heard stories of her grandmother’s best friend and knew the meaning of the scarf. Could this woman be Betty, her grandmother’s childhood friend?

Paragraph 1:

Then the old woman introduced herself, “My name is

Paragraph 2:

The old woman agreed.

2023-11-01更新 | 139次组卷 | 20卷引用:Unit 1-2 单元综合测试题-2022-2023学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册
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2 . 读后续写

Ali and his younger sister, Zahra, lived with their parents in a poor neighborhood. Their mother was very sick and their father was struggling to find a job, and they had only a little money with which to buy food. As they had not paid the rent for several months, the landlord was breathing down their necks.

One day, Ali took Zahra's shoes to a shoe repairman to be fixed, but he lost them on the way home. It wasn’t until he got home that he realized he had lost the shoes. He was afraid that his parents would be angry and disappointed, so he begged his sister to keep it a secret. Zahra agreed and the two decided to share Ali’s running shoes. Zahra's school hours were in the morning, so she would wear them first. After school, she would rush back and give them to Ali. He could then run to his school, which began in the afternoon. Although he ran as fast as he could, Ali often arrived late and was warned by the school.

Ali heard about a long distance race that was held for the boys in the city.When he learned that the third prize was a new pair of shoes, he decided to take part. He ran home excitedly and promised his sister that he would win her the new shoes.

The day of race arrived. Ali had a strong start, but halfway through the race he began to get tired and his legs began to ache. Getting more and more exhausted he thought only of Zahra and his promise to her. Dreaming of the new shoes he would win for his sister gave him strength, and he stayed right behind the two fastest runners, determined to finish third. Suddenly, as the finish line drew near, another runner collided(碰撞) with Ali from behind and he crashed to the ground.

Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead.


Filled with delight, Ali walked home quickly.

2023-10-31更新 | 598次组卷 | 101卷引用:2019年新外研版 必修1 Unit 1 单元综合检测卷
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Although Emily’s singing was very pleasant to hear, lacking of courage, she never dared to sing in front of strangers.

One summer, the neighborhood where she lived would hold a singing competition. Her best friend, Lucy, came to invite her to participate in the competition, but Emily said. “I’m afraid to take part in it.” Her mother said, “It’s okay, just do it bravely.” Emily followed her mama’s advice and decided to give herself a try. The day came. Emily and Lucy went to the competition site. But she was too frightened to walk onto the stage. She had been waiting until others finished singing. She shakily forced herself to stand on the stage. She started to sing, but her voice was so low. What’s worse, she was so nervous that she forgot the lyrics after singing a few words. Being laughed at by others, embarrassed and shy, she ran away from the stage.

Some naughty boys ran after her and said, “Emily, coward (胆小鬼)! Emily, coward!” Emily didn’t argue with them. What she wanted was to go back home as quickly as she could. Finally, she rushed into the house, hugged her mom and cried sadly.

“Well, my poor girl. Don’t cry. Tell me what happened to you,” asked her mom. Emily looked up at her mother and told her what she had experienced.

Listening to her, her mom cupped her face and said, “It doesn’t matter, girl. As long as you practice singing more in front of strangers, you will become braver little by little. So, my girl, don’t be beaten by a failure. You can go out to practice singing every day. No matter who is listening to you, go on singing and never stop. I believe there will be a harvest for you.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1

Emily followed her mom’s advice and walked into the park where many people were singing and dancing.

Paragraph 2

The second year, the neighborhood held the singing competition again.

2023-10-30更新 | 112次组卷 | 22卷引用:Unit 2 The universal language 同步测试卷 2020-2021学年牛津高中英语选择性必修第一册
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Last weekend, I went to Mark’s new house near a forest for a little get-together. After lunch when I was chatting with him and his wife Cody, he asked me, “Hey, Thora, have you ever been to a secret spot?” Before I could even finish saying no, Cody and Mark were already at the door with their jackets on. And the next moment we were heading out into the forest with a camera, a fishing net and a plastic bucket (桶).

We walked through the forest along a path by a small river. Breathing the fresh air, we three talked and laughed all the way.

“Hey! What are you guys doing ?” someone suddenly shouted from behind. Mark and Cody’s eyes immediately widened, and without a word they started running. I had no choice but to follow them, getting my shoes wet and dirty with mud. We probably ran for about 10 minutes before Mark and Cody slowed down. I stopped to catch my breath and asked, “Who was that?”

Mark replied, “The most annoying neighbor ever. There’s no telling what could happen if he caught up with us. He is always making fun of us. I dislike him.” We kept walking on for a few more minutes. Then a beautiful lake appeared before our eyes. “Wow! Amazing!” I shouted and could hardly hold back my excitement. The lake was large and the water was deep and blue, looking so peaceful with tall trees around it.


Looking around, we saw a boat floating by the shore.

Paragraph 2:

“Help! Help! Help!” I was so frightened and cried for help.

2023-10-29更新 | 131次组卷 | 27卷引用:Unit 4 单元达标测试-2021-2022学年高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 你校正在组织英语作文比赛,请以“我最崇拜的人”或者“我最尊敬的人”为题,写一篇短文参赛。内容包括:
1. 人物简介(内容主要包括:品质,主要成就);
2. 尊敬和爱戴的原因。
提示词:admire v. 崇拜   respect v. 尊敬
书面表达-开放性作文 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 海南热带雨林国家公园是我国首批正式设立的5个国家公园之一。4月13日习近平总书记考察五指山片区时指出,海南要坚持生态立省不动摇,把生态文明建设作为重中之重,实现生态保护、绿色发展。请你用英语写一篇短文,谈谈现在的环境问题,作为学生的我们应该如何保护环境以及保护环境的重要性。
·What are the pollution problems?
·What should we do as students? (步行或骑自行车上学;节约用水用电;节约用纸;不用塑料袋;种树)
·Why is it important to protect the environment?
提示词:protect the environment 保护环境,plastic bag 塑料袋,ride a bike 骑自行车, save water 节约用水, plant more trees 种树

As we know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse.

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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“She needs me.” Those were the exact words I spoke to my husband when I spotted Dottie, a little dog we found at a local shelter eight years ago.

Dottie leaned (倾斜) away when I tried to pet her and refused to let me hold her. While the other dogs jumped and barked, Dottie returned to the back of the cage, curled up in a ball, hoping us to leave her alone.

On the entire drive home, Dottie was in fear. So, upon arrival at our house, we got right to work. I held her as much as possible, touching her head and softly singing in her ear. We learned that she loved belly touch, so every time we passed by, we would offer a gentle touch. Eventually, we noticed her presenting her belly as we walked by her. I knew we were making real progress when I found her quietly sleeping on a chair one day, her head resting on one of my shoes. My heart melted (融化) as I realized she had brought it there because it contained my smell, and she wanted it nearby.

Ever so slowly, our little dog came to life. She began to play with toys, enjoy walks, and rest on our laps. There was no special treatment, no fancy food or toys. All we did was love her. And she grew well. She was so broken when we first met her that we had no idea what her true personality would be. But now we found a sweet, playful, loving soul.

One day, a few years after her adoption, I was busy doing housework around the house, doing laundry and climbing the stairs from the basement up to the main floor. When I finished, I sat down and enjoyed a well-deserved break. That’s when I realized I hadn’t seen Dottie for a while. I called to her and began searching. My heart raced and my pace quickened as I began checking under beds and behind sofa.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Suddenly, I remembered the door to the basement.


I held her in my arms tightly, telling her how sorry I was.

8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Though I was nine, Mama let me ride the bus alone because I was careful and I didn’t do silly things.

A boy got on the bus at the trailer park. He was older than me. He had long yellow hair and untidy clothes. Hands were put into his jean jacket pockets. He didn’t bring them out to pay for his ticket. He spoke to the driver so low that I couldn’t hear. But riders up front were frowning (皱眉). The driver didn’t seem to like the boy either and then put up a thumb (拇指) to show he should go to sit down quickly.

Right behind me, a man whispered (低语) loud enough to be heard by all our ears. “Trailer park’s people never have the money. They always expect a free ride. And they always get it.” I didn’t understand what they meant about “trailer park’s people”. I liked the trailer park. Some of the trailer homes had gardens with lively flowers. It looked like a fun place to live in. I didn’t know why these adults frowned at it or a boy who lived there. But I knew that feeling being hurt with unkind words.

So I stood out of my seat and put the money into the machine to pay for the boy’s ticket. The driver looked at me and his look told me to go back to my seat. I didn’t look at anybody. When I sat down, I heard a whisper from the seat behind me. “Don’t expect him to be thankful.” That’s not why I did it. I wasn’t even thinking that. Didn’t they know how it felt to have empty pockets? My family used to have no money all the time till my father got a new job.

Just then, a different voice came from behind me as well. “We shouldn’t stop kindness. We should look at those around us with kindness. I don’t think he’s such a person.” After a short silence, everyone whispered their agreement. After I got off at my stop, I didn’t think about it anymore.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Two weeks later, I got on the same bus again, but I felt different from before.


When I walked over to pay for my ticket, the driver looked at me with a kind smile.

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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was not satisfied with and even angry with my father in the first year of college, because he didn’t care about my feelings at all.

One day I had a serious quarrel with him. I was fed up with his direction and correction. How could he interfere with my life and my study plans? How could he understand the importance of my university activities? The only thing that he cared about was my academic performance! He didn’t understand my world and I didn’t understand his, either.

I stormed out and sighed all the way to school. Suddenly I realized that I didn’t have the assignment that was due (应交出的): a thought card. This class was taught by Mrs Smith. The thought card was the admission ticket to her Tuesday class. She would return them to us with her comment.

My first thought card read, “All that glitters (发光) is not gold.” She commented, “What does this quote mean to you? Is it significant?” Obviously, she was taking it seriously. I surely didn’t want to reveal myself to her.

The week progressed. Mrs Smith’s class was quite brilliant. She challenged us to think and come up with our own responses. But I had no handling strategies to deal with it.

The second Tuesday came. I wrote on my card, “The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.” The next day the card came back, “You seem to need a listener. Is this important to your life?” I couldn’t remember a teacher caring personally about me since primary school.

With all these memories filling my mind, I raced to class. Just outside the door, I took a card and wrote, “I have the most terrible dad of the world!” Then I dashed in. Looking up at me, Mrs Smith reached out for the card, and I took my seat. The moment I sat down, I felt terrible. I didn’t mean to let that out.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。

That night I had difficulty sleeping, for I was afraid that she might reveal (透露) that to my father.


“I will bear your words in mind,” I said, saying goodbye to Mrs Smith and heading for my home.

10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A 14-year-old boy named Jacob lived in a trailer(活动房屋)with his parents. They struggled financially, as his parents were minimum wage earners.

Every evening on his way home, he would pass a large house of Mrs Jacobson who lived alone. One day, when Jacob was passing the big house, he noticed that the lights were off at night. And in the following nights, the lights were still off. He thought Mrs Jacobson couldn’t leave her house, and he hadn’t seen anyone pick her up, either. Something bad might have happened to her.

Jacob didn’t hesitate to walk towards the door. He knocked, but no one opened it. Suddenly, he saw a letter by the foot of the door and saw that the date was a few days ago. He was more sure Mrs Jacobson hadn’t gone out of the house in days. He had to get help!

Jacob ran home and told his parents about what he saw. His mom shrugged it off, saying she might have just gone on a vacation. Maybe she visited her son Adam in New York. Every-one knew he was a big shot lawyer there.

The boy wasn’t convinced. He knew that Mrs Jacobson’s son didn’t visit her, and it would be difficult for her to travel all the way to New York alone. He decided to borrow his mom’s cellphone to search for Adam’s number. When he found it, he decided to call.

“This is Adam Jacobson, how may I help you?” a man on the other side of the line answered.

“Hello, this is Jacob from your neighborhood in Wisconsin. Is Mrs Jacobson, your mom there?” Jacob asked.

“Hi, Jacob. No, I have not spoken to my mom in a week. Is something wrong?” Adam asked.

Jacob explained what happened.

“What? That’s impossible. She’s supposed to be home. Can you do me a favor, and check on her for me? There’s a spare key under the flowerpot by the door. I’ll rush there as soon as possible,” Adam begged with anxiety.

Jacob and his parents ran there and found the key.
As soon as Mrs Jacobson felt better, she came up to Jacob’s trailer with Adam.
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