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Growing up in a coastal town in San Francisco, Christian had a special love for the ocean and its creatures. He had always found joy in the rhythmic tides and the ocean waves against the shore. The salty wind and the cries of the seagulls (海鸥) had been like a comforting song to him during his childhood.

However, all these changed over the years. Every time he wandered along the familiar stretch of sand, his heart sank. The once charming beach was now littered with plastic bags, bottles and other wastes, a distinctive contrast to the natural beauty that had always absorbed him.

The sight was a painful reminder of the harm the locals were bringing to the very land where he was growing up. Christian felt a deep sense of loss and responsibility. Previously, he had seen the news reports about the severe effects of plastic pollution on the oceans, and the images of sea creatures stuck in plastic wastes haunted (萦绕于脑际) him.

Determined to make a change, Christian decided to take action. He knew he couldn’t solve this problem alone, but he could start something that might grow into a powerful movement. With the passion and belief of a young man who loved his ocean and his land deeply, he founded an organization called Waves of Change. The early days presented challenges in calling on volunteers.

He began by reaching out to the students in his school. He shared the shocking reality of the polluted beaches and the urgent need to reduce plastic litter. To his delight, gradually more and more schoolmates started showing interest in the organization and many were eager to join in the cause. They were all too familiar with the beauty of the ocean and were equally saddened by the damage they had witnessed. As high school students, Christian and other members properly allocates (分配) time to balance the cause and their academic work.

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Together, Christian and other members did a lot of things in their free time.


Their efforts finally paid off.

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With cold winter setting in, sometimes people need a small act of kindness to stay warm. That’s where Sharie Monsam and her niece come in. The pair are leaving scarves and hats on statues in downtown Mesa, Arizona for people who need them to keep warm.

Helping people who are homeless or down on their luck comes naturally for Monsam. “If you’re cold, take one,” she said. “This is the fourth winter that we have collected hats and scarves from family, friends, and neighbors. And also, we bought them at second-hand stores. And then we put them on the statues downtown, probably 15 to 18 statues.”

The hats and scarves are quickly taken from the statues, showing that there is a need for the winter equipment. Monsam hopes that other people will follow her lead and help the unhoused.

“I hope more people do it. They can donate food to the food kitchens as well,” Monsam added. “Every single person would make a difference. Find something that you can do to help other people. I personally think that’s what we're here on earth for.”

Happily, there are people doing the same thing. In Morristown, New Jersey, the fiber fairies are spreading warmth by decorating statues with gloves, hats, and scarves.

The founders who want to remain nameless established the group in 2014 to help the homeless stay warm. They began by asking for donations of winter hats and scarves on Facebook. The group placed the winter items on statues in the city’s green spaces.

One day, a boy named Peter went to the city center with his mother. Peter wore few clothes and felt very cold. The clothes on the statues became timely rain. The incident left a deep impression on the boy.


Peter went home and began to look for clothes.


Peter wasn’t about to stop the good behavior.

2024-05-26更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中联考英语试题
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Near the end of August, I got a piece of terrible news from the doctor. “Linda, you have a brain tumor (肿瘤) on the underside of your brain. This is the worst place you could have possibly gotten a tumor. It’s growing very quickly. I’m sorry. It’s inoperable.”

I walked out of her office and went through the large medical building, not daring to glance at anyone. By the time I met my husband in the parking lot, my chest hurt. “It’s inoperable!” As I repeated the doctor’s words, I began to cry. My dream of becoming a licensed psychotherapist (心理治疗师) and helping others dissolved into my tears.

I had waited until my children were grown, with families of their own, before starting my own work on a college degree. By then I was 51. Through the years I dreamed of going back to school and becoming a psychotherapist. It had been a dream of mine for almost as long as I could remember. But so many things had gotten in my way.

Several days went by as I realized that I shouldn’t give up without a fight. So I began to do online research to see if someone else could help me. I was afraid to hope, but within a week I received a call from a doctor in Los Angeles. “I can help you,” he began. Those were the words I needed to hear.

I underwent a very risky brain surgery on a sunny fall day in October 2006. Dr. Shahinian told my husband, “It’s much larger than I thought. If I take it all, there is a possibility that she will not be able to walk or smile. She may not hear and perhaps she will be blind. If I leave half of it, she’ll be back here in five years to do this all again.”

My husband and my daughter made the hard decision to allow Dr. Shahinian to attempt to remove the entire tumor in this operation.

The recovery was horrible. My optic (视觉的) nerve was damaged. I completely lost the hearing in my left ear. I heard what sounded like the roaring (呼啸) of a waterfall in my head. My balance was terrible, and it seemed as if the floor wanted to come up. But I didn’t want to live just for the sake of remaining alive. I still wanted to help other people.

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So after six months of lying in bed, I decided to take action.


Finally, my dream came true.

2024-05-25更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中联考英语试题
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The basketball court was filled with eager students and cheerleaders were waving their pompoms at the stands. Excited cheers could be heard from all sides of the court. My teammates and I got fully prepared for our basketball competition. Our hearts were pounding in expectation of the competition ahead.

“And let’s all welcome the Blue Team!” the emcee (主持人) announced through the microphone. All of us marched in proudly as everyone cheered at the top of their lungs. “And welcome the Red Team!” the emcee announced, and the Red Team came in. We were astonished to see that the Red Team was filled with tall and strong members! We were trembling with fear as we walked slowly towards the centre of the court. As we were short of teammates, our confidence in winning wavered (减弱).

The judge threw the ball and the other team quickly caught it! The ball danced between their hands. Our defence seemed to be in slow motion compared to the Red Team’s swiftness. Soon, the other team scored!

We were losing the match as time passed. To make matters worse, our star player, Tom, even tripped and fell, hurting his ankle! We were losing hope as our best player was gone. Just then, our captain called for a time-out. On the bench, our captain announced that this would be his last match. “Come on! Don’t give up! I want to win one last trophy (奖杯) before I quit. Let’s do it!” he insisted, giving us a wide smile. Hearing this, our team held our fists tightly. We were focused on winning this match and making our captain proud! The judge threw the ball once more. I jumped as high as I could and caught the ball. I ran as fast as lightning and scored. Our opponents were nervous but they still scored a few goals to catch up. A few minutes later, we were neck to neck, locked in a tie.


Whoever scored this one goal would win the competition!


The crowd erupted into deafening applause.

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A boy called Jamy always arrived home hungry every day and his parents couldn’t figure out why, despite making meals for him. When Jamy wouldn’t share what was going on, his parents decided to visit the school principal (校长), hoping the principal could offer some insight.

After talking with Jamy’s classmates, the principal and his parents heard a story they weren’t expecting. Although Jamy never talked about it, his classmates told them that he always came to school without food. The principal and his parents were shocked. No wonder Jamy was always so hungry after school! Was there something happening on the way to school that Jamy didn’t tell them?

To make the situation clear, the principal asked Jamy’s teacher, Callum to talk to Jamy in private. During the conversation with the teacher, Jamy refused to say any further details about the situation, leaving everyone frustrated and helpless. And despite multiple questioning, Jamy still refused to say any knowledge of the situation. This left the principal with no evidence to take any action regarding the missing lunch of Jamy.

Jamy’s parents were becoming increasingly concerned as their child continued to come home from school without saying a word. Despite their meeting in the school, they thought that they hadn’t gotten any closer to uncovering the truth about why Jamy was always so hungry. The lack of communication from their child only added to their frustration and helplessness. They knew they needed to take action, but they had no idea where to start.

Determined to get to the bottom of the problem, Jamy’s father decided to take action again. The next day, Jamy’s father went to school and requested to speak with Jamy’s teacher Callum.

When Jamy’s father reached the school, Callum spoke with him and patiently answered all of his questions. However, despite a deep conversation between them, no conclusion could be reached, which still puzzled Jamy’s parents.

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One day, by accident, Jamy’s father found a thank-you note from his study (书房).
Jamy’s parents were touched by Jamy’s act of kindness.
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Alphabetical (字母表的) order was a big problem for Keisha Williams. In every list, on every line, in the lunchroom and the classroom, teachers put all the W’s together. Alice Wilkins was always one place ahead of Keisha.

“You two are going to be friends,” said the girls’ teacher, Ms. Mubarak, “whether you like it or not.”

Yeah, right. Could she be friends with Alice? “I doubt it,” Keisha thought. Alice was perfect. She was everything Keisha wasn’t. Alice changed her hairstyle every day. She always wore beautiful clothing. She had polish (指甲油) on her nails. Keisha had plain (普通的) nails, a very ordinary hairstyle — and not to mention her out-of-tyle clothes.

Alice had new fashionable notebooks. Keisha’s notebooks were boring black and white. Keisha complained to her mother that her notebooks were too plain. “They still have paper and lines,” her mother said. “You don’t need glitter (华丽) to make you smart.”

Keisha thought Alice’s mother treated her like a grown-up. Alice had a house key and said that she always let herself into her apartment. But when Keisha came home, she had to ring for her mother to open the door. And every time, her mother would give her a big bear hug. That’s for babies, Keisha always thought, trying to free herself from her mother’s arms.

Paragraph 1:

One Tuesday at school when math tests were handed back, Keisha got her usual A.

Paragraph 2:

Later, in the cafeteria, Keisha and Alice worked on math problems together.

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Mom was busy in the kitchen when my brother Marco and I got home from school on Friday. “Did you remember your grandmother’s coming today?” She asked. “Sure, Mom,” we laughed. “Didn’t you notice we cleaned our rooms?” Mom smiled and continued, “Thanks. I know I shouldn’t be nervous, but my mother hasn’t been here for almost six years! As I was growing up, her house always looked perfect. So I want everything to be well.”

“Perfect,” I said with a smile. “What else can we do to help before she gets here?”

Mom looked around,“You two could set the table. Use the good bowls. And be very careful with the glasses Grandma gave to us before you were born!”

As Mom prepared a big meal, Marco and I set the table. I taught Marco how to line up the forks on the left side of each p late and the knives and spoons on the right. In the center of the table, we placed a set of tall white candles. Then we stepped back and looked at our work. It seemed something was missing. “What’s missing?” I asked Marco.

“Napkins?” He asked. “And I don’t think Mom would want us to use paper ones!”

We both laughed. Marco opened a drawer and took out the nice cloth napkins Mom saved for special occasions (场合). The soft white squares were folded in the middle, and we placed one on each plate. “Do you think that looks good enough?” I asked.

“No,” Marco answered. “Let’s make them look better. Remember the restaurant we went to last year? Their napkins were folded into different shapes! That was great!”

I nodded and unfolded the cloth napkin in front of me. “Look,” I said, pointing to the napkin, “These lines make special shapes. That gives me a great idea! Let’s do origami (折纸). That’ll make the napkins unique!”

Marco looked confused, so I explained,“Origami’s a kind of folding art. People usually use paper, but you can use cloth. You make boats, birds or flowers just by folding. Nothing else is needed!”

Mom heard us and came to help.
We placed a different origami napkin on each plate.
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The MP3 has become a new fashion on campus. I had long dreamed of owning a MP3. The more MP3 owners were on campus, the stronger my desire (渴望) became. Finally, during one of my monthly visits home, I begged my parents to let me buy one, “Dad, Mom, I ... I want to buy a MP3 ... , the one for …”

I swallowed (吞咽) the rest of my words. Did I really need to explain what a MP3 was? Surely everybody knew!

At first there was no response from my parents. But my little brother replied eagerly, “Me too!”

Then finally my dad spoke, “What! What is it for? This little stuff breaks down soon after you get it! It’s an absolutely useless expense (花费) …”

Then, I had an idea. When the summer vacation came, I lied to my parents that I couldn’t stay at home, because the school had supplementary (附加的) programs. As a result, I earned my money for a new MP3 through my part-time job.

I was at home the night before my new school when Mom came into my room. She sat on my bed, and patted me on the shoulder. Then she handed me a small box. “Take this. Don’t tell your father ... Now, study hard, okay?” she said softly.

“Mom, how did you ... ?” I asked.

“It’s from my own savings. Your father doesn’t know.” I sat alone for a long time with my new MP3, weeping (哭泣) silently.

When I went back to school, I decided to give up my part-time job so that I could study harder for my parents, for my dream. My motivation (动机) to study has never been so strong.

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One afternoon, I was in my dorm when a classmate told me that my father was waiting for me downstairs.


I sat down and unwrapped (打开) the box.

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Early in the morning, Abbie, a cleaner, got out of her truck and loaded all the rubbish into her vehicle. She was about to leave when she noticed a stroller (婴儿车) in the middle of the road.

Wondering why a stroller was lying there with nobody around, she decided to approach it. When she looked inside, she jumped back, surprised to find’ twin baby girls sleeping in it.’ Abbie looked around again but didn’t see anyone. She knocked on a few nearby doors, asking if they knew anyone with twin baby girls, but no one did.

Finally, Abbie called the police and the CPS (儿童保护服务局) was called in, and the kids were placed in their care. “You didn’t find anything on the girls, ma’am?” Officer Barton whose wife was an art teacher asked. “No, ” she said. “But how can someone just give up such beautiful babies?” The officer said, “Thank you, ma’am. We’ll let you know if we come across anything.”

Abbie lived alone and had no children. That night at home, she felt terrible when she thought about the girls. What if something terrible happened to them?

Time flew by, and there was no information about the twins’ parents. Abbie was ready to adopt (收养) them. But when she got to the CPS, Barton told her, “So sorry that they’re deaf. People don’t want disabled children.”

“Who said that?” Abbie shouted, jumping to her feet. “ I will do anything to bring them up!” Hearing this, Barton felt moved.

Abbie named the girls Hannah and Daina. She didn’t even have separate beds for the girls, but Abbie loved them and began working two jobs to support them. Abbie was very happy that Hannah and Daina studied hard at school, and they were good at drawing models and clothes.

12 years later, Abbie received a call from Bethany, the founder of a fashion company.
“Thanks for your help, Bethany,” Abbie said excitedly.
2023-11-25更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高二上学期11月阶段性教学检测(一)(期中)英语试题(含听力)
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10 . 假定你是某国际学校学生会主席,你校本周五下午将举办一场主题为“安全上网 (Safe Internet Access)”的讲座。请你代表学生会,写一份书面通知。
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Student Union

2023-11-24更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般