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Ten miles away stood a house with shiny red walls, a green garden and an apple tree. A young girl’s face would be seen reflecting from one of the large glassy windows. Her name is Maggie. Her eyes were sparkling and on her face there was a smile which could light a million candles. She seemed to be longing for a chance to play like a young child, but she had no strength in her legs because she and her family met with an accident, in which she lost both her legs.

But her spirit was strong. She would be inspired by seeing birds fly. The flying eagle would make her want to fly. She was lonely. She longed for a true friend who would talk to her and teach her to fly or at least tell her stories about soaring into the blue sky.

One evening, Maggie slowly rolled her wheelchair to the giant window and looked out to the many houses that lay across the road. Suddenly she heard someone singing and then could see an old man in a pilot suit singing in glory. The beautiful sound and the melody made the little girl happy. Suddenly he stopped and gazed up toward her. “What are you staring at?” he said angrily. “You think I’m a circus clown? (马戏团小丑)” “No, Sir. I was just listening to you. You sing very well,” she said. “I don’t need your praises. I don’t need anyone!” he shouted. He started to walk to his house and shut the door. Tears rolled down from her apple-red cheeks as the man shouted at her. She was lonely.

Next morning, Maggie pushed her wheelchair across the garden to the stone road as little children played hide-and-seek around her. Suddenly out of nowhere a loading truck came rumbling across toward her. Terrified, she tried to move away from its path but the wheels of her chair were stuck. “Oh my,” she thought as the truck came in her direction fast, with the driver unaware of the obstruction in front of him. She screamed loudly but in a split second she was pulled out of her wheelchair by someone and fell on the ground. She closed her eyes and shivered as the truck passed her whistling. As she opened her eyes, she could see a man standing beside her.

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She gazed up to him and immediately recognized him as the man she saw singing last night.


Maggie got to know his name was Ken and that he was a retired pilot.

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Nancy is used to getting up early every day. She is a young mother. By seven, she has already eaten breakfast, had a cup of coffee, washed the dishes, taken her shower, and put on her make-up. Then, it’s time to do the housework.

One early Saturday morning, when she was washing her son’s vacuum bottle (保温瓶), she felt upset. After having been used for long, the bottle was in poor condition. It was high time that she should buy a new one for her kid Bill, but her budget was limited. She had to decide that she would buy a new one only months later. Complaining wasn’t how she would normally choose to start the day, especially with the sun shining.

To cheer up and continue the day a bit more optimistically, she left the housework for later and set out with her little kid Bill for their morning walk on the beach a little earlier than usual. The local shops hadn’t opened yet. It was quiet outside; there were few people around.

Walking through the down town area, something on the pavement caught her attention. From a distance, it appeared to be a package of some sort. They walked over and Nancy picked it up. Upon examination, it turned out to be a brown paper bag. The downtown had nine blocks with stores. Grocery stores, furniture shops, cake shops, banks, bookstores, home-goods stores, clothing shops, and other businesses lined the street. Looking around, Nancy found none of them had been open for business. It was too early.

Nancy knew all this indicated that the object had most likely been purchased by someone the evening or day before. Since it was near the road, Nancy guessed someone must have dropped it, probably while loading other bags into a car.

Nancy looked inside the bag for more information. After opening it, she found there was a small handbag. In the bag, there were many cards. Among them, there was the owner’s ID card, which showed the owner’s address and name. Besides, there was a box in the brown bag. “What may be in the box?” Nancy thought to herself.


She checked it, surprised to find there was a new vacuum bottle for kids in it.


Nancy looked at the owner’s address again and made sure where the owner lived.

2024-05-20更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省铁力市第一中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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Harry’s reward

Harry didn’t want to learn to swim. He couldn’t figure out what the use of learning to swim was. But Harry’s parents believed it was a great pity for a healthy boy to be afraid of the wind and the sea.

“Everybody, especially every Englishman and boy, should know how to swim,” Papa had said. “There is never any knowing the use it may be of.”

“Isn’t it very hard to learn?” Harry asked.

“It takes some patience,” his father said. “But in three weeks or so, you should be able to swim fairly well, if you have a lesson every day.”

There was no escaping it, however. Papa, though very kind, was very firm, and once he said a thing, it had to be done. So with a rather white face, poor Harry set off every day for his swimming lesson. He was a quick and clever boy, and a strong boy, and his father knew this. After the initial fear was overcome, it went on better and faster than could have been expected. Two weeks later, Harry had the pleasure of hearing his father say to his mother, “He swims already very nearly as well as I do myself.”

Seacliff, the place at which the family was spending the summer, was not a fashionable watering place but a little village. There were a few gentlemen’s houses in the neighborhood, so that in fine weather merry groups met at the little sheltered bay among the rocks.

One day, Harry, having finished his own morning swim, set off to walk home at his ease. Suddenly a sound disturbed his pleasant thoughts. A carriage was rushing wildly along, coming nearer and nearer. The driver, Ann, stood upright in the carriage (马车), hitting the poor horse as if she were mad, while from time to time she screamed, “Help, help!”

“What is it?” screamed Harry too, as Ann passed. She would not stop, but she threw back some words through the wind. “My sister—Alice—is drowning (淹溺). Go to the village to fetch someone who can swim.”

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Harry ran back to the bathing place at once.


There were plenty of hands to help carry them to land once they were within a safe distance; however, it was Harry who was the true hero.

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It was the first swim meet of the year for our newly formed middle-school swimming team. The atmosphere during the three-hour bus journey was filled with anticipation as the group of forty-eight young teenagers thought of nothing but victory. However, the excitement turned into shock as our kids got off the bus and stared in disbelief at their muscle-filled Greek-god-like opponents.

The coach checked the schedule “Surely there has been a mistake,” he thought. But the schedule only confirmed that this was the right location and time.

The two teams formed a line on the side of the pool. Whistles blew, races were started and races were lost. Haifway through the meet, coach Huey realized that there were no participants for one of the events.

“Okay kids, who want to swim the five-hundred-yard freestyle?” the coach asked. Several bands shot up, including Justin’s “I’ll race, coach!” he shouted. The coach looked down at the youngest boy and said, “Justin, this race covers twenty lengths of the pool. I’ve only seen you swum eight”.

“I can do it. Coach. Let me try,” Justin insisted . Coach Huey hesitantly agreed. ”After all, “be thought,” it’s not the winning but the effort and determination that build character.“

The whistle blew and the opponents rushed through the water and finished the race in just six minutes and fifty seconds. The winners gathered on the sidelines to socialize while our group struggled to finish. After three more minutes. the last exhausted (筋疲力尽的) members of our team came out from the water-except for Justin.

Justin was stealing breaths as his hands slapped against the water, pushing i: aside to push his thin body forward. It appeared that he might go under at any minute, yet something seemed to keep pushing him forward.

“Why doesn’t the coach intervene?” the parents whispered among themselves. “It looks like he’s about to drown, and the race was over four minutes ago.”


Approaching Justin, the coach noticed the determination in the young swimmer’s eyes.


Touched by the scene, members of the opposing team also cheered Justin as he continued to swim.

2024-04-19更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市铁锋区2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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When we are little kids, birthday parties are momentous occasions. They are our time to shine, and we love everything about them: the balloons, the games, the cake, the gifts, and so on.

After reading cool stories about police officers solving mysteries, Allen Miller thought the police were awesome, hoping to become one of them! So, when he had to choose a theme for his seventh birthday party—he went with his favorite: the police! And all he wanted for his birthday party was a model police car. He excitedly invited some of his friends and anxiously awaited the day. Unfortunately, none of them could make it to the party due to various reasons,

Allen’s mom Rachel wrestled with the challenging decision: should she cancel the party and save Allen the embarrassment of an empty party room? He had been looking forward to the party and talking about it daily, so it would break his heart to cancel it.

Officer Frank Smith, who had already planned with Rachel and agreed to show up at the party, heard from Rachel that it might be canceled due to low attendance. That’s when he decided to save the day—he is a police officer after all! His duty is to serve and protect, and he decided to protect Allen from having a bad day, and serve him the most amazing seventh birthday party! Officer Smith got the whole local police to join in. “We like to be involved in our community. It’s not just about enforcing (执行) the law. We like to be there in the good times as well,” he explained to Rachel.

On the day of Allen’s party, Officer Smith picked up Rachel and Allen in his police car. The boy didn’t know where they were going, but was excited. They stopped at Town Hall, and officer Smith led them into the meeting room where a group of policemen were waiting to wish Allen a happy birthday.


There, a party was waiting for him.


After they enjoyed the cake, Officer Smith took out a gift bag.

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Many years ago, when I was just a child, my family struggled to make ends meet. Despite our financial difficulties, I sought out ways to earn a little pocket money by offering my assistance to our neighbors.

One cold day, I knocked on the door of an elderly woman’s house and kindly asked if she needed help to clean her yard. Surprised by my presence, she looked at me with kind eyes and asked why I wasn’t in school. I shyly pointed to my worn-out coat, unable to stay warm on the freezing cold day. Touched by my situation, she allowed me to work in her yard.

As I worked hard in the yard, the lady watched quietly, sometimes giving me a kind smile. When I finished, she looked at the tidy yard and said gently, “You’ve worked really well today, but you should be in school. Promise me you’ll go back.” Then, she took out a jar of money and told me to take what I needed.

I was grateful and took enough to fix my old coat and buy some food. I kept my promise and went back to see her, sharing my school progress. Each time, she welcomed me warmly, checking my report card with interest. Whenever there was an “A”, she’d be proud and reward me with money and tasty treats.

Even though my family faced tough times, I treasured the moments with the kind lady. Her kindness and support motivated me to do well in school and in life.

I studied even harder, knowing that only through education could I change my life and that of my family. The kind lady gave me strength, urging me forward.

My efforts finally paid off. After graduating from high school, I earned an opportunity to attend a prestigious (知名的) university. Upon graduating from college, I landed a well-paid job that I enjoyed. Our family’s financial situation greatly improved as a result, and I had the means to give back to the community that once helped me. I would never forget the kind lady who gave me a chance when I needed it most.

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One day, I was walking past a gift shop.


Returning to the little boy, I presented him with the gift.

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Emily was a shy and quiet student in Greenfield High School. Emily was known for her quiet behavior and her love for literature, often found lost in the pages of a book during lunch breaks.

One day, as Emily walked through the hallway, she noticed a colorful poster announcing an upcoming English poetry competition. Her heart raced with excitement at the prospect of showcasing her talent, but her mind was immediately flooded with doubts. “What if my poem is not good enough? What if everyone laughs at me?”she thought to herself, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

As the days went by, Emily found herself caught between her desire to participate and her fear of failure. She talked with her best friend, Sarah, who had been by her side since they were little. She was known for her outgoing personality and her ability to make everyone feel included.

“You have a gift, Emily, ”Sarah said reassuringly, her blue eyes filled with encouragement. “Don’t let your fears hold you back. You never know what might happen unless you try. ”

With Sarah’s support, Emily decided to take a leap of faith and submit her poem for the competition. As the day of the event drew near, she felt a mix of nervousness and expectation. She spent hours perfecting her poem, carefully choosing each word and line to convey her emotions. She practiced her poem in front of the miror, trying to perfect her delivery and expression.

But despite her newfound confidence, Emily couldn’t shake off the feeling of doubt in her mind. These thoughts consumed her, making it difficult for her to focus on anything else.

It was during one of these moments of self-doubt that Sarah came to her rescue once again. “You’re an amazing writer, Emily, ”she said, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity. “Your poem is going to be incredible. Just believe in yourself. ”With Sarah’s words in her mind, Emily felt a renewed sense of determination.

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Paragraph 1:

On the day of the competition, Emily took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.   

Paragraph 2:

In the end, Emily’s poem won first place.

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It was a warm Sunday. 16-year-old Stella settled down with a book, enjoying her quiet moment when her friend Bog came over with his 6-year-old sister. “Stella, please! I need you to help to watch Hazel! I have a lecture to attend this afternoon,” Bog begged.

Stella frowned, not thrilled with the idea of babysitting a little girl. However, Bog didn’t offer her any other choice. He dropped Hazel off with Stella and quickly ran away before she could react.

With a heavy sigh, Stella unwillingly turned her attention to Hazel. “Fine, just stay there and don’t cause any trouble,” she grumbled (嘟囔). To her surprise, little Hazel smiled and obediently sat by the table, drawing quietly without making a single noise.

For the next hour, Stella was quietly engaged in reading without being disturbed by Hazel. Gradually, her annoyance disappeared and she got accustomed to the company of Hazel. After a while, Hazel cautiously approached Stella, holding a picture. “Look, it’s you and me,” she said in a low voice. It was a simple drawing of two girls, hand in hand, smiling.

Stella’s heart softened as she looked at the drawing. She felt guilty about treating Hazel impatiently. Setting her book aside, Stella smiled warmly and said, “I love it. Thank you!” Then Stella began to join Hazel to create it together.

Just as they were lost in a world of colors, a sudden phone ringing broke the warm atmosphere. It was a phone call from her friend, reminding her about the long-awaited plan to go skating on the ice rink (溜冰场). Stella’s heart sank because she had forgotten all about it. She was torn between the desire to go skating and her duty to look after Hazel. She was also worried that taking her to skate would prevent her from enjoying gliding (滑) freely on the ice.


As Stella hesitated, Hazel looked up at her with hopeful eyes.


Hazel admiringly watched Stella and her friends gliding on the ice.

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When my daughter. Rachel was 6 years old, we went to the local shelter, looking for a perfect cat. We liked all the cats we saw there, but we especially loved one that was black with a small white tip to her tail, like a bright star in the night sky. We brought her home and called her Starry.

Starry was lovely. At night when we watched TV, she would come into Rachel’s lap and comfortably stay there. Starry always got her face close to Rachel’s, ending her love with a gentle touch on Rachel’s nose. Sometimes I felt so jealous (忌妒的) of their love. Although I was the one who tank care of the cat, feeding and cleaning it, Starry was clearly Rachel’s cat. Finally, I came to love watching their close relationship

My little girl grew up and went to senior high school. Starry and Rachel were still close, though Rachel spent less and less time at home. starry spent most of her day sitting on the sideboard in the dining room, looking out of the window into the backyard. I loved seeing her as I passed by her, for her shiny black coat almost sparkled (闪烁) in the sunlight and the white tip of her tail looked bright against the shining black of her body.

One Sunday morning, early in November, Starry got out of, the room before we could stop her. When Rachel came home from school, she went into the room with a worried expression. “Where’s Starry?” she asked. When we told her we didn’t know, she led us outside with her. There was a black cat lying on the street.


It was Starry.


Days without Starry went by, but one Christmas recalled us of Starry.

2024-02-06更新 | 113次组卷 | 6卷引用:黑龙江省九校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
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Johnny and his two younger sisters were very poor. They lived in a very old block of flats in the crowded part of the city. They had no father. Their mother went to work from morning till late evening, as a cleaning lady in many rich houses. Therefore, Johnny had to stay at home and look after his sisters.

Sometimes on a sunny day,he would take them to the nearby park. He had to be very careful when they crossed roads. Not having any pocket money, they could not buy chips or drinks. They had to be satisfied with sandwiches as a treat that Johnny made.

One day, after they had finished their sandwiches, Johnny’s youngest sister Mary looked at other well-dressed children nearby, who seemed to be on a picnic with their parents, eating all kinds of chips, cakes and many other goodies. Mary’s mouth was watering, and very much more, when their parents brought each of the five children huge ice-cream cones from the ice cream trundle cart (移动贩卖车) nearby. “I wish we had some money to buy cones,” she said eagerly. Johnny looked at her with sadness in his eyes. “You know we don’t have money for these expensive things,” he said. “Mom works hard for what we have.”

There was silence after that. As the children sat with sad faces, the ice cream man went past them with his trundle cart. They were sitting on a bench on a little grassy hill, which sloped (倾斜) gently down the path. The trundle cart had a hard time not running away downhill, as the ice cream man held on tightly to the handles, trying to break the speed. It so happened that suddenly a little boy of two ran in front of the cart following a flying balloon.

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He did not see the cart coming downhill, but Johnny did.


Hearing the screams of the child, the anxious parents came running over.

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