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One year ago, when we were in the fifth grade, a new classmate named Jack joined us. He was often late for class and had a strange smell on him, which made the girls not want to be “neighbours” with him, let alone sit next to him. It is said that once, a naughty boy curiously opened his backpack and many crushed soda cans and empty drink bottles that we usually throw into the trash fell out. Therefore, the boys in our class mocked (嘲笑) him as the “trash king”.

Later, during a class meeting, our teacher, Ms. Zhang, told us about his story of using garbage to make inventions. It turns out that Jack is not an ordinary elementary school student, but a “garbage-inspired inventor” who has won the city invention award. According to Ms. Zhang, most of his inventions were picked up from garbage dumps (堆). During that class meeting, Jack showed us his invention of a“domestic wastewater separation system”.

Afterwards, some of us became deeply interested in these small inventions and started to admire Jack’s way of “picking up trash”. We even joined him in picking up trash on weekends and during holidays. From then on, we no longer called him the “trash king“. Instead, we formed a group of five boys and actively searched for usable materials in various garbage dumps around the city. Under Jack’s guidance, we learned that there are many uses for seemingly useless trash. Once, we stayed at school to process the collected materials. Jack mentioned that he was facing a problem with his latest invention—a small cart for buying vegetables that needed to be lightweight. All other materials were solved except for the wheels. How could we find a suitable material for the wheels? We racked our brains (绞尽脑汁) and came up with different ideas, such as using soda cans or taking off the wheels from suitcases. However, Jack reminded us that our group should focus on making inventions from waste rather than causing damage to create them. We were all deep in thought.

When I got home and drank a bottle of water, I suddenly had an idea.
Jack indeed adopted my suggestion and fixed a row of bottle caps as wheels on his vegetable cart.
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In a small town, there lived a young elementary school student named Timmy, whose lateness had become his worst trait (特点) in his school.

Every school morning, he struggled to get out of bed, often finding himself rushing through breakfast and forgetting important things like his homework or lunchbox. Meanwhile, his classmates would glance at the empty seat beside them, exchanging knowing looks as the clock ticked pa st the start of the class. When Timmy finally arrived, he would often find himself the center of attention, and his cheeks red with embarrassment as he apologised. Deep down, Timmy felt a growing sense of discomfort and shame about his habitual lateness. His teachers and classmates were concerned about the effect of his constant lateness on his studies.

One day, Timmy’s class teacher, Mrs. Johnson, decided to solve the issue. She approached Timmy with a gentle smile, “Timmy, can we talk about something important?”

Timmy looked up and replied, a bit nervous, “Sure, Mrs. Johnson.”

She crouched (蹲下) down to his level, speaking softly but seriously and sincerely, “I’ve noticed you’ve been late for class quite often. Do you know being on time is very important?”

Timmy lowered his head and said, “Yes, but...”

Mrs. Johnson continued, “Being on time helps you not miss out on your lessons. It’s also about respect for your classmates and me. When you’re late, it can disrupt (打乱) the whole class. We all miss you when you’re not here on time.”

Timmy nodded and said, a look of understanding on his face, “I didn’t realize it was affecting everyone. I’ll try to be better, Mrs. Johnson. But I have difficulty waking up and getting out of bed. Every morning when my alarm clock sounded, I hit the snooze (小睡) button, just 10 more minutes. Then 10 minutes later, another 10 minutes. That’s why I am always late for school.”

“Don’t worry. We’re all here to help you,” Mrs. Johnson said, offering a comforting smile.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
After the talk, Mrs. Johnson, along with Timmy’s classmates, came up with a plan to help him.
Soon Timmy’s change was obvious.
2024-03-12更新 | 106次组卷 | 7卷引用:读后续写变式题
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It snowed for days. Everything was frozen solid. As we hadn’t the heating in our classroom, most of us wore thick and warm clothes. Then, by chance I discovered under Lucas’ dirty woolen coat, there was just a semi-sleeved shirt.

It was so strange that I couldn’t help wondering whether Lucas was crazy to make such a choice. I told this to the boys in my class. “How stupid!” We all ran to see Lucas and jokingly pulled of his coat. Lucas stepped back, shaking with both cold and anger. I saw tears welled into his eyes.

When I went back home, I told mom “the stupid choice” Lucas made.

Mom fell silent. Then she made a phone call. The next day, she told me to bring a package to the school. “Give it to Lucas. Tell him to put on the clothes in it.”

“Why?” As a fourth-grader, I wasn’t wise enough to see something hidden behind. It was years later that I understood that Lucas’ family had the basics, but there was little money for much else beyond food and shelter.

Mom hugged me and said softly, “Guess why a hungry person doesn’t eat?”

“Because he can’t get any food to eat.” I answered loudly.

“Exactly.” Mom said, “So, why doesn’t Lucas wear thick and warm sweater?”

It all clicked into place.

It made me feel guilty. Mom said it was unkind to make fun of disadvantaged friends. And mom also told me to “see” through my heart, but not just through my eyes. I wondered “How?”

At the end of the term, the teacher told us we were going to take a class picture as, for some reason, we would break up when we stepped into the fifth grade. Twenty-two students lined up in three rows and faced the camera with happy smiles. The teacher told us anyone who paid a dollar would bring a class picture back home. I could hardly wait to get my first class picture.

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Then suddenly, I thought of Lucas.


Lucas was frozen in shock when the teacher handed him that class picture.

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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The Real Champion

I like running and for me, success was winning every race I participated in. My classmates called me Incredible Dash. One day, there was a sporting event planned in my school. Well-prepared for the running competition, I took part in almost every race there was. A large number of people gathered to watch. Crowds were eager to see the running race because it was the most exciting event. When the race for 400m started, all the boys ran fast. Unsurprisingly, I finished first in the race and received a big round of applause. While it was tiring, I felt proud and was on top of my world.

In the race for 200m, I ran full speed and finished the race first once again. The crowd gave thundering claps to me. I jumped all over the ground and was not bothered to give handshakes to my fellow racers.

Then came the race for 100m. Discouraged by the previous races, most boys quit the race except one, a boy named Matt who was invited as an honorary runner. Matt was born with low vision but he was a determined participant of many sports. The judge came to Matt and explained the situation, asking whether he would like to quit too. I, wild with joy, thought I would win the champion without effort. However, to everyone’s surprise, Matt decided to complete the event. I sniffed (嗤之以鼻), “It is a waste of time. I bet he even doesn’t figure out where the finish line is.”

The race of two started. On hearing the starting gun, both Matt and I ran to the finish line, Soon I sped up and left Matt behind. Just 30 meters before arriving at the finish line, I was expecting to receive the applause for the third time when I suffered a leg spasm (抽筋).

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I fell hard to the ground.


Arm by arm, we walked towards the finish line.

2023-07-14更新 | 131次组卷 | 6卷引用:读后续写变式题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A cold winter, four years ago, my mother’s birthday was approaching. She was turning fifty years old. My mom did not ask for much but she wanted to spend quality time with the family on her birthday. My dad on the other hand had another idea in mind. He decided to throw her a surprise birthday party, but my mother hated surprises. No one knew how this would turn out. The outcome could be great or a great fail.

My parents have six children, including me. Five of us were in America and one of my brothers was in Ghana. My dad thought that if all the children spoke at her party in our language which is called Ashanti (阿散蒂语) then that would make the party extraordinary. When my father first explained his idea, I realized that I would have to speak as well. At that time I was an extremely shy person, especially in front of crowds. My dad gave us the option to go up to the stage and speak. He mostly wanted me to speak, because I was the youngest and he thought it would be great.

The next day when my mother went to work, I pulled my dad aside to talk to him and tell him that I would love to speak at my mother’s party. I could tell that he was crazy about the decision I made. My father and I agreed that he would help me write my speech in Ashanti. I was excited and anxious at the same time, but I knew too much worry was not going to help. I knew I had no choice if I wanted to impress my mother. All I could think about was the smile my mom would have on her face when I spoke. We practiced hard daily to memorize the speech better. My dad and my brothers were out for a whole day, preparing for the recreational center, where the party would be held. We were a little tired but we thought it was worth doing so.


Finally the day of the party came.


My dad handed me the microphone first.

2022-12-01更新 | 128次组卷 | 2卷引用:读后续写变式题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I never knew how important life was until I almost lost my little brother. It all started when my brother got sick. I was nine, and he was just nine months. At that time, he kept touching his ear. The first doctor my mother took him to told her that it was an ear disease.

After a week, he was still touching his ear continually. My mother took him to a different doctor. The doctor ran blood tests on him and thought he should be in the hospital as soon as possible. At first, the doctors did not know what was wrong with him. A couple of days later, they found out he had a type of bone marrow (骨髓) cancer.

The doctors tried one round of treatment. It helped, but my brother lost his hair. Then he needed a bone marrow transplant (移植). They needed to find a bone marrow donor (捐赠者), so the doctors tested my family first.

I was so afraid to get a shot. My sisters and I were all crying. We got it over with quickly, and it did not hurt as much as I thought it would. A couple of weeks later, we found out that one of my sisters and I were both matches. My parents had to choose which one of us should be the donor. After thinking about it for a long time, they made their decision one Sunday.

That day, after having our lunch, my parents put me on the sofa. With tears filling their eyes, they told me that they wanted me to be the bone marrow donor because I was older. They asked me whether I’d like to be the donor. Hearing it, I was excited and nervous.


I wondered whether to agree it or not.


About 45 days later, my brother’s health improved a lot.

2022-11-20更新 | 318次组卷 | 5卷引用:读后续写变式题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jared was a boy who was raised by his single father, Steve, and his grandfather Michael. Although he didn’t have much in life, Jared was grateful for what he had. He enjoyed living a simple life with his dad and grandfather.

After school, Jared would often go into his grandfather’s garage and they would repair his car together. Jared was a skilled mechanic and it was all thanks to his grandfather’s patient teaching. And Jared wished one day he would open a car repair shop using his grandfather’s garage. Michael supported it.

Unfortunately, Michael died when Jared was 14. Jared continued to look after his grandfather’s car. One day, his dad entered his room and handed him the key to his grandfather’s car. “Your grandpa wanted me to give this to you on your eighteenth birthday. He said you could decide what to do with the car—either sell it or keep it,” his dad said.

Jared smiled. He was thankful that he now had a car. And he was happy it was a special car that he and his grandfather maintained together. “I’ll keep it! I don’t have to take the bus to school anymore. I can just drive!” Jared replied excitedly.

Then Steve returned to his own room. He hoped Jared would not sell the car. And he hoped someday Jared would find the envelope Michael had secretly left for him. The envelope was put under the driver’s seat of the car. In the envelope, Michael left Jared $15,000. And he had left a note. It read, “I knew you wouldn’t sell my car. Thank you, Jared! I hope the money can help you. Be a good man!”

The following day, when Jared arrived at school, many students saw his car. They didn’t think highly of it because it was old and noisy. But Jared valued it. Later that day, after school, he couldn’t start the car. There appeared to be a problem with it.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

Jared decided to repair the car himself.

Paragraph 2:

Confused, Jared quickly opened the envelope.

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8 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

Joe and I had been looking forward to our retirement. However, when he suffered a heart attack last spring, he was forced to leave his job as a truck driver earlier than we had planned. As the medical bills increased, we realized I would have to continue working full-time while Joe stayed home and took over the housework.

This new arrangement was a disaster. One night, when I dragged myself to bed, I was horrified to discover Joe had turned our white sheets blue. He told me he had found out how to save on water, soap and electricity. He patted his blue trousers and announced proudly washing everything together was the secret.

When I awoke to the deafening rain the next morning, all I wanted was a hot home-cooked meal. However, what greeted me at the table was a microwave package. I knew my husband had his faults, but I thought he at least knew how to cook! I knew if I didn’t leave the house soon I would lose my temper with him. As the heavy rain thundered down outside, Joe offered to drive me to work. I ignored him as I struggled into my jacket and seized my bag with my teaching plans inside.

He insisted that he would take me and reached for his boots. I looked at the piles of newspapers and the dirty dishes still on the table. “Don’t you have enough to do? I can take care of myself.” I stormed out, not even kissing him goodbye. Joe shouted after me not to take the shortcut (捷径).

Ten minutes later, I ignored Joe’s warning and turned off the main route to take the shortcut. I thought it hadn’t rained enough to flood the road, but as I rounded the corner, water rushed across my path. After a few feet, the car got stuck. I opened the door and water poured in. I hurriedly closed the door. I couldn’t risk walking in this. Almost 20 minutes passed. The car began to shake. 1 got the fright of my life when I heard three long honks (喇叭声).

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1:

Looking over my shoulder, I stared into the flashing lights of a familiar truck.


Paragraph 2:

After getting to our warm home, Joe held my hand tight.


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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Larry had butterflies in his stomach. Today was the day for him to meet his girlfriend Kate’s parents. He was planning to leave them a good impression, so he was in his finest suit. On the way, he secretly recited a few jokes he picked up online the previous night. His weird behavior caught Kate’s attention.

“What are you doing, honey?” she asked. Blushing, Larry told her what he was doing. She, on the other hand, actually found his eagerness to please her family quite cute. “Well, let’s hear your jokes.” she said teasingly.

They were so immersed in their chatter and laughter that before they knew it, they had arrived at the house of Kate’s parents, who gave them a warm welcome. As an orphan, that night, Larry felt the love and warmth he had always longed for since childhood.

The next day, they drove downtown to pick their engagement ring. Everything was working out just perfectly. However, on their way home, a truck driven by a drunk driver smashed into their car, sending it flying off the roadside down a steep hill before it got stuck between several trees.

Larry struggled out of his seat to save the then unconscious Kate. As he made every effort to wake her up, the car began to slip down again. With only seconds to act, he hastily removed her seat belt and pushed her out of the car before it fell downhill again with him trapped inside.

A rescue team finally arrived and drove them to a nearby hospital. Under the doctors’ treatment, Kate woke up the next day. She was only slightly injured, but Larry remained unconscious due to severe damage done to his brain caused by the heavy impact.

Para 1: The doctors were afraid Larry might never wake up again.
Para 2: Larry told Kate to leave him and find someone else.
2022-06-01更新 | 177次组卷 | 2卷引用:读后续写变式题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Two months to save my girl’s life

As my feet pounded the pavement, sweat dripped down my forehead and back. “Just a little bit further,” I told myself, determined to push forward. Though I’d never been much of a runner, I had a crucial motivation to save my little girl, Bridie. Born in January 2017, she had beautiful big blue eyes. But shortly after her arrival, doctors pointed out that her head was measuring quite large. Within days, she was diagnosed with sagittal craniosynostosis. Doctors explained that she’d need surgery. They also noticed that her limbs and fingers were measuring quite short, so Bridie went through genetic testing to find out why. When the results came back, my wife and I met with the specialist. “Bridie has Mainzer-Saldino syndrome,” he said. He also revealed the rare condition would cause reinal (视网膜的) degeneration, meaning she could go blind and develop kidney (肾) disease.

So, when Bridie fell ill in 2019 with common flu, it caused a loss to her little body. Sadly, the medications she needed to help her recover weakened her kidneys even further. By December that year, her specialist revealed they were only functioning at 30 percent. “If it gets any worse, she will need to start dialysis (透析),” he admitted, adding that a transplant might be required sooner than we first thought.

It broke my heart, and I knew I had to step up to help save my girl. So I volunteered to give her one of my kidneys right away. After undergoing multiple tests, I was declared a match. But there were still several barriers I had to overcome before I had the all-clear to donate.

“You’ll have to lose 15 kilos before we consider you fit to transplant,” the specialist told me in June. He gave me two months to get into shape. At 96.5 kilos, I wasn’t overweight, but I needed to lower my BMI to be fit for the surgery.

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I was determined to do whatever it took to save my little girl.
In November, the big day finally arrived.
共计 平均难度:一般